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H. Cohen's Column. AT THE ISTEW lililí Store ! 4,7 SOUTH MAIN SÏKEET,1 Yon can now find a laíge and complete assortment of Ladles' and Ckildrcn's FALL AKD WINTER HATS INT AU-. STYLE3, TRIMMED AND ÜNTRIMMED. Also a Full Lino of RIBBONS, LACES, COLLARS AND CUFPS, Ilodery for Ladies and CMldren, Glovesfor Ladies and CMldren Ladies' Made Undcr-Garments, Ladies1 Enit Vnder-0 'arment s, Hoop Shirts, Corsets, Madam Foy's Cor sets and Shirt Supporter. IIANDKERCIIIEFS In plain Linen, Ilotnstitcli, Lace, Initial, Mourniug, tfce. riushfor CloaMng, Silh Velvetsfor CloaJcings, Ydveteen for Cloakings, Velvet on the Bias, all colors, Velveteen on the Bias, all s7iades, Jiiolons, Vclvets. Buttons and Dress Trimmings, Jaconet Edging and Inscvtion, Towcls and Napkins, White Trinaming8 of all kinds, RTJITFI,I]SrGS. Jaconet, plain, stripo and check, Namsook, plain, etripe and check, Soft Finished Cambric, Swiss Muslin, India Twill, Victoria Lawn, Eishop Lawn, Linen for Shilling, Tarlatans, SHIRT BOSOM8. Gcrmantown Wools of every color, Gernaantown Balraoral Yarn, Ivnitting Yarns, Genta' Collars, Susponders, LTosiery, Neck Ties, and ; Ilandkerchiefe. PERFUMERY. Hair Oil8. Colognes, Bay Enm, Soaps, llair, ïooth, and Nuil Brushes, Pucket Books, Albums. Jet and Shell Jewelry. Bracelets, Glovo aud Ilandicercliief Boxos, Woolen Goods, NÜBIA8. Worsted Slipper Patterns, Embroidered Cushions, and in fact overything usually kept in a fírst-class Millinerj' and Fancy Goods Store. H. COHEN, 47 South Main St. r U S T RBCBIVED! FINLEY &LEWJS ive reeoivuil a lurge aml well-selcetcil Stock of New Fall Goods ! BOUGHT EOB. CASH VM of whir.h mtist le sold instile of sixty aya to nakc room for ouv üSbcond i'all tock. Wc cao rflow our customci the Best Kip I3oots ver brought to thia market, botli for mcu nul boys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. VVi; have tlic exclusive sale of J. M. Ilurt's lne haml-inade work - conceded to bu the )est work to wcar lu the uiarket. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WORK IS CMPLKTB. IW We liavc the exclusive sale of tlic flno goods uf E O. Durt, of New York, and Keynolds jïios., ol Utica. We gaarantec tntlre eatlsfactlon on thls work. 134 TT E AR YJ2! E. J. JOHNSON IIAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! FOR FALL AND WINTER. Alao a Inrge stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furs! Hls SÏYLES -A.ÜS THE LATBST. H1S GOODS THE BEST! AND HIS TRICES THE Also a full line ol Gents' Furnlshiug Qooda 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. PAINTS PÜINTS PAINTS Oils OJls Oils Varnish Varnish Varnfsh Brushes Brushes Bruáhes MINERAL PAI.NTS. &c, LOOK TO YOUH INTRRBST AND CALL ON B. W. ELLIS & CO., BBPORB PURCHASINQ FALSE HEPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY nASGONEOUTOF T1UDE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAHGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT l'KICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO AKULLLINEOF GENTS' FURNISHING GOOÜS! DON'Ï l-UKCHASE YOUR SPKING AND SUMMER OUTF1TS UNTIL TOU aiVE HIM C -A. L J_.15 South Main St., Ann Aiboi. JAM, B. REVENAUGH, PHÖTOGRAPHSR RETOUCHES ALL HÏS NEGAT1VES BEFORE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOÏHSANDTAN Do not show in any of kis Picturcs. No Eitra Charges. DEOPLE'S DRUG STOriüi R, W. ELLIS & CO. DETROIT ADVERTISEMENTS y I 1IM.W HACmiltERT li:iO'l'. G. 8. WOBMER&8ON, Dcaler6 ín attkir.da ef Wood and Ii 011 Woiking Machiueiy. M, 101 & 1C3 JJtFFIESON AVE, i BTROrr, mu r. n DOBLTZ v KlifTiir,u, Importcra and Deaíers rrt 3PTA.iNroY aooDS, TOYS, YANKEK NOTI0NS. HOSiERY. LACES AND TRÏHMINGS, AXH M.r;fr'-cTt KT.KS nr Chlldren's Cari iages, Baskets & Sleighs, No. 8)and 82 Wooilward Ato., Detroit, QIIIP YOIflt Plour Lvra3 Wheat TO GILLETT Sc ÜLXj DJCTBOIT. We guftrantoehighesf priccs, Imnudlate salea, nnd prompt returns. fF" Liberal Cash advanccs. ry SIIII'I'KItS OF WHET ! Wr are propared to oíTer iuduceraenta to shltTs of wbeat tiot Mirpatscd by tnosoof anv other iionse. Liberal advanccs, prompt atlcution and quick retui us. JACOB BEBSON & CO., 05 Wóodbrldge Street, Weet, Detroit GRAIN BUYER3 JUN;1ON TO JOHN H. WENDELL & OO., DETROIT. Víc pfnnranicc prompt f;ilöa and tmmrdiate returns We are ule at nll timos to placa car Ion ol faney Wnito or Red Wheat to advantgao if ehhpped in throueh lino cura. We refer to all Bauka nnd Commercial Agencies. 4RRIAGES AND SLEIGÜS. J hugh jöiiisrsoiKr, MANl'FACTÜRER AND DEAÏ.RR IN Carrlayes, Buggles and Sleighs, Cor. Lamed A; Cas slri-cls. A large nssnrtment of KASTKliN and HomemadoB"Sí-"i's.Carriaf;t;s and Bleifche ou ljand, or flniehcd to order. An Examination of Stock and Pnces Solicited. JonN TATTON & SON, Manufacturera and Dealere In Civrriagcs, Buggies, Sleighs, &c, Tho üiicst assortmont U Michigan. Kítabllshcd In 1842. FAOTORY ORVER WOOPHRIDOK AKD BRU-II KTRFKTS. Hip'sitory, 226 Jcfferson Aveuuo, Detroit. ÜUBNITUKIO ! P. HÜFJVAGlrrL Sí CO., Ho 213, 1 & 217 Woodward Avenue Detroit We havo"a"complete asaortment of the fliicet Pmnitnrc, and other erados. A cali from buyT8 18 golleited. We are fully ble to snit all ib toiitialiiy and priecs. We manufacture most of our luruiture, and can gnarantco satisfaction. IAM SELL1NG ALL STYLB3 or HOUSJffiHOII) FUBNITURE Twenty-flve per cout less than any othor house in Detroit. Do not fail to visit my Furnltiire Warerooms. JOSH. W. SMITII, 250, 252 and 254 Eaat Sido Woodvrard Avenue. FAUL AN WINTER STOCK OF FINE W1IITK AND BORDERED China Dinner and Tea Sets, Some very fine n colora; aleo fine CntGlaas: Royere. Smith & Co's. fine l'latcd Good; Ivory andRnbbrr Handled Cutk-ry, I.ari:c stock of stand, liracket and ilanging Lampa. Jtc, &c for sale at low prices by . McCüKMICK, 10 Michigan Ave., opposite New City Hall, Dctroi EW ERA IN SEWING . The New Wilson UnderFeed Sewing Ma chine maltes thc same stitch as the Sinter, llowc and all other hlph price Lock-Rtitch Machines, i theirequal u all, and superior in maiiy reapect takinj; the premium In the State Fair of 171 ovc allothcre, SoldiSOUs than any other flrt-clas machines. Warranted ve yeare. Seud for circulare. E. CHENEY & SON, Gcn'l Ap'is 172 Wo"dward Ar., Detroit. Mirh. TOIIN II. BOICUEHTY. Mannfacturcrs of PICTURE & MIRROR FRAMES riiroiiius, EnjrraviiiBs, and I'Iiotos. At Wholesale. 