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C O MM ERCI AL. New Vouk, Dec 5th. Dealers in dry goocls will not be surprlsLo learn that ruw cotton has ad vaneed, to 19J, at least few pcopU; here are. At the same time, manufacture cuttons sell very slowly, and on a few of the leadlo branda we notice a slíght decline. The :nid -winter ilullness is now feit in uil itn force, and I we are not much mistaken, jobberd would lose little by sclectiug stapte asortments before January. Woolen goode are uiovIng more freely at abont formcr retes. The check which the upwurd tendency of wool has réceived wlthlü a few days excludes the probablllty of a riso in cloths. In bread.stulls we have Mili an un'n'erest inii inarkrt. Flotir is heavy, even low iïr.ides of tiie "squaw ' or export kin-I. Y!u':it is (Juli, and notwltlHt a ruling tinlarge quantlty detalned on Mie en nal, and navlgltloa romptetelyelosed, holden! :uv anxious to realizo. Prices show very li1tle change since last week. Liverpool gh'es no iiiicouraft-cmcnt. Corti is u o set t led at 78iöOr, or jOouI lc highcr. Tliï ny be doe lo the ftdvauce of 5@Cc on whisky. whch nowcommands $1 00 0t, barley, and rye are all qutel bot Bïeafïy, Hops are held Örm, anti coíipuiDera are mure willlrg to parchase; fluest otate íioíd at 05e ptr Ib. Provisions show no i in pro vemen' ; mess pork, spot or January, $:i )o ■ : ríS February or Bfarch, 91 J@1450. Lird )C(c 9%. Butterand cheese dulJ. Èiiga34a35, Gold llOJ. Stocks more active. Detiïoit, Ded f, !8Bt. The sentnl iijrre in otnr niaiket Jiial now ia il Iiou's. 'l'lii' reoelpta ofhog&.o Bat thu Becuoohave mi the same m tip to be sana ■ ieliia hut the cdrounutancea are differeftt ra ra iny i ■ ''iIl(■ v-.-.vt!i.-r - !i ko lauoh OttfUcr thü fcbat the reoeipts ahould bo ;■ Iwut doublé up to thia i in. iv Besidee, the numberfferowj bountirully lew iliiiiy, and ai the rute whlcli tho diBunution isgoing on, we wül not bo reoeiving onough to supply tho tet;til ' r.i'l'! ui Co tpl i of weeksi Boine of our !■ i lia Buapfin "'I operntíon ■ In eonn iuenoe ói ühi MMicity, and otheis proposc ■. i bo pnekin this seamul uïiiefl pricefl fiUTpff vary materijilly. Farmora, on Uu: (th(r hiurd, aio duaatiaflod with tho priew, nn 1 it ia believed thai Üie Bouxoitv ia proJucod by ïheii refasI. Buchnstateol ' iinga Uooourac disntrouato trade. How il will evontunte wouht tkc moru thfin tho liinüa of tliis lOtlor to dlsouss. One way. lmwi V-. i, i-; for tti9 farmers todol irnliviftu;illy or oo-ojwrittivelv, mi 1 whethor nrofossionnl pn ïkers ro i ;; y hryiog to beap tlw mnrkilt too lv [i:l ! ii ■;.:■■■:■!' .".P:' .!■■■ th( )nnot Bununei v.ill teu. riie prico )vA foi hogs today wan .■ i.7.'i cl;. ver ■ t Jeal of nttention. Bind ■i week eigo prioea bare varied tn: liitlo, ml the m:;i-m to nüO ia buyer' favor. An (ven car load old thïs fexonoon at ío.