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COMMERCIAL. DkTBOIT, Dec. 13. The attent Ion of business men is largcly taken ap to-day wlth tlie commercial con ven i ni, whicli In .'Ci-ion in the lioard ( f Tradi: I lul I. [ta weü kuowu object, the gecurlug o! a passage tor largo vessels to the eeabourd by the building of a canal aroancl the iills of Niágara, is a matter of dollars anti cent to every Inliabitant oftho Northwest Tue concliulou arrlvcU at by the cüiivcutioii wlll tiicieioru be watcbed uitli interest by the people of Michigan. Busluess is, except in dry goods and quite active tos December. "It is doll seasoii," suys ne&rly every dealer, "hut wc Dtvttr úad a better trode in thi.s month." In hardware there is ah apwanl tendency uu al most all anieles. Grocerles are flrm and BteaOy, butwlthoatauycbange worthy of ïufiitiiin. A silgar 18(12%! Oollcctioiis 1'vuni the interior are reponed satisfac'.ory. In breadstuSb there are few new features, except a sudden turn npward in coru and oats. Cora, íour d.iys since, was doll it E2@S8, but to-ilay there are DO sellers ander 00. Oats closed Arm ac 42c. In heat there Is a heavy feellug, notwithstaDdtog llght recelpta (5,060 or ü,uoo ba. per duy). dome of onr dealers wliu bought at$1.4tS(No. 1) Beller last half of Decera ber, are reponed " sick." They wlll have the wlieat shoved on tliem to-morrow or be obltged to pay tiie dlflference. The clostug prices to-.lay were; KxtiM, $1 "0 ; No. Í white, ï'.t'i; Treadvvell, fl.-U; Amber, $1.4). Barley is uot mare than steidy at $1.50 per eental. Hye commands 7b@80c per bu. Apples show DO mprovtment ; held at $2@2.26 peï bbl. Untter, of all kinds heavy; rol!, 22(a:2i; Jrklll IO@2O. Egjss linn at '2G@27. Drled apples ste.uly :it iij@9c. lïeans flrin at 2.25a2 30 :rum store; the Chicago Belief Cotnmittea Icoep our inarket bare. Dregsed hus are very linn- all welghtü- at $0.25. PackerJ are inore active and hippers are raady for all coming ibiwaiil arnJ the adrautage seems to l)u with the farmers. Clover seeil is 11) fair (Iemand, nabjectto a good deal of fluctuation. Vestenlay it, droppcd from $0.00 to6.40; to-day It 18 $8.50. Potatoes on street, 80a86 ; by car load, 70a75. Mime lina at 10 per cent. Ni-.w York, Die. 12. Tlic gensatton oí tlic day is the fuilure of the Ucean Bank, wiih whlch aorae eoiitractors for tlic bulldlug of a canal in Michigan are mixed up. Gold to-tlay was, it s sald, lower tiiau ut any time in 'J years, rnling heavy at WJ!.i@lO$}i. The time of specie paymenta Is surely drawlng uear; i)iit we lose eontiflence wheo recollectlng tbat CongreHS is nre to rosmne fluancial tiiikcriiiiï tliis session. Cotton up to SO'.i is deserrtng of especial Dotlce, fi-om the effect it is liaviog aml will continue to have on tlie dry gooils market. Taken in coujunctlou uitli ilie Bcarctty and firmneas of wuoi, vreare of clotblug- aud they aw quite unmerous- have little reasöo to expet-t lower pricea in the Immctilata future. Flour s 'ííalii ander a cloud. Wlteat s tlrin : wliite touchtog $1.75; rud, 1.60. Corn diili at 7}.,(S..). Oats (Inll ut S6@ o7. Wülsky lias decllned to $1, and rule's In boyera' favor. Hops qnlet bnt tinn ; faucy State, 60@65 ; old westera 2@3; no new Western in tnnrket Provlstous are quite orín : mess pork Is 85e higher nlnce a week ago, nml t!:cre is more cenfltlence In the future. r,:inl 99% spot, and !)