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I 3. WiKFR.Propr;tcr. K.H. McDflNAi.n Co., DruinrUft 4 Gn, Aciiliflui Francisco, Cal., tul 34 Coniiturco ilreti, N, Y. MM.MONS II.:; r TcHlíinony to tbcit WomlnTul Curativo Efl'ucts. They nro not i vi le Kniirj' Drink, M;ile of Poor ltitm. WhUkey, Proof Spirits nnd ltcfuae Iiiii ii cii'n doctorad, spíccil nnd swectcncd to picase tho tutcoatlt ■] "Tonica," "AppetbuV1 ltBstoraia,eAo.t thatlcad UiCilpploTOii todmnkcnncRsnnd ruin, bu taro atril' Mí'diciiip.mady fromlho Nativu Itnots nnd Ilcrhü Of Californio, fVce f rom n!l Aleoliolie SiiinuInntfl. Thoy aro tho OREA T ISX.OOU IM ItlFIERtmd A L.IFK UIVINO PRINCIPliB, r. pvrfect UmovatOT nnd Invigorator of thc System, c:irrvÍMKoffiülmisoiiousni;itter nnd restoring theblood to :i honltby OondltlOTij Is'o pt-rson can tñku tlicsc líittcrs flocordifiR tn diicctions atul romnin long imwelï, pcovidod thelr bonea ro not dattroyad by mineral potMnor other moans, and thc vital orgaus wastéd bcyoiul tlio pointof ropair. Tiicy uve n (Jcnilo Piirerntivc im ivrll nn a TonlCf pOCTOSSlnff, ítlso, thc peculiar mcrit of nctíng ns a power ful ngcut Ín rclicvinK Cungcstion or Inííamliiatiun of tlic Livcr, nnd nll thcVisccrnl Organs. FOR FVMALE CO9IPLAINT8, inyounffor oíd, ninrriod or singlo, a.t th dawn or womanhood orat Uie turn of life, UicsoTonic Bitters have no cqiiol. For Inílíiininalory nml ('lironlc Rlietimn. tlstn nnd Gonti Iypciia or I iuliffcfttiont liil iiiií-, K i'init tfíit and IntcrinitlcMit Fe▼ero) líisc;i',cM of iïi. I-lom!, Livcr, Kidncym and lïladdt-r, tlicsc Bitters have Ijoenmoftt Piíccessful. Siich DÍNcnscH ato c;l'.: f'l ! v ' it iaf rd lílood, wliich isgcnorally produccil by derangement of thc licrtivo Dren ns. DVSPBPSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Headacíic, Palo lo theShoulders, CoujfhH, Tiplitnoss of the Chcst, Dizzincss, Sour Dructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attackt, Palpitatlon of tho Iienrt, InQatDmatiOD of tbc Lung-.s I'ain inthereffious of the Ridncys, aod a bundred otbcr pamful syraptoms, aro tho onspring of Dispepsia. They iuvisorato the Stomach aud stlmulato tho torpíd JAver and ilowcls, which ronder them of unequalled cfficacy in cíeansinír thc blood of all ímpuritiea, and itnpartinff new life and vigor to the ivhole system. FOUSKINDISEASES, Eraptions.Tettor, Salt Klii-iim, Blotchcs, Spots, Pimples, Pustulea, Bolla, Corbancles, Ringr-Wonns. ScaM Ilead. Soro Eycat BryslpeJaa.Itch.ycurfs, Uiscolorationií of tho Skín, íliimorsand Piscases of tho ykin, of whatovr name or nuture. aro litcrallv dtig: up and oarried out of tho fiyfitcm in a short timo bytlie une ot theuo Bittors. One bottle in snch oaseí will convinco the most increUuloua oftheir curativo utTccts. Cleanflc the Titiatcd Blood whenover yon find lts ímpuritiea bursting throuehtho skin ín Pimples, Eruptionaor Sores; elcanso it when you find itobetructed ondsluffgísh in tho veins ; eleanse It when Jt is foul, and your