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H. Cohen's Column. AT THE 3STEW Min Store ! 47 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Yon can now find a largi and complete assortmènt of Ladies' and Children's FAIL11 WINTER BATS isr all:style3, TRIMMED AND UNTRiMMED Also a Full Line of RIBBONS, LACES, COLLABS AND CUFFS, ITosievy for Ladies and Children, Glovesfor Ladies and Children Ladies' Made Under-Ganwnts Laaief Knit Üh(ïer-Garment8, Hoop Skirts, Corsels, Madam Foyh Corscts and Shirt Svpjporipr TIANDKERCHIEFS In. plain Lincn, Ilemstitch, Lace, Iuitial Mouming, &c. Plusli for CZoaMng, Eük Yelveisfor Cloakings, Velveteen for Cloakings, Ydvcê on the Bias, all colors, Velveteen on the Bias,, all shades, RihhonSi Vclveis. Buttons and Dress Trimmings Jaconct Edging and Insertlon, Towels and Napkins, "White Trimmijigs of all kinds, EUFFLINGS. Jaconet, plain, stripe and clieck, Namsook, plain, stripe and check, Soft Finished Cambric, Swiss Muslin, India Twill, Victoria Lawn, Bishop Lawn, Lincn for Sbirting, Tarlatans, 8HIET BOSOM8. Germantown Wools of every color, Germantown Balmoral Yarn, Knitting Yarns, Genta' Collavs, Suspenderá, Hosiery, Neck Tics, and IIandkerchief6 PEEPUMERY. Hair OiTs. Colognes, Bay Eum, Soape, Hair, Tooth, and ïiail Brnshes, Pocket Eooks Albums Jet taud Shell Jovclry. Braeelefcs, Glove and llandkerchief Boxee, Woolcn Gooils, NTJBIAS. Worsted Slipper Patterns, Embroidered Cushions, a.nd in fact overytbing vsnally kcpt in a first-class Millinery and Fancy Goods Store. H. COHEN, 47 South Main St. 1345 IU.SÏ REC B LVJ3Ü! tl FiryLEY LËWÏS h wc fcci-ivit? ;i largo and wtt-st1( Stoclv of New Fall Goeds ! BOUGHT FOR CASH, Ml ofwhlch must bc solit hmWIe of sixtv days to make room tor our tiKCOND Pall stock. Wc cuii show our enstomers the Best Kip I3oot ever brought to this murkefc, botft tbr men and boys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. Wc have the exclusive sale r .1. SS. Bnri's Bne ]i:imf-imnie work- conceiloif to bc the bent work to weai In the uiarkct. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WOKK ES" Wc have the exdmive sale of the flnc goods of E. C. Burt, of New York, aixi Reynolds Jii-os., ot Utica. We guarantee entire satisfnctlon on this work. 1884 J.JTEAR YE! E. J. JOHNSON HAS A FÜLL 8T00K OF HATS & CAPS ! FOR PALL AND WINTER. AIso a large stock of Liulics' and Gents' Pars ! H18 STIL ES II IS GOODS THE BEST! AND UB PRICES TIIR Alsoa fall lino ol Geuts' Furnishing Goode 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. FAXNTS PRINTS PAITS Oils Oiis Oiïs Varnish Varnish Varn'sh Brushes Brushes Brushes MIJVEKAL PA1NTS. re, "LOOIC TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL ON R. W. ELLIS & CO., BEFORE PURCHA8ING SÊÊ íBÉSufljfm ' a 1'AL.SE ÏIEPOIIT ! T1IAÏ A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOK TRABE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COM PLBTB STOCK OP HATS & OAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT TRICES '10 BUIT THE TIMES. ALSO A l'ULL LINE OF GENTS5 ÏUILMSHING GOODS! DON'T TURCnASE YOUR SPRING AND SÜMMER OUTPIÏS UNTIL YOU GIVB ttXTvI. AGAL1,. X5 South Main St., Aun Albor. 1821-tf. JAM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPHER f RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIYES BEFOKE PBINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOTHSANDTAN Do not show in any of hia Pictures. io Extra Charges. rUY YOUll CHILDUEN Something Useful for Christmas, at C. H. DETROIT ADVfiRTISEKENI S Aj ICMIGAN MACHINES? wi;im)T. V. S. WOKMKU & SON, De i. rrí :r. :ill ii:d of Woad aiul Iron Woiking M;-.chii:cry. Sü, 101 & l'Z JíFFEBEON AVE-, I UTlíOil', Mil i!. p DOELT2, VT,. Importen and I";iS'i n x"v.:iroY ooods, TOYS, YANXEF NOTIONS HOSiERY. LACIÜ AND TR1MMINGS, Chlldren's Caniagea, Baskets & Sleíghs, No. so and S2 Woodward Ive., Datroll. OIIIP YOlTIt Plour áanLa VíTlioat ro O-ILLETT Sz H-A.X.L DETROIT. ro iíiüirantee liighcst prlcef immodiatc sales, ftud ; prompt returns. r?T" Liberal Caaïi adi ranees. nno NiurPERS of AraEAT ! Wn (tro prenared to ofTer imlnccments to fhippors of whcrit int surpusscd ttv tliosc o f nny otnrr 1hhih!. ],il,oi : advnncoB, prompt attontion nnd quick retlUUB. JACOB BEESON & CO., ;; Wiiüilbriri'jc Street, Wst. Detroil (TRAIN BUYKRS C0NS1GN r to JOHN H. WENDELL & CO., DETROIT. We gunrautec prompt ealefl and InunedlatQ rotarilB W'e HTí' :[itf ítt. J1Ï1 tílfttis tO plUCÜ Car lOtSYti nui'v White or Red Wheut to :uh;uit.