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Castigated By Their Friends

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Th': m:B'.i:i of the Sonate in votingdowtl Trum iuII's amondtucnt to Anthony '3 resoluiion, tho amsndment ronding thut the proposed standing comiuitto is sfa linTü power to inquire into tlio expen litotes of "all branuhesof the govjrumenV' M woll 08 Blich matters as uiigl, initted to it, lias been taken up by the Liadicu] prosa ml disoussed t mean there are ■cui reasons why no üo:mnitt.e should aiiike tho proposcd uivostiention. Souio g Lival jouruala uro in ■ to Bay thai tburo is a look A Wnilowashing about tbo matter which will soriongly {o tho intcrests of that pirty. 1'h.e CleveJand Leader cA ijatoiday .-;iys : " At tho risk of bein;j rattked ;ts nu alarmist, we inake the bold assertioD thal publican party is in daagorofbe!ii4 lilown into piucos through tho indism Liuii - or we nmy sny arrogancó - of of it leaders. And to oomé right to tho point, l;t us say boldly that the ooorso pursued ly tho especial frienda 'ii' leut Ghraat, in the Senate, in yoting down the nn.'iiili.ient offered by 8ei Trumbull, ivill do more to shake the Uopulilican etrength than v.M the onslanghts thu iJ-.-inir.-ni'-y oan make on the adnünistratáon. Men aro not to bo drivcn from the Repnblican rattka by the party lwh without giving a out back. Kfo adminisIriition can be 10 trong as te d.'i'y il t gation. This business of aocusing 1; .- publicaría of oppoition to Président Gi-ant because tney may question gome of his act3, or beoause they may bo williug ;:11 the acts of the admiaistration shallbe Laid jun to invcst.igation, must be stopl'iiui amemdinent, after a twodays' ■■Aa, was voted down, mul, in being Totod down, a lilow was given to Hio Eepublioan party ihat may staggei i . It' tho acts ot' t!io administra tion will e. ir su i. i n t' tion - and vo havo no oubt they wilL baar the most critical exmination - then there is not'iing to fear 'roiu a full invustigatic n. If they will lot bo n' Buch investigation, then it ia an usanity of folly to attetapt to cloak matrÖl'S. " Senator Wilson wantod BepiibBcan iionators who opposad ïrumbull's atuendnent that they were plaoingthoir friends n a i'also position. Ho told the truth when he sail mill'OD" lvlicvo there is an .ttompt io s i d tho administration. Phöre are ttepablican tnievea as well ;us ). mocratic Uiieveé, and whérë tlicro is a hiuf' EopUbücan or Democratie - let lim be collarod by an officcr and ji out to the light. And the wordg ot Senator Pattcrson should sink decp into honest men's hcarts, for he saya he knowB there woro thievea in tho inspection departmont of the New York oustom house, and ho does not know - and the country doos not know - uut that thoso thieves aro there ittlL"


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