287 JEFFERSON AVERIE, DETROIT, HIKH THEODORE Hanufaciurei of LOOKIN(3-(JLASS & PtCTüKE FKAMKS Gilt, Rosewood, Wabol and OíGamental Monldings, Importers of Lookinp; Glass Platcs, Chromos, and EngravinL:s. 31 Atwatcr street, Detroit. LAY & ADAMS, Manufacturera of íluA wholeaalc cealera n PDRE WniTE W1NE, CIDER AN1J MALT PRKM1UM VINEGAES 14 Atwatcr strect, West, 1343 Detroit, Michigan. GOLDTMITH'S Bbïam Stsatton Busi.ve9sUnivkb8ity, Detroit - Business practically tauRht after thc Counti"ü House syslem, tho only trae añil practical ayatem for lllostratlng real buslness, requirinp Bnuks, Htores, Boslneas IIoums, Offices, lioard ot Tradc. etc. No lnttttDtlOn .ver took a premium for lViok-kceping and Baaluaaa 1'ractico over this lmtitution, and any assertion t thoeontraryle false. l'kase address as auuvu fo papers and docuraeuts. IHALLKNGK.-I will place $50!) in tl Chanda of any renponsiblc party whenevcr an; liilliard Table mnnnfncttirer ia willinp to tcet tb merit8 of hisBilliard Tables, as todurabilUH, tape loorkmanship anti tttlt crreclncss and quickBttt cuthionn, he Teatnrlog alike atuount on the decisión And I further p'opoBe tliat tlio winner shall dlspo: ol the money wi u by giviDfi it for gomo chariub pnrposo. C. SCIIULENBURO. Billlird Tablo Manufacturer, Detroit, Jllch. TAMÏÏSJENKS, [Estadli?iii!I) 1SS4 '' Dealer In all kinds of MACHINERY AND SUl'PLIES AL8O, AOKNT rOR IIAIiI.'S PATENT SlUNULE MACHINE. 29 Atwater Strect Eit, betwmiu Bates and Raí dolph StrueU, Detroit, Mich. lATIl'BELL, JL1NN A: CO., DKALKUS IS DRY G00DS and MILLINERY 111 ft 1t8 Wnodwurd Avenue, corner t'ongrcsa St Detroit, Mich, DBKBS MAKIlfQ SPECIALTT. OMETillNG WfciVV A 'V 50 Main Street 1 LOUIS WA LZ, GROCER &CONFECTIONEB nAS A LI. STOCK IN 11IS LINE, AND WILL PKOMl'TLY BBBVB Ï1IK PUBLIC WITII SUOARS, TEAS, COFFEES SPICES, SYRUI'3, CANDIES, ETC. Farties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SIIORT NOTICE, OF TUK JJEST QUAUTY, AND AT TUE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. BEPORB PTJHCHASINO. mi'. "POU KENT A DES1RABLE STORE ! And CELLAR. Also onfi Fine Front lipom over thelr New Store, No. 18 Main St.,from August lst, 1871. Enquirool 1330-tf G.W. II AYS, Snpt. Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by 2 K LmJ I S S S c & . O L 3 i esa h @ R ■ S S L t í 69 ti .2 r' o H ? iJ ö i ï í S í 'i W U :h 1 - o #jr fl 4 2 ' . ,tnW o L, ri p j- 1 Oí "3 . no B s i&v fe To auy poraou proftuclog iiny Medicino oble to show ouc-thinl as iniiny Uvlnc, pcrmam-iit carca as Dr.PiTLBK'a Vkojitaulb Iíhkimatic Rkuxdt ; and a furthtrrevMrd f' $UH) for iiy case ofchronic or Inllummutory RhíMunatUrn, Netirftlgia, lüu'iimatic Agüe, Sciatica. and Uheumatiem of the Kidueyult will nal cure. Thifl Khtnmntic Syrnp fi used inwardiy only, pleasant to tho tnste. and goaranteed f'.'ee from iujiirious Drogfl. Iti DOt d (nack Medicine bui tbe sciontiflc pceecriptioD o f 1. Fitlcr, M. D.i Profeaeí oí Toxlcoiogy ana ChennUtiy, gradúate of lIh! celebrated Dnivexsllj "f Pfansyivauia, A D.lStií!, whose profoastonal Ufe lias beti, de votcd spRcially to thifl dfeeste. This preparatton under solcinii oath Í8 COHMÜentlOD8}y bclicvcd to be tho .'positive, ruliable, iiifalliblc speciíu: otbt d8covered. The proof that no Otber speciflc exUta a fountl in cvcry commnnity in persona affítctcd for mauyycarH pAstaod stillsufferiDgi (fphisieiaíu could cure i'í, if apec{ficdid 'j-hf, thu vootUd nt be. #,- afoct that must lw uiilversally admittrd. The oftdocclvedsafferermay wUelya&k, what eccurity or evidente has he that [r. Pitlcr8 Rhoumatic Syrnp will cure his caso. The prolsctton ofTcred to patiente iainst Imposittoo ís in a logallj signed contract which will be ftrwardcd without charge to nny sufTerertteudingby kttura deeoriptiou ofaffllcüon; thla {uiraiitce will state the exact iiuinbr of lottlos warranted to cure, and in case of failurc the niouey pald will be retnnied to tho p&ttent. No other remody has ever been offeied on sueii liberal and honorable term. Medical idvtco, wlth cenificntfifl t'rom prominent lh slclans, Cloreyraen, otc.i wbo havo oeen enred afler all otnor treatm nta have faiU'd, sent hy letter, gratis Affilcted cordially iitvitcd to writo foi advicetotha pilnclpal ofllceT 46South Fonrth 3treet, Phlbdelphl, lJa. Di-, pftler'í RhenmaücSyrup is sold by Drúggisto K. V. Ellle A Co, Solé Acntd, Aun Arbor, Mich. SAM. B. REVENA ÜGH PHOTOGRAPÍISñ MAKES ALL KirSDS OF PÏOTURES FROM HE SMALLEST LQCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, AN 0 FIHISHBSTHXH I N INDIA INK1 OIL, OR WATER COLüBs ! IN A SUPrERIOR MANNER. 13:!)