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The Democracy--its Duty

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Nothing could be more natural tnau llio quostion whioh followed tho recent politieal reversos of the Demooracy : "'If ( the Djmooratio party öannot save the ijiaiiiiy wo can, ana howV" '■■■■ could be inore patriotio than tb üoi, whioh was heard on all Bidos from li uocrats " If any mn or ooiabinatiön 1 ui' uien can do this work we will wel . [f they need aaorifices frosa us we wül inake thein." We believe that ander ' the recent praotioeat Washington our I govetrament is ohanging ita oiiaraoter. i Thia revolution has been aoeomplished by and oonuption, and against the .: of tho poople. The inoveinent : boen rotcogression and not progresa, ïho mon who framed the Federal itutiou, with its equipoise ofohecks and balanoes, ita limitations of power, and arvationa in favor of looal eelí-gtovernment, antioipated the oonoluskma of modern political soienoo, and aooomplished a work whicb ia the nearest to tho ideal of the students of political science of any form of goverament _ lts nicrit lay in its distribution of i'unctions aiul its absten tion from anneoeesary powcrs. Tlio att ribntee of tho Btaée woro few and simple ; and society was left free tofeel the natural impulses towards progresmye development. Ai l tbe ohanges thathave beon made have been in the ilirection of the multiplioation :uid contrulization offunotions, aiid the ready resort to farce. The counterpoiíes to Federal oonsolidation, whioh existed in an independent judioiary and in tho nghts of the States, havo been deBtroyed. There is l, m ri spo i li'iiity to tho pcoplo on thu part of officials, fhere is more deflance of the law on their part and onconcealed corruption. Ouo dangerona aspect of affeira at Washington is the tendenoy to rosort to military power to coerce tho oloctions in tho Soutli and menace thcin in tho North. The eonditiuti of tía to Domingo intriguo - whioh Gnu.: wtr peots to curry tbrough against the oppa sition of the peo])le - and the demonstration of the Beet against Hayti, shows how far a military President dares to go in foreign affairs, and the wholesale i of and donial of trial to citizons of tlio South show to what tyrannics home govemment teutis in su;]i banda For ourgelvas wo ara ready to take any coorse whioh promises to relieve tho country of thia iliingoroas rule. We feelj.too, that we must act uow, or it will be too late. IIow is Üie work of roscuing tho country to bc aooomplished ? We believe that a majority ol the electors of all tho States are Deiaoorats ; bit Übs strength is not so distribnted as to ffive us the control of the Presiden tial electrón. Tlie control is ivithin our reacb, but is not in out' hands. A majority of the oloctojs of this State wo have BO doubt are Dcmocrats ; but the political power is for the presjnt in the hands of our adversarles. A chunge of .bout one por cent. in the voto would rcvorsu the charaoter of tho State, and a still smaller ohanga in the Uniou ■woulil defeat tho ic-c:lection of Grant. No ene doubts that to combine the elemente of disaffoetion against Ghrant in own party -vvith his avowwi opponents woola intuiré bis easy dofeat. One might tbink tíiatwith suoh elementa in the calculatiun :it hand, the pjroblem would not be ditlicult to s. ivc ; :.:id tliat it WOllld mako little difiereaoe whether tho one per cent. was addedto the ninety-niuc, or the ninety nine to one, as tho rosult would be tlie samo. But wo hear suggestions froin certuin quartera that the problein is not so simple - that an ary movoment must bo made, and extraordinary sacrifica rendered. Tho Doniocmtio party is to bo dissolved, to go out of existonee, to bc buried in oblivion ! Great pioiits, it is told, will result from its dcath. lts life is liko that of a lii'epolicy holdor - it must die to win. But though dend und buried, like John Barleycorn, it will rise again ! Wo tbink thcre is some mental confusión in this advice, which in almost all cases coinés from those wLu have been pr are still in the Bepublican ranks. Now, a tbc Democratie party alwaye act by system and through an organization, which, though imperfect, -- ■ - i iv- .. . exoept by the agrecment of convcntions composed of representativo dolegatcs. ShuQ wo hold ward meetings, district meetings, county, State, and national conventions, and resolve that it is expodient to do nothing! Shall wo announce authoritatively that the party ia diasol ved, and Demócrata may go wheiothey ploaso and vote for whoovor picases them ? Could we brisa the party to Ibis decisión ; and wouid it bo wiso to do it it' we could ? No ' let us rather address oursolvos to th masses to enforce the luxjessity of action - not the poliey of inaction. Let us show ourselves in eaxnest ín our desire to return to the simplicit-y of republienn administraron, as designed Ijy tho fbundora of the govemment. Let us recogniae aU inen as our brethren, and coOperaie with all in this purpose. Let us rei uae to serve the umbiiioii of any man or Bat of men, but give ourselves wholly to the cause, which is that of the country. Candidatea will present thcmsclvos the time tomes. No party is so ready to conqu.