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II. Cohen's Column. AT THE NE"W ilBi Stfll'E ! 47 SOUTH MAIN STREET, You can now flnd a larfce and complete ssortment of Ladies and Cliildrett's PALLAND WINTBRHAT8 IN ALLSTYLB. TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, AIbo a Full Line of RIBBONS, LACES, COLLARS AND CUFFS, Hotsiery for Ladies and 'Chüdren, Glovetfor Ladies and G kil dren Ladies1 Made. UndenGarments, LadieJ Snit Under-Garmentsy Hoop Skirts, CorseU, Madam Foy's Corsets and Skirtf.Sujigorter. HANDKERCHEEFS In plain Linen, Hemsttteït, liaoe, Iuitial, Mourning, &c. Plushfor Cloaking, Silk Velveisfor Cloakingsr Velveteen for Cloakings, Yelvet on the liias, all cofons,. Velveteen on the Bias, alV shades, üibbons, Velvets. Buttons and Dress Trimmings. Jaconet Edgihg and Insertion, Towelfe and Napkins, White Trimmings of all kinds, RTJFFLIIsraS. Jaconet, plain, stripe and check, Nanisook, plain, Btripe and check, Soft Finished Cambric, Swiss Muslin, India Twill, Victoria Lawn, Bishop Lawn, Linen for Shirting, Tarlatans, SHIRT BOSOM8. Gernoantown W00T9 of every color, Germantown Balmoral Yarn, Knitting Yarns, Gent' Collars, Suspendere, Hosiery, Neck Ties, and Handkerchiefe. PKRFUMERY. Hair Oils, Colognes, Bay Kum, ! Soaps, Bair, Txta and liail Brnslies, Pocket Books, Albums. Jet and Shell Jewelry. Bracelets, Glove and Handkerchk-f Boxes, Woolen Goods, 3STTJBIA.S. Worstfed Slipper Partero, Embroidered. Cushions, and in fact everything nsually kept in a Millinery and Fancy Goods StoreH. COHEN, 47 South Main Si. IMI TUST RECE I VED! F@ftlL.EY LE WIS hivc nxeived a largo uní wi'll-BOlcctw! Stock of New Fall Goods ! BOUGHT POR CACH, All of which innst be soUt sirte ofsixtv ilays lo make rooin for 0111: SoÓoKD Fall stock. We eitn show ou rntiMiess tbc Best Kip 13oots ever brought to this market, both for mcii ml boys.. ■CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. We Iiavo the exclusive sale of .1. M. BOrt's fine haiui-iiikiie woik-ooncedecl to lc tbe best work to-wtuw lu the-masket.. (■Xxr stock ot LAMES AND MISSES' WORK IS (X)MPLKTK. ZW We hare the exclusive sale of the fine goods of E O. Bnrt, of INew York, and Reynolds Broa., oí Utica. Wc guaran teo cutiré satisfaction on this ork. 1334 JJEAR YE! E. J. JOHNSON HA9 A PULL STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! POR FALL AND WÍNTER. Alio a lurge stock of tadies' imd Gents' Furs ! i II I M STYLES MIS GOÜDS XHE BEST1 AND HIS PRICES TU Abo a fall lúe ot Genki' Purnlshthg Goods 7 South Mein St.. Aun Aiboi. PRINTS PAINTS Oils ons, Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish BrushesBrushes Brushes MÜVKRAL PAI1NTS. &c, LOT)Tv TO YOÜ INTEREST AND CALB ON R. W. ELLTS & 00., BEFOKE PUR0HA.8DTG J FAI.SE REPOIIT 1 THAT A. A. TERRY HAS GONE OUT OF THADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A I. A KGK AND COM PLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS 1 JUST THE STYLE, AND AT FB1CBS TOHUW?. THB Tmiíi. ALBO { AFÜLLLmJÍOl' GENTS' FURNISHlNtí G00DS! DONT rUUCnASE YOUR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTFITS UNTIL YOU OIVE HIM -A. O -A. X. .L.. 15 South Main St., Ann Aiboi. 18S1-U. am7 b7reveñaügh PHOTOGRAPHER ! RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIYES BEFORE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOTÍISANDTAiN Do not show in any of liis Picturos. No Extra Charge. PINÍSIMA' PÍBSCRtfTIOlS7 ACCÜKATEIíY ARO CAR2EULLY PEEPAFED BY i R.W.KZL1E &C0:,DRUGGI828. '■ DETROIT AD VERTÍ SEKENTS lyilCSUOAI SIACHINEBÏ DEPOT. G. S. WOliMER & 8ON, Dsalera in til kiuds of Wooa and [roa Wjikjig Mach;ery. ! Sa, lC-l & IOS JKFEEE5ON AVE , . KTi'.oír, un.ll. GDUtXTX fe UltOTIIlCU, Imponen íhiiI Dt::ltis in TOYS; YASKEE N0TI07ÏS H0S1EKY. LACES AND TRiMMINUS, xr .vMsrtOTt itt.i;n y Chtldrcn's Cariiagcs, Baskets & Sleighg. No. SO iiud 82 Wondv.ird Avir., Dotrulf. omr remi Flour Ln.cS ■10 GILLETT 5c HALL ])jcjt? rr. IVp f llorante lilgfaxt f k. i , bnnrdlKtc fales, and prompt rciuriis. Ot LiluralC'ash mlvances. 'po siiiii'i;us WIÏ EAT ! vVe are prepared tu offer inducement' to snippers of wheat QOt nrpa.-sed by thoaeof any otliur hoaae Liberal advanecs, prompt attention and quick reJACOB BEESON & CO., 65 Woodbrltlge Street, Wost. Detroit C-iRAIN' BUYSBS CON IGN I to JOHN H. WENDELL & CO., DHTTBOIT. ÍV grmrantrc pmmpt f.ilr and Imtnadlnte rpturns We ore íil tl tiinos to placo car loM ol ñineyWhita or K-d WUent lo idrantiae if shlpflod tn Ihroil'íi line r.iry. We ruf;r to nll lianks nnd Commercinl Acucif'. iRRIAOES AND SLKl(;ilS. ' ü-cres-sa: joitiisrsojsr., ANl'KA'TÜRrB A.ND 1RAI.F.R !N Cart'iaffes, Hit(rics and Slriylm, Cor. I. I rural aV ClINN HtTVp%. ■ Iiirirc assortment ol KASTKHN mil HoocinHdc nus;tíitiH Carriftgos and Sleigh ou Itand, oí fluífllud to urdor, An Examination of 3tock and Prices Solicited. i JOHN PATTON & SON, J MHnvJ:itnrcr and Doalers n Carriííges, Biiggios, Sleighs, &c, The lineítai'sortmi-n! in Mirhiun. Estublished ln 1S4, FAOTOET flOSVSK uïoiur.!]";K A n: r-r.r iihikkkts. Uep' sltoryT 'ii Jcffcrson A euat , Detroit. ctrKrrTJiíiü r P. HUFJXAcJífL & CO., 213, i & 217 Woodward Avenue Detroit We havua complete assortment of the finuHt Ftiinittire, and other gradee. A cal] frora buyers ie eollclted. We arefully ablo to snit all n? toijunllty and prices. We TOniinfacture ininl oí onr luruiture, and goarantee sutieractioD. AM SKLL1NQ ALL STYLES I or HOUSKHOIiD inCJRTTITTTRK Twenty-five per cent lom than any other house in Detroit. Do uot fui] to visit my Farnitnre Warerooms. JOSII. W. SM1TII, 260, 2Í2 and 254 Eaet Side Woodward Avenue. F ALL ANO WINTER STOCK OF FINE WHITE AND BOIÍDEItED China Dinner and Tea Sets, Some vfíry fine in coTore;ntso flne CntOlass: Roeere. Smith fc Co's. fine l'loted Oood; Ivory and Unbber Handled Cntlery, Lr:e stock oí 9tstm, itracket and líaiígin Luinps. &c, .Vr for 3ule al low pricen hy I. IMcCOItOT ICK, ti) Michhran Ave., opposite New City Hall, Detroit. NEW ERA IN 8EWING MACHINESThe New Wilton ünderFecd 8ewlcg M.i chine maVes the sume utitch as the Mager, Hnwe, and all other hlgh price Lock-Siitch Machinis. íi theircqnal in all, and superior in maiiy reapecU, takint' the in the State Fair of 1ST1 over nlloibees, Sold S2II lss than any other flr-t-t lii-ia machine;. Wurrnntcd Uve jeta, Send for cinular. K. CHENEY & SON, Geu'l Ai.