-1y. No. 3O III IIIIN STREET. T UMBBR YARD. C. IÍRAPF, Has a larc; and woll stocked Lntnbei Tardos lefferson Street, In the ionth part of ftbe "tv, and will keep constan tly on hand an excellent varíoty or LUMBER,SH!NGLES,LATH&C wliidi wlllbcsoWnslow asear bo afforded iu]this Quality and priecssuch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KBAPF. Ann Arbor,.Ittiiaary20th, 18T1 9S6 GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and ModicinO6,Paint8,Oils,&c Yüï YOUR WIFE I cl A HANDSOMB p a s C ISAWli, 8ACR OH DRE88 i D iror 4 ;; )hristinas tresent At V. H. MILIEN'S Mortgage Salo. ■' )K1'A1T.T hitving been x&ade in the condition if a J ■■ t-i.rü i ...,, - l by Cnthaxine Walli of u orthüeld, in the eouuty of Waahteiuiw and State of ichignn, on the 27t3i day of A Dril, AD, 167, lo ' illy Ann Pray, ui Superior, tn BaiO county nnd st;itr, J i-l feoorded in the !;■ ■'■iiur's office of the eounty of r, the thir.l day Of May, A 1. 1N(7, ntíV ' dock A. M., in líber 'ti of mortgnges, on p;ifrc -I7U J ímh Bdid mortgage wrte auly asrigned b Boige s. Wheeler, Adminifftxatot oí" fche estáte of t illy Aun 1'iny. late of Superior, Washtenaw oounty, j ■i ■■ a-i il, t ) N allí ni n. Pmy, onthe 1 7t i dy of ' ti y, a. n. 1871, :m-l rocordea the íhth day oiJomiary f d. 1671, inUber Sof asttgnmenta of mortgages, on iu;c (1)3, that therc is cluñned to be due upon said j icrtgage a&d note at thi date, the um of one J red and fbxty-two dolían and thirty oentn, abo a J nuiltlo Solititnr's (v At(uriu 't ii.-c, should uny ín jt be tjikon to íowcionc thís mortgofje, ano ' icr installmnits tn lu-crnin; due in s;ii(l nuntgnye, and J 0 procoedins at law or in cjuitv baTiag buen luid to ! .■cover the same or uny part thexi Noticc is lieix'liy líivru, that by virtue of the powcr 1 sale oontained Ín said mortoage, I símil st:ll ut pubc anction, to the bigheat bidder, on the ninth day of : Caroh next, ut 2 o'elock i-, m. of said dar, :it the Court Couse, in the diy of Ann Arbor, in suid eouiity, that ' i-inth piuco of holding tho Circuit Court for Ürt nuiiiy oiWaahtenuw, tul that oevtain traot or par A of líinil kimwn, and described m íoIIowh, to rit: Tbe northeast ouartex of fche aoutkeaat quartei f section number three in townahip immber one iuth in rouge number tix east, lyins üiNorthfleld, thu coanty of Wushteinvw, in tho Otate of 31ichi;tll. December 7 th. 1871. NATHAN H. "I'TIAY. John X. Oott, Ajwúynee of Mortguguc. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. Mortgíigo Bale. fÏPAÜLT hávlng been made In the condUioni of I ïi mortfFftge exeented )iy John a. Bentley, osd Saoh Bentley to Pter Shalurs, bearLuK date the K ti Iny of August onc thooflftnd etgbi Inmdreil jiikI -:xy elgbt, :iit(] recorded iu tho oflk-c Of Ilie Ueitdr f I'ecdefor Wnshtcnaw Conuty, MtchlgftD, en :c ■it'vtMith day ofAngtut, A. D, (8C8, a&c recordé i :u Iber iï'1 of raortpagefl, on page 23C, on whkh rnrt? ir e there It dAlmed V be one nine hnndrod aid icventy one dollaifi and tliirty-fuur ctnts, und th "-y lollars as on attorney fee as prutlded In snid mort;ií:c. mid no snit or proceedlng it biw ba vine been .nstltnted to recover the debt secored by raid mortgage, or Buy partthereof; Notico is thcrei'orcherei ) v irivriï, that by virtue of the power of uaïü con tained In ?;iid mortgaee, and of the tímate iu soch ensemadfi and providcd, the MÜd mortgage will be foreclosed by a Milu of the BflW mortgoged premlsefli to-wit: All that plccc or parcel oflflnd lyinj; nnd beingis thotownsupof Northfleldi iu the Couuty of washtenAVi and state of Ulcbiean. known, bonnded and described as íoUowa, to-wl1 : the northeaet qntrter of the Bouthenat quarter of sectiun nuiiibfr nftcen, townsbip No. om; sontfa of ranire No slxeoft accordlng to tné origina] ronrey, oontalnlns Totfy neren of land, more or lesa ; wblch will be at public anction, to the hlgheet liiddt-r. at the south door of the tfasbtensw Couniy Court House, in thu Ci y of Ann Arhor, in pnld County, fthiit bchii the place of holding tho Circuit Cotirt in thu aforesaid Couuty) on Saturday, the twopty Dcventhday of Jnnuary, A.D. one thonsand elghi hnndred and Beventy-two, ut ten o clock iu the foiciiüoii of ihat day. Novembef 2d, 1871, PETER SHULTEBS. Hortaacee. Lawkknok a Fiïazki:, for tfortgagee. Slioriíf's Salo STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, as. Byvirtueof one exeoution, lestied out of and underine eal of tho Circuit Oourt for the County of Woahtenav and Btata of Mifihigan, againat thegoods, cliattlcs, ïtfnAa and tenenentA oi Julia Silk, and t me dixeoted and lor the want oi ffboda nnd chattlea I have thu twenty-third day of Noverabur, A. 1). 18?L levied on ai] the right, titln i:nl interest whieh said ■Juli;) sük has in tlio toUowing described pxoperty, to wit: ( omiiu-ncin at a bltujk Oak slump four chains and thii'ty-soven links west of oanter of section number twenty, thence west along center line of aaid ection two chains and sixty links, thenee north tlnrty and ane-half degseea cast (true bcaríaJ one chtiin and sixty-eiyht links to a atake, thenoo eaatérly two chaina und twenty-Hve links, to the placo of begnmlng ! the atove described proporty being in the recorded plat ot' the city of Ann Arbor, county of W;ishtenuv, and State of Michigan, whioii abore premlaes I shall exposeforAale,at public anction to the bighest bidder, at tlie south door üf the Court ILoum., in the i : y of Ann Arbor, on Satnrdáy, the twentietih flay of Juuuary, A. U. 1S7, at ten trclock A. M. of said dny. Datcil. thi3 -ith, day of Decuubcr, A. 1). 1871. 1331 MYXíOX W KiïJi. Sheriff. Sheriffs Salo. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of "Washtenaw, ss. 0 liy virtue of a writ of exeoatíoD issucd out of and onder the seol of the Circuit Court for the county of Wáshtenaw, Btate ï SCichigan,dated the twenty-iirst day of Bfftrabi A. ). 1H71, and to me (tireeted und deliveifd, against the goods, chottels, lauda and teneor WflUam BI. Brown, aefendant tlicrein namedt I did, on the twontv-ninth dny of Biaron, A. [. 1871, fbrthewautof goodaund chattcls,l&vy opon all the viirht, ütl6 and lutereet thut VVilliam 31. Bxdwh hna in tho íollowinjr 4Borib6d irëol estáte, to-wit : All N'o. ionr, tlt', Bix, sevön und eigJit, In llock one iu Gránger & Bloigftn's Addition to tlie Yülage of ■ICanchester; atoo the sóuthwest quarter of section eleven, amithwest anafter f uoAawtat qnartet of seetion eleven, und aouthenst q,uartei ï northeast nuoxterof soction ten, ill in town four soutli of rarigè tlneeeast, all ot' the above desoribed property being situittetl in the townahip aaA yfflage of SCanohester, ooanty of Vfaahtenaw, nd State of Michigau, which prenusefl [ shall-expoAe for sale, at public auctfon, to tl.-1 biguesi l'i'lil-r, at the south aoor of the Ofntrt , in the City of Ann Arbor, op theSOtb lav of Janufiry, A. 1). is;2, at lOo'clook A. M. of said day. latcuAnn Arbur, Deo. 7th, 1871. MYRON WEB& Bheriff, Iïy JoBTIN Fobsdö, UnJcr-bhuritf. Sheriff'a Raio. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "WashMm-w, . Ily virtue of a writ ofeieeUtion, iosucdout of and ander tho seal of the Circuit Court for tho couuty of VVrtshtenaw, Btate of Michigan, dated the 25th day ut May, A. D. 18"], mul tomedlrected and SeUverea, against the good, ehattels, lands and tenumenta 01 ri. Atchiaon and Orson At.cliisun, deféndAnta therein named, I did, on the tit'th day of -July, A. 1. 1871, k'vy upon uil the interest Onon Atchirón hoe in the following desoriDed real ortate, to wil : Being the southcasr quarter of the norünrwt (juarter of MCtion sixtf.ii, in townshijMUK1 sooth of range htod ecmt; and thn south pnrt of the eoflt half of the nortbeesi qnarter of sectíon seventecn, and the Boath half f the weet half of the north west qunrtcr of Beotion, township one south of range w-ven enst, in theCoantyoC Woahtenuw, ötte of ftUeMgnn; -which above deecribed premiees I shall ■ raoao for sale, -f' public auction,to the búhosi bidder, at tho soutli door of theOonrt ffotne, ;i Uieeity of Ann Arbor, on the 2&th day of Dcccmbtr, A. 1). 171, at 10 o'clock A. M. of sftid dny. Datcd, Xov. Gth, AA). 1871. MYKOX WEBB, Sheriff, 1847td By Joiïtin FobbEB, rntkv-Sht-riif. OhanouA"y NoÜce. TniCCIKCtTl' COURT foi OW oounty of Wushtchaw. In Chfuioery. marv 1'i;a'i:v, Comploinant, ) VS. MARTIN I,. FEAVBT, Dafendant. ) It satiafaotorfly oppearing to thia Courtby tbeafflLnit ot Mory P6ttvey,the oomplniniuit, amï x the ioturn of the Sheriff for the County i' Wauitanmr, made npon r Bubpoono lesued in the aVove can c thui the reaiaenos of Martin L. Peavey, the deféndant, is unknown, and that the said Bubpoona oould not bë npon the mid dcfendant bj reaeonoJ iiis absence, and of lii whewabouts being unknown : tberefore, on motion of l. iramer, one ol tíie solicitors for coinphunaitt, it sordered that the defenduns, Martin Tj. leavey, ctuus hia njwwirawnn in t!iis cause (o be BBtered v.iNiin thriv nmntlis from tllü iii=t pQbUcap lion of this order, and in c-c of hia appearunce he cjuise hls answer to the'coinpl;iin;int's biüto e rilocl, nnd a copy thereof to be served on 1. Cramex, one of tlie soliii: 'iis for complainnnttnccorling U the rules and pmotloee of the court., and in default thereof th:it the :-;ü.l bül be taken as oonfeoBod; osd it is furtheroxOored, Üiat ooid oonipluinant, within fewenty days crnise a copy of this order to bc pubUshedin in the fflchtffüM ArffU9 and that s;ii'l pubbcatlon continue fox thfl i(ii!i of thirteen saeceearw m ake, once in each week, or that the said complniiumt cauM ■ eopy of this order to be personalia Borved on thedefendant ;it least ttventy days befoi"e tho time above prescribed ibf nis appearanoo Oot 17th, 1871. R. BF-AIÏ.VN, Cixxiuit Court Commissionor, Wasfrtenaw County ilicliiiian. D. Cha: ii k, 145 of tho Policitora for Complainant, ChiHiccry Bale Notico. IX PURSTJANCE and by virtue of thedecree of tho Circuit Court fox tliu county of Wanhtanaw, iu ohanoery; in the caso whexein IVFaiaret liCoNomara, Guardian, is complofaiant, and Rose Connty arid .James CoBAty are loftíuilanís, the iindei"8iírned, one of thu "ir. uii ■ ourt i ommisssonera fox tl; County of Washtennw will sell at public auotion, o the higheat bidder, at tho Front door of tho Court Elouse. in the aity of a .n Arbor, in said oounty, on the 20th day oi next, at noon, Üiefbllowingdeaciibed lands and premisee, via.: The south port of titte northeast frnctional quarter of aecüon thirty-fbuxt oontaining ztyuiiif oeros more or lees; and thu north part of the northeast quarter of the sontheast quarter ol thfrty-four, oontoining thfrty-three sorce more "i1 leas and tlio northeasi quarter of the southwest quarter of acetion thirty-five, contnining forty acres more or less, nll in townslüp N'o. one Boutb of range No. thxee cast ; all tho above deucribed lands being in the oounty of Washtonaw uud ytüte of Michigan, or so much of Bftid ïfundsas raay ïk r-'uilieient to satisfy BaiAdeozee, with iuf i-ifst und coets. Dated, December 7th, 187L K. BEAHAN, Ose of tho ( ïrcuit Comnaiaeionera fox Wushtenaw A. J. Bawteb, Coanty, -Mithipin. Holicitor for Compluinant. 