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MUiSCOVE'J'US riLLS, roa TJii: ckrtain ad permanent cure of FEVER AND AGÜE. rT1íii..-í. ,;: ; ,iiv prrp.-itií 1 bv lili chuíioiiuisherl X F. KL}iG, AI. IX of Jnékson .M.h. ín olí f ihó muny c.ises ín which thoy h.svc heen ustxl, they liavr ve;i ilie m sí entite and períepi 53!sinci"n. The prop'itttur iin.anls muhirní i snying, ihat i hoy are the very bost medicine in l!e worll i')T tlie cure of the aliove itn;níi-'iiul dlseáae. Any quwiity of reconimenJatiüns tnigh; bu puti!-='i( d- as s ;lie ciif'om wiih man) - bul t!i;it 3 considerad unnccessaiy une triul will entisú' the mos ncredülonsof ihoir gréi: vi. me. Tho 'tiiüj riy of Medicine now in u-p u.'Uud (un n ti'mv.r:iry reliuf, merely breakinsr nml chtck ing tliti ifceáaé fora short tune nir! prevüiiüii" .nïy in oxtonml appoarance, wbíle iuwardly n U iíü rajnir, ilius usípg mnny o:hcr inaladv ün 1 conaequiMi.tíy proving liilily injurioiw, 10 lulurdlicalih. h is tiie uljcct in thias inawncc, to prasenl tó the publica ,Ie;licin':entrc!y diffjrew {' tlnt horoiofore (liTorcil. and one (íiat will nol nicre'vcHKCKTHE ciiu.i.s, but tlnt will erndicatc th3íBcíntir'oíy from thc system. WTnrranted to efect a pefct if ihe direclions are etriciiy follovyöl. Directions nceumpany oveiv box cu ! rio Muecovetua lilla ore gi-n:iine witli nut the wriiirn sinaiure of the inreñter 'F Klinn." Knch box contains 100 pills and twclve prioe .-31,0'). ForVsli! b Mivnnraá ánn Lnhd & Me Colluin.Ann Arbr; K S'inipon aiiíj Norrií.t Ft:!cli. ypi!;in:; C'iius Swiü pexter; Hilo. Snith &. Dunhant. Gnss Lnkc: Smitli fcTyn.l, Clin tnn: D K. Utiilerwood, Adrián, ThorrníaJP. Muy, Plrinoiub; l'cter Vnn Kvery, Frnnkliir S. R SnnWd. GrañtS R:ipiHs: V Gnrïfner, JJneT(Je; prilHrl npkin. lhllsífalc-: üclohor vt Erncpt. A.. Töpple, .'. McConnell &. Co., Jgckson, and rhronsnottt the Siaie. P. S. All tti'se who nre fllictft;! with a chronic Di#e wiihout re-jnrd t-i rnir.c and nntuie. even ifprunounced incurable by otliers nre riEpectfutty iinitfd to cnll on me nt my rejdence in JacksoOj nnd Ï vítí endfávor tu restore them to porí'cct IictiIiIj. if nol alrendj' bevond the power of all earibiy oid. F. KLING, M. D. Jnckfon.July 'st. 184". 3m219 Yw Chattccry- Ist Circuïi. Ocorgo F. Porler; ádntfniftratiJr of'Oliver, decèased, coroplaifwrit, r. Loren Mill.-.Kiij.ih V. Moritan and williarfi S. AJaynard, defénneñísi BY vinue of a dcc.etnl order íesueij nt of the court of chaticery of the Ö'afe of .Mii:!iiyan, I silinll exposé to s-lc io the higheái bidder, ot the Cötót flniise in the Villnee of Ann Abor, V.jsliten:vw couniy, on the 2M d'iy of September next, at I o'clocli, P M.,of ihrit dny, the following deBcribed premiaes situate, to wn: "MTldté, Iving and beinL Sri the town of Arin Arbor, m ihecounty of Wnslitenaw nd Smte 0 Michiean: Beginnfng at the cenifëof Vfaifee IvoiJ. 80 cil!ei, on ihe west line of pection i'9. in town two souih of ranie six enst; thencc south on ihe line otthe saiil eciion and on the line oi section thirty-two. forty ro'te south of thr south west corner ol the snij section to a atnke: thenee eust at rlght anglcs with siid eection'Jino thirty rods: thenee norih nnd pand lel wiih snnl teciton line to the cen'rc of 8'iid Whitcs road. - Thenee souih stveniy five dogrees west in the eentre of the siid rond to the place of beeiunin?. coutaintug thiny-threa acres and .ixty-five hundiediho of an acte of lind more or les. GEO. DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Joy de Porter, Sol'a. Uated, August II rh, 1845. 2?4"TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOILS. ' ALTIIOUGrl many prep.iratiotis in the fonr: of 'POVÜLÁA MEDICINES" have been bcloro the public, clniining to give relief, and even cure the inost invetérate diueaaes, yet p.une have so wcll onswered the purpose ;is ür. Sherïnan's Medicited Lozunges. They are ayreeatikto the taste, e.isilv admini&tered. aud trom tht unprecedentedsucoess whicli they have met with, ntul the remnrkahle cures which tliey have perfbrmed, may jnsily liy claim to the tule of Conquerir over the (lineases for whicli they have been recommendcd. Dr. She rnat's "COUGH LOZENGKS" Cure the rnost ohstinats cases of Cougli in a few hours. They have cured a large nunibcr o persons whn have been giwn tip by ;hdr physieians and friends. and many uho have tiern reduced to the verge of the grave by spitting blond, Consumption and Hectic Fever, by their use hav had lUe rose of heaith restorcd w ihe hagsard checic and now live to fspenk fonh the praisesol bis invaiualile medicine. Dr. Shennati's "WORM I.OZENGES" Have been pnved in more thnn 40.030 ensesto be infnlliliie. in fnci Üe nnly cortain U'om DesToyitii? Meücine ever discovored. Childrer. wiil t-at ihem when they eannot be forced to tali nny other medicino, and the benefit Henved fron tlie adnunistraimn of nictücliie to tlicm in thi.forin is ureat beyond concfp'ion. Whcfl tbc breath of the ehild bccomes oflensive. anJ tKerë is pickiiiü of the nose. grindingf ofihe tecth durini sleep, pn'eness ft bont the üps with llusheH chet-ks. headiche. drbwtn3 smrtin2 durinieleep. (üsiitrbed drenms, awakinj; wiih friuht urui eoreitniníí, troiiblrponiecough.feverishüesw.thirst. voracius appetite. si'knes3 at the etomach nu: bloMéÓ slomath - iheM are among tlie tnan prom'ncni symptoms of worms. iind can b re lievcd by tlicse IncomparabTe LozRgèf. Th?5 have never bcin Unown to f.iil. Dr. SliermanV 'C A M P H O R LU Z EN G E 3 ' itefieve Hedache, Nerveus Sick Headnche. Pal {iitiiion .i) Jfie hcart. and Sickne 8 in a vry few minutes. They cure Lbwressof Spirits, IK&p;jftlency, Faintneís, Coüc, Spoein, Crnnipa "i tlie Stomach. Sumracr r BpwcJ Complaints: thcy keep up the spirits, diepel all the distrepjirif Fyi.i;ttinsof n night of dieipation, aiid e'nsbfe ; pereon to umiergo great mental or bodiiy lojj. - Dr. Sherman.'a "POOR MAN'S PLÁSTER Is ncknowledd by all wbo have ever U9. d t tr be ihe best strengtlunniir Pln:er mjlhe woild, an-l a sovereign reniedy for pains and vcikncs. in tise back, luins. sidc. bretst, neck. limt-y j.',:r9, rhcuiiiatisni, Ium1ngo, &C. One rnlUioti a yenr will not supply tiie der.Ktnd. Camión it necojssin , as there are many unprinripled persona who would torca a spunou? ariiclo upon tin commnniiy. IJo carijful to tret fiermnn's Pooi M-in'8 l'líister, wi;h a 'fue simile'' of' bis writ ten name on the fïqck - iune otliers are genuine, and will do more hurt ihrin guod. When such men ns the Rev. Dnrius Anihnny. of ihe Onci lu Conten nee llev. Scba.