feolins will tellyouwhen. Keep the Mood pure, and tbc health of lbo evstom will follow. Pin, Tape, and ollirr VVormsi lurkin ín tho Fystem of bo many thoaBands, aro eíloctually destroyed and removed . Says a diotiiicniclicd physioloeist, there ík scarcely an individual upon the face ofthe earth whose body is exempt froin the prosonce of wormn. It is not upon the healthy olements of tho boily that worms exfst, bnt upon the diseased humors and slimy deposita tbat breeHhesc livinif monsters of disoaae. Nn System of Medicine, uo vermifugos no anthelinintica will freo the eyetem froin worms liko theso Bittera. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R.I1. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and üpn. Aents. San Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Commerco Street, New York. KySOLD BY ALL DRUÜGI8T3 AND DBALJSR3. 25,000 WÜRTH OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHiüsra Tl GiïB Am ! S. SONDHEIM HAS RECEIVED THE LARCEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS GEXT'S Fl dl HJ(; COODS, CHÏLDREA AND ÏÖÖÏHS' GL0T1UKG TRUNXS, VALISES, SATCIIELS, &C, &C, &C, TIIAT IIAS EVER BERN B.R0UG1IT TO TIITS ciry. wnica nu will sell Oheaper than the Cheapest for Cash, ALSO ALPINE ASSORTMENT OF CASS1MEI2ES, CO A Tl NOS, and VESTINGS, WniOn IIK WILT, HAKB UPTO OUDER WTHE BESTÍSTYLE, AND WARRANTED A FIT OR NO SALKJ valuaule stouk on Grain Farm for Sale, The above furrn is situat.-.l li (ha TcnrmhlM of Dcxtcr nu! Pntnam, Livingston and Washtenaw Conntios. Ten mllea lVi::i D 'xr.-r, nine müca From Chelssa, and live. mllsa from "hi'kni'y. It oontalne Five Hinulrod and Twonty Acres. It is wcll watered ntirl ptontj af trmher, Ab"nt onehalf uiuIi.t a eood coltivatlon . Termiiof sale eney, ■i!ni"ï:!i b reqnireO ha ürt paTmenl ifnot -l.lKimn, I wllileago s:üd furia ïf I eau liixl tli rigltt lii:in. O. W. COOK B, PoatofMeaddren, Phickney, Htch. 1848mS Go to R. W.ELLIS & C0's for choiceWinesandLiqunrf , for Medical Purposes . JAPPY NEW ÏBAB. THE Ii. 8. B. CLUB Of tho City of Ann Arbor, wüi fiivo a Oran I MASQUERADE BALL IIAKGSTERFMt'S HALL, 7Ioiuliy i:vtiiiiir, Jannary ls(, IS7-. Mj by Kiiincr's ïlinstrclg. ADMISS10N, One Dollar. Admission for Spcctatora in Qallery, sd Cents. Fancy costiimc and Mueks can be liail at the Hall on Moudny.Iau. 1 , 1ST2, from Mr. Gotlind, ofDiroit, wl-.o hns the Ilncat .eeloition of costumes iu this country, whicU will bu furuishod at very reaBonable priecs. 13S2w2 jCrONÈY WANÏED. Fivo or sis. thousand dollari, or more, on a mortgufc'u ol unlncr.mbcrtd reul cetato worth ihroe Km thé amount. Enyuireof l"r.;r3 V.. w. Mor;n-. infíOPLE'B DKUG STOrii,: R. W.ELÜS& GQ. A.KTlSr ARBOB LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST 1 Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Ncxt to the Express Office, A Aniioa, niCHi l:; PHYgïCIARS' PBESCRIPTIONS VCi" .NI' 1 CAREFULL Y PREPASED BT ; Ji. W. ËLZJE & C0.,DRUOGI87S.


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