1351 A NN ARBOR AND LODI PLAISTIv KOADCOMPANY. The ann nal meeting of the stoékholden Of tho Ann ■ i i o i i i'Unk Boad Company, for the election of i drectora tur the ensuing year, and ior suoh other buarlnesfl na naay properly eome before the uneting, will be held at the office of the oomtmny, in City of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, 2a day of Janunry, 1K12, at 2 o'clock r. m. of sold day, JOHN N. GOTT, Treasuxav. No-ember 20th, 1871. IMOtd Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquorr , I for Medical Purposes . Chuncery Bale Notiee. [MFüH8UNCEand byvírtaeof tbedecrtoof the o rizoolj Court tor the Cuuiity of Washtenaw, in baneei y. i 11 the otuw whereln ■'■ orgeC. Puffp, rctoivcr ot fTylurü .■ impliúxuwtf nad WIMJnin otoCi' hens, EEorriot M. Fcfferiegittid Ií. ntrHídl urodefeuddn atSffuodof tb judgmont oí tho fcfupreme Court in dr ued, one '-f the Circuit Courl J ommiasionero fot the ounty ai Waihtena -v, will wll f public uuction, to the hjgheel bidder, at the front de oor of the Cuuii House in the dty rif nun. Arbor i i uid county, -n the íothday of December nuXtat iioon. Cu he following deecribed lunas and premisas, vis.: All m hat oertain pfecc or ptureel oï land sitante Lyingahd d: eing in the kun1 y ■■! W nshienaw and State of Jd lohion, knowii and describo 1 na followei Tbs nerthwesi da uurtor of sectlon thirty-bix, and the cast halfofthc be lortheasi quorter oi aectioa thrrty-ftve in township th ne, son! li of runga t'onr east, oí much of soid land pe a muy be suifiaieat to satihíy müd decuso, WÜh bíterut M ;iid QOStS. 'j Dntcd, November 2d, 1871. Cl BICHABD BKAllAN, tS Ono of the Circrult Court Comniltfionénf sá for Wsshtcu&w Uounty, Michigan, su UlIÏAM J. USASES, je Cobertor tor Complainant. 1346 pL Ki'íil Estáte For SíilST" í jTAtk OFMICHIUANí Couuty of Washtenaw, s.. [n the matter ofthi catate oi Thomas J. liroolí, Ii-i-iti.--i-iL N ótico fe hereby gtven, tlmt in pursiiatice it an order gi usted to tliu undenúgned, ndniiuidl rotor " f the estáte of sa!d deoeoaed. by tho Hori. Jud ?roliate of the Couniy f Wasotounr, ou t)i'-six.u-onth o l.iy of Ootober A. D. 1871, tliere íll besoïd ut public 5 ■en .uc. to the Mghest bidder, at the d welling hooscon ot he nrenüses hereinafter describe 1, in ttie County oí' of EVaahtennw In soid Mato, on Wodnosday, tho tw'enty leventh day of December, A. D. IW1, at ten o'duek ín a, lie futenoüu of thnf day (subject to all eucuinbrunci's iiHuíL-avi1 or othorwfee existinff at tltu thné oftho leath of Kud deceosed, and alio subject to tho right of -j( lowurof bis widow tbereinhthe fottowing deecribed estáte, fco-wit: Tw and n lmlf icros more r te j.n the vülage oí Cbelaen in naid oount?, bouñdedon t. ;lie north by the Mioiügun Centra] Kaiíiond landa, on j,, 0ie naat by tbe Miohtean Ceateal RaÜsnnd landaoñd lt] the toada of Bdward winters, on the nouth by t oent, ter of tho Jhn Depcw routl and on tho wpt by p landedoeded Octobcr 7th, A. D isüi, to Condón ("i Ti. IngToham, ill on section twolve in towmhip two, son tb oí' rango thres enatín said Otate, beáng Úu parecí uf and conveyed by james M Congdon tuna u wifctosuid Tilomas .í, lïrooks, by deed recorded m lij, bcr ü of decü in the ottLqe ot 1 he jEtegUter of Dsodd in !l Baidöounty.oo piiffe242 excepting and reaoiving the ö] f ollowing doBcribea premisesj i..: Onumenoing al a ',, poinf in thfl oenfer of the John !. 1 lej ■ w rotad atoro:, Kktd, two hnminyl aml fílty-.ix fttet ftart Of tíw íntth a,-; oorner of lauda ownodby Charlotte S. fioner,rnnB ning thencf eastérly nlong the oonter of suid roisd 'r' tin ■■ coda ; thunct' northwftrdly at rígfat anadea with Boidroadabc roda; thence weatwanlLy paraUel with , suid road threo rodt; t heneo aoutherly at rilit unglei h with í;iid rwtd .six roda tu thcidaoi of beginning, CHARLES H KKMl'K, AdTJimistrator. Datcd Octoler 30tb 1871. 1347 Haal Entato for Sale. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, County ofWatthteiww.w. : O Iñ the matter of the estáte of Cal vin K. Beokor, ( Jmcast'l. Notioo is henbj-givfin, that in pnnmance c of on order eranted to the andcrslgnedt Executor of the estáte oí aiil deoeased by the Jfon. Jndge ff Probate for the Coonty of washtanaw, on the twentytlnrl day of October, A. D. 1871, thÁe frfUbe sold at ( l'ul.hf iii.!iH', hi ilic highest bidder, it thfl stort: ot' Boyd & Brother, Bylvan Center, in the Covaty of v,'.i-)iT':i;iw In raid state, on Wedneaday, the tweni Eterenth day of December, A. I. 1871, at oxtfl o'oloek in ( tïie afternoonof that day [subject to H enoombranoi b by nitirt;_':i'.ri' cj1 othfiTwisé eodsting at time of the aéatih et stnd deeemed, and also eubjecl ti thu riht of dowevof Lonum Krurn a widowofNuthan ); doooosed) foUowing deaeribed teol es'nte, to-wit : Theiioriluvi-si qnorter of si -et ion twenty-onc. intownHÏiip two houUi of tange tlu'ce east, containin one hundxed and sixty arres more or lèaa, in said siaii-. Also parool of land eommencin on the enat linu of rt.ti.t Dgrünreat quaitUz on the Bcekex road, And running thenoe ectsteríy towsroá ByWan Center t went y cltains. thence sonth eiirlit chaina and twenly-Uve links to n etake nnd Btones thenoe west twenty ohftiua to a stake and stonea, tlienco north eirht chaina and twcuty-fivulinkatii tho plaoe of beginning, oontaining nklecn and W-10U iicree more órlese; and alfH a p:io 1 ol' lairl ciiiïiaenoblg thfl notthwesi ecnifr oí the southwesi mii"ter oí the noxtheast ftUBTter of said section twenty-one, tin twenty chaina iu length and eight ahaüu and fifly Unki In width, routaintnff seventeea aeres,- bêlng land known t be a part of Iho old farm formerly ownod by Joseph i'-n", and the same aa oonveyt Ú by deed bom Olive nor, Lewia G. Boeker ana wifte,0ctoberl4th, A. D. 1SI17, to sai.l ('alvin K. Vu -.