-st if Bhlppsd in ttiniiiL'l) lino cara. We reftjr to all Iïanks and Commercial Agoncles( 1A.RRIAGISS AND SLKIOQS. "J HUGH JOHNSON, MANL"FACn:iiKR AND PFAI.KR IN Ccvrrtages, Buggles and Sfeiylts, Cor. ,jirin-l fc Cs stroits. A largo awortment of BASTBRN and Fióme. madeBuggioa Carrlagcs and Sloigha ou bandi ci Qnishcd tu oidor. An Examination of Stock and Prices So):cited. TOIIN PATTOH SON, J Hanotactorera and Dealers n Carrlages, Buggies, Slcighs, &c, The linutt aasortment in Michigan. Esubllshud in 112. FAOTOKV 0QBV1B W00BBWDOÏ ANn ItRl'su rTIíeEts. liiP'Kitor.r, '-'íjcflerson ira, Detroit. cñjRNITTJRK I p. hufnagíTl & co,, Nos. 213, 1 & 217 Woodward Avenue Detroit Wc havc-acomplete assortmont of tho finest Fmmturo, and otlu-r arados. A cai] fnnn buyon lfi solielted. We are fblly nblc to enlt ali as toquiillty ;unl prlceB. We iiKimihicturo raoötof our lurniture, and t:uji gaar8iit66 s-iiisfuctiou. IAM SKLLING ALL STYLES O F IIOUSJECHOTjr) FURNITURE Twentyíiv -■ peí cent los thau any otlier hoiiHc iu Detroit. Do not f;iil to vlsit my l'umiture Warerooms. JOSII. W. SM1TII, 250, 2B2 and 254 East Sido Woodward Avenuo. FAI1, AN WINTER STOCK OF P1XE WHITE AND IiORDKKED China Dinner and Tea Sets, Borne vory fino in colora; algo fino Cnt Glass : Rocera. Smi'h & Co's. íine l'l.'ited GoodSí Ivory ana Rnbber Elandlcd Cutlery, Large suck of Stand, lírncket and Ilanginíx L;iin])S. itc. &o.. for sale !tt lo w priem bj 1. HcCOBMICK, l'i MiibÍL-an Atb.. opposlte Kew City Hall, Detroit. NEW ERA IN SEW1NG MAOHINFS. The N-w Wilson ünder-Feed Sewlne Machine makes the same stiteh as the Btaiger, Ifowo, andallotker Uhprlce Loek-8Kch Machines, It their eqnol In all, huí superior in many reiiccts :uking the premlam In the State Paire of ]71 over illotherg, Rold201eae tliun any other flrl lasa macliiucs. Warrantecl live ye.irs. s -tul for cin ni are. E. OHENEY & SON, Qen'l Ag'ta 1T2 WOodnardAv., Detroit. Mloh. TOII.V II. DOÜGIUBTI", Mannfacturcrs of PICTURE & MIRROR FRAMES Iiromos, IGnruvins, aud I'hotos. At.Wboksale. Í7JEFPERSO ,4VEIE, DETROIT, HKH T1HEOD0RE BÏGLBRJL Manafactnrei of i LOOKDÍG-GLASS & PICTUBE FRAMES Gilt. R;s6wii, Walnut and Oraamental MouHings. mportcra of Lookiiiír Gí:tss Platea 9 Chromos, and finge. 31 Atwatcr Ktrcct, Detroit. LAY Sc ADAMS, UaAafacInrerfl of ftfid wholesale dealers In PURE WHUJ-: WINK, CLUIiU AND MALT I 1 Atwatcr streef, Velt) 1343 Detroit, Michigan. QOÍjDS Mini's Brtaxi .'■ Stsatton BobIXinesS i"mv: !'--■ tt, Dkthoit - Buyincss practicall} t:in)it aftor tho Counth (f House Bjitem, the onlj rae and practica] syatem for lllnatratiug real biiíinep, requlrin ii.uiks, t-iorco. Busíi;e?8 Iltm-cs. Ifflces, Board jf frailo. ote. No Instilvtton evet took a ])rtmium for I ok-keeplng and Bu ) over this intítutio, aiid BDyafiSrtto" Lo he contrair is bise. PleMo tdUroea as abuvj for apera aiiíídocuments. PHALLKNGK.-Í ill place $600 n ilic V' hanrts of auy nsM jieiblo partv whcne'or nny Hilliartl Tublc "in:u:i:l:utnrcr is ülingto tcet Ilumerltt of bi Billlard Tablea, aa tvi, Korlcni'ii ■ ■'■■■'ic- and ül .''■':■'■■ '; euthioiu, lie veatitflog wlütB MDOnt x tw decisión. And I rnrtbor propose m the wimu-r s!i :i 1 1 dispose o( the m 'iii'y m D by f;ivi a il lor samo charitable purposc. 0. SCHOLENBURG, lüllitrcl Tablc Uanufactnrer, Detroit, Mlch. T AMÉIS JKNK8, [KsTABUMnED 1S5-). Dealer n all kiudaof MÁCHINEBT AND SUPPLIES. AL8Ot Ai;knt rOB HALL'S PATEN? SüIXia.K MACHINE. OÁÍwater Siroet Eat, bét ween Batos and Ran[ylpli Strcetí, Detroit, Mlch. rA3Il?BELX, IíINN A: i;., DEAl I DRY GOODS and MÏLLINERY 1U & ll.T Avenue, corucr CoLgrees SU Detroit, .Hicli, Dltlisr. ItAKVre A s'Kt'r r.rr. OOMJCT JllNtJ JN K W AT 50 Main Btreet ! LOUIS W.A LZ, GROCER &CONFECTIONER D.ISA LI, STOCK INIIÍS r.IXR, A?fD WH,I, PKOMrTLT SERVE TH B P0BLlCWirn 80OAH8, TEA8, COPFJiKS SPICES, SYKLU'á, CANDIKS, ETC. Farties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OF THE UEST IÏUAI.ITY, AND AT TUK MÜSTL1BEKAL 'I'KHMS. C-LIj A.1STT3 ST3E Xillvd: BBFOKE PURHASING. 1330-inf. Lüll RENT A DESIRABLË STORE ! ml OT.TJ.AT?. Also ono Pino Front iïooti over Iiuir Ke M.iuv. No. IS Main St.,frum Angosl let, [8T1. Kixiuiro of i-tf (i.W.IIAY.S. Slipt. Finest A.ssortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by 8 H 8 fl B O L i oH ? Jai rl w i Dpi 5 i rn ís w j w ,,(o y i rl p }. fflW u Q, tí 0 9 9 g? rn 2 i ê H o n q . r W n O P H S ' h % m O P3 To ny porson pro.hicim,' any Medicine able to show ouc-tliinl as m.tny Itvlnir, permanent en ree aa It. Vri i ■ ' VbojctaUle Rheumatio Kk.mki.y ; and a YewarÚ trf $100 for nuy case ofhruic or Enflammatory RheontAtlem, Nenraigla, Rheamatlc Aue, Bctaticft and tibecunntim ol t'ue t:fi:ioywit ■ ■'■i-. , Thla lííwnmatic Syrnp ís iua! fawtud pica nit totiu; tasle and gaaranteed freo (arioiu Drags. Il is not (i:u;k Medicine buttheecten i