-r its prejndices, when the crisis calis for the Burrender ot' partisan cousideratioüs, as the Democracy. President Johnson resistcd tho dictation of Congress, r.nd the Demócrata raUied to his side. Cliici-.Justice Chase presided over th? impeaohmeaè trial with an imjüirtial dignity that ecmUask-il with tlie püssionato vindictivenCB of the hour. The Deuiocracy were willing to make Mr. Chaso thoir eaaclidato fox Presitíe&t. líowimrrow wob the step to tuko to havo consummated that ohexoe all wïio took part in tho convention of 1H(8 know. Let a man now rai itation against the cOTrnptio'iS and usurpations of tlie Qrant dynasty and il will ring through the l'nion and rally íhermissesto his sido. ïhe people are bowed down by tlie weight of inÍ8govemmenti andaré hateninj with quick and apprehensive eavs for thu footgtepe of the coming deliveivr. ïhe Deniocva'v have no candidatos, 110 Bcction of the country canolaimto prebo it om-, iu State '.s :i right to do so, our own State lr;ist of all. Tilín: and cirOuinstauces will develop the man ondei wboM name the military dynaety wlucli ■eekstohold on to the govornujent by force :iiu iraud may be overthrown. ïhe interval bel'ore the popular decisión is m d i is not long ; but events nowadays iiii.v rapidly. A o have Been tlie corrupt municipal organization in New York Bwept away in a Bopular movemeut led by Democrats, wJiicii embraced men of uil porties, The Gtraat dynanty is far wono and more dangerons in its corruptions and usurpations thau the municipal cal;l whoae aiisdoisge ealled out tho 1 Opulai whir'iw . people are prepared to oarry thie refoinn tuovement ia-, to the arena of nationul politics. Let us urgo on the movumciit by exposii corruptiona and bhe ianovutions dunger(iu in liberty which charaoteriee tho exietiogrule atWashmgton. Letusresort to ( viiy means to arouse the people. Let us give aid to all who have this purposi; in vic.v: lotus accept aid from all. Let ttsfurget the past, and look only to the futuie. Lel us make erery ezertion and cvi-iy s:icrilii;e necessary to mecess- for suoefss is somethLüg far abovo the triiini] i of a party. It is the rescue of ■■■. country, and the Bolafion of republioan piinciplca from Ib ■ i!;iül re that tl ■ to engulf tluui. Ki) Oarson, Colorado, on the Kansas IJ.iciii': ÜAilroadi is now - i with coontleM thonsands of builaloes aiid g vat niiiiilii vs of antelope. The buft'aloesatobeing slaughtered by hnndreds, ■lid their meatisbqing ahipped to the East and West by. carloada. Parties nre Btill in scaroh of missing bnffalo-hunterg, who wereoaught in ta,. gfeai snowstorm, niany of whom are known to be out, and are gujipowd to be í'rozea. A nuuibcr oí eattle horden have been frozen, and cattlehave beenlost by hnndreda of hcad. The baffalo range two hundred miles west of fcheir usual route, whúíh oíd plainsmen gay iodicatee an uuusually e.evoro wi'ntvr. Republii '. journolsand Republioan blowers have made theniselves lioarae over the Tammany frauda in Now Vork. Ihatthis was done on the stop thid erj principie is olearly demonstutod by tliu !ul ufforl oi tho Radical majprity iu the Senato of tho United. SUitos to bloek tho doors of the departmenta ugainst invostigation. Pending a vote on the resoltition of Senator Tiujmiuli, amunding a caucus subetitute for h.ia original i'csolution raising a special invesügating oommitteo, Bouator Pattbrsojc, of N. II.,said: "Idoeay Üiatthoro are Ln" speotora of OoBtoms inNew-Tork who "stuteel boforo tho oommittee, onder ontL, " that,. in viola tien of thoir oiïicial oaths, " and in violation of tho laws of the land, "they had taken biibos, any tinne they " disoharged a vcssel : and I say, forthèr, "that the agonts oftlio steamship cotnpa" nios told me th:it thoy could not get "their vewela iüschorged without bi-ibing " tho officials." And in answer to a (uistion by Senator Stmniii:, r Pattbrson dccltu'od that he Had " 110 knowlcdge of " their having been removed." Mr. TlPTox, liko ilr. P.YTTiiiisox, a Eopublican, and, ulso, liko him a membor of the recent " Betrenchment Coimaittec," siid : "He "made no attack on the Repulilioan par"ty; on the contrary, b.o desirud to re"derin that party trom the thai " had come upon