-ki-r, rcoorded on {Mgpe -'-". of Ubcr64of doeda, in tho oüico of the Register of iX-ols iif said ( "onn y. Dntod, Üctobcx 25d, A. 1). 1871. VST38LET BVKCnAIïT), I347td Kxccutor. Beal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Woehtenaw, ss In tho matter of the ctutc of Cicorge S. Frccr, i. Noties is hereby gÍTen,thatinipur8uaaoe ot' an order gi'anted to the undersijnietl, nlminiti.-tors of the eUito of said deccused, by the Hon. ■f Probate for the County of waantenaw, on the aixth day of November, A. I). 18T1, tliere will be sold at public vou'due, to the highest bidder, at the dwolling liouae on tlio premlsea hereinafter deserfbed, in the County of WaahianAV in.siid BtBjtooa Wèdnesday, the scventeenlh day of J.-tnwary, A. Tí. 1S72, atono o'cloek in the ufternoon oitliat day et tu all eucumbránoes by mortgage ox otherwue existina at the tiniu of the deatib of au , ondnliio anpject to the right ut' dowes of his widow therein), Uie fionowing described real etstate, to-it : The west half of the BQUthweat quarter oí' section sixïecn, in townshtp twp BOuth et range tour east., ixmtaininy cighty 00X86 more ur li-ss, ijl BtUu Bi ; l t ■ ■ _ Uiitcd, November Cth, A. T). 1871. JONAS FEEEE, JAMES C. PJÍEER, 3óO Adminiatrators. Commissioncrs' Notioo. STATE OT BJCICHIQAK, coanty of Waahtennw, bh The undezaigned havtóg been appointed bj the pmbate Court for sald ooonty, Commusionera toroceive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persona againat tho estáte of Kary Jane Baywalt, i said county dweaüed, herebj giro notiee tliat ríx raonths from date are auowed, by order of said Probate f!ourt, for oreditoi" to present their claims ■ theeMateof said deoeoaed, and that thoy wil] ,- the office of Qeorge C. Pase, in the vÜIageof 1 texteTi in Beid oounty, on Baturday, the twenty-tevaatfa day of Janunry, and on Wodnedy, the fewentysj oond day ut Muy next, at ten o'clock a. m. of cach of (vid days, to receive, exaiiiino, and ad jus t said claims. Di í .l,Nov. 22d, A. D. 1871. (ÏEORGE C. TAGE, 1340wi rKTKHTiriïE, Commianonera. Coinmissioncrs' Ntice. STATE OF MlCiiIGAX,Connty oí' WashUnaw. 88. The nndersigned, hoving been appoinfced by the Probate Court f oi said county, Commiánoners to reoeive, examine and itdjiibt ;ilï tl liins und demands oí oü peiBOns nguínet the estutc of John Keyer. ïateof Baid c unty, deceasedi hereby pive tont slx' montha trom date ue aUewod. by order of w bate ■' 'ow I . fox credltow lo present their claimt agninBt . to of si'i'l tl' eetwed, tmé tïuif tney will meet at tho ontco of aald docoaAed In titf eity of Ann Ai'boj, in 'said county, ou Butunbiy, the twenty-thinl day of DccfiniK-T, aadTaesday, Bw fcwenty-flrst flay ol Hay next, at ten o'elot-k a. m. of eaoh of eaid days, to n oeiTA, oxaxDine, and adjust oid claims, DoteO, November ?it, a. D. ki. JOHN MIl.LKU, G.F HAUSER. ï Commiioners. CHHI.ST1AN EBEÏIBACH. ) I349w4 ComniissioneiV Nütico. STATE ÍS MICHIGAN. County of Wawhtenaw, w=. The undonrigued, havnig been appoiutod by the l'robate Coort for said onunty, Conunissioiutra to rO ceive, examine and ndiust all cluims and demands of ali peraons againat toe estáte of Palmer FJliott, late oi stud county, deoeased, hereby givc notiee that &ö months ft'Om date are allowcd, by order of said Probate conrt, lor creditore to present theii agoinst the estáte of said deoeased, and ÜtattheywÜ the store of JamesN. Walláce, in tíie cfty oJ Ypsilanti. in suid county, on Boturday, the third diy of Pcbruury, and 'fuesaay, the foutthday of June next, a', ten O'clook a. m. l etvofa t" .-sviJ clajá, to receive, examine, and adiusi ooid da :; Dated, Deocmber iih, a. d 1$; i. JAMÍ& N. WALLAGE, L. D. SHOWBEMAN, 133Iw4 Commiüsioners. lístate of Lelnnd "Walker. QTATKuK MICHIGAN, t'uuntyof Woshtunnw, sa. j Noüoo is horeby given, that by m ozdec of the I'robaie !ourt (or the County of Waahtanw, mude on tho tweuiy-thinl duy of November A. 1). 1871, six rnontha from tlmt date wen allowed for creditoi- to : their claima agaütst tho ontate of Leiand Walker, Inte of said county, deoeaïd, and thai aU .- of said deoeased are reoutred to present their claim to said Probute Court, at the Prooate i ice, in the City of Ann Arbor, foi i xnminatioa and aliowüiicf, on or Ijefoie the twenty-tbinl day of Mny, ooxt, and iti.i! suchclainM ■"■!! e heazd beforo said . Court, on Baturday, tho thlrtieöi day of December, aml on Thursday, the twenty-third dayof M;iy next, at 10 o'elock in the forenoou oí eaeh of thone days. Dated. Ann Arbor, Novrmber 23d, A. D. 1871. HIBAM J. R RA W RH 1349w4 Judge of rrobiitc. Estáte of Eber M. Munroo. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wafihtemiw, BS. 0 Notiee la hereby given, tlmt by an order of tho Pro bate Court tor the County ofWasntenaw, made on the t wenty-eightb day of Movember, A. 1 . ïTl, six montha Crom that date were allowed for oreditors to present their flaims against the estáte of Eber M. Munroo, late of aaid couuLy, dceeased, and that Ul oreditors of said deoeased are rwiuired to prescut their oloima toaoid Pwibate Court, at the ProbKte Office, in the t iiy of Ann Arbor, lor exaiuiuation and alloWoiMte, on or bef ore the twenty-eightfc day ot May iu.-xt, aud tint such elaims will bc ïieitrd befbn said Probate ( (nut, kn Saturday, the twenty-seventh day of Junuary. an.l on Tu.'-ilay tlm twenty-cighth day of Mny, next at ten o'clock in the foronoon of each of UlQM 1 Lia'tea, Anu Arbor, Novemler 2Kth, A. 1 . 