-'t3 172 Wo .iriuard Av., Detroit, Mich. OII II. IOÏ'IIliTY. M'inulactorera of PICTUBE & M11M10R FRAMES CbroinoN, KnurravingM, and 1'botos. At Wh..loale. 2S7 JEFFERSOS AVEME, DETROIT, IRIf H ruiEODORK sir;;,Ki. 1 Mauufaccnroi of LOOKIXJ-tíL.VSS A. PKTURE FK.VMKS G;lt, R;stwao3, Walaol aad Ornafneutal MooHiiigs, Importan of Lookinj; Glaps Platee, i'hroraos, and ffbgravlnLs. 31 Atwatcr slrcct, Detroit. LAY to AXAMS, Manufacturan of níid wholosalc cíealcM's in PURE WHITE W1NE, CIDEK AND MALT PBKMUJ VINEGAES 14 Atwatcr sin-ri. West, 1343 Detroit, Michigan. flOLIVI'WITirS llEïANTtSTiimiii BOS"ixüssÜNivKneiTi, imruoiT - Htixiuees practica)!} tnught after tht' C'ointl: e House sysiiui, I he only 'true and practicttl sysiem for illiist r:iT in lt r:il buiDPBS, rctiuiring Batikt, floret. Bustoestf Houwsí, Offices, Hoard Df Trade.ete. No iiiftltutlon ever took a premium for Book-keplllK and Bnrinaw Practica OTei this intitution, and aty assrrtio:. to theeontrary is fale. Ptitaae adUtcsi as abuve for papers and documeutB. 1HALLKNGK.-I will place M latte V7 hands ofany responniblc party wheuevcr auy Hilliard Table manufacturar m wiUlng to teet tae rits of his Hilliard Tablea, aa t.. itaraHUU ""' ir 'Kni'inxhiii nn'l zyh't ron-cliir ■ dad oafcltWW '■' cuthinns, vvnt uring alike amollTU ou tho d; i.'i"M. And 1 fnrther p'opuse thfit the winner hall dispone o[ the m.iney w, u by ivi u it for orne charilible purpose. C. SCIIULENHURG, Billli-rd Table Muratasturer, Detroit, vleli. TAMÏS JKNKS, [KffrAaiuaJtD I8M. w Dealer in all kindsor 1LACHINEBY AM) SUITLIES. AI.SO, AOXHt ruK UALIS PATENT SHIN'OI.K MACHÍN K. JOAtH-ater Street Éat, hetween lSaia;s and Handulph Btreets, Det-olt, Mlch. 7tASII'BliI.I-, UJiN & CU., DKALKns IN DRY GOODS and MILLINERY III afc 1 13 w.odwnrd Avenue, comer (oiifrces St Detroit, M.xh, DJUC88 MAKIKG I 8PBCIALTT. QOAJ K 111 lN(bi JM t. W AT 50 Main Street ! LOUIS W A LZ, GROCEU &C0ÑPECTIOIfEB HAS A LL STOCK IN IIIS LINK, AND WILL PBOHFTLT SEIIVK TUK PUBUOWTTH SUOARS, TEAS. OFFüES SPICKS, SYKUl'd, CANDIKS, ETC. Parties Supplicd W1TII CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SIIOItT NOTICE, OF THE UEST QIIAMTY, AND AT THE MOST LIBERAL TEKMS. CALL -A.3STX) S SE ÏÏIlE BEFORE PTJR3H:ASING. lg30-:llC. POR 11ENT A UBSlllABi.H STORK ! And CKLI.AR. Alo one Fin" Front Itoom over tbeir New Store, No. 18 Main St..frum Anu'iisl lst, 1871. Kiiqulreof 1330-tf O.W.ilAYS, Slipt. Finest A8S( rtment of Toilet Goods in the City,br .áü.BfefreO'oiBhitiflisíír. ' 2 g 3 CD o 2 ti H S 81 Sil Mil í1! lili ' HSS ce . a r% pftm W y Q. tí n Oh1 To any ponon prodoclag any Uedf clo able to show oiic-tiiird na niuny Hvini, pcrmaiu :ii enres M Dr.PiTLKK's VKüKt i:i.K liiiF.r.MATio Rjukdt ; iikí i'ttrthn rt-ward of $I0 for ;.ny qae ofihrusk or ínfl:iimnat;iry . Nenrulfrlit. Rhvomatlc Aütie Sc aika, and Uhennwiticn] oí tho kidaeyslt itíi.' noteutt, Tliis lili -uni:itic Byrnp i ured inicardlu :nfu plenunt to tha loste ;i ni (catir&nteed free lTino Eojurion i'rus ít is not (:iiok Medicine tml tlic r-ii fm-firipiion f Js. 1. Kitler, Il L)., ProfeMox oí 'l'oxio'tlojy muí Cliemistry. gradnAtoof theeeli'brjiteú tjiiiverslty ..f pvuufijlvauin, A D. 1868, w lioaa cutiré profvsaioiíai Ufe 1í:l. boen 'levok'd spet i.-iliy lo tin diso ? u. l'hfa broiftrtlon ■jníiur voIgiAu ottb la con i -ntloutfr liellovud to be the i ly i:usitive, rt'lialííe, hitallihlü npedflo -ver dipooveroo Tho ir;") thxtt no l w aueclflc oxi.-H te fnond lu erery cnmmamij in pera Misnffltctod fui many y(t:irs past irmJ stíli suflirini;. tywhpHcian o, - a fnnr tbat mtut le oulTonallv admitted. Thr dfi tl.T. ved tmlTercr may nicelv :ik. what eearlty or evidft&ce tuu he tfaat Dr. Ftiler Rhtumufe Svrti) wllt cñra liis i:ase. The protetJiMi oflewd to t;lioiits iiíainsí iinpnuio:i if in a legally stgned coiw tmet whirli will bé forwarOert nithont charge tu any svfferer MtadiBjt hy letter a deKrlptlon ofaffll iJoii; thii ;,r irrtntet: viíl síate tlic exact uumb r ofbottlea warranted to cure, and in ca6 of f:iilure ihe ínoncy p.-iid will bo rftnrncfï lo tha patíont. No other remedy has evor boen ofTeri'd on soch liberal And lionurableterms. Htdlcal ftdvtce, wlth rerttiirutee f rom prominent Vh siciins, Clorirymon. oíd, who h;ivc boen curad .iftnr ai] other t realmente hava lailt'd, pont by. lttttr. gntfa Alllict'-d cordial. ly iitviu-l to writa foi advicó to thfl pilnclpal oiHrc, 4"tSotUli Fuarth Streot. Phil delphla. P.-i. Dr. FitU i's UhcitmatlcSyrQp is moU) by Druggitt11. W. A ; ü,,8Dle AnU, Ann irbor, Mich. SAM. B, BE VEN A U G H FíiOTOGRAPHSR JAKES ALL KIJNJDS OF PICTÜRES FliOM TIIK SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, AN" D FINISI1ESTHEM IN INDIA INKI OIZj, OR WATSH COLÜBs I IN A HUPPBRIOE MANNER. 