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- On Monduy,. in tbc Stiuitu,. the nomnation of Gcorgo U. Bates to ba United States Attorney tbr Utah. waa oouflrtued, nul alsotUe nomiuatiou of Lewia Dougass t be a memboi of tho Legislativa Ascmbly of the district of Columbio. The attcrhiiH two qualiiwations : oolored,. aad i sou of Fred. Douglass. No more, as 'ar as luard fioni. - Mr. Oribblc has peuiiission to still vag his tonque', the mogistxaie aho was isk.'I ïnr a warrant fur his arrest hsving held that it was not treagon to say of the : Quoon : " Tho lady who woars the crown of tliis country is addicted to intempcraiice. When tho tuwning pnpoi s anatomice that her Mnjüsty is indisjKiscd, shu been intoxioatctl over night.' - Cion. Arthur, nominatcd to bc Collector of tho port of Now York, tiet Torn Murphy, resigned, was confirmed by the Scnato on Tuesd ay. It C'is Murphy ie Co., the Co. boing Arthur. Murpbyis now the Co, and Arthur tho principal. Tho differenoc is just that betwuen twecilloduui and tweedle-dee. - The Boston wing of tho ïvoinnn suffrage paxty held a coiwontiou at Washington last week, tho most noteble feaUire of wliieh was giving the cold shoulder to Mrs. Woodhull. As Vicky is to have " her show " sat January sho can return the compliment r.nd squuru tho account. - Ex-Senator Williams, of Oregon, is aot in his natural element out of office, and is at Washington hankering after tho official "oldcloes" of Attorney-Qeneral Akerinan ; but Akerman doosn't mean to rwign before Fish does, and so tho prospecte of Wiïliums are not very good. - Rooms havo been takeu at ono of the leading hotels, Detroit, for Alexis, who is to reuch thero on tho 28th inst., and remain two or thne days. A ball is lalked of, and 347 ladk-s have entóred their ■ i . ', , % - 1 L 4i ,i.. .t..X un 1 II tl,. t 1 i i I - . k lU&mea ior tuo jtrw set wiwi uu; "uuü.u - or the F ree PrM is a libollor. - ïruiubull duu't beliuvo thfit the '!,- 000,000, or thereabouts, of Democratie voters can be induced to go over bodily to the 200,000 or 300,000 Rèpublioan malcontenta, and that's why lie don't w;mt to be the " passive " candidvto for President. - A new trial bas been deniud Dr. Medlieott, convictcd at Garnett, Kansas, ot' the murder of Mr. Kuth, and ho has been sentenced to be hung January 26th. A bil] of exceptions has been filod and the oase taken to the Supremo Court; - At East Sagina w, on the I8th, CatUarine Sheridan ohtüincd ft verdict of$15000, in a scduction snit brought against James MoAllister. A breaclx of pioinise uit is sfill pending. Tho partios resido in J3ay County. - Ex-Commissioner of Tnternal Rcvcnue Gen. Plensonton was unable to mako a fight in the Si nate against tho ProtLdent and Secretary Boutwil, snd liis successor, Mr. Donólas?, Yns touüraicd ouTnosdfiy. - Cameron, tlio licatl of the Sènatfe Committoe on Foreign Agairs, knew so little of tho piwilages and dirtics oL bis position tliat ho gavo tho Fish-Catacazy correspondoncü to tho reporters for publieatdoa - MessrSr Evarts and Cushing havo certified to their satisfaction with the "case" prepared by tho Assistant Secretary of State, J. Bancroft Davis, for the Gcneva Conference. - Miss Grundy announces a brilliant wedding to come off in Washington, December 27th, tho partios being Eugenc Halo, a momber of the House from Maino, and Miss Chandkr, daughter of old Zack. - James Pike, having a wholesouio remembraaee of the drubbing of the Xew Hampshire Domocracy gavo Mm at the last eleotion, declines to stand for Qovernor in tho coming campaign. - James Stewart was convicted" at Bay City, last week, on charge of murdering Nelson, and sentenced to tho State Prison forlife. Tho insane cut-off was tried, bnt without effect. - An amputatod thumb and hydrophobia : a Leavenworth man recently man's tongue, rasing his thtimb for a bit, - Bret Harto has a now poetn in the coming Januaiy numbcr of the Atlantic Monthly, " Grandmother Tentcrden," that is not vcry niuch in (he Bret liarte style. - Alanson C. Bidwell, forniorly of Al bion in this State, suicided by shooting, at Sacramento, Cal., on Monday last. Insano, from pecuniary embarassment. - Got. Campbell, of Wyoming, vetoed instead of signirsg the bilí repealing the female suífrage act, anii is now the hero of the hour at all suffrago eonrentions. - Hon. Darius Clark, formerly of Marshall, but for many years in charge of the Michigan Cential Railroad office in Xew York, dled on the 7th inst. - The snion of the two wings of the Republican party in Missouii knocks the strongost prop from uiidcr tho so-calkd " paRsivo policy." - A few supposed-to-be-proininent Republicans not having been yet entered for the next gubernatorial race, the books are still open. - Minister Schenck has neither been rebuked nor recalled. Keason : his superior is reported a stockholdur in the Emma eilver mine. - Carroll, arrcsterl on suspicion of bcing the murderer of Miller, in Greenfield, near Detroit, has been dischargod from custody. - ïho N. Y. Krcnimj Pont proposes as a national Christmas gift to tho poor: tho repeal of the duty on coal. It won't be made. - Ex-Got. B. T. Morgan and Judge Edwurd Pierrepont are both to bu Boeretary of Stato when, Fish ï-osigns. - Tho complexión öf Pinchlmck, thu now Lieutenant-Governor of Louisiana, is reported as a " light yellow." - Senator Suniner introducod a bil on ilonday to abolisli tho offico of conimissioner of internal revenue. - Spftiu has her back up over tho Presidtst's Message and tho naval domonstrattona towards Cuba, - Representativo fsargeut, of California, is Uj tUOOeod Heiüitur Colo al'ter the lthof Maich, WT-Í. - Senator Sumner dcclineil tUo ehaixmaasbip of tho Cowmitteo on Privileges and Elections. - "Shrieking Sisterhood " is tho last ungallant epithet applied to tho woman suflVagors. - Queen Victoria has forwarded copies of her works to tho ncw Chicago library. - Port Hurón has voted for tho llolly Water Vfoiks. - C'olfax kas decliucd agaiu.


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