-lii, bul bíig Iota wto slowat Flourhnanol beon moro quiel i" n yearthannow ''hoien white wheat branda nomina] af fA 7", rmd nmer at $í.5Q. Wheat i.1 without aañnatian ; at the xüxd to-duy only two oars weio aoW, one rf 'l readwell it$1.45, anil one of amber &t il W. 'fhia is ïottr Ñan the prioes of ;i ftfw days ago 1j l ■; 2o. For lío. i (vl]i' ■■ - 1 .in, and foï; extrn. fl 61 wuabid, Cofn ia ry lc íve al a decline of fiüly 6c; about 13 cara No i ■ i i reUow,jsold at 52, and tCboni ln,0Ö0 ba for January md February debvery at 61"?68 Oatsateady ai tS ■ [u for No. , ;iiii[ M fox white. Applpa axe as cluM i ■ p; nominal al $2@2 25por ïbl., bul ÖÏotb ba no demand. Barley Brm al $l.tiO I.fl5, and ryo in demand at 78a8. Buttar shows no mpvoTement; freh roll 2342M, wifeh moro seïlere han büyen ; ftrkln is nowhe ■■. Beana :r ftrm at i2@2.3. Cranherriei offereJ liberally n1 98 W3per ibl. Cheeoo steady at L5 ■ ii. Dried applea flrm at i i'. i. EggB wouln im: nu :ii'! 59c f' rrcsh'i hniona Loinimil al 91.751.00 por bbj. Pototots, on streel ín dcpoti car load, 73. Tuluw dochned to 1 ' ■ pox ll. "T) ï eITT" Al Lsbanon, Mnine, iri. i!Ai:' U. (KANT, notlieraf ('. ii. Groot, oí thwotty, ngad 71 yean, 10 nonthd, und 3 dayp. Xy-NTED Tü HI11E, A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Siütable fbr uso In a Snnday School and Lootture Boom. AUUcss, 13S1 BOS 22g, POSTOFFICE. TttÖTICË. rmnuAl meeting of the Ptockholdcrs oí tho Ï'IUST NAVftONAIi BANK, ol Au Uur, tbr tho olcetion of nino I irectoni of soid Bank, willbohcldni Uieir Banking Uonséi on loeeday, the QintUdnyof Janiuiry, 1872. r.. . tui ■■' ■ ion wiU ■■■■ open between I" and 12 O'clück A. T. lïv order of Üvs Boord, .1. W. KXIGH P, r . hier. Dfttod, Aun Arbor, Decöth, 1871. 1 ISltd GBAHAM l'I.orit, BüCKWHEAT E.Ol I!, (OKN 31 1 : At.. FEEDOF ALL KINDS. All tile ïiiivo attlclos are watranUJ iu havo no n ciior In Foï sule at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B.- Gi'istiiig done at tbuil uctke. ÏJOLIDAY PRESENTS. ! BTEKTranra is the OÜY GOOiS LINE ! Uscful and Ornamental FOB HOLIDAY GIFT? E. H. MILLEFS. Btortgage Salo. ÜBFAÜtF huving lvn made in the couditinn of a . oertain mortgage executcd by CaUiariiu: Wall, of Northflcld, in tli ■ county ol Woshti naw umi Btate ol Michigan, un tho 27th diiy of April, A. i. WÜ, to 8atty Aun Pruy.of tíup rrior, in sniu county and State, and recorded in the Icesistor'a otiiceof the oounty of ...iw, ihi-ti:mid.-i of May, A D. 1867, ate} o'clock a. m., in lilirr 36 of inortgages, on page 47'J which sai-l mortgago woa auly anigned by Ueortfe B. Wheeler, AdmSnistaratox of the ctate o s.iliy Arm Pray, late of Buperíor, Watfhtenaw county, , to Nuthan lï. Prny, on the I7th dny of Januaiy, . D. 1871, fnd r.rmlr! lMh day of .Iraurj" d I871j in ïiin-r 2 of assignnieiita oi' mortgugw, on page 603, tluit 1 (.■!