ptlon ofjos. P, Fitler, M. !., PrbfbssAr oí ToxJcology and ükemíetry, gradaste of the cdlcbrated Uuiverelty uf Puuncyl vaula, A D.IS63, whoeeentlre profb&sional Ufe luis beendevotcil pjkm ialiy u tbla ilii'i.M'. ihiis prepara ti on andor sotemu oath ís couscl -nttonsly befieved to be the ■ : ' .'posiiivc, ruiiablo, ni'aLiiblo BpedflC 6TOr d BCoVored. The proof that no other speclflc exists is (bund i:i every commnnity in persons affllcted for maay years past and y lili suffortig. tfphusiciam cauld cure i', - diá exUl, 'ith icotüd not i-'. zo. - áfact rh:it mn-í be uuIveruUr admltted. The ofí tlcccivcd duíferer raay wieetyfipk, what secürit; orevldQceh&s lit that ht. PItr8 heumaüc Syrtip wiilcnre ala aso. Tin; protection offerotl tu paÜentsagatostimpositloD íslu n legally sigoed coni r'.; r whteta wíl] be forwarded UhoM erge to any BufTercr sendlnj; 'y U tter a descrlptkñi of a&tictJon; tliUuirnnteu will State the exact iinmb.--r ofbotirrantetl tn eara and in casa offitllore thc momey paid wll] be retnrned to tiiu patiënt. No other renu'iiy haa ever been offerod o.n such ílboral mei honorable termn. Medical advies with certificates frons prominent lh ■'■■'■■■.--, Clereymeu, etc., Who h ví been enred alter all other treatmenta have rafled, sont by letter, gratis. AflOcted cordial !■ Invlled lo write foi advlce to ths pilndpal oílice ö SoiUii Pbarth Street, Phll rdclphla, ta, ir. Pitler'a RhennLaticSyrnp i-s twJd by Drugjj R. W. Elïtö 4 Co,, Solo Aconta, Aun Arbor, Mich. SAM. 13. KEVENAUGH liuiutiiuitniLh MAKES ALL. KlJMiS OF PSDTÜRES FKOM HE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, ANDFINISHESTHEÏIIN INDIA INK! OIL, ÖE. WATER COLORs ! IN A SUPPKRIOR MANNER. 1319-!y. No. 30 BOBOS SÏUEET. t umbbiTya rd, C. IOÏAPF, Haa fi lftTg4 KB.d WO1] Btocked Lnmbor Tanl on JeffereoD Stret, lhc.outh jmri of the City, and will keep ciinétiiutly on baad au i-xc Hent varicty of LUMBER,SHINGLES,IATH&C ivliich willbcí"lcl8lowii8car be aCforilud injth inarket. yualitjrandiiritci.sacli tlmt NO ONE KEED GO TO DETEOITC. KRAPF. Ana Arl)or..Tnnnnry20tli. 1S71 PSii pEOPLE'.S DRUG SÏOiix.i R, W.ELLIS& CO. -_-j_ il i I ' ■ iJimi I )U Y YO Uit WIFE A HANDSOME SHAWL, SACK 011 DRiS ror í Christmas Present At V. H. MILLTIIM'S CASI. ti. REViSJNALUH KBBP8 OS HAND A. LARQE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN STi Mortgíige Sale DEFAVlr baving been made In the oonditïon of a ■in mortgnge exetuted by Cathtróne Wuii, of N'ovtliJi.-M, in the oouuty uf Washtenaw and Stete of Michigan, m the 27th day of April, A. i. In;:, u 8nDy Aun Pray,of Hniïerior, m said county nnd State, and recordad in the 1 ..-ui' the oounty f ■ :iüw. tbethlrdaayaf May, A D. 1867, ttuU o'clock a. m., in libei jG ef inortgages, on i whJOh saiil l:m !(■-.,:-■ v.-;is uu) y . toi of the ■ r-:-,'iy Ann ï'i.-iy late oí' Saperlori Waahtenaw oounty, ed, to X:i(]i;iii U. Fray, on tto . of Januriiy. . i. 1871, and rdcordedthe 18thday of January ,. i. ls;i , in lili i o n . umi its o i 693, thut tliere is d.-ñTned lo be duo wpon said i; llil datO, tll: HUm of .ti ■ dred and Ebrtytwo dollars and tbirty o ote, :ilo a rea■ 8altcftoT8 oi Attorocy'a fee, bhoulcl any raoceedingsbe taken to foxedoae ibis mortgage, aul iurther inataUmenta I become 3uc on aaid i . having been had i' ■ 01 niiy part tlii.T. et ; Notíce is herubj.' ffivun, tliii tiy of thfi pOWCT mtained in Baid nu ■ ■:! -]] it imiiUc anotíon, to the higheut bidder, on tlte ninUi dayof Uazoh ;i''t. i" 2 ododt p. u. of Baid dayM I Qouse, in t ík: otiy of Ann Ail-ur, in s;,ï connty, tïiat bexng the placeo' holding thu Circuit Court lor the ■i lv,-, uil that oertain trad or p;iv oei of land known, nnd doscribed as foïlows, to wit: The northeaat auart r oi the soatheast quartex 't" section ininTcr ('irtt? in íownM}ii nwmlrv one Bouth in range nnmber six oost, lyine ïh No intbeooant] of Waahtenaw, in the 8tatfl oí Michigan. Dcccmlwr "th. 1S71 KATHAH ir. PRAT, John X. Gottv Aastqnee :' ifortgagoo Attorney fox Attdgsee üt Mortgagoe. Mortgage Sale OEFAUL'F ];aYiiiur been ;:i i'l in thfl '."OTidítioDS of H 11! itfd by .I.iliM A. !'■■:; ílrv. ;n i -:. rab ücti'iíiy I }-.