? Jannary dellvery. Orocerles euerally steady: coflVe firm ; sogar dulier siuce yesterday ; motussos tendiag npvard. Ann Annnn. Thi-hstiay. Tirr. 14. A i-ii.i 40;?.'Cc per bu., witb little doing. Bcttkb -Tnuln is good: 22c beiiif," paid for roll. Ií'.vkwheat- Commanda íl por bu.t with a tcm enoy upwnvd rathrr than otherwise. l'.i: l.6S per bu. i paid for (jood quality. ' !qbx- Bringa 6r por bu. Chktíess- Dresswl 7í8c. Eggs- ín pxxl demand at C2 -j 2'c. HaY-$13'. I'", per ton, witli ready m!.-. Somr- Is aap, lssj20. Laso --Tlm market is quite brisk at 9c. 33i3.'.c. I'otatokh- Bripg readDy OOe. Pork- Dreasütl hogs are coming iu very ttt&J, na pricca are l.Ví.2Lc better than last week, . 1.75$5 boiii, the ruling prieos to-ilny. TniíiEYS- 9'rflOc. -Tlie mnrkat i not very active. White w luotcat il.3Titq 1.10, and rcil tlMfi IJS. l'ive. or slx thoueand dollar, or mero, i n n mor gage of uui&cumbcred real cuate wurth thrc times the amovmt. EnqnlM oí' lT,-v.) r.. W. M)U(iA.V. I.IAPPr ISEVV YË All . THE . S. B. CLUB Of tho ' ity of Ann Arbor, wi]í give .1 Qrand MASQUERADE BALL HANGSTEEFEB'S HALL, .Tfoiidïiy Jruin, Jnmiary ísí, 1S7 UL sic by Gwiimer'fl Klaslrclit A.0MI83ION. One OolLar, AtlmluioD fur SpocUtora iu Qallery, .") Conü Pancy coslmocí ftnd MmIci mu be had it tho fita]] on Mondajr, Jan. 1,187, fr-m Mr. Gotliml, of D - t roí t, wlio bftfl ÜW l Sí !! li j:1 Of 0Oe1 QUlCfl ii] íhls co:iurry, wUch WlU be furuishud ít very ra■oaablu piiceA. 189tw2 Mortgage Sale. DEFAI3 1. 'I' li i v ■:!■.■;! 11 i n t lie conditioiu of a i' rtain mortgaac exeoutad ty Baldan Slafrin nñd Viin -J. -vl.uvi'i lo julan öloveï [non doceased), bearng date tho twenty-third dy of November, onethona uud oiííht bundrcff and ffixty-edght. and reooided Ín ■ ■ oJ (Ji Etegi '-r ■■! Leeofl fi e Waabtonaw xttinty, Michigan, uatUathiid day of December, A. !. isiis, i.i llbof 89 of min U'-a :i '-, on pan 41't(on u i ich lavitgHgo thora is olaiineJ ío be duo 1 u lum "i Ive .i'i.i'W--! and twonly-two dolltura ($522), also an .'.:.-r.t twenty-flvo dollars ua prorjded Ín s:iid mortsagAi and no buíI ot prooeoding ;it law 01 ín ihunoery oaving !i a ínstítute to rcoover the debt lecnzed by snid movtKnge. or tinyparl thereof; N'utlce Is therofore lioreby given, t)itt by viitnoof he power of aole oontcuiu linsnid moxtgoge, and 01 he utotute [n sucb c we mado and proi ídod, 1 shuU wlï it public auc: ion, to tlie highest liilili-t-, ;it the sonth loor of tho Waabtenaw County Couii Hou&o, m tha [(yol Aun Arbor, i;i said oounty [thol being Ihg ílüce of holding tha Cirouit Court for gaid ooanty}, on ■utiini.iy, the sbetecnth day ol Miueh, A. l. ■leven OnCUOCk A. M 't' sii 1 il.iy, t he plvmjifCfl dfi n 8oid 1 i !"