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VVill oepublished every iMonday niurning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEYj FOSTER, & Co. Fo thk Michigan State Anti-Slavxky SoCIKTÏ. TERMS. Out Doi.r.An a year, in advancc: if not paid. in advance, ïwo Dollaks will bc invariably required. U Old subscribers can have their papers at One Dollar a year, by forwarding that ainount, and paying arrearagest All subscribers will be expectcd to pny within tho ycnr. TERMS OF ADVEUT1SING. For onch line of brevier (ihe emallest type,) the firnt insertion, 3 cents. Forench subsequent insertion, 1 cent. For thrce montho, 7 cents. For six montliS) 10 cents. For one year, Iñcenis. Orders by mail witl be promplly attended to. Legal Advertising by the (olio. (D Manufacturera, Booksellers. Mnchinists. Wholesale Merchnnts, and all others cloing an ezttnsioe business, who wi&h to advertise, will find the Signal the best pos3iblö medium of communication in the State. O All Remittances and Communications should be addressed, Post paid, OSi(3Sai. or Libkrty: Ann Arbor. Mich.ji


Signal of Liberty
Old News