-r ShaltorSf ï-earlng dat the ;h day or Aulzmsl one thoumnd eeht hu adrad awl .xty elght, and recordad in the oöfce of the ; of i eeda for ftraeht naw Coauty, Michigan, en e eleventh tfay ti Angaat, A I. íSflS, fine recordé . u líber B9 of raortngefl, on pajre 236 on whlch mjrt gAgc there h clAltned to bu duo nint scventy oae dolíais and thirty-fonr ci-rtis. and íh y i tllare :t ui attorney fee aa pr vided tn bW mortu'-'i'-'e, ftQd no Biifl or proceeóinc at law havli i ii. titnted t recover the dubt soenred by k:iíí] mortl'ml'c. or :niy part thercoT; Notlce is therefore herenygivcn, tfaut by vinueof' the jkwít tf ;(k; contalned in bamI mortffaee, nnd f the t t cte case made and provtded, the Mld mortgnfe win be sed íiy a sale of the e;i ïl mortg igea prenilses, to-wH: AHthat Dlecoor parcel of land iyingand btíiní in the towuehip of Northñold. !n the County of washtenaw, and ?tntc of Michlau known, boundftl iind described as !o!lows. to wi1 : the northeaet qnarter of the BouthenBt qnarter of Bcction number ilfteen, townsbi NTi. OD6 BOUtb of rano No bIx east. according to tüe origina) sarréy, containlns forty acres oi land, more or lees, wfaich Bale wili te ai pablic auctton, to the higheaj bi'idt-r. at the so'.uh door of the 'HlittininT e Rome, la the C'i y of Ann Arbor, in wrfd Ooanty, (tliAt belng the place of holding the Circuit Co nVt in the aforeaaid Countyj ■ n Satarday, the peventh day of January, A. D. ono Shoneai hnndred and sevonty-two, at tou a dock iu tho foro aoon oi ihnt day. Novcmbei 2d, 1871, PETER SÏIUr.TERS. Uortgajcee. Lawrksok & Fbazeb, auy's. for Mortg riff's Ba]. STATE OF MICHHïAN', ooti&tj of Waalitenaw, sa By virtue of one esccution, issued o öer üi i reai oi the ■ ounty of Washtenaw nnd Btateof Bfichigan, agij -. l:tiuls anl aementéOl Julia Silk, and to n ■ ■ ii ctedt snd for Uie want t ■-■ bnttlfis I have, tliis twenty-Üiird dny of November, A. I ii au t 1 ii'Jit, title nnd interest whieb said Julia silk h;is in the iollov. wit: ( 'onunencing at a black oak Btnmp four . rty-sevou links weet of the center oj nunber twenty, thoneo we it along center lin seetion two chains and sixty Linke itml one-haü d one ■ ! . tin aad ■ and twonty-five links, to the place of b ginnin abovedeecribedproperty 1 ing in the i the city of Ann Arbor, coonty of VVn M obJ fan, wjiicli above premiscu I shnl) oxposeforsale, at public anctmn totheh at llie sinitli door yt' tlio ' . Ann Aibor, on Saturday, the twwtictt day o ary, A. 1. 1872, al ten o'elock A. M. oJ Dated, tbis 4th, day of Decenber, A. D. 1871. 1361 MYUON WKJïjï, Sheriff. Slierift-s fcvile. OTATE OF tfI1 OiftAN, County of "Woshtonaw, se, O lïy irtoe of a writ of execution issued um of and undor the seal of the CiiN litCotiri for the couulyof Waflhtenaw, Btateof Michigan, dated thetvi n day of March, A. I). 1671, and to me dïreeted and delivcrnl, against tho gwxks chattels, ianda and teñemeuta oi WÜÜa SÍ. Brown, - ■ : nained, I did, on the fcwonty-iüutli dny of M ir eb, A. I). 1871, for the waul ,■■.- npon all the i i;-il;i , titleand iutereet tht Wültuar. Biöwu has iti following il wit: All of tota No. foui. live, siac, aeen mid eifHit, In b] jet : slorgnn'á Additíon to dio Vil !Mitncli' the son! hwi'st quiirter of . BonÚmest cpiarter of uortbwest qai ■ sectioii eleven, and aouthi ■ of northeust ouarterof section ten, nll ia town foorsoaöi of istallof the property being situated rothe twraahip and vil] county of W&shtenav, and Ptte of3li i premiaos I shall exposé for a Ue, nt ímblir aui tl,i: bighe3t bidder, nt the south door oftBR Con I House, in the Cítj i i' Ann Arborton theSOÜ i Jamury, A. 1). ls;-_, nt lOo'clocte A. 31, q Uivtod.An Arbor, lH: 7b. 1871. MVIImN' WEBB, Sheriff, Vy Jwiïis FoatE, Ündor-Bheriíf. BherifFs Salo. STATE OI MTIi HIÖAN,Coun y of, By iirl ue of a wri ■ ued out of uu' undertho sea] of the Cin uil Courl Cor tho con ut y ol Wushteottw, State of Michigan, dnted the 3 j!' May, A. 1 ). L871, u ■■ a#ain&1 . ehnttels, htnds nnd temtraentf of R. Atohison imct Qrsoa AtdiiMiu, defandasfa thereIn nanea, [ Ud, on the flfth day of JuIt, a. I. 1871, lovy npon ;ill thoti a Atchwon liiw ia tfhe followiug describcd real estáte, to-wit: Beiag th is] quarter of tho northwst quarter of sixtücn, in township one south oi tange sevm and the sootn part of fnewt huif of I qaarter of geotion aeventeen, and thoaonth hall oi "■■■■ weel half of the north west quartex of Bection eeventcen. towiiship one south of r.ui; ■ si n o 8ast-, in thoCountyol Waehtenaw, ötate of Utichigan; vhicdb above described prciaises [ shall expoee for Bale, ;tt ■ pnlilid auff in, í th liiv''1 bidder, at tllO BOUth door of theCourt House, in the fcifcj ot Aun .-r)ior, on the 25thdiw i December, A. 1). 1871, at lOoolocJt A. I aay. Dated. Nov. cth, A.D. ïftTl. BIYRON WEBB, Sheriff, 13471il 7y JoitTix Fokbkö, UndttT-Shedfl. jtfortgago Salo. DI'.I'A i Li1 haviog bden made in the oonditioni of a oertaiu mortgage exeauted by Belden Uarvin and Ann J. Marvin to Milnn Glover (nov deoeaaed), beari rir dal ■ tho tweni y-thiidday at KoTomber, om tl bundredand sixty-tíght, and recorded in tl Ka of the Register of Üa8 Éor Wasb rouïiiy, Michigmt, on the thiid day ei DMember, .. 