■ i-. cSoimed to bt due upon said e nd note at thi date, the sam ot' om: nun forty two dolían and. tlmiy eaute, alao anaBonnWe Solicitor'n or Attomey's fee, bhuuld miy procoedinjrs be tnken to ftw mortgage, nnd i'urtherinstuUmcnta t becotoedacon said mortgaeaad no prooeedingD ;it luw or in equity having buen had lo ii. nver tlic same r auy part thercof ; tfnioüisborebygivon. thai byTirtue of the power oí sale con'ainod in -n d ntoitgage, I qhaU sell at pubUc auction, to tho niKiiotti bidder, on the Dínth dayof Uur i next, ut '2 ocloek p. m. of aaid theCouit House, in tliy t-ity of Ann Arbor, in aaid oonntTi that m.'Íiik the plnce of holding the Circuit Court for tho Cotmty or Washtenaw, aD thai oortafca tmet or par 1 1 1 of Umd lttn)wn, and dCBGribed iw lollow.s, to wit : The northeust aunrter of the soatheast quartez on d amber baree in township amber onc south In range uumber six cast, lyinu' in Northfleld, in the county ut Wushtcnuw, in the Statu of Michigan. December 7th, 1871 NATUAN H. PHAT. John N. (Jott, Assiurnce of Mortjageo. Attorney for Assignct; of Mortgagce. Dfi TOÜB WIFE. A HANDSOME SISiWL, SACK OU DSM FOR A Christinas Present At V. H. MILIEUS Estáte oí Gottlcib Uckerlo. STATE OF atlCpIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, Sfc At a senion of the Piroi ite Court for the County of Wiishtcnaw, holdün nt the l'robato OtHce, in the City of Ann ArUir, on Wedneaday, febe ixtli day of Deoeinbi-r, In the ycar one thousóód uiyht hundred and aevi nty-one. Presentí lliram J. Beakeo, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Guttlk'b Uckerlc, deooosedi Jacob Üokerlo, Admiaistraiorvitli the wál annexed, of Sïli'l dOOOMOd, umius iiilo OOurt and CQptWeota thilt he la oow prepared to reader bis flnu] account as such AflMiinUlrator. Thcrcupon it is oxdered, that Tnasday, tlie eecotid day of January mxi, at ben o'duek in the t r. dooQ) bo ai aigned fbr examining and allowni 1 Umi tho Legateea devfeeen, [ al law af Beid'd, and ali other persona ínterested ín said estáte, aro roquired to appeaz at a teflsion of suid Court, then to lc holden at the Probate oitiee, in tho City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show causo, if any tin re c, wliy the Baid aoroont ahould not alluwcd : AnJ itjwfurtberordcro Ith - aUtraiorinvr not the pcrsonn intoreftted ín said estáte, oï the pen■ ii . and the hearing then of, l j1 oaasinga oopy of tliis order to be published in the M ■■■'r.i.i Argot .i oewvpaper pri&ted rmd (arculalin in Raid County, three suocessive weekaprevioustoauid day Of lieOXlfig. A nuecopy.) üiltAlIJ. BKAKE3, l r,i Judtfeof Probate. UY Y O UK GUILDKEN Something Us&ful for Christinas, at C. Oommiflsionors' A ótico. RÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Counfcy of Waahtenaw, br. t'iú' uoleragnedj having been appointed by tlie ■ l o n: tor ■■■■- 1 couuty, CommissionerBwro■ .lüii-io Jitul nJ.ins! .ill cuaima nud ili-munds of all persona agtoinst the estufe oí Palmer Klhott, Inte oí -mi couuty, duccaaod, hereby giyo notice thnt sis raontli fruni unte are aUowed, ly order of snid Pro■ 'Mil, íor cvpdiLois to pivsi-nt Un ir clainu 'ti i ■■-t;itr of -■ ti'i deocosed, And l.hat thiy will :: ■ i at the itoira of JameaK. tV alinee, in the citv oJ VpsiUuitij ín ttttld oounty, oi Suturaay, the tmxd daj oí Fobruary, and l'uesday, tbe foui-th day of June next, at .tcntrclook v. m. ofendí ofsnid dayn, to t ccive, examiiief and ;.'i".i ■:' -;ii i daiins. Datcd, December tth, A. i) 1871. JAMÜri . W.M.I.Aii:, L. i. SHOWEUMAN, 1 J'lw-t ComiuiKriore a. Buy your Meo Laces, Callara, Uaudkcrchiefs, (iloves, Hosiery, For rrosenis, at f!. H. MillcnVEatatoof Eii;i. Jane Osgood. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Woiihttma, 88. At aaessi mof thu líbate Court for the County oí a-.i]t-'iiiiw( holdjao at tbe tóbate (itice, i&the City ii Aun Ai l-t ■, on Saturdar, Uio twenty-flftb dny of November-, in choyeai one taousand elght bnndred ftod - renty-oite. i'i. -, i. ti ii .iíii .). Beukea, Jodgo ofProbato. in the matter of the Ksíate of Xíliza Jane Osgood, OQAMd. On rcodiog fuad Qlinffthe petiUon, tluly vcrifled,oi Cujmíiib 3J. Uájíood, Administnitor, prajing that he ni iv be ïieeiiseo tu sell MUttais real estiate whereof said deoeased diod aeúed; .{Kiiit is ordered, Thai Hdnduy, Uieeigntb day oí January oext, ;it tonoolocki& the fon be assisned tor Öio Üearing oj saíf) petltion, and tbat tho heiiv al law of said deoeaafidí and all othei uldecl i' - oro required to appeai ;it a Bfisaion of safd Qoiirt, tuen to bê bolden, at tibe Probate Oíñcé, in the City of Aun Arbor, and show . ,ny tin ■!"■ i)-, wliy prayerof the petítioner shouldnothcffnmteii : Aml ttiflfurtheTonleredhat said petitionor -:ï. uotioe to the {wrsons fnterested i" s.ii.L i--.i:iíc, ut' i-ii'ti ■ncy nf süiil petition, and tlio ho;ríng theroof, by cuiMinjí n ci'jiy of tliis oixler ío be pablisbed Ln Lbe Üietttgnn rfftt9f nevspapax printed and oiroulatinfl in satid county, foui suco asÍTe wceka piw ioiib to .-ii'l day ui hearing. [Atruecopy.J un: wr ,!. BLAEE8, 1;51 Juüffuof Probate. BUY APIECEOP SÏÏ1BTIP, SEÍRTIN6 Olí WARJI lTEil GARMEiTS FOR YOUR FAMILY AT C. II. BILËES'8. .... . . 1 Chance ry Sale Xotioe. I r B8UANCE aud by rirtu 'of thedec&e oí the ■i, ii r.itirl fnr tho OOUntT ot' WnshU'imw. in r tatheonae whemin Marainot UsNnaurr, c Quiirdiun mplninaut. and K (imaty and Junen i Conaty are dofcudantSi Ihe undcrsürned, cue of the t Circuit ' onfi ComwiMíonoí ibr tbe rounfy of d lí-miu'. v.-.ll s 11 al. ]ublic imcúon, to tío highost fi der, it tie f rout door of tha Uauit Houpe. in Ui of Aun Ailicv, in waiú oouuly, "i tlir Mth of .Tiiiiiiiirv next, u nooti, + 1 ■ ■ íbUowIagd Bdiibod lnnda mul nrcmisofl viz.: The souüi part of tlw oortheast fraoübnul ijuarlerof i 'ü"" tlurty-four, contuining nixtyaineaorea more or l-s: and the Qortiipar of thc thoost quArter of the ontbeital qnartoi rf seotion thlrty-four contniiúng tWrty-throe non moioorle; ' nndtncno pp of the onthireet qaarterc: section thlrty-flvB, oonUirfna tbrtd irle , :iil in townshlp No. oaowiitli of range No. Ihree ras ;i i I r ■ : '■' a bolng la the county o 3 u ishlennv and Btata of Michigan, or so miich -f "' wia lnmla m nny bo niSlde ít ti aatiafr hU deotce, " witii lntei-osl and coatí. . "-■'■""■■"■!"7iy;.1KV!ATAV.,1,,„f(„e i ireuiL ' 'onuniaaioiieM foi N aahtenaw A. .1. Sawïkh, County, Uiohioan. Solicitor rorComplatoant. 