13.9-ly. Vio. 30 IIt:UON SXHEEX. T UMBÊ3R YARD. C. IOÏAPF, a lítrqc and wcll stockert Lambwr Yudos JrAnnñ Slrect. in the mnili part of th 'itv. and wil] keepcoiitttnnily on hud au fxccllcntvarivty nf LUMBER,SKiNGLES,LATH&C which wmie.iolilnlowacai be affoided Injthis mHrki-t. (unliiTand pricejuch tliat NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITr. KBAPF. Aun Arl)or,Jai.nn.ryOth, 1ST1 W' Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'e for choiceWinesaadLiquort for Medical Purposos . ViflEGARBiTTFbï : B II V Ulij ■ LKl ■f D) - - 7iP u.""--. Ql tl . ■ - ! jfesóv1 -iL" - --. ■ ■ ■ ' J. Waik.h, Vrof.TUtor. R. H. HcOmmu A Co, Ur.ii.u A Guu. Al-'üU, Siil Krnncii'-ci, Cnl., ;,i..I SI CtUDtm SlfMtTVi V. BIHjLTONS ISriir ToMtinoiiy 10 ihcif Wond ei tul Ourmi ve Eilccta. Thcy nre not avilo Fancy Drink, Mnle of Poor Ruin, V!ii!try, IVoof Spirits mul Ket'uMo Llqiloi'S doctnred, spiccd uní swcctencdto picase tho tostc.called ■ Tooien' 'WpiH-iizcrs,' "ncstorerV'&c., lliut l-;ul Ltu' tippkr on totlrnnktnncfcsaiiti ruin.btit are ainie Medicine, made fromthcNativc RooteandHerbl of California, free frnm nll Alcnhotic Stlinnlunts. ThoyarethoGHEAT KI. OOI) JM'RIFlBUtmd A LIFB G1V1NG PKIXCH'LE, 5 perfect Hcuuviitor and lirvfgoratof of the System, curry 1 mr off all noisonons matter and restoring thoblood to & hcalthy condition. Ho icr?ton can tako thettc Bitters nccortting to directions aml remaiit long unwcll, providad their boSMt are nol dustroyed by mineral poUonor otlicr menns, and the vital oruans wastcd ■mih1 the polst ot repair. Thcy are a (ontlc l'urjratlvo a welt nu a Tonlc, pOBMMsfnfti tttao, tlie peculiar nierit of actitiR :s a pomrfnl ngent in rclievinj? Congestión or Inflanv nmtioii of tbfl T.ivrr, nnd nll tlie Vlncand Orifans. FOK PB9fAtj8 COMPLAINT! inyoungor nUl, in:irrU:il ot singla, ut thednwn of womanhood orat Uie turn of lifc, Uichc Tonic Bitters have no cqtial. Kor I nlln tnmai ory mul Clironic Ilhcumnrisni it ii cl (out, DyspcpNÍJi oí' I udiscstioiu Ullioits, Rvmttleut and I nttnnUu-nt 1 - vt-iH, líisc.i tes ot' llir lïlotul, I.ivtT, Kitlnrym mul llludder, these Jutters liuvn been most Hiicccsiful. Siich l)itcnneN ure cuuscdby Vltlnted Uloori, wWofa is tienerally produccd by dcraiigcment of the Dlgcattvo Onrnnn. DYJ3PBPSIA (Hl INDIGESTIÓN ïïeadache. l'aiti in UieSliouMers,Üoiifths, Tightuess of the j!ifst . Dizzincss, Boor Eructutioos of the Stouiach, Bad Taste In the Bffouth, Bilious Attacks, PtipluttOfl of the llcart, Inflammntiou of tlie Luogs, l'nin iu the reCions of the Kidncys. aud a li uut) red otticrpainful ymitoma, aru the Otttprlnct of Dynpepxia. Thcy invigoriito tbo Htomach and t hmilnte tbo torpid Lfver nntl BuwuLs, which renner t)icui of uuequallcd efhcucy iu cleansínc the Mood of all impurittes, aud inipartin; new lifc and tigor to tho wholcerHtum. FOK SKlNTIISEASES,Lniptions,Tettei Salt Rhf-um, lilüiches, Spots, Pimples, Puntilles, i)otls,Carbunclfs, Rilis-Wonns, ScíiM Uead. Sore Kyea , KrysipoIu, Itch.öcurfü, Dihcotorations uTtlie ükin, Oumorsand liseast:8 uf tho .Skin. of wtiatrvr nauie or nature, aro litt-rallv dug up and earried out of the syBtem in a short time by the umc ut these IHttent. Ono buttle in aucU canos will couvtuco tho uiost incrodulous of their curativo effecta. Cleanso tho Vitiated Blood wlienercr ynu find its im purtties buntioL through tbo skin In Pimples, EruptiouK or Sores ; cieanse it whcii you (ml it obstructed and slu{jLrihh ín tho veins; cipariso it wlion it in fout, aud your felinas will teil youwhen. Keep tho hlood pure, and the hcalth of the 6 v. stem will follow. l'i n. TnpCi and oilier Worm. lurkin? tn tho Byatem of po many tliousands, are effectually deatroyed and removed. Says a ditint;uifhed phrsioloirist thero ír marcely hii individnal ujKjii the face of the eartli vrhose body ia t'xempt froin the presence of wormft. It is not upon the hcalthy element of the body th at worms fxist. luit upon the djseaaed hu mors and siimy deposita that breed these living1 monsters of dlMUe. No System of Medicine, no vennifuffes, no antheimintica will freo tbo aystem from wonus like these Bitten. J. WALKEK, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD & CO., Druffgists and (Hn, Aírents. San Fraocinco, California, and 32 and 31 Commerce Street, New York. W3T3QLD BY ALL DRUUGISTS AMD DËALKR3. Chancüry Notioo. riHECIRCriT COrií'f for tho couníyci WhI tftmw. Ín ChnnoorySIABT i'K.vvr.Y, ComftaisMuit, ) re. MA'iTÍN L. ï'KAVKY, TK-fn.-Vnit. ) It s:ttisliftoiily iippaftl lilft to tliis Oonrt ly t!ic tifliilaii of Mary Pcavey,the oooipltiinazit, hdO by ii :■- turn nf tíheShextff tór the County i Wiuittenuv, nimio upon a subpoenn issucl íju the above ouuso, tl;tí the roaioenoe of Murtín L. PniToy, tbe defendant, w unknown, and that the t;tid snbúsfia 0 iald ooi bt ■erred upon the taid defendant by reasuaof his iiieenoe, ana of hls wheroabouts being unkiiovn; th refo:o, on inotion uf 1 . 'ramcr, ODt t the solieitors t'r ootnplaiiiaiitf it Isordered thol the defendani Martin li. Feorey oause his aimnniicti In thiseauaeto be entersd witbin thrce montlu irem the Qmt pubücntion of tïiis onVr, nnd in enne A his aipeai ino ■ oaiiM bis answox f; tho compluiíLani liil It bo and ; oony thereof f o be asi ved on 1 y. i'nnmr, otif cí' thHoUcttoxvfor oomptainantfoocording to the rules and praetaoefl of the oourt, uod in ilefuult thereof that the Mii'l l'ill be taken as oofifcssed; und it is turtlicr oriloi-t-r], that Boid eomplaínanl, within tu.-my man i oopy nfthla otderto be publlahedin in the JViíi kigcm Argut. an 1 thai itaid pnblioatíoo ebn tinuf fox ib" temí of thirtf?cn ■ ■ ' -.