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The World For 1872

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Not " the worlri #e live In," bui tüe New Vork Wiiihi- duily, seml-weekly and week ly - '. the tliciuc of tliis parugrapli. This piprr, il is not lo be (llspotol, liohlsa (ront rauk in journallsiu, wbelher cousldered frviii a pol tl cu 1, Illurary or news po' ut ot vi.-w. il lu.s able editora, coiu libiil ors, and eorrespomlents, nd cach dally is:ie - [mUl shlug !H5 duysln the year - is u map ■f the worM's progresa. Nu rival excels us news ilrparliiH'iit, and none is bolcicroc more Independent in the disciission of all tupies of public interest, in fact thcre is occasiouajly a Democrat wlio thinks it too ndepéhdent. LetUn ;ts, cak for itself, its ' ) aUunn for the COUllllg year !.-; The World wilt alm lo repregeut and conajine lúe luDors and Votcsof .-AH tbose who fliul best Insurance of the people s prospertty, peace, nuil progresa in a jjovi.fir.uciii tukmlulstered om the principies aii'l in tlio pure practico ui Jetthrson and Jsckson, and who deacry the ïount itnd oiigin ot' the present eorruptlous, extravagancia, rnlsgoyeruiotirit, subversión of public libcrlies, auü luiwoorlty of prívale rlglits In our ruien' luwlïss usurpatioii of intcnlictod and undcl egatcd power - asurpation iliat to-day maiclifs ileliberately on to the subjugution of popular rule and (.he poMHaialuu of dictatorial power- fot !y act of Cougresa Qeueral Graut inav evsu now du stroy tlie Irccdom ot State electlous, Invade the Status at hls pleaaure, and declare martini law o( hls own more wiil. II - All those who would malo lulu the honor of república, and would preserve public credit by punclual payment ui public debts. 111. - All tliose who woiild cut down to fowei and iit objecta all approprlatton of the pi ople's mouey (to day more tlian doublé, uearly trelile, tlie appropriations of a Democratie Congrcss eleven ycars ago, uotcouutlug anuuitleH to [udlaa?, pensions to soldiere, and interest on debt) and who would oblige allspemün of the people's unniiy gol by laxes lo bc with llOUCSty and tbrift ; likcv!e all those wlio would spare a little tlie people'tt laiuled estute for the land!ess in.'iions heieafler, and stop its squanderlllgdo mlnlona in a day opon tbose whoalready own too niucli. IV' - All Uiose who rould rctuce thenuiu bvv of coniniodotleñ laxud by out tarín' {rom thoiisaiiils toa few dozeus, and so empty our cusloni bonsca of half tluir ollicials, rid the BLatote-boolm of hall thelr odious snares for honesly or bi-.bes to lratiil, and unfeUcr scores ot our nativo industries. V. - All those who wouUilower the ra tes alsö of our taritt' tases to the point of most easily yleldiog the lurgest mvciuie- wlio would abandon the protectloiilbt Bystcin of reiliiciu ibe pttiWic reveimc wiiile inoreaslug the extortlonate proflts of a few at tho expense of all other industiies. 'l -All those who would abolish every Hidawlnl t:ix, Itkethaton Inooraos; every Lnju -t t:ix, lil2 that whlchglves banks the people's protlis in a uational iiunticy ; BVerj uucqual ai.d indeterniina.e lax, like that levied nu st eiueliy upon tlic poor - the tax of our lrreüeeinable paper money. The World wlll as the recogn'zed au 1 leadiugorgan of the Democratie party in the nn-at focus of uational coininercc and luteTllgeuce - to falflll tisis its missioi and duty with sleadfast Ijoliluess and Bdcl ty ; to inspire In the'ranks of those who tblnk tbe saine thlng8 cónoerutnfi the He public au unitoil, orgar.i.ed, detennhied om persistent zèal; to win new recrnlta fron among those who have been encalles lo the Democracy in the conilicts of a dead past and to marshal tn anbroken plulanxto the triumph it the ballot box (truc battle tieli of Ripiulics) of Liberty, Equallty am Law. Tiiis for the !ail. The incckly will RÍW full marketand tlnancial reports ; Produce Stock and Money Markets ; ai AgrScultn ral Department fresh and full, í:icu1íiií, the dologs of the Farmer Club of the American Inslitutc, choicc fainily resdlng storits, poems, waifs of humor, etc , and i complete r.ews biunüiary. The sentí wsekly wLH ?;ive all the general news of the dellj ed.lions, fuller niarket reports, etc. The several editions are euch a larjt quarto, and the prices are : One copy, 1 yar, f 2.0 Five oopiMi 1 lmié, scpuratcly oddrcwedj ü o Ten oopie8, 1 yi'ür, hep;ir;il(.'ly addzosMd, and au i xl M OOpy to tfettcr-up of lult, ló.O Twtniy copies, 1 juur, aoporately aadvessed, find i,u ■ li.i wiy lo getter-tip of Club, 25.00 Fitïy copÍM i jt.iïi', sepaorately aádmiiodi mul tlio scmi-wfokly l yea to jettei-upol Club, 50.00 Onu hnmlicl copien, l feoK,i paratcly oddwaaod aud the lijly 1 to gottur-up of Club, 100.00 SEMI-WEUKLY U'OIU.M. Onc copy, 1 ye;ir fi.m Two copie, l yeuf, scpnrately wUlre-scd, S.0 Five cJiert, 1 year, scparatcly luldrusHea, 12.00 Ten copies, l year, separatoly addwuodi and au exti to (fettei--ui) of Club, 20.00 paily wüi:i.d. One copy, 1 yr ar, (10.00 One copy, 6 montht 5.0 One' copy, 3 iikhiIIih, '2.'j One copy, 1 year, with Bnnday Bditlon 12-' One oupy,ti inontlis, with Bunday l--úiton, '-11 One copy, 3 luonths, with riunday Kdition, i.0( Nuiv is the time to subscribe. Address " Tuk Woklo," '3 I'ark Kow, Xew York - The Ahüus vyith the Week'y World, $4.50 : with the WteMg, $:i'Zö.


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Michigan Argus