1. 18G8, in libor 30 of mortgagt HO, on whioh mt)rt;igo thoro is olaímed to oe dtu uu siim of flvo hundrea and twenty-two dollars ($632), .ilno an Attorney8 fee oj twenty-flve Sallan as provided ín Baid mortgHgo, on l do aiiii or prooeedixtg at law or in ohancen hiivjng beon inaütnted to rc-covt-r tlie debt n twid mortñage, uranypaxt tbexeol; Nu! looi . üi.ti by virtue of rod Bale contained m said moriAge, and of uto in auoik oaaa nkado and ptovided, i Bhall sel] at public auction, t the higheat bigder, t tin1 soath e Wftsbtonftw Cuunty Conrt Houüo. m the city of Ann Arbor, üï said oonntj) pthat being the place of holding the Cireufr Courl í Baturday. the auttoanth day ofMateh, A.D. eieren ooloch a. m. of aaid aay, the in sal l moftgHee, to-wit : A strip of land one ohain itiul fonrtoen inkjs vide, and ■■■ i b the aortheaat quarter of seotion twenty-one, m township thxee south oJ i it,in waahtenaw county, Michigan, the wem te of whioh pni'aUel I .iid Quiurter ■ Lde La slxteon ohahu and flfty.inks v.' . ■ lining tour and 62-100 acres, nore oí lesa ; aSm a piece on tc:ii)ii tweni y-i wo, ■ anu town and range, to mi : The utli Bixteen ohuina uid serenty-one links wido, and iventeen chatas ;md ninety-nine link ■ en chrtina mul nim ■ : he pii '■ ■- in I be n ■ tulhwest quarter of aection twenty-twe, con;!i. iid Selacn Murvi and Ann J. Btfarvin to ii'l Müiity of Washtenawat thetimc Baid murtgit.nade nnd socuti d. üm Arbor Deo. Lith, 187! ■. Mertgage. CEIONDA OLO ÖL AdminiaV. ('iiaukb, trutris Attoruey for Baíd A Go toR.W.ELLIB & CO'e for choice WinesandLiquntf for Modical Purposes . ChanceiT Notice. THECIRCUIT COURT for Mío oountycf Wuslw MAHY PEA VEY, Coinplatnant, ■ I i.. PEA.S EY, Defenannt. ) i ly :iin-4-;inn ■ to í ns Courtby tbeaífr turn oí the Hheriff for tin County oí i ■ iv;,wy, tli'1 defendant, s DOt be lid d ndaní '7 n lsüo ofhia abTeaboota befng onknown ;..:.-. an raotion OÍD-Cnm .: uonfefed that the defcndant, L. L'eav y, cause hi ■ ■■ .. !(} ,v : withinthreemontha irom rhe tirnt jblication f thisorder, irruí ín 1 , (,,. ■■ va :■ th oomplaúiant'a MU lo b ervedon i. Cramor. eme oí Qplainant,aecording lo the rules of court, and i defsult thereof tlmt said bilí be Ui -.-.] ; uid it i ■ íiiltherord .-1 complainant, within dnys ea :liat sai'l publfoati ■ forthc term - thirteen su 1 ■ ín each week, or that the aaid oomplafnnnt musí' a copy i thia order to be peí mally aerved on tin deYê befo the tima abeve ibed for 1 iís appearance. Oct. L7th, 187L H. 0EAHAN. Circuit Court Commiasioner, WaahtenaV Couní D. Ceaxbb, 1345 Ono of the Solicitors for Complninant. Chancery "Salo Notice. ÍN PT'USTANCK andhy virtueof thedecrec of the Circuí Court for tbc county of Washtenaw, in chancery; íutheciwe wherein Majvaret MoNamara, Guardián oomplainant, and RoseConaty and Jamea Conaty re def en danta, thc undersütned, one oí tbe 1 lircuil ! ourl ( .■ w'nh. will sell at pablie auctkw, to the mghe der, ut tbe front door of the Coui't House. ín the cily of Aun Arbor, iu said connty, on the Oth day of January oext, fti ooon, tbe foliowin? desa ib .1 la premtoes, T12.: The rath part of tin: nortbea Uonal quarter of eotioa tb uningBixtynineacrea more or leen; and the north part of the northeuQt quarter od the sou thirty-four, oontaining Lhirty-threo acres uum and the oortheaet quarter oí the ■ booUqd Üiirty-flre, containing forty acre all in townthip No. onc soulli of range Na tlu all the ftbore Londa befng in the oounty 01 wikl kr.!h .1 ; nmy In; gnfflajent to mfttefy said duerce, with iult n si. and ctwtn. Dated, December ;üi, 1871. B. UEAB VN, One of the Circnit Commiwrionera for Wad I A. J. Sv'.vvr.n, County, Michigan. üííliciCor for Cümpíainunt. i ,; ] Eeal Estato For Sale. UTATE OF UICHIGA1Ï, County oí Waahtenaw, 8a, CJ jn the matter of the eeta te of ThomasJ. Brooks, cd, Notíoe ia heréby gÍTen, that in pnrsuanee of on order graoited to thc onderugned, administrator of the ■ j the Hon. J Probate oi bhe 1 ountyof Waahtenaw.ontheeixteeTith day of ( tetober A. I). 