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Gov. Barry

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The St. Joscph Kepublican quotes a ])nrt of what we said about Gov. Barry suffering his name to be used for a candidato a third term, and addo, - "We nre at a loss to determine the motive of the Signal of Liberty in making this uncalled for pod unprovoked attnck, when its editors know as well as we, tliaj Governor Barry never desired 'a noniination for a íhird term, and thai it was witli the utmost reluctance that he suflerod his name tocóme before tbe convention, and would not have permitted it, had he not been urged so to do by his friends, who believed, and that truly, fhat no bet ter man could be' found to guide the destiniesof our young state for ihe coming gubernatorial term." Gov. Barry, after noticegiven through the Pree Pres3 that he would not run for Governor, permitted his name to be used by his friends for four bnllotings, and after t was evident he could not receive the nominntion, (hen his name was withdrawn. This seemed to us, in the candidate of a party which avowedly goes for "rotation in office" au instance of "greedy ambition." It looks the same in the eyesof some Deuiocrats. We supposed we had a right to express our opinión on the malter and did so. The fact that the Republican calis us an "aboliton demagogué" does not prove us to bc incorrect. We have nothing against Gov. Barry psrsonally, and his administration, so far as depended on him, under the embarrassing circumstances attending it, hasgiven as general satisfaetion as could have been expected.O5 Wenotice that Mr. Greenly, the nomneeofthe Democrats fir Lieutcnant Govertior. is not ns vvell spoken of ns Mr. Fclch. The Wliigr popera fling out various in.sinu&tiuns about bkn, wbich, ns tlipy arn :jot sub stantiatcd, we shnil not repcat. The Deniocrats do nol ctiempt to ir.eet thetn cxceptby caüing them Whig lies, and otlier evasive metliods. Eut the Detroit Advertiscr brinns two clmrgrs against liim in his official chnracter which are legitímate subjects of cominent. - Otie i?, that when a Senntor he Einugglei through the Senate a bilí lo rcpcal the law ngaiiis: adul'.ery by bringing it in under a tille which was no index to it contents, an( henee it passed by vote of Senatord whodií not know its renl import. George Redfielt the present State Treasurer, then a Senator isappealrd to as a witness of this fact. Th sccond Í5, tliat uhen President pro tem of íh Sonate, an amendment of on nppropriutio bilí, which had been rejected by the Senate was rewritten by Mr. Greenly, attached t ihe bilí, und bnnded to the clerk to be en rrossed,.and ihe bilí being read only by it title, the rejtcted amendment passed,unknow to the member?. The amount thus appro pnated was between $50 nnd s?l00.we rive tnese statements on the autnority of the Advertiser only: but we huve rot yet ceeoany deninl or fwplanation of thetn. If true,Mr. Grcenly ought nol to receivo the vnte of a single honest wan in the State, of any party. A person rcsorüng to such contemp tibie and shnmeful tricks cannot be safely trustcd a8 a legislator, of in üiiy other public capcity. Besides, thefact that he odvocaíed the ropeal of the adultery law at all, ís a blnck mark ngainst liim. The lionest and respecta blo portion of com:iiunity should put tlicir reprobalion upon liis coiirse, unless it can be atisfactori'y explained.GjT Sandry disastprs, such as brenking down, runninsr oif the track, &c, have lately occurred on the Railroad, too numerous to incrtion. Tliej' indicato an unfnvorable stote of lhinL3, in the Road itself, or n the managers of it. {L C. M. Clay was in Cincinnati, at the latest dates. He has authorized the N. Y. Tribune to announco posilicely tliat the "Trtie American" will be continued. Kj TheRev. D. D. VVbedon, Jale ofCnnccticut, Professor of Rhetoric and Logic in ihe University, has recenily become n residen of Ann Arbor, and entered upon hits duties. - He also assumes iorthe time beinjr, the du ties of ;he professorship ronde vocant by thr death of tho lamented Whi!inr. - Argut. {Lƒ The E-iton Bugle is down upon nsin tnorethan half a colum of fine lype, accosin. us of a "ruost mnlignsnt and unealled for nttack" npnn Mr. Clay, and of ultering' teach'mgs n'hrch are like "ThR tonn thnt's henrd in heil, Where devils daniiied give buck ihe ec!io." Tt s is severe censure: but whot is onr of fence? Why, that we expressed the opinioi tliat Ilenry Clay, ns a gopd citizt-), shoul have used his great infltience wilh his frlluw ci:izpns in suppresing the mob in Lexinjrton. svhich he knew wou ld assemble, instead of depnrting on a journey of pleasure just beforr it occurrcd. Tuis is the head nnd front of our olftmling. Our opinión fomeidos aíiIj that of the Ridimoxd VVliie, which says, he had "beller slayed" CC?3 W. H. Utirlcig-li, the pnbli.-heroftho Ciirtian l'Veeman, Hartford, Conn , has B;il us a copy of his Liberty Almanac for 1346. - It contains S2 pnges, nnd is neatly got up, and the rending matter is vnltiable. It is adnp led ns well for Michigan ns for New England. We have aUo received a pond Anti-slavery Almrmac from N. Y., hy Finch nnd Weed, 118 Nnssau 8=3,00 a hundred, or$25,üü a thousand. 05= The Detroit Free Press cnutions llie farmers against tlie Bank of Wooster, Ohio, as thereis m ucl in circulation in thts State, and ananxiet to keep it inoving.


Signal of Liberty
Old News