- : ■ wi-i-ks, mhr in caih week, or that the s,tM corn).):i''i]:mt muse a oopy of tbta order to be peraonally eervcl on tho defendani ii toast tweoty uayv before the time ibove proecribed fir liis Uct. Uth( 1871. K.BEAHAN, Circuit Court OonuDinfoiter, Waahtenaw County Michigan. n. Oaxaoc, 1345 :ie of the Bolioitora tor Complalaaiit. Chancery Sale Noticu. IN PUKSUAXCB and by rirtneof the deerce of the rin-iii ('in.l1 foi t ho Couiityoi Wnsiiti'íiaw, in j , n the we wherein O tn$eC Pxae, reeetVer oí' l ;. ! ir .v Peatt, ;■ complainaat, and WUliom Stephciu, Eloxrie) M. '■ ffei lee and Henry llull are defendants,andof tlie judgment o( the onpreme Conrtln said ontiae, tbe nndemgnnd, ono of tno Oírcuit 'onrt Cóminifi -íoluts for the ' ounty of A'aAhtenftWt will w-11 al public thf hiirheal bidder, al thefront ihe Cuuri EourahithQ oSty of axis Arboris suid countv, on tïio líiihdav'ií iMvinl'cmcxt ;it DOOn. the following d scrilu i lunda nnd prcmises, vir.: AU of land : uate lying itnd a tlieí 'i:miy of Whtenftw and 81 nie ni Michigan, known unn deoci üol na follows : The nortlnreal ijUiit . ■ nf veotion thirty-i4x and th1 eas1 hatfoftlte nurthwtít (iiíiitcr of abotion tliirty-tive in tormship ono, sonth of tnpe four -?(, or .- tf:;í-!i of 'ul lunas may bq BiUficienl ta satifdy -.ui decroo, witli iuterest and eósts Dntpcl. NovrmMr2fl, ]ïl. UTOHAní) BEAHAN, Ono of tho fircnil pourl C ..■ Eosen forWa&htenaw Countyi ticliij:ui. IIüm.m ,T. Bb.VKRR, Sulicitor for Complumaut. VMfí Mortguge S:le DBPAULThavtnc bwn raudo in the eondIHoDS of a inortL'HiTf1! cxci'titcil bj John ' . IVnllfly, nnó ni'.ih ltt'iri:y t P'-u-r Shnli'-i1-. rnrin date thr tí h fjny of Auiiii-Jt. one thons.ind vvii tmndred uiid jctv c::ht mi-! rocorded íü the office of the Roulstt r if i vc Un vVashfifiiaw tounty, Michigan, en . ■ eleventh day ofAnirant A. !. líi -;. anc reconté n líber :t i of mortpíre. i n pune 236 on vrhlch nu:: í.-ie there is cinímod to be dn aine hnndred .-. d devcDty one (lolldis and thtrty-foar conto, and th r y ílollart ns an attorncy fee ;i v vldcd ín safa moitirafre, and no salt or procradlng ! Iw hAiio been Institated to recovar ihcïe.v pecnreH by wtd mnrr. pftge or ony t ;rr tbrctil ; Notioo I" thewfore fiero uyglven, thtt ty virtno of the power of mhI con tatned tnsnid mrttf-ig1 nul of the Rtatnte In snch cuse mnde and provlnd, th wld mortgaije will be foriícbfiMl by l iii!e t ihe Mtd morttfnged promliieí, tn-witi All that píoceor pirel tti land lyinand betiiglntHet wnsnteof NorthfleM. 'n the County oi wiwhtonaw. una % tote of Miel Isan known, bonnded and ilemaibed as lollows t' vi' : the nnrth'nst QaAiier of the eonthersi qnarter of Bcctlon íuiniber ílfí.t'cit, townliip N". out) smuh of ranc No six ea?t accordlnjc to 'iic oriin.-il Bimrey, cout; íuíiíít foríy ai-.rt"j of land, more ir lei . whlch Fole r íii Mí út pnbHc anettoñt to the hlgheal birtdiT, nt thi' soiitli door of the Woabt8naw Oonnly Conrt llonsc, fu tho Ci y ofAnnArbor. lu p:id Connty, ftbat belnx the pface of holding tlte Circuit Coort In tfae aibreeaid Ooanty in Satnrdny, che tirerty Fcvenih day of Jaonnry, a. i), one toonMnd etgbt hnndretl and sevcnty-two, ;t ten o clock in the forenooD of hal day. November üd, I8TÍ. PBTBR S[ftn,TKT?3. Mortffasee. I.AivR :nok Sí Fiuzkk, Atiy. for Mortayee. Shoriff's Sale. STATE O? MICHIGAN", County of Uy Tirtue of n writ of exucution, íanied out of and under the sea! of the Circuit Coral tnr Une county of Washtonaw, Btate of Michigan dated tbe Sfith day of May A. D. 1871, and tome dliocted and delivei'ea, affainvt Ihe goods, clwittel, Inwh and Ippaawnti of B; Atohiaon añd Orsion Atonieon, üffcnKlants thereInnameA, Idid, on the ftfthday of July, A. I). ls;i, b-vy ii[Hti all the interest Orson Atchiaon boa in the foiíowing deácribod real estáte, towlt: Betng the aoutheaat quarter of tbenorthtquartLi of aection sixtoon, in townsliip nnc with oí mnge WVn 'it j andthomnth part of the ewt hnlf t th. northeaat quarteT of te tion teventeen, and theaouth half of the voathnlfof tbenortliwvst qnarter of ■ection m-wut.rii. township one south of rango neren eaat, in ti.!-! onntyof Waahtfmawt Btate of Mtehfaan; whleh nbove düBci-ibcd premias I shaU expoee for sale, al public the hwhest bidder, :it t lie south doornf Üiof'ourt Ilonpp. in tho city of Ann Arlr, n tito S-tthdfty of i ■(■)■ Babor, A. I. Iwl, at lOoVlock A. M. ofwvio (iiy. Dated. Not. üih, A. T). W71. UTBON WEBB, BhcrilT, iUitl Ily Joutin I'obuks, Efndfer-flhariff. ifiñfTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Ooonty of "WrtbíMmw, ss, ;y virtue ol a writ f execution kuuotl oul of and nnder ibe seal of tho Cfarcutt Courl for the oountyol Waahtenaw, Btate of MkWawidnted the tventy-first day of March, A. I. 1871, and tomo directed and de lirered, aguinst the goods, ohatteÜB, laude aad tenoments of Williara M. Brown, defondant thereio aamed, 1 iii!. on the twenty-ninUi day of March, A. i). 187i,fbrtliewa1 of ood!nd chattels, levy opon nll the rv?h', litle and Imtefwf tl;ii WttUam 1 . Brown hñfl in the followinfc ?ojibed realestnte, to-wit : AU of lotfl No. fon, Itto, six. aeren andefht,inbloekoiie inGmnger & Blorgnn'a Addition to llio Valloge t Mnnobotiter; nteo Éhe nonthwesl qaurtex of ection eleven, soutíiweBi auartoi of noitnvest oaartei t section eleven, and Bontlieast iurttr nt oortheeat qtmrtroi seotaon ten, all in town four eouth ol rn ■■ t!nf.-.-:ist,nll of tlie above daaoribsd nroperty beinR intuftted in the townshlp and villnge of uaneheatcT, eonntyof '.l':llJw, and Btate of Hichignn, whioh preniiven I shall expoM for Bale, nt publio nnotion, to the higiieel bidder, at the south (loor of Hip Oourt House, in tho Oity of Aim Arbor, on tïif SM dny of N'ovember, A. I'. 1871 1 lOo'docV . M. of Bala aay. DtedAnnArbor, öept.iOtli, 1871. MTBON WKBB, BherlfT, By .JouTiN PoBBKS, riilfr-Sbt'riff. Theabovalols potftpoiwd t Lhe7tb 4ny of SeeHB ber next, ■' the same limo i day nul plueo. Dated, Nov. Í3d, 1871. MYKON WEBB. Bberfff. PyJOBTIJÜ FOBDKH, V inior-Sherifl'. [nüOPLE'S DRUG STOtijii R, W.ELLIS& CO, - - - llutil lístate VOZ Sulij. 