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- The Detroit Tribune saya that Oca. uhenok, haviríg purohasod bi interest in . ama uiine boforo ho waa nominatod s Minister to Euglund, uught not to o nijuirod to s-'ll Out to ut liirn for I w lace. ïlrri's jiist it, bat thiit circular on vliic-U lic iurured ofUnialIy ;md cou oufily, was au ufiort to "sellottt,'' a:ii Iso to "svll " Enjjlish finnnciers. And it os oven been ose i bu t fcliat he suught th joaitiou for tiiu pulposo ot' scliiiig the ;ocks. -The N. Y. Btening Posfs Washington orrcspün.ioiit idvisüs thatjoumal th;it Boutwoll and Delano urgod tlio Prosiont to aak the resignatioti oí' Akerman, n thu gronad " that they oould not c muct the business of their departmontn vitb. bini as tbo leg;tl advisor of the govnirnciit;" ako, that tho meiabora ot' tho iupreme Court u.ivisod tho President that the intecesta oï the country ro'iuirod Akcrimvn to "gjt." - In tho House, on Moüdiy, Mr. Jutier, of Slnss.,. introducid a bilí declaring tliat woman is entitledto Buffrage inder the XIV. ConstituüoDal amond ment. When will Mr. Butlnr or tome oqüally wiso introduoo a bilí deuLariikg that black uteu. wore washed white by tho XVfch smeodinwit, to be followod by anothor declaring tbat " tin; uiooii is made of givcn oheese ? " - Graad Bapida hnabandsare proverbial I y caliu and cool, but rocently onc of them got " very indignant," beoause 0Í his young wii'c bcing found occuiiying a room at a hotel with a commercial drummor or buminor, vrho gavo thu namo of William Rathbun. Tho erring wife's name is givt-n as Kato Pclton, and the Dcmocrat says " intoresting dovoloiMiicnts juay bo lookeü tor. - The Hartford ICcening Pust, IUdical, saya (hat ' the Presideat's next frk-nds in enatc, Messrs. Conltling, Morton, uml Edir.utids, aro m;ikinj. inore hoadway against Iris ranoiuinaition th'an all tho opposition to liim thronghout the country." Wo hojic, for the good of thc couutry, that they will keep ít np. - IJy erüwJi'.ig tlic monil)orsli:p up to 283, and ropudiatiog tho XIV. aniendmoat, New England makes a not losa of but oiio ínember in thc Houso apportionmont LUI passad ou the liiliinst. JMas&achusette gains onc, and New Hampábire anJ Vurnn nt v,'A loso onc - Thc Cincinnati Oiuette, not having , tho Lear oí Congress before its cyos, says : "Tiuro ate íivi: hundred distinct swindlcs tito present taritF, whioh benefit only the partios who mardpulated it, and are an injury to tho country." And yut the President reoommenda tUo contiuuance of the a kme swindling system. - Tlic dom:igogtcs ia Congress are again tiiikoring away at tho oight hour law ; this timo the eíFort Ls to secnre govBrnment omployea ti:n hours' pay for eighi liours' work, vvhich, no douljt, would gratify tho employés, but liow about the taxpayers r - ín the üoiiso, on Friday last, a bilí was passod appropriating $1,000,000 for a custom liousp, postoffioe, and court house in Chicago. Tho purohaso by agrooiuent or condüinnatioii of a whulo square is authorizod, a firo-proof building to bo erectedin tho center. - An item in the New York Wortel " About Women " column has promoted V.1icJl'ÖTran(riailcësftmVföiYiKy-t;o Mrs. Livonnoro as to tho wonderful progress of thu lady studonts, espceially of ono " Alba Longa." - The Duko of Ncwcastlo, Kirl St. Germaju, and Earl Grey, the celobritios wlio aooompanied the Prince of Wales on his visit to this country, are dcad ; but Albert Edward concludod ho wouldn't follow thefr exsmple. - What is tho " mystorious powor greivter than tho Secretary of the ury " whioU Senator Sohurz charges with sustaiuing tlio abusos and frauda in tho New York Custoin House, and whcro is it located 't - Lcading foreign jourrrals are vory severo in their criticism of Gen. Sclienck, not for investing in silver stook, but for using his official position to give it credit in tho markot. It is not considered diplomatio