1351 i ÜST. L, „ im Tn day erening, betarecn my teaidence and the Innrn Honse, 8nbloMiuf, for whioh t ï ■ - - liudor wíl óauitablyíewarderl il he ill lunvuit al my Uouseor I j "- Al'" irb BOTÍD8S JSRAJÍL HAM, L AAn Albor, Dcc. Ctli, TI. lWt" r-rrn - ttt titi SheriflFs Sale. QT AT I' iH' M I ( ■ 1 1 il i A X, ( 'mini y of Washtonaw, H. O liy vtrtne ot a writ of axooution bmod out of tud ander tbe secü of the Circuit Court foï ooantyol ":i 'iii'-inw, tjtntdof Michigan, dal ed il" i wonty-nrsl dnyol Miu-fii, A. T. 1871, and to roo dúccted nndde Üvered, osuinst the goodg, chatteU, landd mul U-nemoni - ei WiUiam H. Brown, dofendimt I ; iiniui1!!, i iliil, on t wi.-iit v-nint ïi day ■ t" Blurch, A. L. 1H71, fnr tiif. want of gooasand chattela, levj all therigbt, titlc and Uiten si Üial Wi'Jinu U.Utovn luis in the followlng ?eflcribed reul estufe, to-wit : All of Iota Ño. linir, Úvv, six, acveu tin ■ Irïif , ín blode oue in ( iV MniLfiiM's A)'!i'!'ii u iho VilluflV of Sfanotu i'v; ul thu itoathwost qnarter of e c-'.rvrn, Bouuivrest Quiirtai erf úortninñt quarter of BOOÜOll i-li-viMi, a tl fl BOUtheiiAt qiWrtCT Of nori he:it qnm ter of sool ion ton, nll in town Pour Mmth of rango tiin-e east, all of tha nbove downibed prwerty boing aituated in th township and vWftgc oTMaogot COUntyof Wnslitcnaw, mul St;ii' of .MirInVran, wln'i-h premisect ï ahall expooe for sale, at ií;)üc aootíontto the blghesi bidder, ut the sontfa noot of t lic Court Boueef lu the Uttyof 'Aira Arbor, on Uhe2Okfa dy of Jannarj', A. T). 1872, at 10 o'oloofc A. M. of Bflid day. Dutcü, Anu Arlior, Deo. 7th, 171 MYBON WKlllï, Sheriff, By JoitTiN Foubek, UndeTBhêriff, Bheriff48 Salo. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, caunty of AVasUtcnnw, f n By virtut; off ons exooution, iasned ontol aml underthe ha) oí theCtrcuil Oóart f r :be Coixtty of Wasfatsnav nnd Stutc of IioJiian. ogninsttbasoodff, ohattlos, L&ndfl and ten monte oí Julia silk, and to o B dircctt-d, tnd tor Mie want oí kkh1s Md OhatÜes T Imve, tlus Iwenty-thizd day of Xovrmber, A. 1). L8XL leriod on til the riiiht, titl untl Interesi wbiob s::i-i Julia Sïïk ban in tlie following deooril ed i)io]x?rty, to wit: Commencinfr at a blaok ook rtump four onaini umi linkft wcat of the oantel of nclin uuiabci' tu't.nty, the&oe wa1 along center line of twiiil sectfon two ohuinw nnd nixty links, theflos north thuty and oni-h.ilt agraes eftt [truc benring) onc chaiu a(l nixty-eigbt links to a ituke, thenoe enstedy two cbnhis nnd twenty-livc links, to tito piare of beipnnin; th; abova deaófbed pcoperty being in the reootded put w tlie city of Ann Arbor, cunuty of Washtcnaw, aud fatale of Miphr.íaii, whioh nbove premiflei I hall eocpo ' 'fi tr salo, at public auction to tftte b%het Mdtler, attliesouth door of tlie dunt House, in the city of Ann Albor, on Satiitilny. thfl twentit'th duy of Jnnuary, A. ]). 