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Local And Other Brevities

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_Iu p'i-n'ifiil sopply : n-.ooiü-liine duri btpast week. _C:in't hu bent: the very flue winter „jtl.eroftlie lust few days. _XoCour . yesterday, imd in ss j;en,! siwpt'nded. Tlianksgiving. PKddent Akoell is to Ictture at Olivct Lii eveniiiü. Subject : " Alone or witli the :1'.y." _TI'c llrst torm of the public schools osulori Wcdnesday. The uext term will ,fM on Moml y. _To-morrov cvenlng the laJiis of St. Hoon' Clmrcl) open thelr aouual Fair, in U-iijstcrrer's Hal!. „CoM flugrs : that is what the men ■ewhotreat work ou the roof of tht ,;lDlvcrsity bullillug. -"Offiug to au üflic:ent pólice, a Btr'.Dgent r .nci', or soiu-'thius eise, goód order ptiüslii otir city, both o' nights and - lp to yesterday 10 saloon keepers, ml tp:r oí büliard tables, had paid tlie i Ut the new l:.w enacted bv tlie Cannon Conncil. - Thi e hts b.-en a day ür ttfo of f.iir ((jiliig since our last wrather n ] o t, but jet now there is a lack uf snow. The ikcling however, Is No. 1. -Last WeJnes 'ay, Solomox Cümmings( p: r.i mr of the Traver Mills, in the 5th nM, fel' trtitanae of about 18 feet.wl ile kin al)out the building, dislocsuh g issliouldiT mul otliei'wise strloasly 'n jur-Mr. Ikvin Moohk is to d liver a tree nne of lectores on the Prophecies, in SeGc.iMii Methodist Ciuircli, corner of Kfhlob and Liberty SlreeU, commenclDt Mwmnr tiiin ttt 7'2' o"ci&ck. Lectiires uSuii'lay forenoou and evetiiii", and cicli mtng next week ut 7! o'clock. - In thcOpi'l'i House ïuxt Tuesday uut Xtiue&fay evculns, " The Mistleioe tagli wii üc hroti'.it out, uuder tiie mices of the Lidies' Ubrary Associn'1 Thls pautoiuline has proved a faw;e with the public whenevcr ainl rtwter produced, aml we traei tluit Aim A-bor wil] not be an rxeeptiou. Aud beg il noo-A tlliï in it-e f, tlie Uwr; Association soné of the best am! Mdcterring luRtltullous in our city, and katltlcd to patronage. Let the Opera te tic Ulied imtii ereirings. Acd now it lx cumes onr duiy to chroniilieremoval of the "city monument,'1 taother word, the clearing avray ol teirlesltn wull derrlck aud ba lid Ing. focied it au expense to the city of 93,820, Ülui nndoabtcdly been a cheap w.y of knogingt) light the hcretoiore ook n.jwn ■':: tliai licre is brinu beneath the "sile1' Wflilch wc rc.-t. This fact alone Witl 'urK compénsate tax poyen for the lrt dimlnution of tlieir pocket books. "scitntlflc fact, and Ami Arbor bel Dg MttatWc city, her peop'.e conslder it a ■niytobetaxed far scientific dlscoverk-tt brine. Of courec they du ! Or ""Kfentlflc" peoplc are mistaken. The tools aiii oilur " iixings ' are to be Ww! to the 5th wiird, jrbere a irell s be bureel ur.der private contract, Dr. ittloco 9ing tlie employer. '"timcisdrawiiij; uear wiien the taxWKrerwilIcomiiK-iicoliisaiüiual jonrney, "lilint our city redden muy know wbre jf thelr mouey goei to, we publish owlng tabie, glylutf the amoonU w by the Coramou Couocll, and ibr " parposes: tóJWl fUnd ?fi,000 00 i ,"w .," 8.880 0:j „ t. on Medical College bonils 700 00 i Observutory " 210 0o . S11 ttreetiqud 2,000 00 , ""■ luiid, voted lust year,.. 800 00 t ;'r"1;e" luiirt 623 00 „ wrt tuad 1,ooü oo ■ 3d ." 1,000 00 4h „ 1,000 00 ■ j : :: lmoco 5111 " 1,00000 Í1 8 900 00 ,iroa(1 mutteis are progressing satisr.Jn)' r'lt; en8lnecr corP' wiil soon bc 'f'wtlieirfiual report, auU the line is ■ of as au excellent one. Tlie stock"Pondlii mach more prompt7" as epccld, ■ large amount lmv IM pld in before Uw time flxeU In the itw aml tllc" solne wbscriber besl' , nl (les.res to postpone payincnt " iiiu man wlio mourued bec&OM th?K n"1 m his Ioaf anct keeP !t w"xe Mrgrta. But these holdbacks are .and the directora are conflileiit tliat iiKlü"ititUein8 ProPoe to stand by tlicm e the work thromgh. í i"0" pocket-book haa a look as )( tn a vcry largo tlephaut liad st.ppcd 'f the hl ' W 'S '" tlle exact OODdltlon bB;TfC'Bel08t Lucy Iket '.oothi y KiUy "s-otWBf n WHI not our subscribe iíaypre Mhwowing us takeahint? thatit 'hen v."'"1 a morc healthy appcarance te, c„ U Se" 'our wheat, pork, beef, but '"ndlPO;"tfy'etc-lo'tfoWtto step "rktt Anaus; and ifyoii dont oar hL "r city remlt by mail. Now is f Of need. ,!'