-tian St;cet rr, of Boston. R-v, Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Hancock, jlèv. Mr. De Foreil, Unn. Aaron Clark, J. Hoxie, Esq. Hon B. B. Bcardsley, Duniel Paoëi,rv, Esq. and a ho9t of naines of the like reputado can be brought forward t prove the ';iicacyofDr. Siierrnan'a prepnrnüons - whr-ri they are so warnily recomtnended by the medical pío fesston, and prescribcd in the prnctice. nm' wíieti sucb universal nppjobaiion followa llieir nsi AtnoOjE all classes, wc inay ustly say that thr Dr. is nt only eutitlrd to the nppcüntion o) 'VÍCTOR,'' but can fairly lny clnm to the patronage of the public, anl will recotvc it. Agenta for Ann Arbor. H. iVf. Thompson & Co.. W. S. & J. W. Mnynard; E. S-mpson. Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood. Dexter: Pickford Sc Oraig, Saüno; Siniih .' Tyrol. Clinton. H Bower, Mancheeter: P. Fiirlick fe Co.t Plyojouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Norihvi!Ii. 2I8-6mrpIIE Annual Meeting of the Board ofSuperX visors of this couniy will hc held at the Court House in Ann Arbor, on Monday ihe 13ih dny of Octoher next. And ihe Superintendant of ihe poor will meei at the Couniy Housoon Mondny, the 29th day of September in3t, to audit accounts. B. K1NG, Clerk. Sept. 8, 1845. 2-23 WANTED.- 20" Ilis. Red Onion See.Ja. 50 Ihs, White do do 2r Ibs. Yellow do do 100 11)3. do 5') ü)s. Water tnelon do 5" Uh. Sc-nlet Riidish do 5 Ü'S. Sace do l'f' lls T'ptiper Gr.ips. do 10 ba -h Enrly Mirrow Pens 10 " " Cluster " 5 " Sugar Corn S. B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor, Sop:. 0. 1845. 229-3wWH1CH Or. Folgerá' Ülosi-M.;..!!. or AllLkaling Balf.ini luis met witii r.ot only in itssftlè, but ulso in the cures which it has ef fected. in persons wbp we e in a hopeie con. 'üiion, has convinced ile moet skcptical ol it? ftxirnonlmary curative proporties, nnJ eatablished its claims lo iho namo ol the GKEAT RLAIehy. The qucslion is no loner neked.i:Ctfw Astumti te curctl?" It has.beenwiWnctonly setiled within the last two months ihat Pölger" Olosnomnn wilt produce o cure quflekef than any other remH(Jy in the world. and referentes c?n bc given o persons in and uut uf thn city who haw expe riuncen iia wonderful vírate, who had tried lot yenrs all olhers remedies in v.iin. Mr. WlLSON,a lriik hiyer. rcsülingnt Hoboken. N. J-. liad tried every reniedy wluch he conld henr of for iho r-!icf of nsthmn, anti had opent moro thin one hundred dollars in endeavoring to procure help, bul n v.iin. He commonred nsin the OIos.ioniHi), Janunry 2Ist. The brsi dose he took gave him relief, nnd two ilnys afierward h's wife ' cMc 10 s.iv ihat tho sninll qnanli-yol this retnedy whüli ho Ind taken had done him tñore gbod tTmii any nnd nll the medicines lie had ever us:d in hiá lir'. Mrs. J}t-!l. the wife of Rbert P. Heil. of Morristown. N. J.. whn was sovcrcly afliicied wiih ;i8tlinia, wbégivfeü np hy hor plvflicians. Sb was removed "to the sonboard in the hope of pal liatin her riistressing symplme. but with no benefit. One boule of the Oloaaninn so far re lie ved her that shc wns nhe to jret up from her lied and drees herself. 8 ibinjg ehe had not done , before in months. nnd she hns now retinnedto her resiiienco in Morrisiown. N. J., wi'h every prospect of bcins spccdly restored. INCÏ!Mi:."i CONSUMPTION yieldato i!s effecis. it sooihes the uonblesomo Coagh and gives reftéehi.ñg elumhers to the weary; it alfnys the puin in the side and sreiicki in the chest, and ertónjoa the perpon to expectórate ei3i!y, whüc it eniire'y restores the bccretinna of the system and expediies remming healibJAMES B. DF.VOE. 101 Reade street. had long been comp'iainiggof asoreness in the chest. aciompanied with a short hr.cking cough: hc raised matter frecly. had lost hisappetite end feit alarmed at his sitüation. He had tried varioue remedies without any beneficial effect. His shormees ofbre;ith and pain in the pidecontinued to Increase. He used one bottle of the Olosaonian. and ia restorcd to health. Gorge W. Durnett. of Newark, N. J.. Geo. W. Hays. of New York; David H-nderson, GO Laightst: Mre McGonn, 20 Walker st; F. Lahnn. 5"2 Pike ar.. Mrs. ArchiífnM, 'X Walker si, with HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons repiding in New York. coiild be given, who are rendy to bear testimony to the superiority of ihe Olosnonian over every oiher remedy known for the cure of couglis. colds. nathma. consuniption. pittinir of blood; dvspepsia, consumption, bron chitis, difficulty ofhreathing. hoareeness. influenza, prins in the breast and side. and tho vari oua aiVeetion of the stomnch anti Hver. For eMcat 10G Nnsnu st. one door ahivve Ann, and at Mrs Hnys. 139 Faltón et., P.rooklyn. Atrent for Ánn Arbor. W. ?. & J. W, Maynnrd: E. SBnir?on, Ypsi'anli: O. C Whitwood. Dcxrer; Tickford & Craitr. Saline: Smith fcTyrol. Chnton: H. Bower. Manchester; P. Forück k Co.. Plymouih; D. Gregory and A. Granr, Torthville. 2I8-6mo Toflotliicrs, ITlaniiiïctiirers and Mere ts anís. THE 6ul)scri!ier is now recei ving ai his stores. b8. and 190 JetFerson Avenue, Deiruit the followtnir. careinlly and well st-ltted stock of Dt Wooi s Dyk Stui ri, & Woolles Ma ukactcrkrs M.vcHiKrr.y. 15 tons Fiistic. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Canhagena. 10 tons LoL'wood, Campeach, St. Domingo and liondurn?. 6 tons Nicaragua, Bnair,Caro, Hache and Linm, 3 tons Camwond, very choice. 