1871, there wül lx; sold at public rendí . ' -! bidder, a1 tliedmUing house op the pre b ulter deseribe 1, in the County of Washtenow in soid Btatei ' ' ■■ the twentyb ñ "i l ■■■ laber, A. I), 1871, at ten o'clook in enoonofthat d [Bubjert to al by mortottffe or othonrlse existingal bhe tin 1 death 01 Bald deoeaet d, and also Bumeci to the right -a dowerof hls wMow tnerein), the rouowing Üt reftleötaU, te-wit: Twoand nhatf aarea mor in the Tilhtge of Chebca in .;iil connty, bouodedoi the north bytho Michigan CentrjJ Kaifrood kinds, 01 bian CeatraJ Railroad landsan the fonds of Edward Winters, on the nouth b3 terof the John i1 Depevr toad, and on thé west b iber I7th, A. ïj 1864, toCondoi L. Itiirraham, all on aaetfon twelTB fa townahip twe South ■;! rtmve three east ín said Btate. bcing I parcol of lana oonveyed by James M. : wii'o to ■ ■! in li - in 1 '■-' otHce of the Register oi i Bunty. on page ! erioed premia s#tíz.: Commend point in tho center of thc -: I ■ . [ afore -siii'l, two baodred and (ttty-tsix feet ea : byi h;nlotte S. Honer, run ning thenci Cdeterly nlong the center of suid tofm thxeerodflj thenoe northvaidly ntiight angleBwil snid raml six rods ; tliencf.' weBtwurdly pnnuie] Wit with noid road eix roda to the : I túnir. I ÈCAKLES 0 REMPF, AdnunistmtM Datei ■ 1M7 Real Estáte for Sulc. QTATE OF MICHTGAK, County of Waahtenaw. na 1 Ln ..1 Ualvin K. 1 . that in purtuanc of an order granted to the I outor ■■iid iieooed, by fche Hon. Judge n& Pro . the CouBty of Washtenaw, on the twonty r, A. I). 1871, - ■■■■, to the higheet bidder, at the store o Boyd & Brother, Sylvan Center, in the County o Washtenaw in said State, on "Wednesday, the I wenty eevoutb day of December, A. I). 1871, at uiuj ■■' rnoon of timt day (subjoct to all eneua by mort ■ xxstingatthe timi ■ d, and ;il n subject to Um doweroJ Lorana Etrum as widowofÑathan deoeased] the following d ■'■. tbed ] 1 eetate to-wii nerthweet QuaxteT of sectiontwenty-onc, in town ■ tvouth ot' range Chree o;ist, opntainina on hundred and sixty acres more or less, in sai Also a pai'oel of land comra ■ line o s.iid northwefit quarter on thu Beekev road, and run uing thence eastei-ly towarda Bylvan ientw twenti ohains thence south eigbt chttms and twentr-flT to ;i síitke and s t went 5 1 '.! ana ju a stako and etonea, thoncc north eighi ksto the place "t beginning1, con taining nxteen and 60-100 aerea more or lees; an also a paveel ;f land oommencing at the itorthves Qortíbeast qnar ing t i.'iTti 1 ■ lengtii ;ii)'l eigal ohaine oncl ttfty bnta n wídth, con land kiiovn to be 1 pari oi ho oH faoa foruerly on n I t Perrj and I hi ■ di I 1 rom Hive 'I Iche nor, [jbwis G. Becker ai I I on page 220 in thc oüice of the llegistcr u Deeds nty, Dated, October 23d, A. D. 1871. WBSLKÏ BPETBCHABD, 1347M Exccutor. Beal E-state for Salo. STATEOE WEICHIt .N, County of Wi ihtenmr.aa tnthe matter of tha estarce o deceaaed. Notuu ia hcreby given, that in puj of an 1 itod to the underngneu, admin . ■ of Probóte Itax tle County of washtenaw, on A. ! '. 1871, b' re will be aoM ■■.. u . tothe-hi fa fc bidder, at the dwclling house on th 1 ... . Januaiy, A. 1. 18' .: oclock in the afberuoon 01 that dity (subjeci to titi en ut ti.i. time (i tho detith of aaid dcocn&ed, and 1 1. ti dewvoz o4hjEwidwt therei), the foUowin ■ st huif oi th Bonthwesf (p!. . o on Bisteen, ín township twi south tú' i.]iity acres more Btate. Dated, November Otb, A. D. 1871. v FREER. ÍAMKtí C. FHBER, 3S0 Administratm-s. CominiÉisioncrs' Notice. STATK OF M U iHJGAN. County of Waahtönav, sa The undei ing been apnouiied te fthe Probate Court tov suid county, ( 'otn-miBsionerfl to rtciunine and adjust uil lOaim-; and demanda o; Palnu v EUii t s.ntl coim:;,. . kereby give ooticethatsú montha t'ruiri date ai ■ bate ''!irt, lor creditorfl to 1 eueni their claimi i-..::'Li-! 1 haf thej il .- )v store oí Jumes NT. WaUac, in tl e 'i' peilantí, ín sai il county, on Sal urdanr, tle 11iin: day of Februory, and Tueaday, the fourl d day erf ) un next, al ten o'clook a. ■:. oí each ni' said days, tu ■ sanync, uud 1 Luims. Dated, December Ith, A. i I87h .IA 1! .- . WA!.1 L. I. SHOWBRMAN, 1 t51w4f ■ ;mi.s-ioners. Estáte ot' Ebei M. Munroc. 3TATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj of Waehtenaw, sa. 0 Noti ■. ivi n, that by unordorof I bate Coi '.rn.iw, mode ou the twenty-eighth ■ ■■ D L871, sixmontha iVunn i.. ■ ora lo jTvsmt their claims i ■ Liiteofsuid cou '. iit'l tlütt all ereditors oí mi-. ■! to preeent theu olainu to said Probate Court al tibe i róbate Office, in the 1 i. ( Ano Aíbor, for examinatien tutd uíluu. i il I, tl.íy ti M:rr x.1, and r.-is will be h Court, 011 Saturday, the tu Uiy of Jtinu;uy. ;ui.i 0:1 'l'ur.l.i_v íln' twenty-eighth d;iy ofMfty, n. xt iit ten ü'clock in the iüruuuou of each ol UlOM days. Jüutctl. Aan Arbor, Novciul ■ 28th, A. P. 187L 1L1UA.M.). BEAKES, ISACtN Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Henrietta Warner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C mntj of Wftaht. naw, as. Notiiveu,tLat by anrderf theírounty of W'ashti oaw, mude on the twentietb day of November, A . l k 1871, six mout lis From that date were allowea fur creditors ío preseni ■ ;ius against the estáte ot" Henrietta w úd county deceased, and that all oreditors oí iiin-il to pretfenl tli-iv oí said Probate üourt, a ■ . in thoCity of nn Arborj for exaznination and allowanec, on i twentiothduy of May neit, and that such ; Probate O S;itimlay, the twenty-eevonth dny of Januory, and un Monday, the twentteth áaf .