3TATB OF MICHIGAN, County oí Waahtenaw, m. J In the inntterof tliu oí T'n.mas.l . Brooka, lm immri. NotieiM. le r l' '?: i'ii, tliat in líursuanee i i imordi i i thc andcruignea, edminiatratoi tatoof snid deceaeed. bj the EEaa. Judfpe of l'iulciti'.it ':!ii: County ai Viuht4nmr,an tiiesixt. (..y of Oatober A. 1 1871, tlwre wí'.l hr ..!.i tt public ' rendue, tQthehigheMl bidder, at the dwdliñghoi jir'-misus hereinafïer describe 1, in tbe-Cosi Wnshtonaw H sai.t Ktate. on Vcdneeday, ttaotn ■uvonth duy of Decambtr, A 1' 871, ut te-.i o'duek th tneforoi nofthatdny subject to all encinubraiiw ptboririae exwtingal tira time ot thc : leathól unudocui ed, and alao subject to the rlghtol ' loworofhia trldow tboreinl.tbe nuowtng dowribed , ■, to-wit : 'i w." and a half nerón moro or less Inge of Cbelaea ui iiaid oounty, boundedon Uut north by the Micliigun Centrit] Kaifroad lande, on ' i In ■i-.-i: lij the Miehhnui Centra] Rattroad lande and the lunda of Edward winter, theeonth by theeënteroftho John 0 Depmr rond. and on the westby landadenled Oetober 7lh, A. 1. ls4, to Condón ! L. Ingniham. uil on section twelve in township iwo, south oí range ;li-: eaet ki mid Ktate, berng th. parcel of land conveyed by James M. Congdon and ' wife toplui Thomaa -I. Broocs, by .leed noorded in liber 59 ot daeda in the office oi the Register of Dtedi in Baid cotraty on p1.: U2; excopting and mam Ing the (blloWini .-..: I '- :' :■ ucili point in the cantor of tbe .J'.hn t'. Depew road af said, two hundied and flfry . nf ■ east oornor oflan la ownod by Charlotte -. Soner.running thenoi eneterly alont,' the oonto r oi suid road threexods: tbenoe northwardly it riiíht angleuwltb aldroadaa ro-l; thrncc weetwardly parallel with úá road time roda; iln sea Mratberly al rlghl anglea with auid road six roda to theplaoa of Deginning. CHAKLESIi KEMPF, Adminfotrator. , Puted October30th, 1871. 1347 It;al Estatu for Sale. CJT.VTI'. ! 1 1 ■ U . ■ : 1 1 1 , V N , i -miiu y „i W'asWenaw. ss. In tho matter of the estáte ol Calvin K. Bcckar, Iceaawd. N'otice i hereby giveD, that in ptamanee f anjordergnntcd to the uuderngned. Bxtcutoi ■.! i deceAsed, ï the II. ju. Jndge rf Prolateiortho Coanty of wajuitanAw, on the twtntyhird ilay of Ontolwr, A. 1). 1871, Dure wil] be Bold at Public Vendne, to the higbeat Moder, al the ttou oí Boyd & Brother, Bylvan Ceoter, In the Hounty of W'asli!' n:iw in 8RÍd Síaíf, on Weaonday,thtf tweniyleventlulny of Deomaber, A. [■ 1871, atoneo'eloek ín :1ie uftcruoon of tha1 duy ubjci t :ill or mmbi tf morteage or otherwiae oxiating at the t liuleath '! sald decens ■!. and ;.1m BUbjoct totne rljrhi f towsr of Lorana ÏCrnin as widov ofNfitbaïr Boeker, leocasM) tlie 1'oUüwing (lesrrii"ii rñl ■ The northwcöt qmivter of flectlon twonty-onc, i'i tmvnihiptwowuüb of raoge tbiee -;ist, eontatninii ona ondred and .sixty aerea mora or leaa, in aaid State. áJaoapareélof lasa eommAneing on the eaat line of aaid norlhwi-st quarteron Ihe liwiker road. and runling tbenee eaaierlx towarda Bylvan L'enter twenty !ji;ims. thenco matb li'.-iit ohaina und tweniy-five inks to a 8t..ko and tones. thenoa weat I eh;.]ns to n atake anti rtow, thenoa imrtíi eürht chaina ind twenty-five lluks to th place ..i beginning, oonbnining uxteen and BO-100 n-" moreorlew; anri alaaparcelof oommencbíg mi the narthweal corner of outhvrest qnarter oa the nortbeaat i":ir:er of :iil MOtlon twvnty-one, betar twrnty rham in langth and eighi ohaina and flfty link iu wiuth, confeftTntng wven ei ■■ &on b, Ih inu' liuid known t be a part of ihe old farm forueriy ovned by Joaeph IVn y, mti the auuio aa conveyed by deed froni Olive Tiene nor, Lewu . üecker and wifo, Ootober Mth, A. D. Loff7,to aaid Calvin K. Bcfiker, rveordcd on page --:!- ïf liberQ4of deeda, in the ofiicu of thc lïegitvr of -:liil I VlUtltV. Dalod, Oviubcr 2:1, A. D. 1871. W1Í8LEY BUBCHAKD, '3-I7W lixecnlor. Beal Estáte for Rale. STATU 01 MICII1OAX, Connty of Waahtenaw, aa . Iu the nutter of the calato of (jeoiK-1 S. braer, :. is horeby given, tiiat in ponnnnoe of au order pxsntad 10 the nndoraignea, adiniustiutois of Uie eatate of .-aid deoeoaed, by the ilon. Jadge nj Probatefoi tfifl Comtty of Waabtenair, og the sixth do of N'ovejnber, A. D. 1871, tone i!l bc sold nt ijublic YL'nduR, to the highetït oidder, a1 tlw.dwalling bonseon premlaea hereinatter deacribed, in theCountyof Waahtenav ïnsaid Btatc,on Wchiesday, the scvou eenih duyui Jnnuary, A. 1). 1 st 2 , utoue o'clooh in Lheafi inooiioftJint dar (aubicet to all enoumbrancea by raortgaffp or othervwe exiating at tintime of Ihe deatu ot !-: i. I doeeaaod, und nLsy snoieofe to tin; riu'ht of dov ur (I bia widow therein), the following described real eatete, to-wit : 'J'he wet hivlf of tlu southwest qu.irter of wectiou abcteen, in tomishii t iro rttmth ol i.:t..' ireagt, u'ningci nty aaea more oi leaa. in uañ state Dabed, Sovianber 6th, A. lv ls;i JON'AS FEEEK, C. I n!.:i, 3oO Admiuiatratora. Corumissionors' Xoticc. STATE 01' MICHIGAN, oDunty of Wnahtenaw, .■ The nnderaiffmed, hovinj] been appobxtêd by the Probate Court tor aaid oounty, ComuunaiODna torepoiva aznmine and adjnat all doinia unrl demantls of ill T ens axninat the eetate of ïlary Jane Haywalt, 1. . .-t Biiid county deceased, hereby pive notiee tlmt si raontba from date allov.-ed. by order of swtl I 'ourt, for emlitors to present thcir obtima ;lm' - the esbite of aaid deoeaaed, and that they vil] ut hooffioaoi Qeorge C. Page, in the viliageof I . ster, in Baid oounty, on Baturday, tin' twenty - venth 'iay of January, and on "Wedm-sdny, tho twentysocond dar of M;.y next, ut ten o'ciock a. m. oi eaoh of aaid aayBi t.) receive, cxumine, nut] itld claims. D.ited, Xov. 22(1, A. 1. 