!■;-. ■ . ■, to-wit i strip oí bind one chivin n I fonrtoen 1 aks vil! nnd taxtn adins íictom Uifi -i quurter of 800ÜOU t ventr-one, m township i. ui ' vid. naw oounty, . 1 i ' : i _r : 1 1 j , the ■ which ís pnrullel u aiiií . vea rods - ast fino wea! sidoof said quarter m ■ lion nd the oubI sida la aixteen chaina and flfty-woven inkí wi -i half auarter liae oon'aüiiug bar and BJ-1Q ucres, more (éaa alfo j'i ce (n serion twonty-two, Rome town and range, u wi( : 'i d onto (rixteon ohalna nnd levonty-one tínica wiüe, and he ea#) aoventoen chnina and ninoty-íiine linfas nlong 1 [da, and aoyenteon chaina and ninctynubc inka along thfl norih pide of the piooOj tl the nresthalf f the aouthwesl quiirteroí oeonon twonty-t-wo, oonaininft tblrty acroo, and DQdnjf all tbe luna ovnod by )h Biud Belden Sfarrin and Aun J. Marriu Ln Baj 1 muí' - of Wahtcnawat tho timo íii-l raoxtgngfi waa lítáQ .ii.l 1 Kccuted. Dated. Ann Aïbor Dce. Itth, 1871 MILÁN ULOVE1?, Mor 1 KI.INUA GTiOVEiï, V [minifr. D. f.'i'.AMix, tr.i'rit of aaid M rtgagae. Attorney ior unid Admiaiatxutrix 1 j-' Rbtate of Sarah C. Jobnson. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oounty of W&shtenair, ph. vi At b neaion of the Probute Coui t lor the ( 'mmty of Vii-litciiaw, hulden at Iho Probate OJJiee, ta the City f Aim Arbor, on Siitimtay, the ninth ilay "f Dec i ■ i" r, in the yenr onetbousandeight hundred and seventy-ooo. Present, HU om J. Benkov, Judge uf Probate. In tho mattei ut the wtate oí Parah C. Johnson, eeaaed Ou reftdlng and Mingthepetitíon.duly verified,of WHliftin ir. Jolnwon, praying that wflliam Woud, or M-r suitablo peraon. m iy K ft ipojnfted :dminiatratorof theeirtate of saiddeceaHOd. Tnereupoo it is ordered, that Monday, the eighth (lny of JonnuT oext, t ton o'rlotU in the ra uoon, lc iirtiifïittil for the hearing of :iiil jjctitíon, and Üiut the liein ;t l.nv oí sald decensed, mwi all oth er pernona int' r ut 1 in sníd estáte, are reóníred lo a]ipeaxat ABcekmof saldGourt. then to Geboldeiiul the Probate Otftce, En the Cite af Am Arbor, imd show cause, ü any there U?, wliy the piaycr of the petitioner AhoulA not b gra&tcd : Ail ir is furfhei ordexedi Uiiit uüd petitionex give to the penoni ■ l üj wild cwtato, oi the pendency of md petiÖon, and hearing thereof, by cttiuáng a oopj ofthia order to ' pirüished ia the ífi higan Argiut a nswa paper priuted and droulating In attid ooonty, thitc EtuocewtTe vcelcs nrcious to siíil day "f hei Ing. ■A fertw oopy.J HIBAM r. BEAK ES, L853 Jodge of Probate. Estato of Priacilla Sherwood. STATE OF mkmeiüAX. countfof Waéhtenaw, m. At a setaion of the Probate Cotntfbr tíwcoiúity OÍ ';ishti'Tiaw, huldeu ut the Probate ('ïiir.-, iu thcity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the elereuth day of December, iu tho year oito thousond eigkt hanured au 1 Boveaty one. Present, Hiram J. Bëakes, Jndtfeof Tiobate. 