1&71. UIliAMJ.liKAKKS, X35Cw4 Judge of Pi-obate. Estáte of Gottleib Uckcrlo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw,Sfl. Atasossionof the Probate Court for the County of Washten&w, hottlan at the Probate Offloo,tnthe City oi' Ann AiU-. on WedneadAj, the aixth day of Deoem-bnr, in the yeaz oue thousiuul oight knnUxtú and stvciity-one. r. - ui, uirnm J. Benkes, Judge of Probate. in the matter of tho estáte of QotQlob Lekerle, 1. Jacob l'ekcrle Administrateur with thewfli annexed, of said deceased, oomes into oourt and repaeaenta that he b Mf prepared to ronder his flnal account is Buch .Vdministrator. ThortiuiHHi it is iudcnxl ttut Tuw !■ the second day uf Januiiry aext, at ten o'clock m the forenoon, b asrigned Por ttramining and ullowÏbk suofa account, and that the legateea w and hefrs at m of ssid daoaftsed, and all other personi ntorosted in said estaés, are reqmr..1 to anpeax at a sesaion of said Court, theu to bc holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in asid Connty, and show eanse bt any Cbexe be, why the said EMronnt ahould not be allowed: And it ísfuriiberoileredthataaidAdministrntormTe ootiee to the per.-ons interested in said estáte, of the pendency oï Baid account, and the hearing therepf, by oAusius s oopy of this order to be published ín tho ,■ Argtu a ewapaper printod and-circulnting in sala County, tfarm snfiQSBÍve weeks weñoustosald PilYSIGlAKS PRESCKIPTIONS ' AtJCUKATKI.Y AND CARBFULLY PRBPABED BT Ji. W.iSLLlü &V0.,DRUUGIS2i. Éstate of K!i.;l ]„,, ( 'WïEllI',,., y.fw ' Washtennw, helden t the i-, i „ r Ul EL' Od mclsevellty-one. """I tigjnj tururú J. Bouksa,JudI8opt In the matter of the Batato f ïiiSOaxeadiagnd itethe petitie „„,. uhíub M. osgood, , ? ' cení ed dii d sefeed. lV:1ic. Thereupon it u ordered, That Moni.. , y.,t Juüuury net, nt ten olockiK "■ assigned fot th koning c, .. , ''"■' 'tS1 at the heirs at bnr (.1 said doce) IM'i"'1 "Mini '■ ji :,,.; don ol aaid Court, th.-n .,,?' í";11'-, ' '""■-. ■" Uw city Of aj ÍWoJí nse,if jnv ,.!„ „.b,, whj thTprtffi"tt uuldnotlwgnmtcd: An.l , !-tL jdpctiti ideetaofffiependeneyofsaid i ,i, ' ■" Ir;,,;:. I, ■ idcircnlutimj in siud connty, faiYsnSïïW mous to tuid day oí hearing. "'Wvyjj Estato of Loammi KobinT1 Ata sssionof thc Probate Court ftíí!i t iiaiitvuuw, liuklen al Üiel'roWo,L1?Ci2 Ai, n Arlor, on Suturday, tfce twLjlCS oyc-mber, ni thc year one thousand eïiïH r-one. Present Hiram .7. lkakcs, Jndirc ,f il. Ín tliu imittcr of tho críate o( Unmi"' On reiiam and flljmj thc petition mi Bobinson and John F. Xii-i'o], í.''Hí ■rtuin instrument now on file ín .:. rCJWlliJ i!? tu bo tho lLst 11 und to nment of ■ '""■ lay be udmitted to probase, ,.. kej ppointed Kxecutdr thereof. ' '""'" ""1 kL nitüorderodthnt8utnrdaytlit. .,y ofDeoember nexr. ut fcn o'cloS lïS! Ulldl.uiníatlaw',, persons interested in sa,.! , , lipptill at II -ur-i.-i.jn oí Siiid oiiirl, tl,cn'tl"f l?w ttbe Probate Ufa, in thuCiivor i, .btft. huw cuiue, if any thete bt-, whí ti,. ' , 3 I tliould nut be Krair(,l ' ,lV?'''4, rdexed, thíii emá petitíoner Kve not . flln ons Interpstca in snid catate, oí the-?."" In. ■ ii I i-, Iimuti, m.l ihe hearinK thereotí?"? opy oftbia order t. be publidudta ili liyuí.o newspiipor pintwl uu.l , uunty, thrcu aucecsaivu wccka pifvion i '" learmí; "" Estiitu of Juni; Jiri.r.r, s-TATK()l--MlCJl[(iA,,,M,,iv,,A&. At :, Manon of the Probate Coort for h? a wmshtencw, holden t thc riul.-itcOfiüf'! ityof AnnArbor. m 'm-n]M;'nf,ZZ!k lay of NoTember, in the year uno t'liousi,JS? lred and seventysona. '" ' '-■' l'i.fí'jnt ílh-iuii J. l'kes, Judgoof iir,)„t In tlw miittcr of the estáte of Jin. Tíujim-rt. "Wilt On rcaclioq and fllinpr thc petition, ,'u,v „_a. Pelch & ( Irairt, pruying that eome ital'u. beappoiutdaduiiiiistiatuT uf ti,, eomed. ' "'- Th.reupon itia ordered, thntTnesdíi tlin ixth day of Dtc-mlier next, ,i i, „ . íoon, )e ansipifd f.,r thc ,. that the hein :it luw f ,-a-.,l .1.., xTsons íntemsted in mM íwtatt, ire 'niiwJjr? ai' ut i sosaion of sald Conrt, tlu-n lo iTÏ.,7 the Probate Ottiee, in the city ol Ann AjW ïï! canse, if anythere !,-. whj theprayerrfiCiSS er should not be granted : And it is fortw „ ;hat Hád ititionL-r give notice to tW jnmT1 ested in wiid estáte, of tho penaency aaw? ma the hearing thereof, by eaaaing ,J? irder tobo pnbDshed n the ■"■■'";;on Jr. iaper priuüd mi circulating inmUUnj,? toooeasive weeka previons tosaid day al liriC (A truecopy.) HIKASI f. II 1350 Judgc ol tniér Estáte of Edward S. Boötï CTATB OK MTlHlHiAN-, omroty of W., l' Al a Bession of the Probate Conrl furtlitttnj Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate oüík S, of Aun Arbor, onSatunlay, tl,,.. . . mbeTi tn the yearone fcliousund tight ktL j ■eventy-one. Present, Jliiam J. Beakee, Jiulije of Trokt In tl, e matter cit tin-.-ia'. On rendinR and (Ding the petition, dolt wiii Ann Booth, praying that a certam mstnrèm on iu thigconrt, puriHiitingtobotbelMitiij ' teotameni of said deoraaed, may be idmir batu, and tliat administration of said t-M granted to somc Bultable peraon. Thcreupon it is ordercd, tUat Mondaj' tbeiWM ! d.-iy of Dooembor o._xt, t ten o'clm-k iSZI noon, 1 assigned for the cnriiig of naid pit,rt that the lt'ffatees, devisce and heireatlawtïibifcW oeaaed, ana all other pt-rsxn interested ia satf au are Tt-([fiired to at o session of saifl CrotS to bc holden at the Probate Ottiee, in theótriijn Arbor, and show cnue, if any tlicre Ie, ihn prajer of the petitioner hhoold not be u it is furthcr ordered, that sai.l petii the persons hitcrested in sk1 tt;vte, of thc tnaw of said )K'titim and the hearing thmof, Uatmt eopy of thia order to be publishcd m !he ííetto. :r .