1871. i EOROE e. PAGE, OOwi PETEB 1 UITE, ('onii:tis:rtn'r-.-f. Conimissionois' Ntice. STAT!'. 01? M1CHIUAN, County of . Tho underaignedt havuig been appotnted by tbe Plrobttte Court lot auid county, ComnuAionexa to re■ iv.-. examine and ttdjuat ;tll áaüna and demnnda of aii peraona ngainat tho estáte of John Reyer, luteof aüïd wnty, decoaaad, liereiiy irivf notioe that six montba from dute areoUomd, by order of aaid rnbnte Court, forcrediton to iii'"-"-;p -r;ï theu clairasugainut ■■■ et Beid da eaai 'ï, and tlial they rill meel at the office of aaid di ■■ Laad, in the city of Ann Arbor, in 'sni'l oounty, on Baturauy, the ti:y-tl.ii ihy of Deeamber, aadTuetAay, the twenty-ttrst day "t May next, at ten odocK a. .i. of aacb of yai.l diivt., to ;.viiv. examine, and ndjual Mfil daima. Dated, Novi rubeï Jl.-t, A. D. 1871. JOHN MIIXElt, ) (. r HAtTSER, 5 Commiwioncr. CUiïTl-vN EBEEBACH, ) 13Ww4 ite (f William F. Oillett STATE OF UICHIQA'N, County of SVoibtenaw, lotice i ti' -. i!'t bynnorderol tlw Probate Cuurt for the Connty of VFaiditonuw, mtuic uu iJUe sith day of Norcmber, A. 1). 1871, six montha from that dute weie nllowed for creditora to pieacut tbeir o tlw oetnte "t iiliiiin i'. UiU m. Inte of aid t'ounty, deceaacd, nnd urcditors ot' iï dtcenaed ure roquirtitl to prcaenl th. br :.i.iifi Probate Court, al tino Probate Oflloe, in ti : y ni A.iu Arbor, for examination nnd ntlowancc, on os ■ ixth day of Maynoxt, and tliat .-icli cbiima wöl Ih.' hcaid bcfore said lrobah Coort, on taturdny, twentieth day of Janniiry, anti on Monday, t !:c sixth tïay of .Ma;' Dext, at u-m o'clock in the forunoon of eacb of tbonc duy. Uateil, Anu Albur, Novembei 8fh, 1871. H1RAU .1. IIKAKKS, I318w4 Judgc of i'robate. Estáte of Lolund Walkor. TATEOF MICnif) ■.'.■ ountyof Washtenaw,M. i Notiee is hereby given, by an ordei of the Probate Couri (orOwConnö of Woahtenaw, tho twenty-ti.ii I ii.iv nf November A. )). Wíl, aix montba trom tlint datcwure allowod Rtr ereditors to priwaiil tln-ir ctnioia againal t)e oatote of LaUmd Wiilker, late of sakl oouuty, decawad, and that ;:! oreiliton of mivl cleeooaed an roquired to presenl kiieu dainu to aaid Prubatc ''ourt, at Uie Probate OtHce, intheCityol Am: Arbor, for examination and aUowouce, on or before the twenty-tMrd day of May, next, and that euph elainu will be henrd before aaid Probate Court, ón Satunlay, the thirtieth day of üooember, and on Tbundny, toe tircotT thW ilnyof Muy tmxt. at 10 o'dock in the forenoott of i-;;-)i ut khbae Ia"s. Uiitcil, Ann Albor, Noveiiilr 231, A. I). W71, IIIKAM J. 11KAKES, 134,Ur4 Judse of Piobfttc. Estáte of Eber M. Munroe. QTATU f .'.m HUiAN, County ofWaabtCDaw, at. 0 Xotioo ia herel'j givcu, tiia bj n order of the Probate ' '.i-.vt lor the Unroi! y ofWaahtenow, made on the twenty-eighthdayof Noveml or, . 1) 1871, ah montlis from that cuito wcro allowod for ereditora lo preaent !i,-:i olninu ngainal tho utate "f Eber M. Munroa, lat ofwiid uty, deoa ed,tndthal all ereditora of ■aid deoáiaed are requxred to present tbeir elaüiaÉ to aaid l'iobate Court, t tbs Probate Orlico, in thc 1 y i Vnn Arbor, for examination and allowance. on or before the twoniy-elghüi 4ay of May next, and t!i al mi h cl;iiin will be board bcforo said Probate Court, on Baturday, the twenty-eeventJi day "f Jmmary, nhd on Tueaoay the twanty-ehth d:jy of 3!ur, Dext at ten o'dock in tho forelioou of cach of thosc Dated, Ann Arbor, November SS;h, A. D. 1871. II Ui A.M .1. HKAK1-.S, . 13fOw4 Jv.dgeof l'robato. EstJito of Loammi Kobiuson. ST Vt V. OP MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, ss Ata aessiun of the ProbaA Court fortheCounty of Wneütoniiw, holden at the Probate ,tb Ciw or Ann Arbor, on Baturday, the tweoty-flfth dal "t November, Intheyearone thouaand eigut bnndred and sei dnty-one. Preasnt BUram J. IicaUes, Judge of rrobat. In the ïuatur of tho estáte of Loainmi liobineou, deoeased. On reading and alias the petition, duly verifled, ol I. Ronnaan and John F. Klehola, prayini eerlain instrument now on Hle in this Court, purportiutf to be the last will and testament of aaid deceaa ■. may W idmittpd to probase, and that they may be appointed Exeentan thenof. Tli. r. uponit isiir.hrtnl.tliat Sal unlay.the twsnty-tbird day of Dcwmber next, at ten o'dook in tbeforenoon, beaadgned for tho hearing of aaid pcüüon. .nul that the lesntees divisóos and heire at law of snid deceased, and all "tint peraona intooated in said estáte, are rmnired to appeor at .■siou of said conrt, tlu-n U lc holden, at the Probate OrHce, in the City of Ann Art show causo, if any tlnro be, wky the nrayer ot uie petitionerabouldnotbe anmted: Aml it is further ordered, thal aaid petitioner givenotice to the persons inteieated in ii.l eatate, of the pendeney "t s.ii.l ïHtition, and tho hl-avili!.' tlmcof. bï cauaing a oopy of this order to !■ pubnahed in tin: Michigm Argm.a ncWiWiper tjrinlc.l and circuratiDg In san] county, Uireeauoceaove meka pravioua to ud day of AtSeeopyJ IMKAMJ BBAKE8, Estáte of June Briggs. ST TK ii' MICHIGAN, oeonty of w aahtonov, .. t aaenionof the Probate ourt for the counfa uf vVushtciuiw. holden at. th.' Probate Office, m th" ,i;vof Vnn Arbor, on Wednerfay, the twen, ninüi day of Suv. nii-ir, in thc ' One tlu.u-aiid cighthun . i ,"■■ i and nevonty-pri. Premnl Hiram .1. Denkeai Jqdge ot Prubato. In the matter ..t the eetnte of Biigga, de"SnieadüwandnUBgtkepeörton, rerined, of Feleh &Oniit,proying tlmt ome .uitabte per L bVappointedadmüiiatntar of thc eatate ot suid ue-.ixthdayotl..,....!: next, il len o'dwitto Öie forenoon be aignod tor thc hearina "f -",l petition, and SSTtheheSathiwofaaid deoenaed, and a other Deraonsintercatedinaaideetatc, are ■'.l ... apSewataaeaiionuf aaidCourt, jen to V hoMeii al Ee Probate Offlce, in Ihe oitj ol ,...' .Ubor, and jhow ,..,„..