1 tho matter ut' the asíate oí l'ii.-villti bht-nvood, deceoaed On ronding and flUag tlio patttion duly veritícd oí Edwurd 1'. Allen, praying that i oertain iii;mment notr on file in ihis mrt, puiiwrtiiifí to be the : and testament of aaid deoetued, Uöiiy bc oumli ted in orobate and thut hu toay bo appointed Exseutor ncrcofi Tbercupon it is otdsred, lli;t BConday, the ei&hth day ■! Jaiiuary noxt, at ton o'clock In ute forenoon, be lUMignod for the heÁring i ion, and that the leffftteGs, devlseea añ l neira ñi birof SAiddeocawdi and all oilier pnsons interested in said estáte, ure required t appear at a Bession of aaid oourt, then to b nolden, ut the Probate '■ :' i i of Ann Arbor, and show oaiue, if ony there bo, woy the prnyer of jH'titi'f.-iiT snouütd nut be granted: And it is uut ï ir ordered that said pol i ioner glvc notioe to the perdona intoreeted in BuiJ östato, of the pandeney of suid petation, and the heurins Üiereof, bi oonaiag :1 Dopyol tiiiíi order to ï"-1 publidbod in lïTe Michigan ArffK.', .-i newspHper printed and otnmlatln In -;.itl ooiuity, three Buooetatre woeka provious to snid day of hearing. [Atrneoopy.] HIIUM J. BEAKE8, 1352 J migo of Probate. Ktatü of Kzra Couimins STATE OF MM'UfiiAX, Omntyof IVaahtoaaw, ss. At n wumfon of the Probate Court för tlie ('ounty ol Washtenaw, holden üt the Probate Office, iu the ci'.y ui Ann Arbor, oo Satarday, the ninth day ol December, in the year one thousand eight ïiuudred and Beventy-one. Trefeont, Hiraui J. I!i -ak'-s, JndgG of IVolwttp. In the matter uf tbs estáte of Esra Contmint, iiuiümiifU-iit. On reading and flling tbe potilion, dnly rerlfled,of N bon 'omniin, Umirdian, praying tlmt liemay be liirenst'd to scll lUo reftl catato oí lid iucuiiiH.'ti'ut de?cribod in satd pcfition. TlRToupim it is onlëndi tlmt Slondny, the eighfh dtiy ai J itiiiifiry next, al ton o'utook in the fxranoonf bu í fov tm; hearing of said petition, and Umt the next of kin of sui-l Incompetent, anti nll other persona interosted inPaid catate, ar re niïQtl tn Uppeai itta sepnanof uid Coart, then to be hol dim ut tlw LVtate Office, in Che City of Ann Arbor, and s70"w caneo, ir uny thcre le, wh the prayox of the pettUoner Bhould nol begnuted : And t is furthcr oidexed, Uiat utjti petitionoi tve notice fo tJie pereona tntenstéd in said oatute, of tl;" poudency of snwl petition, and the bettfinf thereof, ly cuuMog a eopy of this ofdci to i ■-■ pnblished in tlie Michigan Atyus. n acvspapcr, print d and otnulntins fn sïilu oonnty, thioe suAvssive weike previou tö bflid day oí" boainip. (A truocopy.) UiBAM J. BEAKE8, lobi JudjO of I'robate. Estáte of Alpheus Woostcr. STATE Of SnCHIQAK, Conntroi WaahtenoTV, w-g Notice Is hereby given, thut by au order Probate 'om1 tor 1 bo ' ounty af nshtenaw, made an the twclfth duy -t' peeï mber A. D. i.sri. &% njouths froin Ütttt dnto wmt allowcd for cretlitors to PTPRsent their cbiima ttguitui