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TJftINE33 DIRECTORY. WOBBEJi,-!; .M„i.;.r-.i, W Ami ■■ o Mlch.. wholesnlo and rotall dc-.tli1D.-yO."5'l-f0.rpeUBndGA)cerlo8. T V U1I Wf, Airii:t il"1 Pinkte .V r.y.-n I r.'v ■ „■ s.'wi'iL' Mnchlna l1}1 '"'■ ritent, ■,;.-,. iV" ■vriii'lin k tiic lock silleta No. T cc] Ann Arbor. 1M".V ,. ( - 6 s inill. Dealera in Dry (Joods. Sí úroeeriM, CrockeryTie. No. .',4 South Main flfil'l _____ uloltKlsH1-15)1"'1'!15''111'11""""1"'' 31 N" 8 corner Willinma and rhompsg iStroeta. bpUr uffleo hoara Itott m. riiTïiuÏÏL 7IIIÏWAY. Iloofer Firc nnd M Water Proo!, Peil nd Composltlos flrvcl pul on t order nnd warranted. BcWenceon P0ntea 8trt, An Arlior. n W. 10I-I.IS V 'O., nniï'.'ists onfldonlere K.i Pointe, Oile, Ho.' South Mirtn Street, ioArbor. ir H. JACKSON, Doutist sacccseortoC B. Porter offleeeonnr Malnand Horonstreot, .„, ,he .loro il It. W. KUisA 'o , Aun Arbur, jljli. ineethetlcs admluislerod ii reqauta. Wr. BBEAKEÏ, 1. .. PKygldan and . Mr -.ui. Olflce, t rasidenc corner ol Ham d División Street, flrat door east oí Presby::iln-i AUU Arlmr, Mlch. Ej. .{ls, Dealer In Hats and Caps, Port-Straw Bood. Gente' Pnmlshing (1h1s, ■,■ ji.i rSootli Main -treot. Aun Arlior. '.lek. 'crnii;iii.AM te vhedon. i.if. mui Insuraiio .i'i-üi. and dealertin ü Bstate. ,ii Hurón Slicct. L I:V1S ( . UISO, IiiviU-r in Tliurtwnrc, gñtea House Pnrnl hlug Qootie, TIn Ware, Ac 'i. 'i Stiuiti .Uin Htreet. BACli &. AI5i:i-, Dealera In PrrQoodi Grocerk'8, ie ic.Na -0 South Mnlnttrect. Anii trtor. SLAWSO1V V SOi, Qruccrs, Provisión and Commlaslon Merohnnt. md dealen In Water ÜM.UndPlarter.andPlaaierParfg. -No. i Iluron stret-tSxilNUJIISI-i, Wholesale and Kctall Dealer . (u Rcadj Mailt' ' I ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 r. '.'IkíIis, Caasimereg, values, umi Ueut'e Furuialnu Go -l8. Nü.y Soatli Hala Sircct. W.ti. VA;.i:is. [K-alor in Ready MadaClotb bh 'i sttns, ilata, ( -apS) Frnnks, Uariwl Hg, &c. 'Jl m:iiíi llalnstreet. pii.HOlll'. k FINKi:. Booksellere andStaII tiou'-rs U'-dicil Law nud College Toxt Bo U, Sch.1 cd XlcclUneu Dnoks. Nu. 3 Noilh Main Biocb, ; ii Arbor. t,'lM'. Sc LE WIS, Dealere In Boots, S! ■■-, Rippers, &c No. ï Kast Hnron ttrcot, inri r!ir. VÜAtJ W. OHKEVEK, AÏTOKNET AT LA.W ! OïwwitiiK ■ '■' ijiht ic' i rconrtHonse 1331 " J. F. SCHAEBÉBLE7" reacberof Maelc o:"i's Intruction on the PIANO, VSOLIN AND GUiTAR, ittiis office. No. 67 South Mnln Btreet, (Moore'e Mldiogj, or at the r sldoaco i the papil. PIANO TUNIWG, Mdttspeclaliiy nd Batlsfactlon guarantedi l:;.'4yl j' R 0 0 K E Ii Y . CLASSWARE & GROCEElES, J. & üonnelly Eanlntton UrgetockfCrockerv, Glasgwnre, Rmd Ware, ('ntlerv Drocenes, &c, &c, all túbe Mldat tmnsunlly low priros. Nn 12 Kast Il'.inni Street, Ann Arlmr. n-8ir j. & v. Do..i;i;i,v. TOO G. GALL, FfiESH ANDSALTMEATS, LARO, S!SA(K.., Etc., Orders solidtcd nud prmnptly Aliad with tbebesl tt inthu mark.-t. 31 lí.ist WMhlngton Btraet. innArbor, S-.t. l'th, 1SG9. i-j:í" ti T F. ijit.ijss, Manufacturer of UUUCE8, BlilE8, LliüBER WICORS, i-tn, WAA4M8, n tii;rs, si,kk.iis. te. All wnrk wnrranted r t lic iwst mtttorlar. Repair nxdune prumptlv aml ri':fiiii.ilu. All woifc v:ir ■W t glíc perfect sati-faction. ;-. S uth Main J AHKSBÏ, T-S M.inutacturcrof Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, 1 8LBIOH8 of every .