1872, :it ten ó'clock A. M. of wud day. Dated. thi.s 4th, day of DO8 ibeft A. D. 1871. 1351 MYKON WK 1113. Sheriff. BUY SOMEIHING USEFUL AS WEU, AS OMTAMENTAL, FOK HOLIDAY PRESENTS POR EVERBODY, AT C. H. MiLLEfNTS. A NN ARBOK BOARD OF CONTROL OF T1IH MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. OOMPANY POK TUE CITY OF -A.NN ARBOB, ANO ToiviiK of Ann Arbor, or(lifild, WJ ster, Scfo,, lexter, Sylvan uu l.yuilim, - EACH MEMBEK IXSÜKEü FOK $5,00 Hon. Charles Tripp, Elibu B. Fond, DeVolsen Wow!, a. xi.,c. E.Hcnry 1). Bumiett, Wm. i ltreukey, II. D., Btcpban M. Wrteter, J. O. A. Hesóiun, Lcohhord liiuner, Warren Tremain, Edwarcl j:1i.k1. Insure wlth the Michigan Mutual becauae it invests the f.inds of lts Policy Holdeis of thi3 Díatiict in the District, under the supervisión of the Boa:d, THEREBY ASSI TINO TO DSVELOP OUR RESOURCES Policy Ilolilcrs aecuru to tliemsdioa The HigheatSates of Interest Tbere is a cliffereiice oí fully 3 per cent between raten oi interest East and West. $1,00 invested aniiually fnr 50 yenr, t II) per cent , tmountl tu 1,280,2!). IO $1,0' o iiivcstej aoDually fur ;o }-r'6 at 7 per cuut., imts to 434,08(ï.t l'ifTorencc, S;M.".3 1 S.-1O The higiier the rales of interest receired the less wlÜ be the cost of Insurance and ihe largor the divideiuls. A.H l'olioiee are ISTon-F'or'fiUi.ljle after payineiit of one ucuiual i.JYBUiilXIXl It paya Divldonds on tho First Frominm. IT H ÖÜE-nraLFIH OF ALI. THE BÜ81ÜE88 IOC l T.IIS STATE lï H70, coiiPETisci wri oí Iï CAN FURNISII ÜNDiiUBTEB AsHlllANC TO M-ICIIla.YN ftlSN AT LltSS GoST ÏIIAM ANÏ OTlIKit Cj.ML'ANT. The Company is Prohibitea by Law froa Spesulating in Keal Estáte er OtherwiseItde&la hl CaSII ON'T.V. 'It is au obvinu? principie i l.ifi' AHOnuce tüi it oannul be duiio oncrvilit. The nrticle la wlilch Iho t orapany dRald mnrt b pid for In Oah befora it eau be puppliad," OFF1CERS OF THE B9.4RD : THIPP, I'rendimt. E. B. l'OXl. Vioo Prwldenl. 3IEP11EN M. WHKSTKR. Trc.'isurcr. v. V. BRKAKEY, M. 1)., Medlcil EEzaminor. .1. ( A. SKSSIONS MKirnry :ll rt AL'ont. UEU. L. FOOTE, Secretar)' Jir.l District A,'cat. OFF1CKRS OF THE COHFAKI : JOHN J T!A(1I,EY, Prosirtciit. JA 'M S K LRRAND, Vc: 1'rcsHlcnt. jiUlN T. LIGGETT Beeretarj. JA.MKS C. WATSON, Actnmy. L. M. THAYKlt, General Airent. UfOirt -t 4 ES ■ ■ ■.' TTF11LT A P I 1 ■ ■ SAAI. lí. UJt-VlüIMAULjitl Coinés 01(1 AVBSOTYPES & DAGCEBREOTYPES IN FIRST CLASS STYLE TD A.NY DESIRBD RTZB. NNUAL MEETING OF TUE islitonaw f oimty isrrlciiKnrnl and Horfie-jltural Society. Thcannunl meotingof the Washtenaw County Atfriculturül anl Ilni'tirulturiil Socioty, for tho clcrti(n tf otíiúBn, and for tnuQMotfoD of suoh othev busiies9 na may propccly come befiiro it will bc held at hc Comrt ÏIousi', in the City of Aan Arbor, on Tuosl;y the lüth dny ot J)frrmiHT, at 11 o'clock in the orönoon. A full nttend;incü of tho iiicmlwrs in doI.VMAN 8, WOUD, I'rtsidont. David M. Fdtlkt, Boo'y. Ana Arbor, Nov. 3 th, 1871. 