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The January Magazines

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Tiio Krlectie lé up With lUf HVBI3 1" ís and enterpr'.se :i"pl the 0Pen' nnrabei oí 1873 la already uii our tu' tering up;ii ts 38th year with mucb vigor as new caúdklate for llterarj faiuci Two sapi i-.i pltttcs are given, Racb ;is are Bel loin glven u magizlnes, " WnaJiIngton Irving und llls Frleuds," contaltilng foarteeu vory Sne portralts, and ' Cardinal Wolscy and tlio Dofee of Backlngham," trotn John OH bert's l'amouH liUtorlc picture. Tlw i:!1' ofcoutuuts combines thc eatertalulng an lugtroctlve, tho leadlug papera bel na Byruu and Teuuyáon, frota i!ie ( iirierbí , Freiif'imin du Ilis Traveta- 'Kottod th( World n Oue [landre i and Twenty Dava "tota tiie ItoDue dei Deux Monde; Mari' AntoinutU', the "Nlobe oí MoDurchs," i lirllllng sketch ; Notes i Piylng M icliiues; Tlie Prlsoners of Natarc: Comets and Cu'.iiL'ts Talls ; On the Condltloa o!' thc Vorklng Classes In Enlaud, bv Thomas Vrlgut; Alesunder Duinas ; A.n Open Polar lea; Pemale Culture In the lütli Century, mi thc conclusión of Patty. 'i E lltorial and olhcr departuaeuts aro vory readab'e. íow s tho time to subscribe. $3 a year ; tro copies, (9. Addreas E. R. I'eltonv Ofi Pulton Btreet, N. Y. The ;' A; .';'' m 1 lie .Vtiaas. 15 50. - Scribner's Monthly coinés fie'ghted wltli r.n tilines. The opening arüele is au ühistr.itcil poem, The Orpb n's Christmas Tree, by BayarJ Taylor, after'Ruockerl; Mlowcd by the flrst paper In a serles on The Vlonders o.' the West- The Big Trees and Uii' Foseuite, by [saao II. Bromley Illoatrated Song, by Harriet McEwen Clmball; A Chrlstmas Cirol, by Ciiristina Rosaettl, lllustrated; Stephen Skarrldge's Christnias, by Frank It Stockton, illus. Tlie List Man of Mexlcau Camp, l)y Jo.iqnin Miiler; tlie conclusión of Mrs. Oliphant's Story, Tlie Two Mrs. öcodamores; Clirlstm is, poem, by Mrs. A. D. T. Whltney; Suutlng Adventares n India, by Li. Col. Commlus, ilhis. ; Tlie Oak Tree's OhrUtmas Gift, by Julián Hawtliorne ; The Great Sea-Serpent, by H.ins Chi'lsttan Anderacn ; A Day of Scottish 18, byT. W. Hlgglnaon; Suine Kinds of Spiritual Qaackery, by George B. Bacou ; Wüfrkl Cnmbermede, chaps. lv. - i,vi, by Geo. Haodonald; Assault of Aiitinous apon Ulysses, by Bryant, aftcr Homer ; At Uis ciatos, Uu: opening ohapters of a ncw illustrated Story by Mrs. Oliphant. Theseverul dep&rtmenh), Topics of the Time, Tiie Oid Uablnet, Home Sbd Society, Culture and Progress Abroad and at, Home are both brilliant and thougbtful. Scrilmer certaiu ly beglns the year more than well. 4 a a year. AddrcAS ScuebfEB & Co., 034 Broadway, New York. Scribner and the Augus, $5. - Lipptncoii's Magazine opens t!ie year with a uumiífcr fu II of promlsé. Tlie most noticeable papers are : Scrambles Among the Alps, by Edward Whymper, Illastrated ; Bhadowa of Cliristmas Flre, by C. Clark Davis ; Our New Port Storir.-Siginils, by l'iof T. Ji Muury, Illastrated ; Aytotin, a new serial, by au American author not uamed ; Types of CastlHan Vagrancy, by David G. Adee; A Dog of Flanders, by Óulda, Ulostrated; A Kussian Family Wolf-Hunt, by Vera Goetz ; and The Coming Woinau, 'jv Prentlce Mullord. There are also poeins, A Cbrlstmaa Carol, by Mtllln W. Oarpenter; The Herald's Cry, by Constancc F. Woolson ; In Good Time, by Charlotte F. Bates. " Our Monthly (Jossij) " is, a.s always, readable and enjoyable, and " Lltcrature of tho Day " instnictive. In the Marc'i Qumber a new serial story, by that everywliere popular wrlter, George Macdonald, LL. D., s to be com mcncj'.l. Tiii.s is the time to subscribe. í;1 a year. Litpikoott Si Co., Phlladelphla. Lipptncoit and the Aiuj'js for fa. - Arlhnr's Lady's Magazine s iirofuse'iy and iluely Illustrated, and the more prominent nicles !n a varied table of contents are : Soihie Maneüeld, a new story Iroin the Uervuau ; au at her peep nto Other People's Windows, by Pipsiss vay l'otts The Passlon-Play it Ober-Amnierg.u ; Between Two Years, a poem, by Mrs. Hcster ABonedlct ; A Woman'a Ví'mv of [ntemperance, by Mra Ilorace Manu; the opening chapterg ot Whlch is the Helress '; by -Miss S. Jeunle Jones, %'i a year. T. 3. Autiiuh Sc 3ons, Phlladelphla. From the saine lite Chili rats ll.iur, wltli pIcMiros and stories and llttle poems wliicli will do a!l the little ones a lieap of good. The bos" Christmas pregeni you can make your als year old boy Or glrl in the Clul dren? Ilour for 1872. L;; 3 a year ; foor copies, A5. - Tlie Xurseri has pictures l)y Herrick, Bilüngs, Merrill and other artists of cstablish(;d reputatlon, with stortes and poems by the fa vori te story tellers for chlldren, Marlan Donólas, Dora Burnalde, Hary N. Piescott, etc. It is a tblng of beauty, and its monthly numbers will be more weleome in the nursecy than sweeiinau. 1.50 a year. Joux L. Siioulv, ''3 Broonifíeld Btreet, Boston. The Nursery anti tlie Asaos, $3. At a leclurc upon the subject of the gases ksfore the Medical olass, by Professor DouaiiAss, wJiïiu apeuklng of nitrous oxide or laughlng gas (so extenslvely used for painless extraction of teeth;, and of its compositlon and manu.'acture, he referred to and explalned the apparatus In use by Ienkixs & White, Dentists of this city. expressing himself as delighted with t, as belng the most complete and perfect thlng of the kind ever Invented, from the peculiar feature of its liaving the gas condensed into oil, was the guarantee OÍ perfect purlty, and consequently of greater S:ifety in its admlnlstratlon. Baünum, the invinciblu P. 'F., lias sent us tickets of admlavloo to his " Great Travellng Mus;um, Menagerie, Caravan and Ilippodrome, at the Colossal Kinpire Rink, 8d Avenue and 68d Street, or else where," accompanied by a gentle lii it tlat we " write it up." It P. T. will send along rail rond passes and checks on " flrst class otels" we inay be induced to glve him the eneflt of a column - or less. What says the " Prince of Showmen V ' The agent of the rallroad is making good progresa In gettlng deeds of right ' way between this city and Duudee, and the Directors will soon be able to let the contract. Ifeantlme those who have not pald the ten per cent. assessment should do so at once.


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