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, ]30 " Fustic. " " I-O " Red Woods, " M 120 " Camwood, 10 P Qucreciiron Bark, .5 " Allurn, 42 " Copporn?, 30 H Blue Vitriol, -S M Maddcr, Ombro and Dutch Crop. 3 " Cieam Tartar, 2 'f Nutgallp, 2 cases Indigo. Bengnl, Manilla and Gaatiinaln. 2 cases Lnc-Ty, 2" " ext Lonwood, 2 M Graüi'l'in, 300 ponnds Verdigris, 15 Cárboys Oil of Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Salts and Nitric Acid. AI.SO, I Copper Kettles and Clothcrs' Screws, Tentet tï'oóke. Jacks and Bruths. Press Pnpers. Card ('lenuers. Weavcr'e Sh(ers. Nippersand Burliii frons. Comb Píate, Pi-kers and Rubbins, Wire. vVors'.cd and Cotton Harnese, Steel and Cant Iteeds. Broad Power, Hand Loom and Fly ShutC6. Steel and Copper Muis Einory. &c. Parson"s Shearins Mochines, 4. G.and Í) blades Alh'n's douMe and (.ingle Carding iachincs. Muchine Card?. Leicrs'er. '] be alove gootls hove been ret-ently pur: chascd. directly from the importers and manu acturers, EXCi-OsivKt.Y fok C4SH, and wil! he sold at the N-w York" prmes. adding 'ransportation only; and in consequencn of iho decline on many of the American manufartntert uticlee wijl in many cues, be eold at JtUen per cevt less than former pnces. The BubacribrtÉ exporience in iho Dy: Wood trade emiblrs (in to wiy to his customers that he is prepnrec. ai all times to warka.nt his goods of superior lUallly' TFÍEO. II 7-ATON, Dye Wood nnd Dve Stufi Warcliouse, 188aud 190 JeiTerson Avenue Detroit. Anc. 8, !l.". 2:5-4mEXCiBl&H HOTEL. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, (Dirtclly oppnsile the Calumet Hotel.) BU CYRÜS F. SIVIITH, KfAGARA FALLS, N. Y. (tCHAJlC.ES MODERATE. .-jQ TIIIS Hotel is ituntéd in the pleasánteát poi ot t lie village, on M-iin-Mreer. anJ bul a lew minutes walk from the Cniarnct, Goat l6land, or the Ferry, The location is one of the pleasant. si in ilie TÍIláge. Tiio HToüfle íb not of the lar"C3t c!ii(B, bul Ims 'een thorouhly repüired. and rtèwly furnislicd pince last senson. nnd the proprictor piedles hiinnelf to the public, that no House shall bo bc-tter keptr or greater attention paid to ihecoriifoitof tifsisthan at ihe Exchange Hotel. . Th3 Hotel is kept upon stnet Tempcranco principie?, wliich will eii6iire ihe sirnnger a qi'ie home, during his sojourn ut ihe Falla. Kvery lücility in the power ó( the proprictor, will bc rfindered. to m.ike the visit oí hie patrona agreeblo and intcreeting. N.agnrn Fulla, 18-15. 2?7-6m Tak c ii up ALARGE Br.ndle or Light Brown Stac, with a Bninll white spot on the (op of hlfl íhouldcre, Iiged from oven to ten yenrs, was tnken up on thfi 15ih of Au2u?r, önd impnimded n iho T.vníhip Pound pf JVebWer, Cpinty ' Vahtf naw. fnr breaking into the endosaré ói John AVilliains. 'l'lie owner is requesied to pay charges and tnke property. JOILN WILLIAMS. Augusi 25.. 1845. Ó21-3wPeoplc from the Country V1S1TNG Detroit, for the pinchase of Dry Goods, Paper Hanging, or Featherv, wiiile e$ing the rounds to ascertnin tho v.irioue siylcs or priesa of Goods ia the ciiy, aro requestrd lo cali ni W. A. Haymond's Store, No. 14S. Jelferson v.venue, being one i1oorntovc H.ttcs St. nnJ next door lo the "Manhot'on Store." The undersigned luis taken u grcat deálof pains ín seleeling his goods to gei lashionable siyles nnd desroblo qunlitios and lio i uonfident iliul his assomnent parncularly of such gooili ns ure desirablè for tlie couniry trmle, s,as complete aa any in lie city. He has on hand Ginehams, Baizniincs. Liwim, Muslin do Lninca, Calicóes of every Mulla, aces. [dtyle, Kdginíjs, Kibbons, Paraseis, Sliawle, Drees ííandkcrchiefe Cravais, Scrfs, Veils, Glovea. Hosiery, Alnpucas. Brown Lin0H9. .loacbed Lnon9. Tablo covers. Towelmt, Ölnrtings, Shceiina?, Cambrics. Muslins, black, blue blnck and f.mcy dn sí Silks, Bonnet Silks, Lindo Combric IJandkoicliiefs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, YX8TINGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKIN8j DRILLINGS, BLACK AND FANCY CRAVATS, And indeed, almost every amelo be!onginr to the Dry Goods business. All cí" whicli vsiilbc sold at the ren lowcst rates, for Cash. Cal! and see for yourseíves - none are expected lo by ií iht-y do noí find priecs full as lov, if not a littlc lotcer than elsewhere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Drtroit, May 23, 145. 213-Gmo Important to Farmers. KNAi'P & ÜAV1LAND, would respectfully inform the farmers of Washtenaw and the bufronndfng Counti s that they continue to mannlaoture at their shop near the river bridge. Lowot Town. Ann Arbor, Thrcshingr Machines of dilVetent kinds compiising the Burroil. Cada, an! Eastuinn's Planetary Power, nnd Machine, diffirent from any made in this Conn;ry nnd preferred to uny otlier. which they intpnd to seil at suoh prices and on fuch terms os ennnot fail to ive satistaction. They are detenninod not to bc otttdone by any establishment, eithcr in pricc or qnnlity of work. Having ben for mnny years Bitgsjrad in the business tliey think they enn with contidence reeommond their work. and farmers and others wishing to buy will dj well to cali and examine their work previous to purchasiiig elsewbore. - They are preparcd to do all kinds of threshing mni'hinc repairs, on theshortcpt notice and more reaaonable terms thau eny similar esiablishmcnt in the Country. Also. Burrall's cnlebrated whicl separate the crnft'from itie 8oed at a si il(oporation and are univeisfdiy approved of nn-l used whe.rever introduced and warranted to thrrsh clennand not brcik the secd. For re'erence apply to flobert or John IMcCormick of Sa lem Wathtenaw Co., who have used one the past scason. W. W. KNAPP. T. A. HAV1LAND. Ann Arbor, May lst, lfi-5. 