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The President's Message

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We gave the President'a Message to our readers on Wednesday, imán extra, and all luwe probably givon it a readi'ig bo foru this. It has one merit -brovity,- il v.-hich there is nothingin it starting, tlu: ropctnSnendatious being the merest meabon and tho aooompanying reporte being referred to for the information on whieh théy are based. lic congmtulates the mtion apon boing at ■ ■with all thü world,on the ratificuti n bf the Treaty of Washington, on (lic reoall of Minister Catm.a.v - the Mordecaiat the Kmg's gate, and on sundry otber subjectu. Ho rocommends a roluotion in taxee, interna! aud on iinportations, bat gives ovidunco of being still in tho bonds of the protectionists and monopolista. lie says the Ku-Klux law is being enforood, and, contrary to general expectation, does not reooiamend its extensitfn, but substitutos general amnesty, with exceptional cases. If Congrcs3 properly complie:s with thii rcRommcndatioii tho country mat bclievo it made in good faith ; if not, it will bü considored an electionocriug dodge, the responsilnlity of dolay boing throwu upon Congress. He also is poaitivo on the Mormqn quetion, and say. 'hu laws sluill bo enforced. Ho thinks BOmothing muy como oL the " Civil Servico Coiumission," and suggesta that alaw be psssed-making members uf Congress and otbaw recommending men fot offico ívsponsible as endorsen, tho same as ia commercial cireles, probably on tho pnnoiple tliat in theso bitter diíys theso oiticiai endorsere divide "the spoilí," i'roquüiitly.tukiug tho Iíoh's ghare. }Iu ia i lont on San Domingo, an'l says notiiiug ■ about tho charges against Minieter SCHSXCK, or wliy so disi'eputablu a man as SicKLES was inflicted upon tho court of Spain whilo tho Catacazies aro taboood in high Ufo at Washington. But it' you havon't read the message, proceed to do so and save us fnithex commont. - Our extra also contained tho report of Secretary BOVTWXIX, an abstract of the ruport of tiio Secretary of War, and niuch other valuablo matter.


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Michigan Argus