13w3 A NN AKIiOR AND LODÍ PLAXK HOADCOMPANY. The annunl moeiíng nf the KtdcklioMt-rs of tho Ann i "i .in,; dIi l'liuk Bo4d 'Vmipnny, for the cloction f Dirootor íbr tho ensuinff year and for noh otht-r DBiness aa m iy proptrly ooiqq beforc khemftetiim, illbelieldat the otfiw oi tho eompany, In the ity " A'in Arlr, on Tuewlay, the -d day of Januury, !)2. at 2 ü'olix-k i m. of Bfiid fliiy. JOilX N. tiorr, Tnamm. Kovemibéj tfth, 1871,. 135'jtd Gq toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for ch&ice Wines and Liqunri for Medical Purposes . JBLIABLE INSURANCE! , Vortli British and Mercantile Insurance Co. )F LONDON AND FflINBURGH. t lUnïEUED 1800. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold! Tbc Amertonn Mannfor of tfie utotc. Compnny sra renrived tho i'otluvting tcküram from the Louou i'.n:i ui ; "Subscribe Flr TIioiiKitiul Dollarn lorCtalcaffl sufferer- settle all Iokkcs rom : I s - Hm at 111 !■■■ siffht- Aincrenn :isM'ts will nut !.-; tuuchcd." Springfleld Fire Ins. Co., OF SPItlN'GFIiai), MASS. Capital 8500.000. Thelrmes of this Cnmpauy, by the Chicago flre. will hc prMnptly rotlled b cjish' paymonts miul by stoil;hu!(l-.:rM, k'üvinj; the Compftny wilh thir rnpital nnimpaired, larye asete, and an unintorruptt'd taigiiiesa. Tlicsi" onip.LiiifS are touud aud roliablo beyond au doubt. Hinks taken iu the abov Companics at adequatn rates, II. I). UEXJÍETT, Agent. J Q. A, SESS1OAS' INSURANCE AGEMCY. . Hls Cómpauies Are Sonnd. pHaiNir INSURANCE CO., H'AUTFOHD, CONN. CAPITA I. AND AS ETS, Jolt 1, 1ST1 . . . . $1,T81 ,000 cmcAGO LossEs 7&,wn TUK !'H:f is flir Ik-sI contlnrted K'irc IiiKiirancc Company in the (uitcd Muil. Altviiys prudent and sound, mui alnays prompt in payuicnt of luses. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., KEV YORK CITY. The flret Company to pasa the ordcal of the New 'York Insurance Commissioners siuce tlie Chicago 'Flre, coming out from Lhe uvero te&t TRIUMPHANT ! ABSociatid Press Dispatch; November 2, 1S71, THK INTERNATIONAL IS1URAX0E COMrANÏ. The Superintendent f the New York State InKiinmce Jlopartnient, holi making acareful oflici-il 'x;imin..iion of the Htw York City Companiee to-day, certifles th:t the International Company' assets of Jl,50",000 are securely invested, ani ite capital of $500,000, after provldlng for all Habilities, includlnK ttic Chicago lire, is wholly uiiimpaircd. This Compaojfa pa;üig all lu Chicago loases and is Round and reliub!c. Polidev issnydat fair rutes at my oiïlce, No. 11 East Ihirou ïtreet, Ann Arbor, J. J. A. SESSIOXS, XscnU IMTtf. yM. WACIMËR IS HOW BEAPÏ F01Í THE FALL TRADE 0ATÍDg Keccived a Largo Stock nf FALL AND WINTER aooDs, ÏN'CLUDING CLOTHS, CA8SIMEREÍ?, VËSTINGkS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and ÖUALITIES, tratos uk wili. on tcrms to suit. Aiso a full line of KEADY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜKNISHING Goods. BEST STYLE. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS1 MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 South Main Street,- East Side: OALL AND SEE THEM. WIM.IAJI WAGNER. Ann Arbor,Sept ,18TI. 4 VALUABLH STOCK OU G-rain Farm ícr Salet Tlie above fnrm is sitiinted iu the Townshipa of [)exter and Putnam, Livingston and W:i.-litfiinv (.'(niülios. Ten mih'rt from Dexter, nine miles from Chclsoa, and live milee from Mnckney. It cuutaius Fivc Hundrert and Twenty Acres. t Is iraJl wterd nd plenty of ttmber. Ab ntoneïnlfnmlur a good caluVatlon . Ternuof sale easy, n moiuiv will hu reqnired on llrft paymrnr. 1 rf -If nut s ld soon, I will lease saiil farm if I anflna.h,riShtman. „ w. COOKE, Poatjfllco nddrais, Pinckney, Mich. IMSaS 3O,OÖb FOE SALE AT A BAUQAIN I II A VU l !.((;) invcKtcil in aF.uit Karin in ! julliern Illinois; SlO.OODin IIuuscs, ols, in. 1 landa in Vinelaiid, . J., And os mncli more in dötnclied parcela west. nny f which l will nil ut a bargniu, and on time to auit , M. -il.!.- rs. Viiu land is n delightfal place to lire in. and a (jreat í Morí tor 'inTiilid, Thoy produce abundance of (Vuil, n. i ham all fl Atlantíe oitles and watwinrplawa ■ u nuiikvt. Thcl'nnt fiufm (it Sojitlivrn Illinm cal mrb adxantoge in the ■ariy inai;kct of orthern btats. ov'x uur owy lutitydt', witli ncarly iaUe iin-n.'i profits. -i A Mmd min tn " hmiM and I aan) ■ (ton in this lfinitv, eitlnr of windt Í will tuke in exohangeofta ir pifoo, but no ipeoulativo prioea wül bo toleratsd. v property is antacumberad, and tltle pertoot. I' AG ftrbor, Nuv. 'Jtli, 1ST1. c' i:i4;,v., ISU.AE1. MALI'. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Modicino8,PaintB,Oils,&c. g25,000 ; ,; WOBTH OW "ALL AND WINTER CLOTH1NG II GiR All! ! pok MiimAeni S. SONDHEIM HAS RF.CEIVEO THE LARCEST AND BESTSELECTEDSli OF FALL AND WINTER GOOBS GEffT'8 I'IKMSIIIX; GOODS, GH1LDRIN AND YO13THS' CLOIHIX6 TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCIIKLS, &c, &c, &,, TIIAT HAS EVBR BEEN nitOUGHTTOTHi CITY, W1IICH UK W1LL SELL Cheaper than the Cheapest foi Cash. ALSO A P1NB ASSOKT.UEHT OPJ CASS1MERES, COATlflGS, and VJÏS71IGS, WHICH HE WltL AKE UP T ORDE IJff THE BEST STYLE, AND WARRANTED A PIT OR NOMÜN JËADTHISr I AM NOW TREPARED FOR THE FALL TRADEI I BATE THE IjARUEST AND Finest Assortment OF OLOTHS OP ÏÏVJ'RY PESCRIPTION BVKB BÜOÜGBT TO TUIS MAIiKEI1. KVKIiYTHI.NlJ NEW, AMD STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINE OP GËiTS' FlIiSHLG GOODS ! EVERYBODY WISHING FALL AND WINTER CLOTHlSö WILL FIND IT TO THEÍR INTEBEST fTO UAI.L ON JAMES BOYD, I31$tf 24 Main S B0OKS.____ 1 BOOKS. j. r. webstkk & (o. new kook stoke m:.vh the " EXl'RKSS OFFICE." IjOOK TO VOÜB INTEREST AM CAJUU jJBOÖKS, AMILfüS ifliin.'tobcsupi.liVííwiíh III I.K '"'''ijí! uwebaverh Ir oirter for tbe sM n' "ï m K r. Iltirouaiul Plilb Ktrcc-te „ ., c 1840U "■ ''"■■■ pjiOPLE'S DRUG Sïüi' R, W.ELLIS& CO.


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Michigan Argus