6rn2HARTFORD Fire Insurance Company, THÜJ Sui'SCft'.'Cr. ayent lor the llaitjaid lire Insurance Cjmppny, takes pleasure in laying befure the public the folio wing circular: Hartfoi.d Firk I.nsurance Office, ) .uly 22d 1845. S The recent disaetrous fire in New York will of course excite solicirude in regard to ns effect on the solveticy of Insurance Compnnies in that citv, and the neighhoring places. TheDiiectors nf the Hartford Fire Insurance Compnny are happy to assure their customers miei the public, thaiihey are prepared 10 ndjust nnd pny at mn'.unty, all losses 6ustaincd by their office, surplus and current recéipts, without delay, and witóou wiUi'lrawing tlieir permanent invtstmentg. Their capital remains ampie for the pecurity of nll who insure with them; and thfy invite owners of desimble property to obtain Policirs on fr.vorable ternia. boih at the Home Oíñce and at their geveral Agencies. Their mode of tnniancting business, which for 35 years past In t secured the public confi'ence. will reinnin nnrhtnged. By order of the B;rd of Directors, JAMES G. BOLLES, Sec'y. F. J. B. Crank. Ann Arbor. By th8 u will besecn. that the Company pny their los-es. durincj the last six monihs of fires. OUT OF THEIR SURPLUS FUNBS. Rince tlic pavment of onethou?and dollars, tn R. D. Powers, of Brighion. :or the Ios6 stistain ed by bint, the Company have paid the subscribe! mother -.houeand, lor Flour Barrels, burnt nt the recent fire in this vülnge. For thislasi thou and the siibscnler pfid the Company four dollars- a eood investment ns he thinks, during ic?c hard times. All who are not insnred are nvited to cali on him, andhe will issue Policies withont delay. F. J. B. CRANE, Apent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 18J5. 2?4tfINTEREST1NG TO wool Gaowaas. 'WJk Suliscribura wouid res-pectlully anA nounce to the Wool Growers of Anti Arbor nnd its viciniiy, ihat they continue ihe busmessof Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing nt the old suiiid ot J. Bcckley & Co., wliere they may be fountl at all scasonable hnurs te wait upon tho8C who rany favor them wiili tbeir patronage. 'J'hey guarantee thnt their work will be done wiih neatness and dcspaich. To thcir old friends and as many new customers na feel disposed to pive them a trial, they would eay,conie on wi'h your Wooi. and Clotk ind we will do you atnplc justice in ihe execution ofyonrwork - the price and terms ol payment. Twcnty Ihousaiicl pouiids of Wool wanted in exdiange lor Kuil Cloih. Flannt'l, &c. N, 3. - Give us a cali before pnrehasing elscwliere. 8UMNRR IIICKS & CO. Ann Arbor LowerTown.Mar. 20,1845. fi-Cm Are your Barns Insurcd? flltJE Subscriber, Atrent lor the 'Proïkction X Insuranck Comi'any," continuea to tnke risks on fiovsTJ, Stokks. Merch amuse, Mills, Factories and BaRHS, Stocks, &c., at ns low ratesas any other ood Company in ihe United States. Asseverol Jlnrns wilh iheir contentshave heen destroyedin this County the pont year by Ligictning, the Farmers of Washtenaw havenow an opportunity for a email sum, ofsavin hemselvcs from losses. to which they are every day exposed, bv this element. M. HOWARD, Agent. Ann Arbor, July 3Jst, 18-15. 22lti JDEiVTITRY. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, HAS removed his office to Crane &Jewrtt'e Block, first room on the Second Floor, where being well preparcd to attend to evrry branch of bis profession. would roopectfully s;iy 10 all who have not bad those nccessary orüfris. THE TEETH, properlv atienrled to, delay no ongèr, but cnll upon hiirt and experienoe the eisc and dtir;ibi!ity of his operations. Tkrms accommodating and charges nno case unreasonable. Ann Arbor, March 0, 1845. 47-tfr500 Pages for Fifttj Cents!! L% PROSPECTUS OF THK Congressional JournaL TUK eduors ol the Uuilal .Sí. s Journal propose lö i-om.-ncnci.', wiih lh3 Mt scsbioii ,1 Congrew, weekly llimtira uodec the ïbove mie, 10 continue ih'roógH the whule ees5on, u the linpwcüdehted lw vnce of FIFTY CESTS! ! to ench subpciibw for a volume office lu.n'hcl U wiH contain n fnithful and impartía) record jfbóxf, (juntes ol Congres the giat ol all ihe important apeèchca Which; may bc do livoretl, &c. Thé most competent reporters Wi!l be cnployed and ooihfng thiU prevent tl being mat o wprtbjj of the patroiuiB of the public aenerally. I be JoiirtAl will culenvor, in in records, to do justice to both p-uties, so that botb feol allowed to patrono hc pübl.cnt.on. It beina dfi lang session. ns it a cnlled, tho volume w.ll contain at least 500 p..ges; eoch number w, 1 cont-.i.. sixtcen pnees of solid m-mer. wliicli w.ll CMnb'e the p!bli.liera ,0011.?. in and future reierence. Tlio execedine y lo .w terms will place it wllhip tho rndi of all; the pnblishere hope that the.r Ir.cnds w.ll use the.r exer.ions in obioining sul'scnbero. EPThose who furward Five Dollnrs shall receive Kleven copies-Ten cMlors, 1 wen.y-three Clpje(,_Twnnty dollnrr?, FIFI Y copies-rcduc2J? l0 f0"'Yïï:o?rtiiu!s"FisK;0" p " JF.PSK E. DOW. Wnshinïton. Anust lí', HB45. 'Í3Q CANT BOËATY TfiE suliecribcre wonJd nform ihe Public, that they continue to supply the State of Michigan with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT Jfï V T 91 E CUM yJS S . Tl?o lorjje numbers of these Mochines that havo been sold, and the sieadily increasing deniand for them, is the best evidence of tbeir real valué, and of tbeir estimntion with those who have become íainiliíir with their inerits. Walkbu's Smut Machino 8 superior to others in the (ollowiny particultirs: I As t combines the Benting. Scouting, and Blouing Principies, it cleans the smntiiest grain in the best manner, retaining all the friclion of the wheat, and diacharging the smut and dust as fast as sepnratcd fiom the wheni. 2. It is simple in construction, and is tlicrefore Iess liable to 'oteóme dexanged, and costs less for repairs. 