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State Teachers' Associaton

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The aunnal meeting of t!ie Michigan State Teachers' Assoclntlou wil! be beid in Detroit, on the evenlug of December STtii, and darlug the 88th and i'.nh addrosses are expected lYom Prof. I). C. Scovllle, of Hay City, Prol". J. D. II. Cornellus, of Fenton vllle, Prof. II. D. Harrower, of Paw PaW, Prof. I. M. Wellington, o!' Detroit, Prof A. A. Grifflth.of Ypsilüiiti, Miss I). E. llenry, cf Grand Itapkls, aml the Rov. A. T. Pier sou, of Detroit. The sesslona of t!ie Associatlon will bc held in St. Andivw's Huil, on Wooilward Avenue. A commlttee lias been appointed to tniike arraugeinent8 among the ciüzens oí' Detroit lo fn"uUh entertaiment for the lady teacher who' alteud llie meeting. The Michigan Kxchanire will charge memben of the Assooiatlon ij 0Ü per dajr, aml the Howard ;.nd Antisdul Uonsca $1 50 per d;iy Opporlunity will be atforded teuchera for ecelug uiany objects of interest in the city. Tlie Coimnoii Coaucll gets lts power to eiiuct the onJtnance whlcli huscreoteO bdcJi commotion lUDOug liijuor aiul bllllarc saloon toepen, (rom the City Charter, TlUe IV., Sec. 2, Clanse 98, whieli -ves that body tlie power " to enact, niake, continue, uoilify, establish, amend-, and repeal such ordinance.s, by laws and regnliitions as they deem deslrable, vvltiiio sild city, for the follott'ing porposea," Incladlllft see oíanse elted, " for llceuslng and regolatlng carta, drays, catw, hack, and all carrlages fr vchiclcs ke[it or QBed fbr liii'e ; uittioncers, piddlers, pawn-bro!;eis, auctions, peddllng, pawn-brpburage, taoarn, Iiotd, tictualing house, saloons, and other horott or olaeetfar ftvrnithing inenls, foud or drink, and keeper of Mlitiril tallei and hall aïïeys nol xtscd for (jaming ; " and the same cl u ase ilso einpowers the Coaacll to preceiU or prohibti " the opening or keeplug of atiy tavern, hotel, vldtattllng house, suloon, or othcr place for lurnishiui; iiiüjIh, fooil or Irlok, or blltlard tablea or balt alleys, without firtlobUUniiigfrom tlie üoiincil!in.-e therefor." If the charter is goodthe Uuuucil muy Ucease the opening and keeping of saloons, restaurants, billiard saloons, &c, eithoul liceraing ths sak of liquor (hertin, wliich the Coustltutioii prohibas. If it ni;y license it may (lx and determine the conditions of such license, a ml t does that n rtquiring a bond nol lo sell liquors to ninors, nor kcép open places of business on Sunday or after certain honrs In the üvening. The sale of liquors at all other imes is regulated or proüibitcd by the aws oí the State, auU uot uuhorizeil by Jouncil. To mafntaln an actiun onder the orJiiiüiice in questijn, U is not necessu ry tv chargé a ale ofliquor ofany kind, but only tliat tlie peñan conplalued agnlnst kas opeaedor keep "a taveru, hotel, vlctnal ing house, saloon, orother house lor furuisUing ineals, food or ihiuk, or billianl tables" wtthoul firsl ubliuning tfie license re'juircd by tfie onUuaiice and yicing the bond. Where Uien is the flaw iu the onüiiance ? mul liow is it to bc resisted, that is ifour cltlzens cooiitenjince aud alü the Mayor and Council in enforcing t. Without sucü aid uo ordiuance could be enfoiced. i mm il In the Circuit Coart thu (bllowlog business has been disposed of slnce our last report : Albert Scudder vs. Wm. Burko. Ropleviu . Judgmont tor delendant, (i cuutsdauiages aml costs. Win. Hensoo vs. Wm. M. Brown. Plea trlthdrawn, Jadgmeut ior plaiuUff. 'Ui-man it Babbltt m. E. P. Crafts. Jadgmeut Tor phiiiitifl', by consent, (180.05. Wm. A. Burnham vs. Jortin Forbea. I!uplevin. Judg-ment for defeud&ut, 51.üy. Appeal ol'K. I). Bllsa iVom Uommlstiionera in estáte of Clias. tituck. Judgineut for Hppellant, $1) aml eosts. Lyman 1). Morris ts. Edwin M. Corastöck. Poreclosure. Decree for couiplaloaot Chas. Kiny v. Frluce Bennétt. Admlnls trator ol' the astat of Ai-deu II. Bailará. Poreclosure. Decree tav uorapluluant. On bil!s praylng dlvorcea; Isabel Petersen b. öeorgtj Petersen. Caroline (. Coto es. Frank X. Cutí'. Ellen Ij, Borden rs. Wm. X. Boyden. Decnesgrauted in each ctuetpro eotifttto. In Elunter n. Elonter, the readlng of the testlmony bas been progresslng since Taesday afteinoon. Georye Orr, couvlcted on charge of asíault and baitery. Fint-d .f-iö. DwigUt S Smlth, of Jaekson.iixainluedand admttted to practlcc. We are indebted to the pablishen Uw a copy of tiie Michigan Ahnanac for lbT. Tliis animal is comptled by Cn.vs. K BÁCKus, of the Detroit Tribune, aud pnblUbed by the iribune Company. H