it throngh the mistakes " of tho ndiniaistration and the currup"tion of its officials. He Mieved that "íhert teas corniplion, Jeep, tl imnlng, " "tering, (Mihrough tu administrution." - Yet the Senate voted down the subsütuk jBOpOBtA bj Senator TiiUMBULL, aiu' elccted previously paoked caucus siDotucnng committo. It w31 avail nothiug tb say that soma days Liter, in response la the cLimor of llepublican jonrnala all tfirough tbc country, that the fnlleet investigation mnst beordereá (whothor exocuted or not), the majority in the Seoate graciously pormittcp its paoked oommittee to be instruotcd. Tho concosiion come.;, lite the poep of the Irishinan's chicken, " too lato." - Tho cüutmiitoo nameci does not contain the namo of a single Bepublican Senator wiio voted with Mèssra, Teum.BULL and Sciiukz. Tue Sonate odopted a namby-pamby, wishy-washy resoiution in place of Bentvtor iRtTKBXJIX'a providiug a coiamitteo of investigation as to tho management or nagemont of the several dopartments of tho govcrninjnt ; then toned down, by amondniont, Senator Tici.'Mbull's resoiution of instructiou ; and elccted a oommittee previously agreed apon in caucus, on which but ono Senator votinar for invostiu-atioii - that is for either Senator Trumbull's explicit resolutiou or liis" ïcsolulioji of ixtstrttotioB - was put. And tliis by sclf -rightcous EcpuljHciins who háve " laid ftvrake o'nights" to weep ffveí í 'no corruptions oí' Tammany. ís tho admiaistration abovo suspiciou or irrcsponsiblo to tho pcoplc, or do its fricnds par excellent foar invcstigation 'i Similar action by a Democratie convention touching tho New York frauds would havo produced a prolongcd loyal howl frnTr tVid, n" ji ifo. tto:UWláCT WOtlKf havo boen brandad as a confessiou of judginent. Tue Congressional apportionmcnt bilí, which passed tlio IIouso 011 tho llth inst., was ainundüd on motion of Hou. C. N. Potter, of New York, so as to próvido that no new State shall heroafter bo admitted to reprosontatioii unless it sluill havo thouU number of inlnibitants to-entitlo it to a membei oí' the IIouo, or 134,Gió. If tho So nato shall pass the bill without striking out this provisión, and then if Congrcss shall havo moro regard for its own enaetments than it has recently shown for the Constitution, and respect and obey the law it malees, the " rotten borougli " system is a " dead oock in the pit," for a Cougress or two at least, as no territory has anywhere near the requisito number, New Mexico having tho largest populution, only 91,874, and that a coinijosition of whites, halt'-breeds, greasers, etc. ; Utah, with her multijïlicity or wives, coming r.ext, with a population uf 8G,7Sü. Sxcffixo an extra session es noar at band, for tho purposo of dividing tlic Stato into nine CongTO88ional dis trie ta, sovcral Republicau journals have taken timo by tho forctop and have tbc job already dono. Tho ratio, according to the census of 1870 whioh is tho basis of tho apportionrnont, is 131,000, but tho districts as constitutod by our brcthren of' the pross, with a laudable desire to relicve the Legislatura and insure RepubKcan majorities, rango all tho way from 00,000 to 101,000. The only hopo of getting anything Iike aji cquitablc arrangement wiH be in tho rivalry of candidatos who will want tho cutting and carving dono in their own interest. If thcy can be got well by tho ears good may como of it, but look for tall manouvering and tho biggest kind of gerrymandering. ISK'T it very znuoh liko "sijlitüng a hair"for Kepublican journals to claim th;t President Graxt ia in favor of civil gervico or any other reform and courts invcstigation into overy minutia of his administration! and in the sanio broatb censuro thoso Senators wlio opposod the TituilüULL rcsolutions, first for investigation, and thon for the instiuction oí' a paeked committee ? Can any sensible man doubt that Caiierox. Coxki.imj, Morton and their followors exactly reflected the views and wishes of " tlio man at the other end of tho avenue 'r " The baro suggestion that they did not is prepesterous. THE Sonate Committee on Privileges omá Blooüons has reported that Fobteb Blodoett, loimiag a teat ia that body as Senator from Georgia, is not entitled to the eame, and that Thomas M. Noit■wood, tho other claimant, was legally elocted and should bo admittod. Nokis a Democrat, and is qualifled despito the Koverul dibability acts. Tardy justico now promises to bc dono of Georgia, liid of Bullock and with Blodgett relegatcd to a back seat she m;iy hoyo for better times. A prominent journalist, who is porfoctly bald, luis offered :i reward ui' $1,000 for a talo that will miikc Lis hair stand on eud.


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