3. h rnnê voy Ugítt, and ia perfectly secure froin fire. 4. It is as durable as any other Machine in uee. 5. It costs constderably th.nn other kinds. These important points o' diffewnce havo g.v en this Machine the prcfercncc wiih those who have iair'y tned it. Amonz a lurgc number of Gentlemen in ihe Milling Business who niight Ije nanied, the following havo uscd the Machines, and certified to their cxcellency and superiority : H. N. Howakd, Poniiac. Midi. E. F. Cook. Rochester, do E. B. DANroRTH, Mason, do M. F. Frink, Branch, do H. H. Comstock. Cotn8iock, do Refcrences may also be h.d to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. ) W. Ryo.v. do do 1). C Vrklak. Rock, do John Phips. Monroe, do H. Doumn, do do A. Bk.vcii. Waterloo. do Geo. Kktciium, Mirshall, do N. Hkmusway, Oaklandj do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Addres E. O. & A. CR1TTF.NTON, Ann Arbor, (I.ower Town) Wah. Co. Mich. Auir. 24, 1845S2o-1yUE.ii ! ie eje m ftGOOD NEWS AND GLAD TIDINGS.,- fFKEL mysclf under the most lasting ohliition lo Dr. F. Khng. of Jnck&on, who hne laiely ndvenised his invaluable "Miiscovctus t'ilU," atended expressly for Fever and Agüe. For a long period my íamily hnve unfortun;ite ly been arllicted wiiU Fever and Agufi and hay8 tried every "Patent Meidicuie" which I could tind, even the mastpiputar of the laiest as wrll ■is tlie oldest remedí and nfter pending over $15 I despaired of ever being reüeved, bui hearing ofür. Kling' s üluscovctus Pilis, and the íjreat ellect ihey produced tipon the Aguo - as a lnst and almos' hopeless resort, 1 immedintcly procnred a box oi'them, took ihein accord ing todirections, nnd they gave me inátant reliel. nnd I have been frtt from that terrible dÍ6ease. while wiih othor medicines I received but riior nientary ndsistanco and relief. The Pilis I have recoinmonded havir. produced so salutary an effect upon me nnd my family, I cannot reírnin from acciuainting the public of tfieír.great worih. SAMUEL Ul'DIKE. THEODORK UPDIKK. Witness. Grase Lake, July 14, 1845. 221-3m POLLÁRD TSIWPSSEAMOB HOUSE, BY L. D. 6ó O. WEVBURN. Ncar the Sieamloat and Pocket. Landing, B'ffalo. npHIS e8t!iblshment has du np the pnst winter, been considerably enlarged, and improv ed with ncw furnhure, etc., and is now ready t mike the Travelltrr at home, at the moderan charges of S5 cents per mea!, and c7 Cents peí Üay. Passengen and Boggage conveyed to and frotn the Hou6e free of chnrge. N. B. Passencers fiom the East will fir.d v Sign lor the house, in the Depoi, undt-r which to place their Bai;nge. In conncciion with the above House thcre nn KATING ESTABLISHMENT, on the Eu ropean plan. We, the subscribías, take plcasure in recom menning the nbove Hoiiíc to the i'riends of the cause, as betner worthy oi' their patronage. C. W. HARVEY, Pres't Erie Co. Temp. S. S. N. CALENDAR. Sec'y do H. MILLERD. Prefi't Pollard Tem. Society. H.G. WHITE. Sec'y do E. D. ROMSON, rre'tY. M. Temp. S. W. B. FOBES, Secretnry do BufTulo, February, 1815. Gmo- '212 NEW EÑGLÁÑDHOÚSE. No. 111 BROAPVVAY, NEW YORK. (Bcticem the City lioieland Tñnilij Clturch.) THE Proprietor, gniteful (or the patronage already hestowcd upon himby the public generally, would give noiice thai his bouse is now in complete order for the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen who may wnnt permanent bourd or tranient accommodntions. The New Englnnd House beinp, striclly a tempcriinceho .se. and plcne.intly locotcd in the immediate viciuity of business, makes it vcry desirable for men of business, ns wcll as all others who ÜKe quiet accommodations and agreenhle compa ny. P. WIGH T. May 1, 1845. Cnr2J2MARLBORO HOTEL. TfiMl'EUANCtt HOL'SK, NATilAiNiEL ROGKRS. No. 229. Washington Slreet, Boston. 'PMS house has iindergone a thorongh repair, and t is intended that norum house shnll bc superior to t. Jt will In? onder the ïiiimediatc charge of P.rown & Colhurn, as Mr. Rogers keeps the Deleváu House in Albany. Mny 19, 1845. 2:2-6m SAVE COST! 4 LL persons iifdëbt.ed to ih subscrihers. eiJy . ihnT by note or bnok account, are request ol toc.ill und setilo the 8.i:nc belorc the I5t!l daj of Si'ptember next, as all debis unsettlctl ut thm time will be lelt in the hands of Wm. R. Pcrry Ksq. for colleciion. R. & J. L. DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor, Au?. 11, 1845. 22p-4W IVOTICÉ. A[X persons indebtcd to J, H. Lund ore very re.-pectlullv requesicd to pay the same by the 15th ol October next. J. H. LUND. Ann Arbor, Aug. 20, 1845. 226-8w1845, J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN c STAPLR A.ND FAWWf fl DRY GOODS, Dry Giroccries, Carpcting, and pnper Ilaiishtgs, No. 63 Woodword Avenue, LariiaTs Block, Detroit. j HDi.MKs. Nao York. S M. 1KH.MKS. Detroit. $ I WE lake thismcthod friendo ; and customers throughout the Stnte, iliai wc nre 1 pursuing tlie even tenor ofnur wi.ys, endeavoring to do our business upon kir jind honorable principies. We would also ' dor onr acknovledgmen!s for the patronage ex tended to us by our custoniers, and would beg leave to cali ihe auention of the public to a very well fe'.ectcd aeaórtineñt of stasonablc Goods. which are ofFered at wholesale or remil at very lo priceg. Onr lacililíes for pnrchatiinfr Goods nrc unsurpast-cd by nny concern in the State - One of thc lirni. Vlr. J. Holtncs resides in the city of New York, and f rom his long experience in the Jobhing trade in that ciy. nnd from his thorough knowledge of the mnrket, he ie ena bied to avail himself of thc auciion9 and any decline in pricea. Wc alsn purchnse from the Iinporter8. Manufacturcr's Atrenie. and ftom thc auctions, by the arkago, the snme as N. Y. Jobbers purchaae. thus saving thcir profits. - Witli these faciliiies we enn 6aiely say thnt our Goods are eoid ciikap for (Iip evidence of which we invite the attention of the public toom Rtock. We hold to the gieat catdina! principie o( ''t'ie grreatrst rond to the irhclc nitvibcr," 60 f you wantto btiv Goodd clicap. and buy a large quant'tii br a VtVe money give U9 n trial. Our stock 3a8 extensivo as nny in thc city, and we are conetnntly recciving new and fiesh Goods frojn New York. 50,000 lbs. Wool. Wantod, thenhove qunntity oi'good mïrehantable Wool for which the highest market price will bc paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit. 1845. 21 4-tf Tho Misscs Clark's Scheel. ANN AUBOR, MICHIGAN. MARY H. CLARK, Principal. CI1L0E A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RilOiJY K. CLARK, Assaciate Teacher. M. L. WALTER, Teacher of Muaic on the Piano. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. Iï. F. S1IOFF, Teacher of French, Germán and the Classics. TlfïS Institution haa been in operation since November 18, 1839. The scholasiic year cinbracing forty-cight weeks, two terms, compri8ing two quarters each - twelve weeks in ot qnnrter - a general examinntion at the close ut eacli term - in Febrinry and August. 'T'he last quarter oí the present u;rni commences May 19. Terms of Tumox. - For thc Enehsh branches, $'2.50 to $f per quarter. No reductioii madf for absence, excepr m case of sickness. and no pupil taken fot less than a quarter. Extra chnrges are made for niusic ou the Piano, with the use of the instrument, $8.0!) French, 3,00 Lniin. 3.00 Drawingand Painting, 5,00 Tancy Wo k. 3.0(1 Board, inclmling wnshing, lichts. Src, $1,75 per ftfeok if paid in advftiice. or $2,00 per week f nnif? at tho. rlose of the nuarter.Parontsand guardinns are invited to visit the ichool every Fridny, when the studies of the week are reviewed- als semi monthly on Wedíesdny afternoon, at readingof ihe weckly comïopiiins. Young ladies deB:rous of entering the school infi ptirsniritr tlie regular course of study, would lo wtll to commence nt the beginning of the erm. or ns soon aftcr ns praciicahle. Bo!on;ing tD the srhnol 'e a Library of he :ween five and 8x hundred volumes, om) Phiosophical Apparatus,Elec!trical Machine, Globes. Sic. The Missc8 Clark will endeavor, not only to promote the intellectual culture of their pnpiitUut will atlend atrictly to their mornl deportment. With no sectimnn feeling, bat wiih n ilecpbensc nf religious responsihility. thoy would ive siich a tone to character, as shall ronder it nrnctically fitted for evcry station - yielding to duty bot firni to principé Ámons the books used in the school are. Abercninbie on the Intellectual and Moral Powerf - K'irae's Elementa of Criiicism - Vayland' Moral Si-ience - Newmnn's Rhetoric - liedge's Logic - Palcy's Natural Theologynnd Rvidrnces of Chrisiianii' - G.ey's Chemistrv- Piirker's Naturnl Combe' 8 Phystolpgy - Mrs. Lincoln's Botany- Eaton's and Wrisht's Mnnuai of Botany - Burritt's Geogropliy of the Ilcavens- First. Seeond nnd Third Booka ol [üst.iry - Mrs. Williard'a Rpfjublic of America - Plielps' Le;al Clnssics - Playfair's Euchd, and Day'8 Algebra and Dnvics' Arithmetic. Inquirv vvith rejard to ihe school can be mnde of the Principáis or any of the follovving gentle men to whom reference is made by permission and who have nt different beriods had eiiher 'iautrhters or vard under our care. Rev. Is;tac S. Ketrhnm. Centroville: Geo Ketchu:. Mar shall; Ffon. Win. R. Delnnd. Jnckson: Pawl B. Rin, Michican Centre: F II. VVinnns. Adrián; Daniel Hixson. Clinton; Gardncr Wheeler. M. D.. Ilowell; Rev. F. H. Cuming. Grand Rapids: Jeremiah Clnrk, Clarks'on; Gen. ( . C. rlnfcnll. Jntnes Birdsnll and Rev. J. Bench. Flint: D. H. Rowl-'iid.Northville: AmraMeid; Plymölith: Ilon. Elias CoinstocU, Ownsso; P. KHghárri. M. D.. Hon. Wric R. Thompson. E. Mundy, Esq . John Allen. Esq., Geo. W. Jewett, Eeq., Tlio'e M Lndd, Professor Williams, of the University, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Arbor. The followine sentlemen. Rev. H. Colclazer. Rev. Wm. S. Curtis. Rev. Charles C. Tavl r. Professors Whiting and Williams of the University of Michican. have consented to oct as a visitinsr ommi'tee of the School, to bn present when the weeklv studies are reviewed: but e?pecially to altend during the semi-monthly examinatiohs. April, 1845. 213 1845. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. M'FARREN, SOCKSELLER AND STATIOER. SMART'S 13LOCK, 137 JRFFRRSON AVENUE, DETROIT. KEEI'S constnntly for salea complete nesortment of Miscellaneous, Schooi and Clnssical Books, Letter and Cap Pupcr, plain aiu) rul ed, QuillB, luk. Scaüng Wax, Cutlery. Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper, of nll sizes: and BoiTk, Newsand Cannister Ink. of varions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and hall bound, of ev cry variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books. &c. To Merchante, Teachers, and others. buyinir in ipjaniitics, a large discount mnde. Sabbath School and Biblc Society Dcpositor 51-tf Oiice to Wlerchants. THE Subsciibeis encouraged by the patronage tin y have hiiherto received in Ü)fi kvholesalo department ofiheir business, will the firat day of May next. open ihe store now occupied by Geo. Grenville, frontingon Hurón strect. and connecting with their present store in the rcar, exclusively for a VVHOLE SALES ROOM, where tlicy will keep at all times a full assortmetit of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES CARPENTING, HATS, CAPS, PAPER HANGINGS, BOXNETS, CROCKER.Y BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCERIES, &C. &C. &C. all of which will be sold on ns good icrms as ai any point tbissideof New York City. G. D. HILL, fc CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1844. 48-ifNEW GOOÖSÜ pi ARLAND & LEFEVRE, are now receivLX ir.g nt No. 1, Hatchins' liloch, n ery general nssortment of Fnll ond Winter loods, lo whieh they inviic the nttcnt'ton of inr:hti8ers, nssuring ihem thnt ihcy will find eoode. tnd at prices i lint cannot lail 10 provo .;itisiiictory. Plieir stock coniists in part of' iho lollowing: DRY GOODS. Brond-clotbs, Ossimeies, Siilineüs. Shcep's 3rcvs, Vestiiigs. Alnpncna. Calicóes, Ginhame. 'asintieres. Mous-s Do Lnines. Al(ine Plaids. iiüiwls, Crnvats, Satins. Velvets. Silks, Laces, 'tibbons. Shcetings, Sliirtinirp, Canibrics. Buolt Vliiilinö, Bishop Lawns. Sufpendrrs. Glovcs. [losing Tiiscoii and Btrnw Bonncto, Butums nd Trimmings. of all kinds. GROCËRIES. Old nnd YounL' Hyeon. Imperial, Gnnpowder ind PoiifhongTcaa. Sucars. Coflle. épicos. Molasso?. Rire, Fish, Candles, Soap, Fnll and Winicr Oil, &c. &c.t Sal Soda, a very large assortment. CROCKFRY AND GLASS WARE, Tea nnd Dinner Setts to match. HARDWARE.