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tse Bmr'a A ruc Medicine to cure a bilioua attack, nd ward off a fcvor. Somcthin&r Entircly New. Ourenteiprisint Millinery Merchant, Mr. H. Coün, proprietor of the New Millinory Storo, 47 South [ain Street, proposes to distribute some bcantiful 'olidny Gifts amonj liis patrons durinj? the month of cpmber, consisting of six presents. The lst, is that Buautiful Dog, ftdmircd by every oue ïat has soen it. 2d, n Beautii'ul Musical Album. 3df ■ Turkey Morueco Glove and TTaadkerchief Box. 4th, k Bonutiful Ottoman Kinbroidery. 5th, a pair of Slipprr Paltcrns. 6th, a Ladinfi' Work l'ox. A chance to pet nny of thee arfitèlfla Tvill bc piven oe gntia to any one buying a Trimmed Hat or Bonet at ïiis store. La-Jios iu waut of Millinciy ure dvised to go there. Barr's Ajrue Medicine prcvciits a return of the chili nd extennmates dbedM AL.fiJL.lS VI KAKN U. E ! It is cmrenily reported thnt Alexis, Grand Duke f UiiH-i.i, wenrs the sumo brand of Silk Hals that Vity ■ lis lor S5, and lus magnifleent raoaptfon and populurity in tliis country ia attributcd to the ■une oauM; which, if true, is prooi" positivo that loxisisafnshionableyouninvin, and carnes a wcll i!d head. Cali on Torrr at No. ló 8. Main Street, ad you will be conrinced that he .ella A No. 1 .oods t astonishingly low rjrices. m --■- +m - Druirists all st'll Havr's Aue Medicine, and have ever failed to recommond lt. DANCING AM) wTltZIxÏu SCHOOL. l'rof. N. J. KELLOGQ vouU aonounoe to hia forner patrons of Aim Arbor and vicinity, that he will 5 -a a School of Dancin? and Dopurtmcnt on Thursuy Deoember 7th, al AgiicoUoial Hall. Good reference roquired before joininr tho closs. Tenas -five dollars for twelve Icüsodb, payable in Avance. Houis of instruction- Aftemoon claw, from 3 to 6 'clock p.m. Evoning class, from ö to 10 p. m. 134Stf IXVESTMENT. NORTHURX PACIFIC 7-30 GOI. BOIVBS. lOxeuipt frem V. S. 'fat. lnerest 7 3-10 per cent. in (olil. Payabic Nomi-auuunlly. Kquivulcnt to 8 9 per cent. in Curreniy, Interest 'upons boutrïn by all Banks ind tanken, the wme M en Uorcrmncnt Blindt, llave you moncy to invest ? Buy Xortïiern Padflfl even Thirties, which combine a proíitable rate of increst with absolute serurity. Have you 5-20 (iovtrnm--nt Honils ! Convert llic-m uto Xorthcm Paciílc Seven Thirties. You will realze thoroby the present high prumium on Govcrnici'.ts, and aeoQZe i nkUCB hiher rate of interest. Aftt-r a carcíul oxainiiiation of the mortgagc givcn by the Northern Pucillc Itailroad Companjr, I have no iesitation in recommendinfr theae Bond to all por■ions who have money to invest, or Government Bonds o convert into other Securitiea. For Bonds or informatica apply at the Saving Bmk, to S. GKANT, Aent for Ann Arbur and vicinit; . Invest one dollar in Barr's Agüe Medicine, and cure your Chilla. $5 SILK II ATS! Tliat's wuut K. J. JOII.'SO!V offers hi' nat Mcai-iiiï public, i'irsi (iiality and Faabtonable. Silk Hut for L.. o. 7 Kuutsi 'laiii strect, cast sidc. Burlington. Lsavlnj tne Kast and arrivins at Chicago or Indlanapolli, how hall m rcach the West f The best Liue is ackoavlcdged to bc the C. B. 4 Q., Jolnedtog ther wlth the B. & M. Railroad by the Iron Bridge at Barllogtoo, au 1 cal led ihc Burlington Route. The maiu line of tho Route running to Omahc, connectB with the groit Pacliic Roids, and firms to da the leadlng route to California, The Mid'llu li.