■ ,f any thew be, why the pmyor of the pet tioi iadnotbegranfiKl: Andil is further ordered, thataaïd petitiomrrgive iio ■ K wpn. Ínter. "i 'íi.i sai.l-,aic,,.i !!.,■ penienoy of aaid iK'tmon, heaiing Ehercof. bj bui ing a oopy of tlws oricrtobepuMhlmtiu tho MteHfi Argw, anem;..',. Vn„,!"l and W tunte, Ihree (.truceors.) ""■AMf;,',i" of 1 'róbate. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,PaintB ïls.&c. Estato of KlwuH H. };„,.), BTATB Oí MICH1GATÍ, tv „f V,,,,,.' 3 At awaion of l-,„l,,t, ■ i ■„,:„ ,„ ', '"r,,. L.!, holden t the !',..■„, uLggi it Aan ArlH.r, on Siitm.lay, i],v,.„V,' 1? fi ,.v.'.n-'v ,",',' " ■"'' "■!'t:'"Mj""1 wght huBi 'wnt, lui.,.,, .1 l!...:,v-., Judevof vroi„,t„ I n the mattra ot the. csute ol Kdwiinl s i. !.. I III r nl tilinjf the pelition, clulv v. V,:,. ü,-!,, ,„;;vi„ ,i.„t u „.„„i,', „J", m Me in thfe court, pnrpniting to bc the CÏÏi awtamcnl ol Mid deerned. muy be adnnuJV'N te, and thut ndiBinútnitioii of :,a m ',„ - r;inii'il taomouitableyman """H, 1 TIk.-jv.iix!, M i, anteved, t hot MowUy, th(. ri„. ;.y o fwmbjr ...v., ,.t teil o'click ,„TS i. '.„,,. ;,-.,...„, ,i ,,„ ,,t hearing of uid „,„,? thal 1..1.,-s. ,l,.vis,,.s.!n,)„:ir, „,],., BOPralwto cuito. i„ tí, Arbor, and abow om,,., if „ny ü.ere i ... prayerof the K(Uioa.-r sboald not bc irrun'hJi1 It i l.„tl,-r .,„!,.■, . U,„ XIJll 1,,;,,,m,i-1 K ' ■ M the persons infeiested in snid e!ati-, nf m,,. , " ; ol saidpotitioB. and tbc hearing ti,.-nol v 1 "S oopy oi thia order to bc puMixh'ci] in thc;,?"! gut, ne.wsjvtpr prfotcj nml uinru)n(ins in ,',? ty. threo aucecaúve wccMs prrvirm, to „ïd ly ?■ (Á copy.) HIIUMJ.ilV.AKFS ml J""tr,,.,. Estáte of Lyin.v.i Whitney CTATE OKMIOHIGAN, Conntj ol W„shte„. O At a Beartm .r the Probate Court f.,r Air of Wachtenaw, holBcnat thr Probate 0Wb9 City of Ann Arbor, on Mouday ii„. iw.n,uf of November, in tbe year ne I hou ,„?,■? bnndrad mui eeventy one. riv.-.-nt lürnm.F. Hcakcs, Jtid,.. „f .ru,... now ..n ui,, lu H.L. c„„rt. ftnrportini! to l,e Í 5 win nd teftiiroeirt l sirid dceuased, au iJZS i-.l to Probate, and that siie mij be i)oto,R Rzecatriz tburcvf "Woimjm i TbaraaponltlMoniMoil.thnt Mondar. th,.,.,h. dny ..r Dcombpr wu, m t,., .iVlül-k nuon be nmuril ter the lisnriii'.'ur b.ií. v. that tbe lesateea deytxeei) and lu-irs ,i Í ■ f:ilil deceorod. nuil nlluthcr persona lio.JÏ!' ■sMcktnte, ore ruquirod i„ nmirnr i,J ' nild Conrt, tbon tt be hoiden, .ie tl,e ProliTSl" in tbr City of Ann Arix.r, nnd show ,-„u ',?. therebo. riy the prarr of the pi-litl,,, nut !■ rrMntwl: And II ■ Curtlu-r onii-r, (M-lit onrrivi: nntlce Co th(r piTsr.n , li(li-str,ti!, or Hu; pci.l(-!,r nTsnid , the honrlua thercof. ty cun lm n cm rrftw ', to pnhllahcd n tb .if. .,,.,, .i,,.,, ., 0J'' piiturd iitidcir'-uluiinpin sa'id CN.imty'u iv,. week provioa to stld djr ol lienrii (Atrnpcopy.) ÏIIKAM J. liiKFH 1:;1" Jad-e ol Proül, EstMto of Caroline Kcttmr. ' j CTATMOi-Mi.i:i(A,C,,,m,y,,lV., 15 At .■■ . .-.-M.ii ui thePiobj.Ui Comí fui of Waalite:iiiw, li.jldi-n ut the l' City of Ann Arbur. on TucMlHy. tlu: ivcul of S'oveiober, m tlie }er one tbousaiul SSS ', oredona wrenfcy-oiie. ■ ' l'R-;nt, Efimm .!. Beku, Judneof ] . In tlm matter ut tlie tuto i.i Cnroünp iíkOu rending and (Umi? the petition, du: tiottleib I'. tlnun.r, A,)]miij.-!r;.tiT, ].i.;., ■"oyb1-1 !' utalcirimvol JI tl .Ij, '1 M ii-,1. rhereuyuu ir la ordendtthi Tneadny, tl Itnittvjh.lay .l !:..■!„!. i,.-xt. :it ten o'dedc in tlie 1 dood, ! tuwigned for tl.. hcuring "I d i(iHi and tlmt the bein t luw of tuid tlecenaod audaUuÏ! it pcraon Intetestcd in iwid estáte, are rciinuj h. peai :' n nuseion of s;iid Omtl. thi-n t,iitl,cM ' the Vrobato Office, in the City ot Aa irt," "', show canae, if iiy tbcic l-, wby tBtjnretrf.ul petitinuer shoiikl not bo íranted : Así . that s; [letitioner give ïDtiociotbe bernci luiercüted in sni.l utate, of Ilie pendenej , afii! tion, and the hearing tbereof, )y caiiisip.c at,., i tliiM order to be nnhlishrd in tl. o Vii-A.jnn LL, newapupcr printetl umi cnrr.nhitinK in siid tw, four succc-ssi c wcelu pnivious tu .s:ri,i ,l,iv ui fc." [A true copy.) iIIKAM -V i 'i'1 Jude of Pn Estáte of Frederick H. Lvon. CTAT V. OF Ml( HlUAN, eouuty f WiMl,tn„ , 0 At ;i s.'--:.-n of the 1'robwte -,rrt ff.r tVciii Of Waahteaaw, holden n 1:..! ai. i ;;ïi_ . ,it üt Alm Airbor, ,.n Xueitday the tweittv-flrrtd!' November, in the ywir one Ibouiult-.iiitj an.l aeventy one. Pretent, iliv;im J. Betiltea, .ïinï'n' nf Probata In iï:r iicuier ot tire enlate ol Fredehek 1! La deèeobed. On ïnuiing and flüng the petition, duly ttriw.; Samuel lï. Beud, praying tïtat a ctrtuin insrment now on tile in this oonrt, piirporHug to Ui l:it win und testument of wükI iliml, 1 til t I ;ri probntc and íl.-at he may c apixiintdi ju Kxscntor thereoi. TheixiiHn iti ordt-rtl, thnt M.inlMy.:heaitMÊ daj ..i December next, at ten o'riock hl the toni be assigned fpr the hearing of ai,l potitioD. d6c the teoatei 8, dei Eaeef and tu ira ;it ín uf suiddecwrf, and i!l otliur penase interetted in aaM eaMe, b onired to Hpw'ar at a Besaion of aiiid cosrt, tlico I - holden, at tbe Probate Office, in the city oí Ami. I bor, and abow caoae, if any there bc. iriiy tlieititr I "f the petUioner shonld not be gmntcd: Auüisl ftirthc-r ordered that bain petitionersiTe notiectoÉ I penoua intcreatod in i,l evtate, u'f the rnl(j,: .ii,l petitloD, mid tlip .u;iiii!ur thereof, bv catwuri copy of thia ordcf to be publialied in tiio Midip , Arffttt, ;i newapaper printed nnd circidithv iiial cotuity, thtve BUeceaaive weeks prcviooi tu suddit.f ' lAtnieeopy.) liIí{. .7. B 1343 ,lu!