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The systora ot governing eities by "Comniissions" establishcd and appoiated by the Legislatura, gok a deadly blow by tho rocont decisión of our Supremo Court. The tour judgos were unaniniou in tho opinión that tho Logislaturo c:m not take the finaneial affairs of a oity or other municipal] ty into its own handí ordain " Commissions ".to take charge o thuir public works, and name tho Com missioners. Tlipy vro nnanimoug in the opinión that municipalities have right that tho Legislature ia bound to anc must respect, and that one of thoao right is to elect or appoint their own officer and agents. They were unanimons in the opinión that the Legislature is no suprenie, and that tho townships anf cities are independent in their splion The Legislature may incorporato a city and then its work is dono and the cit; has a riglit to govern itself. This is th essence of tho sevcral opinions, and thei unuounccment says to the Legislature " 'Thus far shált thou go and no farther Your minions and tools can not be set to govern any or all of ihe cities of the State, whethor for parbisan or other iiurposes. Concedo charters with prope safeguaids, yourprovince, and then throw the resionsibility of selecting good offi cers upon tho people iimncdiatoly inter ested." The decisión is timely. - It is a pity that tho Supremo Cour of the United Status has not some of the independencü and backbóne of Michi gan's Court. If it had,rsomo of the een tralizing schemes gaining ground a Washington would como to speedy grief - ■■ Mks. Saiiaii NoBTON, whilom an advocate of woman suft'rago, has sccií tho error of her ways, and is doing " work meek for repentancu." In a recent lecture in Newark, New Jersey, sluj said among other very pointed things : " 11 sounded exceedingly promising to a cortain class of unoccupied, ambitious, childless, or unlovt'd vomen - (applause and laughter) - and fronx these two classes the movötueut gained its prosolytos. Erarything turned upon want ot' proper occupaticn; wlii'H this was lacking in woiuen oi' men ofaoertain temporamenl, they were always rife for mischief. All the women who publicly advocated woman'8 righte were those wiio had foilod to fiad their propex place in lile. MAKY Wol8TBN0EAFT, tho contemner of marriag.', origináted this subtlo and illusionary disease- it iras as much a disuase as the yellow fevcr or small pox." Thesv, temember, are the words of a woman, and of a woman who has had tho disöase. And again: "There aro threo reason wliy, if a woman could, sho should not engagi: in man's work. The lirst is that so doing would bring tho sexes into too closo contact - it was not wiso to hold fire to flax." Touching tho marriago relation sho said : " Early marriages and no divorco laws wero tho romedies sho would suggest for the groater proportion of marital dimeulties. Tho possibility of tnarried people being able to Beparate was the poisonous groundwork which made the contcmplation of it possiblo, and in nine cases out of ten bred tho discontent which made separation secm a nocessity." These bonos will be found tough pieking for the reformers('r). Tuk story tliat Senator Tu:inri.i. has " dcclarcd, with unusual emphásis, tliat ho will not bo the Conservativa oandidato for tho Prcsidcncy," beforo 'nis consent has boen solicitcd, reminds us of the colloquy botweon tho milkmaid and the fortune-hunter : "O, what i yotir fortuno iny pMtty ïuai 1 .' M "My t;u:i' in my lortulio, ijir," .- '; "Then I oañl murry ymi, my nrctty Booid "; "Nobody aked jroa to, Kir," nhe said. '1' 1 1 e i Lbel snit brought by Gen. C UNTOS Ti. Fibk, forro erly of this State, againsl tiie St. Louis Times has been arranged. The Tintes tí' ts m.'w light, retracta the obargee to the fullest extent, aad payi the costs, aud Gou. FlSE withdraws tho suit. To WHAÏ división of the State does St. Joseih County bclong? The Grand Bapids SagU counts Kalamazoo as furnishing the only western Governor, and ' :hc Adrinn 7Vi . claims Monroe as tho anly southein county over honored. Tho three terras. of Gov.. Bakby are ignored t jy the Tima. 6


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