-anch, entering Hebraska at l'liittsmouth, passes throuf;h Lincoln, the .tatc Capital , and will .h sycar bc llni-hcd to Fort Kearney, formlng the thortost route across thu Continent by ovlt 100 miles. Anothir branch of the B.M, aiverpins at Red Oak, (allelnto a line runalns down the Uluonri through St. Joe to Kauaaa City, and all Eaiuaa, l'asecngers hy this route lo Kansas, see Illinoia, South lowa, and MisH.mri, nud.bya allght direrge nee, can 6ec Nebraska also. Lover of flno views should remomher the Burlinton Route, for it towne " hlgh-glesming from afar"- its tree-fringud itreama- lt rouj;h hiufl and 'iuarric- itBcorn-oceans stretchiuf; ovur the praiiics further than eye can rcach. Land buyers will bo sare to remember it, fnr they have frk'Hds aniui:; the two thousand who have al. readybOBghl farm from Oeo.S. Harris, theLüid Oommlulonet f llic I!. & M. R R t BurliiiRton, iowa,or amongthe tont thousand home-ateadrra and pre emptora who laat yoar fllad clMma in the Lincoln land office, where " Uccle Sam is rich enouüh to (,'ive au all a farm," Soldiers of 1S12, who served sixty dvs, are tn tltlefi to l'cusion, and ehould npply Immcdiately to John N. Gott, Bouuty and Pension Agent, inn irbor, Mich. rn'a Ajue Medicine is the rcsult of twenty ycavs' a-udy by a scipntiflc chemist. iVl ÁJR, UI K I ) In Pontiac, Nov. 2M, nt the residence of the bride's f ther, by I!v. J. R, Anderson, Mies N'ELLIE L. 110BERTSON, ajjd Jlr. 31. W. BL1S?, of thit city. 13U0KS. I BOOKS, I ! J. R. WEKSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE NEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." L')OK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL. ÉBOÖKS.j LÖVËJOYT TOBACCONIST ! Duals in botli FINK EUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Stiuflf, Pipes, &c, AT 'O. " BAST IIUEON STREET, Xext to the Express Office, J1V ARBOS, IICII. mi.'tf Sf '&' f I Subscribcra to Poter IB Í- (t Musical Monthly are ictvA J [lug their M-i-iic forlcss Shan two cents a piecu. TT S Thosc wlm have Dot Been thin Musical Mntr:iz lic II K shonld send 3fl ceiifi ïr a B gamplecopy. The nuisic ie ■_-n j-, I hy Hhvs. Thomas, KlnH ; B kei, Perriey, oí other l AA V 'popular wriliTS. I' Two back iinmbern lor A New School Book,by;4(icents. Four Iwck immH. s. rmmm. Price, 8b. $7.50 per d"zen. Cí)nlaIn , .y.. over two hundrednew and T I Bil JlV beantirtal sod)(8, dacts, elc.l I, 1 j[] J by Wlll S. Iluys. Web" H ster, Thomns, etc. Evcry I T C hinp; is new, frc?h, and A. S spirktlng. Coutent? and n,,. , , tf pedmD pape aunt free. I I J K Sample copies mniled free Ilfii ( .1 ' ! ■? ofpostageto toichersfor VXjU'llljL IKJ fi5 ecuts. Liberal terins': ftiutrod-action. [Wortb oflSastefoi 83. Addross, J. L. PETERS, 59!) Hroadway, X. Y. T.-achcrs sendini u their orclnrs for $'.0vortho nvisic can claim a years ubsciiptioti to PetjJJ Miisictl Monthiy. i;;-'iï UAM. B. REVEiVAL'üll KKEPS ON. IIAND A: LAEGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST A YALUABLESTÖck 0K Grain Farm for Sale, The nbovc f:irm is slruited la the Townthipa of nc:;ior and Patoam, !.:. in '-■ inm Washtenan Couutics. Ten mllea from Doxter. nine mücs from Chelsea. and live miles froin i'lnckui'y. It contalns Five Hundred and Twenty Acres. It is wel] watcred and plenty ofttmber. ut onebftlfnnder ftffAodcoltlviittoo. Term- of aale ea.y, ii' Ultle money will be required on flrt pftyment, P. S.