-lylc. made ofihe best ■uenal, and wiinuiiu'cl. Hone íliodog und RcCio "le Pfuuvily and prices reasontihle. ■"■naSlreet.near H. U. Depot, Aun Arbor.Mich 132yl )H.cTb. POliTER, DEUTIST. laMin theSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 41' Operacions on the Natural Teeth PBRPORMSD iniHCAUB. "NSürpassbu PACILITIE6 AND BXPERIENCE HfflSG ARTIFICIAL TEETfl, 0 TO ÜIVK KACIf INDIVIDUAL, '"""ƒ '4e proper x, tkapt, color. firvtne$eand „ na al ezpretsion. 1244 [ Q C JEÑKINS &" IU. RANDOLPH WHITE, M. D. BENTTI8TS. ' CRNER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. IA-U Operatious peiformed in the Most Thorough and Scientific mauner. Sltrous; Qag oonstantly on hand, , iQ4ailiiiinisterea with pei-fcet safety. 18.0.yl. JVE GEIÍSE FEATHJÍR8 u FIRSTQUALITT, ■Il'itlj(in!iand nndforsnlcby __ KACE&ABEL V"KX YüUYÍ7AÑT FINE PII0T0G1UPHS. GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, Nu. ;;j llinou Strevt. ANM AU BOK liOAKD OF CONTROL Oï THE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY FOK TUE CITY OF ANN" AKBOR, AND Towns ot' Aim Ar!r, Norlbfield Websr, siu, JUiii:i, Deitcr, STylvam mul 1,} Uil'.. II, EACH MEHBEB CÍSÜEED FOB $5,000 Bon. r],;irlr.-Tripp, l lilm B. Pond, UoVolscu W kxI.a. B.,c.It.Henry D. Be -il, Wm F. Bienkcy, M. b., Stephen M. Webster, ,1. u. A. Swnons, Leonhai-d Oruner, Wanen Trenuün, Edwunl Blood, Inaure wltli the Michigan Mutual because it invet ts ths f iiids of its Policy Ho)des cf this Distiict In tUe Distiict. under the supervisión cf the Boa: d, THKttKBY ASST TINT. TO DEVEI.OP OUR RBSOURCfcl l'ulicy Ilüldors yL'Cureto (kemselrea The Highest Rates of Interest Tboic is a dlffereuce of fully 3 per cent betwaen ratos of interest East anti Wcsl. $1 ,000 Inveated animally for .'.o yearn, atlOpcrcent .nmounteto 1,280,800.40 $1,ohi iiivcsi.d annoaHy tot 50 yr'i, at I per cent., aiut'a ij íó J,.so.ut l'iftVrence, 15.8I8.4O The IiiiiUer the ratea of Interest receired the less vill be the cost of insuriuioo md the largor the divideuds. AH Tolioiefi ave Non-Worfeiltiblo ailur payinent of onu auuuiil X-rtíiiiium. It paya D-vidonds on tho First Premium. ÍT Uil) OXK-TWEI.I'TII OF A IX THE BI SIHESS DOTMü l. IIÜS STATE IH 1S70, COHTETIHO WITfl üi eOHMHlES. It can Fobnish Undoubtkd Assdbancb to MicuiaAN Man at Lust Cosí Tli.VX ANY 0T1IKK (JuML'A.NY. The Company is Prohibitefi by Law from Speculating ni Keal Estáte or Otherwise[t deals in CASH ONLT. "Itlsan obvloo prtndwie ui Ufe At!,ir;ii;iv that U sannot be dono Coroiany dt-uls must be iaid for 'mi Cash beforc it c:in be ropplïcil." 0FF1CERS 01' THE BOAKD : TKTPI'. PreeVdmt. ; i: , su. ■ ■ Pri i . ' ■ [1 J :' H. WBRSTEK. Treasnrer. KKAKEY.M D.,Medlcal Exumïnor. I Q A 8E8S1OK8 Attorneyürd Airent. IEO. 1.. POOTB, Secretar} ai .1 Dbtrict Agent. OFFltEllS OF THE COiJi'A.iiï : UHIN .] BAQLEY, President. i di: s PARRAN, Vicie President. hilix 'I'. LIGGKTT. Secretary. ÍAÜE3 C. WATSON, Actuniy L. .11. TllAYtOl, General Agent. IBSUwd JJOLIDAY PRESBNTS. EYEIIYTIIIXC I!V' TliE DRY 600DS LINE ! Useful and Ornamental FOB HOLIDAY GIFTP C. H. MILLEN'S. BOOKS. books. j. b. webstee & co. xew book stohe m:ar the " EXl'KESS OFFICE." LOOK T YOUIt INTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. m LL Buy jour Mee Laces, CoHars, Ilandkcreliiefs, tilovos, Hosiery, For Presenta, at V. H. Millcn's. SA mïTU EVENA L ü H Coploi OUl AÏBROTÏP1S & DAGDE8BEOTYPES IN FIKST CLASS STYLE TO AHY DBSIKBD


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