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Winter Cake Of Sheep

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-Shocp are looking up. Tho tidc hos ttirned. Eut unlcss shoop are to be taken up as a part of the permanent part of the fann stock and proper care and nttontion given to ihem, it would be botter for the farmer to let them alone. Sheep properly cared for are the most profitable and least troublesome farm stock ; but if neglected and improporly managed, none so soon besome out of condition, diseasod and die. YTiiiter is the most trying time for them. " Coddling" is the most hurtful thing. With good feed a flock of sheep would do bettor to lio out of doors in the whole vriofcer, thaa t be kopt in a close, warm stabie. Ruaning at the nose and lung diseasi! wül ïurely follow close penning up. TTnless the weatheris stormy, or the ewes with lamb are near tíieir time, they should bt: turned into a fiekï every day. ïhey should have fresh water (accoss to a spring is the best) at least once a day. It is a niistako to snppose that eh.ocp will thrive on snow, and yet many flocks are permitted thus to quencli their tíárst every day through the winter. - Clover liay is the best standard feed, together with half a pint of oats, rye. or bui;kVuoat áiiily. Sheop do botter with s cfmage in their fèed occasionally. Salt, in which a fourth pari; of salphur is mingled, should be placed wliere thay can always hav access to it. Corn-stalks may do as a coarte i'oed to piek amongst, but aa i standard food it does not soem palatable enough for thom. They will Eve on it, but do not thrive. Separate the flock into at least two portions. Tho lambs and ::i Lamb ewes which may be woakly, ehould, at all events, be takon from tho strong, hearty ewes, wethors and bucks, and extra care bo given to them. It is still bettor to koop the wethers and bucks by thomselvos, and thus makc threo divisions. Guard agaiast the dogs, which, at this season of the year, ro more th.'iii eTer wiscliiovous. If a dog is kept on the f:trm, let Mm be well acqxiaintijd with tho tlock, and they with Liin. Above all things, bo patiënt, bo quiot, attontivo, and oxaetly regular in feeding and watering, not overfeeding nor stinting tho flesh, but, having found the; right way, persevere theroin, and do not swervc ono way or tho otkor from it. Ono can not negloct his sheep ono day and maVe tip by extra cara tLo next. - American Agricultvrist.


Old News
Michigan Argus