- If not -ld soou, I wiil lcaec e:vid farm il I eau li uil right m:in. '. V. COOKR, Poatvïfllcenddrcss, Piuckney, Míen. i:i?.lm3" WA N'TED- Good reliable men of rood habits. who who can furniah eatisCaotory riteienoe, and (rive pood security for property entrustod to them. 'jin obtain'penúa-iunit and protltabk1 einplDyuK ui, piüier on sulurv or commission, by applying to Nofsihokb & Jokkklyn, fli-st door eJWt of tlie Postotfloe. Ann Arbor, Dealer in the Singer Manufaoturing 0o6. Hewiug Machine. K. H.- (tockI ]josition for mcnhuvinghoi'se, wagen and harncsa. IHSwS 3. L. GRTNNKLL, A(?ent. POR SALET" On New Trea'l Power for s lie CITEAP. Als" an ■:!■. llent Draft Team. Warrantcd ia every particu' lar. by J3tf K. B. COI.E. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by READ THIS ! I AM NOW l'REPARED POE TUE FALL TRADE ! I HAVE l"li: LABUEST A Finest Assortment OP CLOTIHIS OF EVKKY nESCRIPTION' EVER BROUGHT TO TUIS JiAKKf:r. KVEÜÏTUIKQ NEW, AND STVÜSH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINK OF GEXTS1 FINISHING GOODS ! WISUINQ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING TVILL FIND IT TO TNETR INTEREST TO CA IX OU JAMES BOYD, lSIStf 21 Uiiin Street. yyiVS. WACNER IS NOW RBADY FOB THE FALL TRADE Having Keoeiveá a Large Stock of FALL AND WINTER G-OODS, INOL0DJBQ CLOTHS, 0A8SIMEKE8, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WHICH 1IE WILI. MANUFACTURE on terina to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHING ANB Gents' FÜRNISHING Goods. BEST JSTYXiiE. ALSO LADIES1 AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 South Main Street,- Slde; CALL AND SEE THEM. aviii,iam waí;m:k. Anti Arbor.Sept., 1871. WH EN YöU WANT FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, Tio. 3O liaron Street. DEOPLE'S DRUG STOüEi R. W.ELÜS& CO. Aisrisr k.rboh C. H. MILLEN OPBNS F ALL TRADB WITH A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FASHIONABtE GOODS ! KSIBRACINO ALL THE N3WEST STYLK.3 FOÜND IN THB KASTKRN AND EÜROPKAN MABKKT3. L Offer tro ng Iuduceinents to Purchasers of Dry Gouds. 500 Yarda of Black Alpata at 25 and 30 Cenfs. Best (loods for the floncy Ever OOered In tbli City. 400 Yards All "Wool Empress Cloths and French Merinos at much Lower Prices. tban one Toar Ago. - ALSOPlaids, Sattkens, Cashmeres, Popuns, Plain and Fancy Silks, Ladies and Ghildren's Fdrnisuinq frontín Mnnipnv Ar.r . Xr.n 1JOUDS, XIOSIEUY, OtC,, OtC. IN ADDITÏON Tö MY LARGE STOCK I OFFER SOME NOVELTIES IN LADIES' CASHMERE, BEAVER AND CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES WHICH ARK The Most Stylish Garments Ever Brought to this Market. The Above, I ormiiiir the Rlcbest Collection of Goodt Kvcr Offvred iu this City, are to !■ gold at Prices Lowcr Ihau the Lowest O. H, M1LLEN. ANN AKBOK, SEPT. 15, 18T1. J839mS $25,000 "NVORTH OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Ti Gifí luir ! C HIIMAetl. S. SONDHEIM HAS KECEIVED THE LARGEST AND BESTSELECTED.STOCK FALL AND WINTER GOODS i GET'S Ftlt.iISHnO GOOUS, UDftEN AND VOLTIIS' GLOTH1KG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, &o., &c, &c. TOAT HAS EVER BEEN BROUGHT TOTHIS CITY, WHICH HE W1LL SELL Cheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A.FINK ASSORTMENT OF J CASS1MERES, COAT1NGS, atd VESTING 'S, WHIOH HE WTLL MAKK ÜP TO OUDER INTHEBEST.STYLE, AMD WARRANTED A FIT OR NO SALEÍ


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