or honorable. - It is intimated that the President got bis foot in it, by tho consent of Secret. iry Fish te withdraw his resiguation. Ho had offurcd tho berth to Judge Pierrepont, who had signifiod that " Barkis w;;s willing." - A soeond jury has disagTeed in the oaae of Maddcn agaiust tho Staten Island Pony Corapany, a oase growing out of t!io boiler explosión of tho Weatfleld. - Jurios are as uureliabie in New York as elsewhero. - Washington gossip has it that certain politicians are endeavoring to promote a war with Spain, so that Grant can acquire Cuba and St. Domingo, and inake his own " oalling and rc-cleetion sure." - Henry T. Tuckcrinan, widely known andjustly popularas a man of letters, a writer of puro and nndefiled English, died at his rosidenco in New York, on Sonday last, of pneumonía, aged oó years. - Senator Wilson says that the renomination of Grant " is not ossential to the suecess of the -Re-publican party." But it is to tita Grant and Dont families and the grand ;irmy of officu-h'oldcrs. - California is talking ip a submarioe telegraph to China and Japan, and bilis liavu been introduced into her Locislaturo giving a company the right to constroot linos aml land cables. - Tho Genova Conference - child of the "Trcaty of Washington, met on the löth, received tho " cases " preparad on bchalf of the two iutorested go verinnen ts, and adjournod until April. - An election for Governor, in Georgia, to fill the unexpired term of Bullock, was held ïuosday last. Smith, tho Democratie candidato, was elceted, thore being ïionpposition. - Tho Boston Trncdkr has arrivod at tho conclusión " that meii liko Senator Cuukling and Chandlor aro wholly unfit to manage the afiairg of a gi-eat party. " 1 low sti-ange. - Attoruey-General Akerman has finall' taken tho hint that he is not wantod Longer in tho Cabinot, and has gi ven placo to ex-Senator Williams, of üregon. - The Mansfleld-Fisk liljel suit is ruported settlod. Josie gots (15,000, and various intorested partíes are reli froni tho fear of impending exposures. - "Tho Cave of the Wiuds : " thafs the' X. Y. WarUPg heading of tho pro ceedings of tho lower branch of Congross. - Aloxis is to arrivo in Detroit ou the evening oi' tliu 28th. - H is aimoujvced that the Joint Contiuisiou, now in soasion at Washington, Las decido ! ngaiusl the iïi-iush hol Li ■ the " Confü kcrato ootton bond ." - directora of the American Mer8 Uuion Express Company havn doolurod a diifctend of $3 parshate, payablo on .1 i 1 ;vf! v Januay '2. Cy . ) ■ . I is':, .Ir., hos been nomina ted tor the PresidenoyVy tho Plottsbmgh (Ma) Ucfftuter. Woodhull, Train, Fik, au I i lysaos. Whonext? - Tin: Bay City Journal givcs ;v report ih it tbe Michigan Contra] Bailroad Company hos purchased tho dooka ot' H. W. H.igc & Co., !it Wonona. ♦ - Col. McCluro, sproiainent Ponuslvauia Republioan, is out in au incisivo letter, gmng liis reosona for not favoring tbc re-electio:i ot' Qrant. - C jnnolly's bail has bcoa reducud to $000,000, but lius not yot been put in. fioveral criminal indiotments havo been found agiin: t hún. - - Olivo Logan w:is married last ïuesday morning, in Urooklyn, to AVirt Sykcs. Which isn't tho first timu Olivo h;is out up the samo oapex. - Detroit went into ec tacics on Mol - day cvening cvjv " Flotow'3 Mn-tlia," porformod by Pinepa-Rosn' full linglisli Opera. Troupe. Tlio Wyaming Scnato lackud ono vüto of passing the womun suffrago rupoaling Uil over the veto of tUc Uovernor. - Congress has pnssed a bilí making an appropria'.ion of $4,00i),000 for a sito and govornmont buildings in Chicago. - John Ware, convictod of tho mui-der of his father, in August, 1870, was hang at Camckn, N. J., on Frid&y lust. - Twood is tho horo of sixtuon imlictments for i'olony and kindred lapacs. Eight inches of snow feil at llichmjiul, Virginia, on Friday last.


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