- .Axcs, Cooprrs Tools. Slielf Odods. Nnils, VC. Window Snsb. Pni's und Tub8. Cordago. &c. tnd all anieles in ihat line. BOOTS AND SHOKS. Ladiee Gniters. Slips, Wnlking Shoes, Gen'.'s Super Cnlf Boots. Mens and Boys co arsc do. Dye Stnffs of every description. Cnyh pnid forGmw Soed, White Beans. Bees wax. Pot nnd Pearl Aslirs, most kinds of Produce taken in pnyment for Also - CASH PAID FOR WHEAT? GAKl.AND &LEFEVRE. Ann Arbor, Sept. M45. 220-tf. NATIONAL TEM PERA NCE HOTEL, Utica, AVit' York. CHARLES N. GRiFFJN. Prnpriet r. woukl respectlully inform his friends. and the public {renernlly. tlint he. hns taken the above Mo tel. locatcdat 127, Ft'cct. near the Canal, where bc is now prepnred tu accommodaie ihe public at nll times, in the best possible manner. and on reii6onnblc tenn3. Stages lenve and arrive nt this House daily, lo and frorn all partf ff the Country. GOOD STABLING ATTACfIKD. The proprintor flatters himsplf from the experiencehe hns Tmrl in keepinca Public House, anH the exertion he iniends to put forih. Ihat he will be able to picase all who niay favor him witb their paironage. Utica, May 1, 1815. $23 6mIn Chanccry- 2d Circuit. Mathew N. Tillotson, Complainont, V8 Frederick P. Townsend. Defondant. IN pursnance of a decretal o der of iho Conrt of Chancery, innde n the above cause, wil) bf 8o'd under the direciion of the subscriber. oi public auciiun nt the tront door of the Couri House, in the villogeof Ann Aibor, in the county of Washten&w, on Saturday the tweniythird day of Auust next nt one o'clock in the aficrnoDP. of Mid day. "all that ccrlnm trnct or parcel of land sitiinie in the town of Superior, in thecounly of Wnshicnnwand the State of MicMian, viz: the weat Itnlf of ihe north west quarnr of srciion nine n town two south in range se vrn cast in the District of land offorcd for sale at Detroit, Michigan." JOÏIN N. OOTT, Mnater in Chanrery. James E. Platt. Sclicitor fr Complainant. Ann Af hor, June 30, 1845. 2IH- 8w The ribove s:e is poetponed until Septeinbci 3th. 1845. at the sime hmir nrd fdnee. JOHN N. GOTT. Master in Au?. 23, 18 J5. Chnnccry The above ireniioned pnle is postponpd until ihe tw. niie:h doy oí September, nt the sume hour and place. JOHN N. GOTT, Moster in Chonceiy. Srpi. 13. 1815.CLOTH! CLOTHH ryllE subscnbera will coniinue to munufacX ture Ftillcd Cloth9 for 37i ets. per yard. nnd white flannet for 2' cents per yard; or they will rrtñnúihcttíro ihé woo] for hall the rlotli il will make. Their Fac tory is 2J milos West of Arm Arbor, on the ! uron River. Wool willniso bc receivcd nt Scio Vhen sent bv Rnilroad it will be aucndcd t in the s;:nie mnnncr ns 11 me ovvneis were to comt with ir. Wool will bo manufactured in turnas it comes in as nearly os it can be done with relerence to ihe different qunliliee of wool. WOOL CAR DING, will bedone at Scio. by Thomas Floskins. S. W. FÜSTER &CO. Scio, Mnv 1, 1845. 210 BELAVAM HOUSE. ALBANY, NEW YORK. BY NATIIANIEL ROGER3. THUIS celebrated house is now open ior the re cepiinn of irnvnlers. h is the largest dimensión?, nnd is en'irely neio n all iis paris, li ia stiictly a Teihp-.rance House, nnd while m pains will bcspnrud to make it olí thot the trnveling public can ask, it is expected in reiurn ihat tt will recnive the pa.ronatjeol jII thcfrienHt of Temperance who may have occasion to visi. Allnny. Mny 19, 1845. 212-Gn. Ferome m. treadvvell, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, "f TT ILL attend to the salo nad txch.inge of VV Landa, pnyment of Tnxes, and ledemp ion of Landssold for Taxes in Jnckson nnd ndjoining counties. examination of Tilles, Convcynncinnnd all business pertaining lo Real Estáte, ufllce in the Court House. Jnckson. Michigan. 17-tf. Ready Made Clothing . AT REDUCED PR1CES. npFIR largest and best nssortnieni of rendy JL made clothinji ever betore offered in thit Siaje. now on hand and lor saje, VVholesile pj Itclail, at the Clothing Etnporium of the Sub icribers, èonsisiing in pnrt of Fino brondcloih Frock nud Drcss ContP. Tweed nnd union cassiniere, satmetand jcan Frock and Business Conts. Slimmer Coats in great varieiy and very chenp. Cassimcre, cloth, tweed and summer Pants ol all styles and rices. Satin, volvet, sillc, valencia, cashmere nnd Marsei!!e6 Ve8!s - a large stock ofrich nnd fash ionable styles. Also, an extensive nssortment of Hosiery. Stocks, Srarfs, Handkerchiefe, Collnrs, ShlrtP, Gloves. Cravats. Suspender, &c. Sc, all of whicli will be sold low for cash. They would respectfully invite nll, in wont of ready made gnrments, to cali and examine their stock befbre purchnsing elswhere, as il bas been 8elected with care in the Eastern mnrket nnd manufnctired in the latest stylee and moat durable manner. HALLOCK A RAYMOND. Corner of JefTerson & Woodward avenMes. Detroit, April 4. 1845. 213-t' Paper Ilanings, BORDEIUNG, Window Papers, Firc Bonrd Papers, &c. will be gold at very low prices W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May IV), l.Q49. 9l'3-femn Carpenter and Joizicr, consF.n, or chooan and bhush strkkts, oproSITE TUK M:CHI0AH 0ARÜEÍÍ, DETROIT. Scpt. 1, 1845. 215-6;n Quit Claim Dccds JUST Printed and forsole at this oflice. - 226AI.WAYS ON II AII. Gfë?} F I ïHE Suhscriber luis rafftjjr -L moved liiKshop to the Jr Sf Sireet oppositc H. Beckllï&K Ê&L CrS BrUk S'Ore' wlere ho L I) TS Siw Inny be "un reaIy to with Av 1 yiyjitA u?on n" 'at my e've n'm WlifeaásS8 Hoving jnat receivad direct from JN'ew York nn elepant stock of JBWELRY, nnd Fnncy Anieles, whlch lie intends to scll lorctr ilinn lins ever been eold west of Buflnlo foï Rcadij Paij Only. Among which nmy be !und a sood assortmpnt of Gold nnd Coriimon Watch Keys, Gold Fitiger Rings ond Posom Pins, Guard Chnins, Silver Tea ond Tnble Spoons, Sugnr Tongo, Buner Knivea. Silvrr Pcncil cos'.'s. Silvftr and Common Thintblcs, Silver Spcctncles, Germán, do.. Steel, do., Hnir Brushe8. Cloihps do.t Tootli do., Lmher do., Fine Rnzors and Pockcl Khivfcj, Fine Shcora nnd Scissore, Lather boxes. Rr.zor Sirope. Wolletts. Pursps. Violins nnd Bowe, Flutcs. Violin nud Bass Violin Siringe. Clarionet Reeds, Percuesion Cape, Poi ket Pistols, Brittnnia Cundlesiicks, Watches, Letter Sinmps. Slea! Pene and Tweezers. Snuif nnd Tobacco boxee. Fine combi, Diossmg do.. Side do. T Bntk do.. Fhell do., Needies and Cases. Wnier Pnints. Toy Viitt)ie8, Kid Dollt. n great variety of Toys too numerous to meniion, Beads, Necklaces, Foncy Boies, &C. &c. Ci.ocks and Watches of every dercription re paired and warranted, al6O, Jewelry repairedon bhort noticc. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Caíh paid ior OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C. B. Ann Arbor. Oef. 24, 1R44. 28-tf. LEOI WESLEYAN INSTITUTE. TH ÍS Instituiion wil! commence its firsi tvrm on ilie löih of September. A building has been fiitcd up which will accommodaie overono hundred students. TKBMS OF TUITIO. $n,Of) a prrterm, for EngÜBh brancheB. 4,00 for n mathematical coii'sn. 5.00 ineludine the laneunes. Indijjent stiidents preparing for the miniatry can have tiiition free. If sttidenis are net reaily to commenoe with thn term their tuition will be graduated in proporÜon to ihe timo. Board and Iodging can be had in the villago for $1.00 per week. Rooms cinbe had forany who clioso to board thenifelvcB. The fnllowing Text Books have ben adopted in the In.stii utiori : D'ivics' Series of Mathenmtics, including his Atithnietic; also. Cfill'iirns' menml do.: Brown's Grnmmnr; VVoodbridgö'a Modern Geography, with Mitchell's feries ot outline maps: Andrewt nnd Storldtird's Latin Grammar nd Render, Goodr-cli'B Greek Lessns and Grammar; Ja cob's Greek Render; Comstock's Philosophy and rhemislry: Blnkrs' Astronomy; Hnywards'a Phyeiolojry; Hedge's Lodcic: Whatcly's Rheto. ric: Hnrber's Eloctitinn; IJnrris' Book Kceping; Barl'er's Gcnpral Ilistory; Wilson's Hiafory of Mie United States: Butler's Annlogy; Mahan'e Mental nnd Moni Philogophy. Tbe Institution nwíi a set of th ahove detcribrd buoks which nrc Jpsignpd for the use of Student who wi--h not to purcliase'lorjlhemiclvei. The Institntion has a Lihrnry of about ono 'honsind volumes, also a Cabinct of Minerals and Marino 8hell9. M:t:iu-il labor will be encouraged n thia utiori. A new systpm of teftchmg Geogrophy by outline maps will be adopted, also a new system oi pi nmatiship. A competent Ferrmle Teacher is expected in time to commence wi'h tho ipr. v CHARLES GALPIN, Principal. Leoni. Sept. 15. 1H4H. 230-tfALLEBASI'S MEDICINES. THESJi MEUJCINF.S ARK (iTccting such aMonishine cures in multitudes of old cayes long since abnndonecj by Physicinns nnd urgeone as u:terly liopelef-p, that no medicines, wlicre ihcse are known, stand so (rfervedly high. Tlicy consist of THE BLACK, OR ALLEBASi'S SALVE, Pr.icc 25 Cents, Which euros almosi univeipally. Fever Sores, oi (he most malfgnant kind, Folons, Ulcers, Ahsreeees, Tumors. Fractures, Cuij, Pnnciure, Hums. Scnlds. Sore Tliront. Clulblniits, Quinscv. Drop y. Inflamntory Rhiumatism, Infl.-.mnintiona anti Swcllinps pf evory tiescrijition. Scnld Hend. Apue in the Face, Ncrvmia Tooth Ache, Agiie in ihc Broken Breast, Ac. Ac. ALLF.HA.SrSHF.ALTH I II.LS. 2f Cent. These Pilis havencqiured u populnritv withtn tlie last year o: vwo, which no oihcr PiMs possess. The rejsnnsaro ohvious to all who uío '.hem. Thcy cure nll IJilioup, Scnrlet and other Fcvers. Fever and Ague. Dyspeptia, üroppy, Acid Stom.ich. Disorders) Bowels. or Stomrch, Jnunoice, Head Ache, Dizzincss in the IJcnd, VVorms, Livnr Complaint. Hcort Burna, Cholic, Bowei coniplnint, General Debilily. Costivcneif, &c. Ac. Their purify the entire syetem, leave the bowels in a viorous and heulthy condition, &c. See pnmphlet. ALLEBASl'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Pricc 25 'Cents. Wil! cure nn ordiuniy case of Tooth Ache, in from three to ten minutes. For Nervous and other kinrls of Tooth Ache. see Pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Price. 25 Crnts. Are warranted io 1: eyperior to nny other Piasters in '.hia or nnv oiher country, for pain or weaknefs in the Back. Side. Chef, Bowcle, Loins, Musclos, and for Rhcmnatjsm, Lung nnd Liver Coniplnints, Coughs, Colds, Asthmn, Ac. Hoe pamphlet. N. B. - Piense to ask the apent for n pamphlet which gives all ihe informntion nccefsary respecting ihe uspb of ihe Medicines, the virtues tliey pnsscss, etc. Pleaee to ollow directions in the nsi; of the medicines, ond you may rely upnn all thnt íh promiyed. A disrount made to merchantsand olh er8. who hur"to sr?ll apniti. LYxMAN VV. GUBF.RT. Proprietor, Wholesale Drucgist. 214. Ftilton st. N. Y. (CTFor sale by the bubscriber, wbo hns been nppointed general npent for the City of Detroit nnd its vicinity. Country dealers supplied on liberal terms, C. MORSE, Michiean Book Store. The above medicines are for eale oi thf Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Village. Dpcember 9. 1844. 34 Jy William E. Fulcipher, ) vs. IN ATTACHMENT. Jnmes Gont. ) BEFORE Wm. R. Perry, Justice of the Peace. Notice is herrby given thnt n writ of nttnehment was im.ucd in the above entitled cause, toturnahle on the 'Jfith day of Aucust, 1845, and the said dcfendant did not nppear at the return o s-iid writ. Therefore said cause stands ndjourucd for tvial until the 2Cth day of November iwxt. at I o'clnck, P M., at the oiïice of said Justice of the Peace. WM. E. PULCÍPHER. Dnted, at Ann Arbor, 26th August. A. D. 1845. 227-5w Gcesc Fcathcrs. nriME Subecriber hnp alwnys on hand a good JL bupply of Gef se Femhers wliich he wijl sell in qnantities to tuit purchajers and at the loweet inarket rete. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23. 1 45. 23-6m. Flax Seed. rïlHE Subscribrrs wnnt to buy a quantiy of JL Flax Seed, for which they will pny iho highost markel price in Gnors or Cash, deltvred at thcir Mili, at Mount Pleasninf. Genessee Co., Michigan; 5 miUa north of Fentonville. B001H & LA TOURETTE. Sept. 1845. g30-6m__ Blank Dceds and MLortacii WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, foreale by BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. March 20, 1845.


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