ïfofl'I!tf. Kstato of Tituothy J. Tnonir. OTATKOl' MI''IIIiiAN, C.iiiity of MMI,a At nscssionol the lrobrtte t 'oi . v;ishr,'i::iw. ];..:. 1. ii at the rrobnte irSix. intlie, ity ot Alm Arbor. on 'ri.t.i.1..; . tl. ítóti 4ín (.t November, in tlie yearone thousaiid cii;h'Aw.iAA BCTCnt) -oi!C. l'i . ut llinun.ï. IScaken, Jndire of Pr,ktt. Iii mattei ■! tbeentate of Timolby J.Toeai. ■■■'.. Ün roadlnff n,l fi'.iriir the petition, duly iam."( .foliTi ' '. Ttieuiy. pniyimi that hcoraomeotaniaV i "■■ ppTBOn my De appointed adininütnuv ( ftt ontuto ot ■: deossKd. Tliereujion it i vrderl, that Moni - enthday ol I teceinber noxt, :it tpn o'deck in the Ie noon. bo nnaigned t.u theheariiit; oímihI ixAiik-n, that the heirs at law of ii.i dcswisw!, ■: pvnona intenaivd In .n.i -t!t.-. iv nnmi' appear at .■: acHtiion of naidConrt, tbeuteiicWn HtthoProbaic Otfire, in the City of Ans Athi, sjiow can.-, it uiiy there ïh-, why tiie praycr yf ibertitioner ahould nol begranted: Anuit igftanift ... lered, that said petitiouor aive notice to taw intcretfteu in aaid eetnte, ol the peudeney oí Riidi tion, and ')■ beaiinf; thereof, by eniísñur a coprall i ■!■ pirbÜBhed in tïte Michigan .Irpat, a w.:,i:,'r prluted and circuhtting in sai. 1 i .nmiy. ■: i snr' .- weeks prevfoua to ai] day ot lienrinz. [A truc oopy.] lilliAJ! .T. BKAKF8, 1S18 Jmlie of Prota Etitate of Thorn3 - niinors i QTATEOF MICHIOAK, County of WaAtam" O Al n v- -ion ,.f the ITotxito Court lor the C1! I of Waahtena, holden at il"' Hrobnte Office, al i'ity .t Ann Arbor, n Snturdny, tl of November, in the yjar onothounnd üreit ;iij,l sc ,.nly-onr. Preao&t, Uinun J. Bookca, Jndge of Tiobsle. In the Dintter of the estáte ,.f Mumiel B. "l Ëmeliue 1(. 'i'hoin, Lewia .1. Tliorn. KKn1-] TlioiM, Mory Thoni, Enphronia i'hotn, and i'rank , '. Thom, rcijtor. . i Os rpading and the f-ti(i, Jiily w Barah r. Tharn, Gnardiun, praying thnl licenaed to scll certaiii real astate K-longiuii minors. , E 'l'hcrcuron it b.ordered, that SJomlny, the W dnyol Deceiobci next, nt tuno'cluek in': aUniod for hearing of snid petihon, ondt' j net of kin Óf sai.l iniiiois, and ;iil othez perssl rstel in sjii.l catate, nrerequiniü rpappetti of sai.l Court, thun to be lioldra at thel'wl;; in the city of Ann Arbor, Bnd 8how eam I there hi), why the prayer ot the petítíoncr saw begmoted: An.l il ufurther onlered, 'W.5 'i ■ e notiee to tne next of kin of aw "v and airtoilicr peraona intcrestcd 'm "JJvJJ pendency of said petitionj ntid the tx-anii? tv". I eatudng a copy t thia order to ï.c piMmw J Mnfi.'.j'ni Araut, ;t ncwapaper, priuted :uul_'"1It; in Raid aoaanr, tïirec saece&iTe wei kapr day of hearing. (A .true copy.) lï 1 BA M -T. K 1S48 Judsc of W" Eetate of Edwin J. Uliss. QTÁTEOF MICHIOAK, oountyof WiuMcn"-, f O Ataseïsion of the Probate ( 'ourl for rt! of Wsahtanaw. holden nt tlie Probate Cnto"., city of Ann Arbor, on Thurdany, tl J of November, in the yoar oue thouaand op'' dred and . . ui one. I'rwnt. Hinini J. iir.ikr, Jmlpeof l'll i. [n the matter of tliu estáte of Edwin W O asi .1. . _H,MaryT. Ulissiia,! 'Vlieodore Stimson, Ji tors of siiitl estáte, come into (ourt !lIT?1i. that tli.-y ore aow prepared torender tb co'.mt aa auch Adminiatrators. Thereoupon it ia ordered, that ., ir.lli day ! December nest, at ten "' , jjLö % forenoon, be uyienil for exumiuing aj t auch account, ana' tlmt the beira ut '?:j)r dcceued, and all otheipéwonsinterwteiin" tate, re niiunil to appenl al a Mssii.n "1 JJ" „ Uien to ba ln.hlen nt tlie l"robnte Hce, m ..L Ann Arbor, in snid oonuty. and how u'1(itheie be, why tlie said necount shouW ""jp lowed : And it i further ordercd that saín T5V ï Ion U'ive noticr tO the luis, as inter, stw . tate, of pendency oï uikl account, m!",,v iiur tlu;reof, oy cauginp a oo]iy of thi vtTLL# puhlishrd in the JhMhferu Argot, Z& printed and circolatfng in said eonnty, tMV sive wcoks previous to said day of hearing, j-o [A ti ue , .'j.v.) U1KAM J. BEAL 1348 JinlsteoilT11 Estáte of Valentino E. Bott STATE OF MICHTG AN. County of "ïï At nsessionof tlie l'rol ato Cimlt fortu Wokhtenaw. holden nt the l'robate Oth', JJ j,, ; of Ann Arbor, on Batntñny, the c'f'1?"" November, in the yeur oncthousaiidew111""" M 'l''u .-' -nl'.'Vlii-am J. üeakes, Judge of f'f'iP In the mottel of the (abite ot Vatota On ceadaas nmi BS(rthopctition,lulTWJ Mnry . Bott, that WfUiam B. "fJJ aameoUuvauituUeperaon, may bc aopoBi atratorof the eatBte of aaid deccMCd. f Thcnupon it i, that Mond ,.,„1, ,!ay of Decfrolvr next. at l.-n o aaaigned for thehiannR,'! M'V$e ■UMI tlwt the liein, at law of tí l5ctt's''',"wl' er ix-rsoiis iiit.-itl m sai.l estntf. n' mi M' peitr ..t a aeaaiw ot wid '.. theii T#,i l,e Probata Babe, in the City ot '"„ ahowoaum. any tliere bc, wliy f' .tisi't, petitionerauould not be granted : Ana v . ,,rd,.v,l.i!.a, aaid petitiontve 'KJíf, interested in said egtat, ! the ivmicnr' ti,,:,. and the bearinx tbcr.f, by ■ ''; f order to be pnbliabed in the .1.', " ■■' paper printed mid eirwilatinp in ; irióivc w.,-ks previo,., lo sa ,1 da y ol (A,r,,,.,,,,y., im"v:.' EítateofHeurietteW OTATE O' MICHIGAN, CountjT'BtWJti.M h Notía ,-.■■.■ tv).y L-iivn. 'J ''f ", a, ,lU. ,„ .ai', county, d. .vas, . 1 andUrnt said deceaaed are requücdto presen' " .„tWv aSd Probate Court, at the VCÍSwftV ,„.. AvI .,. fO! xaninat,.,n nid -I" thtj " . ton rt Ma in!at'' l,An. Arbor J5orortJ55 12,Hvr


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Michigan Argus