!! als just tlle "me to subscribe 16 'Uol-8 for 1872. "fofflcc't'l't" VCI "lU"1'i' '" turkey 01 f Mr, p a spec'al mwwge that t w UVi,1"1 ""' fljr L!'e editor, and eo iwtDo aukBACH& Abel for JU no Kegaidi ig Ufe Insurance nl as a pnv - lege but as a duty, u duty wlilcli can not bj Ignoreri by husband or father who does n t dlsbelteve tlie proverb " Hiclies taku to t'.ieinsi hes wings aml fly away," as at Chicago, we take pleaaure in caillug theattenton of the Aiiqus readers to the advertisement of the " Anu Arbor Board of Control" for the " Michigan Mutual Life In surance Company," CODStttUted of well known cltizen?. One of the objects in organi 1 ig lliis Board is to ho!d the nioueys paiil lor premiums in the territory wbere colleclerl, and thiis obvíate the frequeat oujectiou made ugiinst dralaing the State In the Interest of eastern iiisurance pauiea, uuiu iie auu ure, anü aiso aiti in development ui" homo resources. In 1800 some $20,000,001) were sent frum the west to the east Co pay life Insurance premiums, ubout $l,5U0,000 golag from this State alone. Western people are beginuing to sce tliat the effect of thi.s dr.ilu is to eripple all home entei prises, and keep moncy 8Crce aud hiyli. And the same teiuleucy In n Öiate is to draw inoney tfoia the interior towus an.I rural d:stricts to commercial centers. Tlie establi.slnneut or this Board gives tlie citizeus of the territory over which it has jurisdictlon the opportunity to Invott in lile insurance in a company wliicli loans its mouey in tlie district where collected, and tlie larger ts business thereu, the greatcr tiie aecemmodattona It can xtoud to the public : and, also, in a coin pauy Hint in 1870 did one-twelfth of all the lile Inaaraucu business done in the State, eompetlug aainst 64 companies one that did more business in the State dorlug the last three months thau any other company, save tliree, did in the eutire year. These facts shoulil sutisfy tlie reader that the Michigan Mutual is a Uoj company, and hc has on'y to sitisly himself of his duty, ex amiüe its rales, aud make his application Be wise today. The regu lar lerm oí the Circuit Coui t comnieoced on Monday afternoon, Judye Higby prealdlng. The calendar conUtíned 74 cases, classiüed as follows: Issues of bet, 40; Issues of luw, 1; crimiual, 12; chaucery- lst class, 7; 2d class, 2; 4tli class, 6. On t.he ílrst cali of the tesues uf lact calendar 10 cases wen anooanced " coniiiHied,'' 7 "notices countermanded," 2 "uot [ rojjerly noticed," and 2 sattled. On Tuestlay work commenccd. The following persons, cliosen defendants in criminal cases, were arraignea aud plead :i3 noted : Pcople vs. Wm. C. Hughes. Iuforniatiou tor obtalnlng raoneys under false pretences. Nol fiuiity. People bs. Henry Wngrter. Two informationa tor tuurder. Not uiliy. People vs. Qeorge Orr. Information for as snuit and batttry with Uitent to kill. JSut fuilty. After wliicli tlie jury trials we re enterud apon, as íbllows : Nelson Sutberlaud va Russell Godfrey and lamen A. Wood. Verdxt for plaiutiff ?(5.00. Thos. White rs Thos. Redmond. Verdict for plainttff, $57. 10. M'chiiran Air Line tí. Thomas Clark. Trial proceeding. A " Free Trade League " lias been or anized !n the Law Department of the Uni versity, wlth the (ollowing officers : President- O. P. Cmsnoi.M. Viee Prednt-S. o. Fallas. Recording Secrelary-J. C. Siinonds. Üonrttrponding Sccretary-C 11 WooUruff. Ireaturer- H. S. Pettenglll. Bagtan s Arms-A. D. Bessy aud T. E. Ssdgewlch, Com-Tiistee on Bills- Messrs. Sutherland, Wacildock and Woodruft'. This uviilencc of progresa at the Unlversity is encoafagtng. We have unintentlon'ally omiitcd to welbiwnc to our table ïhe Popular Ajtpeal, a neatly gotten u 21 column paper, publishcd and edtted by S. H. Mcürackkh, 12 Larnard Street, Detroit. Maj wlll make ■ rcadabte paper and gpeak his own views, but of liis financia! success we are not so certaln. Mr. J. V. Maynahd retdrned fïom New York on Wednesday, wliich oiakes the Ui'rd trip in four months. Tliis looks as il the linn wcre d'lnga lively business. The Detroit Vree Press camr ioul In a nevv iiress on Tuesday, and presenta a decidedly mproved appearance. Glad to note these slgpa t: pnjspertt. We liave reoelvud tbe tlrst nambef of the Hay City Daily Journal. H is a neatly printed 38 column sheet, and promisea to be spicy and vigorous. Taküaxt has the sole a;ency for "Smilli's pHtentLegglus" for elilldren and mlsses. Tlicy are a capital arlicie, coinfortuble to W( ar aud pnilty to look at. Il ■!!■■ II . The Tliaiikfglying Iiolldsy interfered wiili oor " Coinmtrclal Letter" and nirliet ropo ris Lliis week. A veix of superior coal - 17 feet thick report has it - has boen opened noar ilason, and the citizons of that horctofore quiet village aro in a great stato of oxci temen t. Blast furuaoes, foundries, manufacturingestablishuients, etc, are talked of, and a great city is in the near future. So mote it be. Tuf first tmin on the Ilolly, Wayne and Monroe Bcülroed ran through to "Monroe on Saturday last. Thn city is enerelbythe track of tho Detroit and 'oledo road, making the new road really a " tender " to the old one, which does not exactly ploaso tho Monroe folks who wantod competition. Tho old nremen's hall at Kalamazoo, in wliich was the postoffice, TeUffraph office, nows depot, &C., was burned on Satunl;iy ast. Tho mails and other contents were argely removed, so that the loss is coverod by insurance. The Telegcaph has resumod publication.


Old News
Michigan Argus