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A.N.N Ardor. Sept. 26, 1945. The sales of Whoat during the week have jecn large, chere being evidently a consideraib!e disposition nmoiig the furmers to sel!. - But the mail of to-day brings news of that Icclension of prices which we have nnücipated. The pnce here to-day is 60 cents, although some buyers have oíFered 62. The tendency is downward. The Buffalo Pilot of last Wednesday (Sept. 21,) says: The market hns ngain relapsed itito a comparntive diillncss, oud operntions yeeterday vere very limited. The price of wheat and lour is slowly recedin, and probnbly wil! go somewhat lower. P!our wilt fall iindoubtedy to L U which is as high as it wiil bear in the present state of the market bdow, and whcai must bear a proportionate price. Sales of Fiour were made the day before at $4,00 to 4,12i and of Wheat at 83 to 8G cents. The news by the Britannia, Ifldays later trom Europe, is thus noticed."In Bo-ton, we notice that l was received as favoral)le, and causad holdera of flour to bc more (irm. In New York, the effect has not very strongly mauifibsted ittelf at the ate of the last papers received. The general favorable state of che crops in England, and the prospect ot'a ood harveít wi'l have the effect, ut lenst, 10 slop the peculátion in brendstuffs for the foreign demand. and cause dealers to rely more upon the regular and kgitimate bus es9 of tlie country. The effect here Ims been to check operations, and cause a downvvard tendency in pricea."


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