fcho Odtate of V wooa erlate oL -.iid oouuty, deecïuecl, nnd I eveditorn of satd decea 1 ure reftuired to jproaent tbeir clninu to toid Probate ('omt, at tho riobtite i i'!i ■, i:i 1 !:.; l it ■ nf Anti AiUr. tol ixainiii;: ;.ii and nllnwati'-o, on or before tl.e twelfth dny ■!' Jun, (f.t, itn-i tliat Micll '■t:iims WÜI fl hm I l'i'ol ato Cbnrt, on Satnrday, lïicsevontei.nth dny of Fobna:y, and on WednMav, tho twelfth of Juno aext, at lOoVlock iu the forsuoon t enóh of tïiose dnyrt. Datcd, Aun Albor, D. eember : h, A. 1). 1ST1. llLltA.M J. BEAKKS, 13 2u j JodgooJ Probate. BÜY A PIECE OF SfllTO H0H3N 01 WARM WISTBS GA8MMTS FOR YOUR FAMILY AT e. il. ut U'S jV OTIGE. T! o nnnnnl meeUnx afths Rtodkholden "f tho f'I2tsr NATIONAL BANK, of Ann Aibor.foz I of ui-i ■ Diieofeors of said Rank, win be held ;it thoii )S: i kl g Uouso, on Xaetdny, the uim li day of Ifiminry. IS 2. l'ull tai dootioD uu opt-n bctwocn 10 axil IJ u'clock A. M. Hy oiiIlt of llie Board. ■I. W. KNTOHT, Chabto. Oatod. Ana Arbor, Deo. - í. J, 1871. Utltd N N 17 A LM EET I NG 09 THE IFftAbteuv Couniy irleuUnml and SocleCy. The Anona! meoltngof the Wajhtenaw County A.g■■■■i k, ui il nnd Uorticujturnl Sooioty, tor the eicel íoo ■i ■ r 1 1 . i's, and for the tntnsaetlon --i' nioh oither busiaeMasmoi propcrly come before it will bo beldal Ihj ' 'onrt Jfouf, in thu City of Ann Albor i on I v ty the 19th day of Deoember, at H o'cloak In the örenoon. A ful nttoadance oí the raembon 1 de LY3ÍAN B. WOOD, Presttant. David r. Pihlkt, Beo'y. Ami ..rl or, Nov. 8 th, 1871. 135 w3 .30,000 FOK 8ALE AT A BAK A IX V I HA VU s; ,OOO iicstttl in il Fr lll l'.inn iu Southern lUiuuis; U),00in ifuiiM-s, lolN, and liiii1t in Viiivluml, . J., And .ís TOJioh nure in detarhed parcela u it, any Of wbJch X WÜI SOU tt a barguin, and on time tJ suit turohaaei s. Vin land La o deligïitfu] place ii Hvq in, and i creat oii( for iuv.thds. Xhcj produce abundanoo of ivnir, tnd hare all tho Atlantic cities and waterlnffplaoH or u markft. The fruit farms of Sonthern Illinois i ■ ■ evernl weeks ndvontage in the early m.-nk.-f af iorthern Btates. ovet our ownlfttitude,vithncarly Loable the nel prefits. A friend murta hooso, and I wnnt a farni in this '■inity, ( itii. Tuf wlii.-ii Cwilltnke in exohango ni a Erpxi00bu1 dq spcculntivQ prioee will !■ toloratod. ■ üEy property i unuicumbcre 1, und Utle pi rfcet. Ann ArbeV, Nor, Bth 1671. 1317V6 ISISAIiI. 1IAI.JL. ! r . Á, sEjíSIOH' INSURANCE AGENCY. His ('ompanirs Aro Souinl. piKENIX INSURANCE CO., IIARTFOKD, CONN. CAPITA I. AND AS-ETS, Jtr 1, WT1 ... . 1,TS1 ,000 CHICAGO I.OSSES 750,000 THE 1'IICENIX is the bost conilucted Kirc iiisuraiicc Couipany in tlie líuitetl stiili-s. Alnnyg prudent and sound, mili altvuys prompt in puynicnt of lo!es. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW VOUK CITY. The flrst Compogj to p.ifn tlio onleiil of Ihc Niw York Insurance CommUsioncrs tince tbc Chicago Flrc, ccoúng out from Ihc sevure test TRIUMPÍIANT ! Associated Press Dii?p:itch, November "2, ISTI XK8 IS-TEnSATIONAL EK801UVC9 COM1-ANT. The Sopertntendeiit f ibeÑew York State Insuraticu Dopíirtir.tnt, who ii BlAUog acarefnl oíHdolexamtD tloD of tbö Ke W York City Ci mpr.uU'd to-tlay, cerifcftoa that thc Iniernaíionul OonpitBy- agsei-K'f H.SOOOO aro ocuroly investí], and it capital olSCOOaC 0, fier pr rUUnf tot all abüiiiea, iiiclinIIiiLT tile Cblcftgi ílro, i whoUy iiiihiiprúred. This Oompaay i pojriog :iïl iu Cbicngo loases and i.- kouihI and n-lÍ!.b!e. PoUciea tUQAda.t fuir ratee at my office. No, 11 Bat Hmon etreet, Aun Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIOJÍS, Agent. lWTtf. ! DELIAÜLB INírURANGE! Xorth British and Mercantile Insurance Co. OF LONDON AND KDIMJUKGH. CBABXEBEP 1S09. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold! The American Manager) of tho atovo Company ham rrcelved tlie foUuwmg telegram from Ihe LondoD lïtaril : "Snbscjrike Fivc Thousnnrt Uollnrs furCdiriïii sutfeicrs- scitlo nll losse ;iroiiiIly- Draw at Utree siKbl- Aiucrican araeta will not hv luucbc(l.' Springiield Fire Ins. Co., OF SlMtiXUFIiai), MASS. Capital 8500.000. tho Chicago flro, will ho pri'iuptly SCttled 1J cash pnymenta made ly tbe Stockboldera, leuviD the ('ompmiy with their capital iinlmpuircd, laru aaet'i aod aa Dnlnterrupted ' uiuess. TheaoContpaniea ara lound and roliablu beyomt anv doubt. Risks taken u the abova Ooapinlet nt ndeqiint rato?, H. I). I5EXNETT, Ajent. nuit ÍTLOUR. RRAUAM FLODB, BÜCKWH1AT FLOl'R, COBH KEAL, FKEDOl' AU, KINDS. All the abovc artides ara warrantid to have no fcunerior in market For Bato :it Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B. - Grlstiog tlonc r.t ehurt DOUce. JUY YOUlt CHILDKUN Something Useful for Christmas, at C. PI. Millen'sGotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Modicines .Paints .Oils,&c. READ THIS! i I AM NOW rKKPARED FOIS TIIB F ALL ÏRADE! I HAVE 'JIE I.AUtiKSX A.M Fincst Assortment OF Or EVKIÍY PESCRIPTION EYKIÏ BROTODT ' Tl) TH 13 .MAHK1-.1'. KVBRTTHBfO SliW, AND STYLISH FITS WARRMÜ. j ALSO A LINE OP MIS FLHMSIliNG tM EVEBYBODTT WISIIING FHJL AND WINTER CLOTHHfl "1LL nSD IT TO TIIK1K INTERES! TOOALL ON JAIVSES BOYD, I3!Slf ïl Main StrM yM. wacnefT IS NOW liËAPY FÖR THE FALL TBADB Havlng Rcccivud a [rg Stock I FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ÏNXLUDINO CLOTII3, OA.SSIMKRES, VKSTINGS, 4C. Of the BE3T STYLES ar.d aüAIIlU5' wmon uk wili. MANUFACTURE on tcnns to snit. Also .1 full liae of READY-MADE OLOTIIINÖ AND Gents' FUBNISHING Goods. ZQIÏ3JSTI!1 JSTYXjU' ALSO LAMES' A.ND GKNTS' MOUOOCO SATOHEL8 No. 21 South M.iin Strcct.-Eust Side: CALI. AND SEK THEM. WILÜAn WACiJiüB' Asn Albor, Scpt.i IVn, BUY SOMETHING USEFUL AS WELL AS FOK HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR EYEHBODY' AT JHJWILLEN pAMILtES n iWB(t to be mppMcd Uh .nir.K "fljl'jocet plcaM CaTeittfcroiderafo thu sauic at n'i tur. Duron uui FiftU strert. ICOIA


Old News
Michigan Argus