■! Itfaj u-'Xt, at ten o'olock in the forenoon of eachef thoM.dajs. Dated; Aun Arbor, Norember, 2Oth, A. D. i HIBAHJ. T.KAKi.s, 1350w4 Judgc üf l'roLte. Estíite of Alpheus Woostcr. STATE Oí MICHIGAN, Ooontyof Waahten Notioe Ea hereby giren, that by an order of tke Probiito Oonrt i'or the Coanty of WaahtcnaTT, mu tho twrifth day of Deoembei A. 1). t871 six months from fchat datowere allowed i niweut ír claüna against the estáte of Alphena Late oí aaid couuty, deoeaaed, and that ill trediton of sald deceased are remifred to p] i ■- i'ourt, nt the Pyobate ■yn; AnnArbor,for exaxuuation and o, on ot before the twelfth day of June, loxt, and that sueh elaüna will be heard befon . , ni Batnrday, tho serenteeath day of Fobruary, and on Wedneway, Üe twolfth day of limo aext, at iüo'eluck iu tho fuienuun of eaoh oí' .hose days. Dated. Ann Albor. lconibir líth, A. D. 1871. HM LKE8, 13,t2wJ Jmlgcof Pn TOTIOB. og of the Btookhoiaew ■( tlic t'IltKT PÍATIONAX BANK, oí Ann Ar„„■ ï,u , nin i Din otora ol a u 1 üuuk, vjl i,,, h i o Tuosday, tho . oí January, 1S"2. Toll tur election wiU be upi-n betwoeo lo ana 1o'clock i oidor of the Board, .1. w. KNiaHT, Ciwhior. Dated, Ano Arbor, Deo. Sth, 18U. 1331td nÍOTTÍSCi51PTIOÍS iOCPRATELTÍ ANH C ARBPÜLLY PREPARES BY R. W.SLL1E & CO.,VRUGÜ1S18. i ) htcimw, hüld,;n M II,,. i. "!ltl': Ai.ii a,w. ; 5 ■m J. Il,kra,J,,,]RooM) . " r,V' '.VÜ''r' "'"'" tllu Pctiti"". rt.ilv ú I'. Alien, praying that , ÏÏWhi ment now on Hle in thia court DuraJSS? iS. ■ ntererted ,, i ' ""Sül ion o! midm2f(SJI bateDBiee.itTt t"u bor, and how cause, if „m ,,■,. oi thepetitioner hould it tLL5?SL furthei ..,-1, red thal „id ,MtiuVr l('a: W isintcrosUdin said .M.,t,.; „f ,',noi,Vl tion, and the hearing th ri. ,i i lln1 eopyeíthi order to be p.iblilhj n í ,..;, a newftpaper rrint,-.l and eh.iü5.21 [Aguecopy.) HIBAMJ.BK Ktt' . ge, j Estato of Sarah C. JohnüT OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ConntvofW ,' "1 fum Arbor, on Buturáoy; the,JÍí Di eembsr, in the yem onethouÑad'-i! ■' '" ■■■'■. Hiram J. Beukt, Judjrenf l'r„i. ■ ;; ., oí ut. oí Ql fluy o( Jonnnr; next, ut ten o'cloS tTl gned for tfic hcnrinif „fí'u" and that the heira al law of s,iid jl ■ rpowons inteiostctl in sniO catate ■iiViüiS1' the Probate Office, in he CÍty oí.Ut show chuso, if u,y Ihc-re be, wl,y tliplz?. pcHHonershould oot he granted: And?!9!'it' ordered, thnt said petitioner ñre notib,ÍH interested in uid ratatc, of :), indeï,, tion,, a , tlKavof, lj ndertobepubbshedmUie v.,„„ ., "V(iu pnpeí priuted and cireulating in rai,]ÍÜÍ'J succeasn e weeka previoua tu siil ,iny m ÍS-'IiJ (Atoeopy.l JUüAjfj.ífe ' 1 J!of P„ j Estáte of Ezra Comnüi STATE OF MICHIQAN. ConnU rf- At :i - mu ol tlic l'rol.iile 1'o.irt lin KB ol Wiis'ni. iniw, holden ut l!ic Protñfo (1 !i (i! y ui Aun Arlmr, on Satiuduy tliiJ1 "■ Booembor, in the yeai ouu tliousami Jff urea ana scTenty-one. "■'■■', Presen", JIii;im J. Hoakps, Jiirlm of Pni-i In the motUa of tl -rf-Tef I l-. v On rendinff and ffling the pelitinn, dal.! Helaos i 'nuntius, Uuunliiin, prayhn thuiuï ■■■ cení estáte ol nrid .Ü?"'- dcscribod inaaU petitlon. ' ■■W fheroupon it is ordeted, that Momim a. (layof Junuarynexl u .] niWfnüL?1ortL, hparingof - lid : iiext of kin of aiil iuconipctcot, aml nil atW '% inmúd ttate,anTjumiltoiBaï?' . then to I holden JiSS'"'! I 'IH.K-, in the I üy of Am, Ai, JJ' iiny therc I, why (he prnyerof Uic pditiJL : not begranted : And it (a tntthct unW7i:''l uctitioner give notiee to tho imn,.: hik th,-r. ut, U CMMrng a eopyoftl,, pulüahed inthe ,. :l ncwmJrJ,1 ; and cireulnting in 3úd county, three mS fcevuiue to suiddsy of heanág ' (A truc eopy.) ÏI1HAM J. BEKI! ':'"- Jutetfa't Estáte of Eliza Jane Osgooi STATE F MICHIGAN, Conntyof Wuh-, n of the Probate Court for üt of Waahtenaw, holdon at the Protwte Oitv lity oí Aun Arbor, on ilunliiy, tho twnfc day oí .y ,v , mxi , in the year one thoiuail,iL ' uit-a a:wl aevent} -niur. Pxeseut i Cixam J. l.iikcs, Jndo yfT: la the matter ut' the lístate of ülizaJmfkj deoeaaed. ' Qnrciulincand fllinglhc pctiikm, ínlim. ■ --M.I'...: I, Aimiimntrnior, pramtT! ' may lo liccnsad tu UítTtaiurcaisaUkifciíí I Jiii! aeized. Iheivuponit ís ordered, ThRt lloadn dayof Jamiary m-xt, at leu oVlockin tiifaíí he assigned for the hearing t saiil wt, thnt the heira at law ot ai.l iívcümcJ, idij, penóos interested in suia ,;:ite, ;,re rcqnndhtr at a s,'.