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The Reform School

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From the report of tho Superintendent of this iiistitution it appears that there arenowin oonfiaement 238 boys, 216 of thoin being white und '22 oolorod. Thoir agos vary trom tcüi to ñxteen years, tho average being thirteen yoars and three months. Tho number aacuitted krrtn;r tlio year vas seventy-thivc, the numbor discharged ninety-eeven. They aro omployed priucipaily in chairmaUiiiir, tailoriug, snoe-making and various doinestio and menial oooupations. The operationa of the ferafly house have, sinco the beginning of this calendar year, been eminentlyuuocossful, ineotingíully our must sanguine hopes, and fully demonstrating tlic advantagos of its privileges in oarrying out Ihu aims of the school. It is apparont that as soon as tho finanoes of the institution will permit, the fuiitlior interestsof thesohool will ba promotod by building ons of equal cdpaoity, cspecially designad for tho smaller classi's of boys. Tho improvemeats and repairs nbout the buildings have beonoontinoed through the suinmer. Tho clearing and draining on tho farm adds to the tillublo acroage andfurniahea additional facilttiea for inoreañng our stock, wbich opportunity bas notbeeo lost, and wenow have a fine hord of cows and calves, soTeral of whioh are full-bloodod Ayrshirea. Tho additional orohard of flve acres niay not, for a Lew yearsr&dd nwterially product of fruits, but with care it is an inTestmont of great valuo for futurs j Bars, Tlic full oapaoity of our wel!, exooedini; ')00 feet in dopth, is not vet Bufficiently testod to pronounce with oertttinty of its success. Di;ring tho past winter! thrco months we were without labor for tho boya i;i the shop. Thia seriously afiected our incomc. We employed during that time as many as we could couveniently in cutting wood, of whicb wo cut about KMK) cords. Dnring tho summi r and at the present time the boy have boen fully employod in tbc s'hops, farm aud elsuwhere, without loss of time. The band continuos with nnabating interest to fill a very essnitial place in our school work. Through tho aid of spooial frionds in Detroit and olsewhere, our usual concerts wore very pleasant and remunerativo, thus cnabliug us to meet its expenses in now instrumenta and repairs from tiuie to time, and other inoidental matten connected with the same ; also, to mako very material addi tions to tho boys' library, and also to makc a. veiy fair boginning of an art gallery and museum, which wo hope to see increased from time to time for tho inStruotion and entertainment of tlift boys. The expenses of the institution for the past year have been $39,624.65, In regard toiostructioa, of tho entire number in tho school thcro are in the Fifth Reader 82 : m the Fourth, :( ; in tho Third, 47 ; in the Second,42 ; in the First, 17; in the primer, 11; total, 238. In arithmetic, various grades, there are 313. in geógraphy, Gl, and in writing, 238. The library bas received frequent additions from timo to time during the year, as good books could bo purchased, until it now numbers bot ween tiftucn aud sixteen hundred volumes, mostly of a character suitod to tho ago and attainmeuts of the boys. There h.-is been :tlmost no sickness in the school during the past year - loss, probably, than any year since the school was established. One boy, last winter, broko his thigh wliilo in the woods on the farm, but rocovercd perfectly, as speedily as good vigoroue health aud a sttong constitution oould hoal thx fracture. Anothor boy, this fall, sa wed off ono of his fingers, whilu at work in the shop.


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