is i work of 114 pages and is full of Information for every business and professional m in and eiti.uii. To the usual calendar anti astronomlcul calcalatlons, by Prof. W.vtson of ouroltf , are added lUts of United States ofiicers, cxecutive uii'l judicial, conrcssioiial aud legislativo ; fiill lists of county afiteen; terras of holding coarta In the overal circuits ; the new Suite apportlonment ; constiliuioual amcmlniciits to bc voted npon at tlie next election ; returns of tlic elections of 1871 : ettatlatlca of Htcbl an by counties, as sliovvn liy the census of 1870, val uable tables ; llsl of postoffleea in Michigan ; list of Michigan cities anti vlllages, and uf cities of the United Status over 10,000 : list of Michigan neirsp&pen report of State Bnauccs; lusnr&nce siutistics; tables of all completed Michigan railroads, with distances; with record of evento for the year, etc. Pricu 15 cents, aud in no otlier publlcatloa tliat we knon of eau so mueh bc got for so smill a suin It is not cnousH for tlio Detroit Tribune Company tliat Caklhton has becu engagetl t cdit and eonlribote to its weekly edilion for 1872, lint another advanee inovemeiit is annonnced. Düase Dott, Esq., Superintendent of the Detroit l'uljlic School, and (veil known in ediicatlonal clrcles tliroughout the SUte, and in fact the Xorthwest, is to take cüargo of an cducational column in the weekly Tribune d uring the year, " einbraclDg news, advice, suggestions," &. This will, no Joubt, provo an attractive feature. - ISesides these speclalties, the Tribune gives promiueucc to State news, (uil Commercial Reporta, an Interestlng agricultural departmeut, and for a RepnbUcan Journal is inclined to be liberal and fair. Ñow is a aood time to subscribe for 1872. Daily, $10 a year; Weekly, $2; four copies orderedatone time, $1.80; ten copies, $l.(iy; tweuty copies, 1 50. Address Iribunc, Detroit. Arrangcments are belng perfected by the oflicers of the New Kngland Society for the coming oslebratlon of the aunlveraary of the Pllgrlma on Plymouth Rock, or gomewhere thereabouta, which oconra this year on Friday evcnlug oí next week, December 22d. ÏUe exercises will be lield at Cook's Hotel, the anntial address will bo givcn Vjv President Anqell, and after tliat bopper will be serveil, with toasts, responses, A;. &.H natives of New England aod tbelr dcscendants should t;ike pleasure in coming togethfirla memory of thelr foreflithera. It will do them ood. Tlie address wil! bc dillvered proinptly at 8 o'clock r. m. Prlco of oup)cr $2 per touplo. Colobado ia luiocking at tho doo s of' Congress, usking adinission into the Union ;is a State, and a Washington dkpatoh siiys that the chairman of tho Co umitteo on Territories is favorable to the project and will report a bilí and urg, il i passage. Tho principal toason to be assigned is " that longor delay ondangors tho prospect of olooting R.publican Senator?." That's it, and to secure bo dcsirable au end tho act of admission sliuuld mako i oondifeon precedent that llepublican Senators sliall bo elscted or tho act o huid nuil and void. It won't do to admit Colorado and runany risk, foronce in tho Union, with no further dependí upon tho Uovurnment :tt Washington, and no louger qnoxtered oa the national tiviisury and waating Urge approprlationa, she wiD enroll henelf as a Democratic Btato. In heratoforo going Eepublican site has had an oyo on the moneybagsat Washington-. Cut her looso iïom thu monoy baga and her votors will asjort the faith that is in tUum, and that faith is Domooraoy. In tho House, on Srfonday lost, Mr. Wood askod lenvo to introduoo a resolution, deelaring, aiuong othnr things, tliut it was the duty of tho majority in Congruss to take moasuros fov " tho iinmodi"ato reduotion of direct taxation ai:d iin" port dutios to a stri;tly rovonuo stan"dard." Ou a ïuotion to suspond tho rulea, wbioh was lost by a voto of 77 to 13ü, Jfr. Hamiai.l and his Democratie collongues votcd no, assignir.g asa ro;i?on thal thu fust pert of tlo rosolution, which wo havo iucluili.-d in quotation markf, " was lierosy to Fuunsylvania, tliough soumi Diíinocratiu doctrino." It is this last admission of the Democratie prott-etionists of l'ennsylvaniii whioh we dosiro out roaders to ïuiin'inber, (hut the reductwn of import dutics to a etrietly rere míe standard U sound Democratie doctrine, Heroaftcr thu Deuiocratic party can íiot bo huid rosponsible for tho Pcnnsylvania Dcmocrats win) penist in votijig ugainst " sound Democratie doctrino," uiciely to subsorvo local interests.


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