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Civil Liberty Against Martial Law

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Alio peninty ui Kut'jjiíig uif! present liudicul rulers in power, is the pcriodical listurbanoe of the wholo country with svars and rutnors oi' wars. This game was tirst playeé successfully on the approach af Gpn. ürant's first election. Nothing íould liave been moro completo and abjoluto than tho surrender oí' tho South, at the closo of the war. Kot a soldier -was in anus, nor evon aniniáginary Ku-Klux, when tho Radical leaders began to fear for thoir Congressionul majority, if tho Southern States wero ro-adinittudto their rights in tho Union. That unchecked predo mi nance of a partisan majority, ouo of tho gruatest curses any country can endure, would havo becomo questionnble, if n fair, freo representation of the Southirn States joined tho Deniooratic and Conservative members on the floor of Congress. It was in dread of it that tho Kadical leaders proposed to tlie man of their own choice, Andrew Johnson, tho ovorthrow of constitutional government at tho South. To his eternal honor, he rejected thuir proposals. lio had begun his term of Prosidcntiiil offic-.i; by ing a gift of a carriage and horses. This independence in smalí things wíis shown in largar one. Ho rejected tho offers of the Kadical tempters, who, liko Satan, prolfored him, in fact, a kingdom, if lio would make ono out of tho froe Kcpublio of thu United Statoa of America. Boldly, doggedly, ho adhered to tho Coustitution of his oountry, till tho crow of congpiiatoia against it detoriuined to get rid of him by an iuipeachinont, and mergo tho Exooutivo with tho Legislativo mwei-s ; they had already BJÏenced and intimidated tho Judiciary. Hów they laborud to acceutplish their ond, tho futuro historian will relato, when he tolla of tho yet uuünished strugglo for constitutional liborty. Every ongine, ovory influonco was brought to bear on tho Senato to wring trom it a oorrupt and falso conviotion of tho uiun whoso only offqnso was that ho kopt tho oath of his groat offico : " I do solemnly swear that I will faitht'ully exocute tho office of President of tho Unitod States, and will, to tho bost of my ability, preserve, protect, and defond tho Oonstitution of tho United States." Military influence waa called in to help them. Geueral U. 8. Qrant, then commaudiog tho armios of tho United States, undor his oonstitutional superior, tho Presidont, and already his destinod succossor, thus sufferod hls wcight to ïo lont to tho attompt to iuüuenco a High Court, sitting to try as groat a oaso as was ever lourd in any human tribunal. It was published f ar and wido that : " General Urant flnds it not inconsistent with his luty as a soldier to announco it as hia jpinion that tho only hopo for the peaco af tho country is tho succosa of tho pondimpoaohinont triaL When tho Goneral ot' our arniy entortains this conviotion, thoro is no room to doubt as to tho duty of tho Sonato." - [New York Tribune, April Ü, 1868.] But oven thia did not suocood. Thero was just tóen i3nou"li found in tho Kadical Sodom to dofeat tho sohemo of its rulora. Tho men most eminent for purity and patriotism, amid savago howLj and furious defamation from tho press of thcir party, joined tho Democratie 8onator9 and dolbatód tho impoachiuont. But tho alliancu thon miido botwoen üoneral ürant and thü thu proflígate element of the Eadical party has lastod till to-day. Instead of tho iiulopondoiit, patriotio soldior so many looked for, ho has proved tho tooi of tho worst men in his party. When tho present Ku-Klux law broko down, undor Bntler'a etvro in tho House, and was indefinitely postponed, a niossago from Qrant, making it a party moasuro, dragged it through. It i now onsrering its purpoae. It is peritarbing the wholo South, and creating tho ffcito of things of which it Í3 tho protondod cure. It is the engino by which tho oíd gamo of coerción and intimidaban can be played over ngainin the interest of the party that dependa on force and frivud to carry oloctions. It is a baso partisan trick, played in the interest of tho liordo of plunderers, whose ten yeiirs' rulo has spread domorfilization over tho whole laml, and madfi bribo-taking, and present-taking, and pooulation in"ofKce thn frightfnl characteristio of our American institutions. This is tlie bur,l,ii Mini disgrace that all mm who look to the interests of the in:iny and not of the few, are striving toremedy. The ono grand, comprehensivo reinédy is leaguo ainoni honest men to check tho power oL the present Ratliral leaders, most of them nion of proved infamy, whoso charactor neither fake " certificates " nor bouglit "puffs" ; can cover up. Tliore is jxt virtu- enough lfè in tho American pooplo todeféatsnd baffle these robbers. Let no man foei discuuTBgod in the oampaign agiiinst them. Thestar.divrd of civil liber{,'m the hand of au uppropriate staudard-bearor willyotpn uth9lvf Thai sv.lmi fchej are most afraii of. 1 ,,.,.f tliis danger' th:it they me now clamoriii" ter martial law, and trying to Mrkindle war, in which all truc kuvs can be sUenced.- Ph A#& They vrére discussing a mosqnerade Mid endeavorfne to select the ohanvotors ia whiob fhey BhonW go. "How ihall I go?" sai.l onrTOty (all unA slnder frisad 'vVilliíi.m. "('huik vour lu-.ul ainl go as a billiard oue," wae the response.


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Michigan Argus