-?iun of suid Court, then tole kUalI l"i-',bat,j oiliee, in thu City of Aun AttosAb I eviuse, f any there be, why Uic ir;iyiToftbe'ai, [ shonld Tii.f be granted : Aml it ufürthaaiailE said petitioner rito iiolitv to thc hvmms DUMái I Baid estáte, of tuependencj ol unid ]H!itio,i4 ' hearñif; thcreof, by eauaing n copjr uf tlm atfai publiafiod 'm the JTr;,; Argut, n n and cironlating in stiil iH,mty, íoursüMeti2 preriouf) tu suí'l ot hcarii . (A tnit -ccitiy.) ' l.IUVMJ.BKU 1SM Ju,l.;cofPlhl V.i ;itt oí Loítiutui Eobinsím. STATE OKMICH Ata scasion of tl.e Probate (.'onrtfirtbeOMf : Of W iwntouaw, níihr-ii at tho lï'il':i'.oOflKi.tiilfCci oí Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the toiiy-inli4;i NoTtmlor, in Uic ycir oitc tl.oiiMtiü üt lantat ■ ■ ni y-oe. Fres, i.l lüram J. li(':Uc;s, Jutlg offteíiíi. I I tire tte . Umml Bobüüt, r -'.-il. i i . rcading aml !},,- jí:m, dtly mtti, ot I Ezra nü -John fc iicte,ín!tffiOttt certain instrument nowonilie" -i w.wijcft i:t-r." ■- i!l m,l t aacilt ám farv. l-!l ! ■ - .im. 1-7 m"l'. .;■! Ux, ru'.ui-v t.... . Chi ' ■ lité ordered, thatSnturday,thetmtHli it )i-ti uelock iuúclwM i il' i-JI ■ il ior tlulic:i :t ot'suúl Ixrti'iu, . . devisóos imd hidra at iuw oí' MdawAil n -: [1 i'i :t.i! fs!:t', arfniri m oí said i ■!;)!. r ,.■ n to ti. ; attno Ire6ate Oh'v, i;i x'.v (iry of AncArt lio cause, if wiy Ihero I-, I, y the pnjniíi ! : Ana it strr l -,■■ iti i! in said heii . i.jid Lhe Jit:it:i thercof, tf oatl ■ i thia order to bu pnblislied in tJh4f i Argut,a newspajwr printtil jtul anuíala; ári I cmmty, Üuvc sucocsdivc VLLkptíviiastiiaiiiíi ueiiruiK. (A trne ootpy.) UIKAM i. BEASIÏ. ívj JudgoofM Estnto oí' Jane Ériggs. TATK OF M [CHIGAN. oonntj niVuHaiM Al n Mw-ion of thc Pn bate unvt for tktnM .']■ Wuahtvuaw, holde nt the l'rolalíWn. city of Ann Arbor. iu Wiiln,!.. ibetwtíj iluy oí Nij-vi.íjílv! , in year onc thtisjidtiilfc .tmJ si-vuily-i De. 1 ■ i Bent Hirnm J. Denkes, Judge of Pwhh In the matter of tho estutc of Juw lilis On rending and iiliu !tr pt-t ii u. (luir "■" Felch & i Imnt, prnying tliat aameaMBI'J be appointed a:r..ui-t:.u #r t th sute i9" reupon il i onlered, thnt T1T " mi i ü.-xt. ul ten 'WW' ii .i.n. ).■ nssignotl ÍQr the 1h:iiíiil' vi ildVZ thiit tl.f lii ís t Ihv oL siinl deceamd, "j 4-. si nre i-nuirei i"; -: .i? of suid Court, tíifn t 'JÍ UicProl Office, in the city of Au Art" . i:' imy there be, wiiy tl i uited: Amlit i furttei jli;ii sai-1 petitidiicr give notice to the 11 usted in úá estáte, of tlv i.-n'li'm'.vof sf aml the hearing thcrcoft Ly timing a JL e '■ in the ■'# '5, printed aud oireulatíng in ?ivo v.-. ?ka pi (i trne eopjr-1 HIUAM .1. üt'-5,?;. 1. VI Jtudseo!''1'" Estáte of Caroline Kettua STATE OF MICHIGAN, I mm; y ni Vi--' ; Atuseasionot the l'ioUito Cobi of Wiiaiiteüiiw, ii.iuu-ii i;t ;''■'■ rnii'.'i'. City oí Ann Albor, Tucadur, ü" twWji of November, in the yeat ene Uinus"? Prosont, Hicam J. lr:iU. .Tuilsooíiwa I Ín the matter of tha cstut et Caí'11' "' ■'■ ,.-■: On rcwling and Bling the petition, o'!! Gottloil) F. ilouser, Administnitor, V'-{!vJjfi may be licenaed to -■■il oertainieal ert '" ■' ilii '1 ,:' i'li. Wltt T]i, reupon it isordered.thnlTuesdBj'iW"" duy oi' Ueceniber nvxt, :it ten oVl"f gA nooii, be a'i-'iuil tor the hearing l'vfj3 and that thi httin ui law of said decewiwP'j, i.'r perrons inteifstt1 ;' yto' sion of said 'uit, ttot1) :.liu Probate Office, in the City f 'VtJÏÏÜ entue, it iiiiy thore bc, wliy '"JVSiii1 mer Bhould not be pranted: ,'"lLs Baid petitionev-;iv. nterested in Baid estáte, of tho pf win gi I ;ion, and thu hearinff tht?itut', by ';";", i liis order to bo publisKl in tl lewspaper printcd and cin ulatiuü w, il I Estáte of GottleüTÜckerleQTATEOI'MIC'lUtiAN. r „i! y ■' Ö Atasesaonot the l'irf Wiislitfiiuw, holden at. the I' ■ Ann Arbor, on Wednradny, tl of i)-jci ar r, in the yc-ar ouc thooB"" 1'reM-nt, Jliiain .) . Ile.-iKe.-, ' '1-I- f isTWI in the mutter of the estáte ot IjW"1 ,1 ckerie, Adnünistratii ■■ ,f sjiid de ■ sed, comes into court a" " 'ti ■■ pxepared to rendci lus "nl '"■ apon ii ií ordeiwl, tha TuSLk '. „f .laiiuary noxt, at te. JJ ÍJ h account, tmd thal the l-f tfj nd heiiü al law of said dcoca. 'ulin, inteMBted in Baid .'■■ ' , tl(, e ■ ■■' "ll 'ïi 'i i al the Pto) irt' r a said Conuty, and sW fífieí: ' the wid account Ai w "ll.7r'TjiJ t iifurtherüi-.lelviltliiitsiuil-V.lin;' o" the pei-sona interestwl '" .su'l'S,, tbf j at said aooonnt, ara tt aeopyofth -,,# ,11 .IrjWiUTOpa-.'t . i'-íie ó# Covnty,thH awaiv W" eopx.) mRájudírí!. TÍÑ ARBOR AND LODl PLANK ROAD COMP',, The animal,, '.[tM Si la Goto'R.W.ELllS; forstricüy Purrj"ie.


Old News
Michigan Argus