-. -.i newspaper printed and i-iM-ulunnaiDiuiJa tv, three e weeks previoua to saildiTiikc illif. (A true copy.) IIIKA1I J. EE.MES 1310 Judgf; Estáte of Lyman Wliitney. STATE OFMIOIIIGAS, CountyofWutalt,, At a session of thc Probate CourlfwifcCooJisj of Waghtcnaw, thc PrclaKMIft.iiili city of Ann Arbor, on Monday iie IwtiUrt itj ol November, in the year onc W.aii t-At bundrod and seventy on. Presen I Hlram J. IVakes. JodgreolTtotae. Iu the matter of the estáte of Ljw IMtHj, docofuied On remi, ii' and nliii'_'thi-io!.itiori.(lnljrit(ii Mary Aun Wliitni ■y,imyiti!i tlini a certalBiBittax BOW on I':H' In this Court. pnrportini; to bc l&i ifc ill aml testament ol Raid rteeensul, muj ljiii ted to Probate atu) that she may be apioioWi) BSKCStrlx thereof Tbareopou it is ordersd.that Monday,tie day óf iecembfr uext, at leu o'clóckib ■ noon beagsipneil for tho hearinxofxiid ; that tbc looataea deriaeeflftna ht-ire ai Wi said deccased, and all other persoo inifmiB said.ebtatOi ai-e reqnired to :-,; said Conrt, then to lie holden, al thc FrobsuM I in the City of Ann Arbor, nnd sturw ciu there bc, vhj the prayer of the pi-t.i not be granted: And it i Hirther orilcn potitioner ive nottce to thc persons ulerííld 3 paldeatate, of the pendency ufsaid peti the hearing thereof, by cau8luL a copj o. to be pabllahöd in tho Michigan Anm., n iieii! [ninifij nndcirenliilisg iu Baid Coirnty.ihreíiKaíiv- w60b:r prevtotu to aait! day of hea; (A traecopy.J lIli'lAM J. BEKIS. 13-10 .1 iu!;c ol PK [ Estato of Caroline Ksttnet. STATE OF MICUICAX, Hmnlj „f WisUew Ata sesmonof thc Prol il , rant fw tlutW of WaahCenav, lolden at the Probate O. City of Aun Alina, on Tuesday, tlict.: of november, in the year ouv tUuumul eighttulred and scveiity-oin-. Present, Ilirani J. Beakes, Judgc of 1': in tbc matter of the catate ol CarolmeMW I dflo&useötf , On roadlnf and Sling the petition, Mr 'ai'.'1 Qottleib F.Haiiscr, Adminutrator, pr)t "J" ma] bc Ucenaedtoaell urtain n-al estáte bw docoMpd In tl Hsixad. Thorenponit is ordered, that Toesday.ftct diy of December next, at ten o'clodñth noon, 1„. osaigned for the hearing " 1''lï!fi uid tbat heil: il law of said ei er peraons itfteiested in s; i "'n'ItLu:i(; □ of said Court, taentowW" the Probiit.! Ottiee, in the City ei Am aiiiae, if any tliere Ir. ivhy the) DKtitioncr kI,,,:i1,1 m,l be Biunt, ordered, that said petitianei give n"''l'ol!pt ti, ,11, and thc henrinir thurcuf, by cuns this order t" ulllisl.itl iu il I newspaper printed anti eireulatiiifr in SP j tour su '. ■ ju, w ■.,. tu (Atruecopy.) HIRAMJ.BIK 13 li) JudïC ofrnW_ Estato of Frcdcrick H. If STATK Ol' M1CUIUAX, oountyof ' At n session of the l'rol ■ i of Waehtenaw. holden at the ProWtt ,-ily ,l' Ann Arbor, uil Tucsdiry '' Xoveml-L-r. iu the year one thousand eig1 1 nnl sereniy mie. Pi int, Btrara ,T. Beakes, Jndgeof I'""!',-. I In the matter of tho tslale Ol Fmlirict-1'deeeafted. j On ïeadini; nnd flünf! petition. M Samuel 1. llead. that ment now on lile in thia eotirt, pm-pürti Ia3twill and testament of said decena, "Sja mitted toprobiUi nd thathe inay be ajin Extvutuf tacMOf. , ., ThoieupQB itiaordored.thnt Monday, tl day ot liec-iuli-rniAt, it ten oVl'-k ' be asognsd for the hearing iJr said '''."jïi 1 - ;.nd heirs at i;in'."IUip $t i and all other persons ntereated in mw wtik' ' quired tn appearat n sesgion of saiüewríi holden, at the Probate i tfllce, in thc i'-ï ".p bor, and show cause, if any thcre be. wT is ol ih, petitianei aliould nol lc v'"[:i ''i ■ fiirtlit-r ordered that snirt i 'Sw1 í pei-smis interested in said ola'r, uj ttn said petition, :;iïil heatinx tieuvf, '' copy ol t!ns order to be i)iiblished in Aiyus, u nvwspnper printed nnd eiren coiinty, threc snccivc v. io1" hearing. „nrí (A truecopy.) IIIR.ÍJI J. BJicSi Estáte of Timotliy J. T"01'' ,. OTATE OF JUCHHiAX. Coünly of Al asoBStonol the Probate Couri 1Z Washtenaw, holden nt the Probate '""V,? j,i of Ann Arbor, on Thuradny, the m?iZli[ November, in the year one thousand eigntn" soventy-one. . tfll nt H ram .1. Benkee, Judge of rro"- In the matter of tho estáte of Timotliy ' doo osed. . . CmiWKlinR nm fllinpr thc petition, nu JolinO. Tuomy, prayüis thui I 1,1e peraan may be ameanted ailuiunstr01 estáte ni' s..i,l deoeosed. &' Thereupo it is ordered, rhnt Jlondi cntli day of December next, at ten noon, be assigned forthehearing of"" lj1 ' that the heirs at law of said deoeased, """tJ11 jM-rsons interested in said eetate, are appear at a Benfon of said Court, toen ai the Probate Omce, in tue CityeiAnn show cuusf, if any there W. Uy II titioner should nol beenrated : Ai '""; ,' ordered, that said potitioni r rít noto t intarwtad in aaid estáte, oi tbe pendeney ]9 tion, and the hearing thereof , byea order tobepubliahed n the ici paper prlntwl nnd cimilatini' in saul '"'t. ks mevious tosaid day "i. ' tAtge-wa HUUj i: itate of Henrietta Waffier. . STATK OF JllrllK.AN. County ot Vi cTotve is heroby ue, that by a '"„,0' ... ■;■ : , .,-i'.Il-;.BI„J twentiethdny of November, A. V. ', .' ' ' 0 pn; fromthal dut, their claims against t tute ol . ,. dn!! [iiired to piescnt '■ tiec!r said Probate Conrt, at Uwl'rooateOWJ" ,„',, nu Arbor, tor examination nnd illl(,m'' ' tM' fore thotwenticthday of Mar ncït, " ggA ' claim wfll bc hcar.1 befor.' u Saturday, th, "' !"" ?,' , ■, Nf. ' Mond re, Ihe twi ntifth dny i ■■ .'■ , 0,'elocki the forcnoon of ■ ■■■■h "I 1 "t l„;is;l-, Datcd, Ann Arbor, Nove iscta? "


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