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A Woman And Child Murdered

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A correspondent of tho Erio Dispatcli wrïtos to that Journal the particulars of a horrible tragedy wliich occurrcd at Kano, i'u., ninoty-four miles cast of here, on tho Philadelpnia & Brie llaihoad, on the night of the ÜOth inst. The wifo and child of a man named Patrick Bnrna woro fountl dead, Thursday niovning, under a barn near tlicir liome. Phyeioiana who have oxamined tho bodies Bay tlicio is no doubt tliat both were muidered, tho wifo having been stranled and tho child's skull broten. Bums has been aiTested and lodged iu jail, ptjuding tlio. oaroner's iunuest. BBl nr.r .:;' 811 ia reportod as u Ivi ing Uonoi-iil SCIIENCK " tliut ho was at perfect liborty to invest in u inining ooropany or other stocks orproporty, and siiuli investnient furnished do grounda for oritioism by anybody." This "liberty " 110 oue eor thought of qaestioning, as 110 iiiterpretation of international or any ether l;vv or custom w.u'.d require a man to solí hou868 oí lands or stocks to qüalify liim to enter the diplomatic kitvico of tlio country. Uut oicuimj tteeki U a very different thing i'ioiu engaging in the sale of noh stocks in the country to wliirli ho ia acere litod, and the promulgation of Círn. SCHENCK'a name. uith oflieial titlo, a..s a director of tho "Emma Ifining Company -Limited " was noilher inoro nor loss than an attonijt to us;' his _oi?ici:tl position to soll stocks that without being aidod by Lis name and titlo wonld have bcon a drug en the market. In tli.i vieW, Seoretary Fisir, in adviaing him to withdraw from tho directory should liavo prouounoed his oonneotion therewith more tlian " unfortiinato,'" i blunder if not afraud. And if cum: t storiea of how tho coiup my wa3 stocked, how SOHBHOK booame ownnr of s shares, and liow lio sou.jht his position - throwing up a moro lucrativo position to acc?pt it, are truc, it should bo called even more thau a fra-nd - a crime. If the Washington telegram correctly interpreta Becretary FisH his letter to Schexok is not at all oroditable to thü nation. But perhaps, ie could not, in view of tho Séneca sandstono quarry and other speoulations of his chicf, bc moro severo. In" the gale of Saturday afteruoon last the Republio Brewery. on Elmwood avenue, Dotroit, was uuroofod, the upper story wuils tumbled in, and Eü.mkst killed, and an employé by tLe of f ,scobs seriously injnrefi. Tke livery Btable oí' Dakibl CoXKOn, oa Jefferson avenue, between C.ts3 and First streets, had the front blown down. A chimnny at tho Iiiddlo House went crashing through tho roof and tho floors below into the engino room in the basement. In its way down it unceremoneously went through the room of one of the servitnl girls, Mahy FtTZOERALD, compclliiig her ! to follow. Sho was severely bruised, but had 110 bones broken. ïho wing of a house on Fort street, near 13th, bolonging to R. P. Toms, was blown from its foundation and unroof'ed. The towor on on the southeust corner of thi: Mariner's C'huvch, corner of Woodward avonuo and AYoodbridgo street, were blown down, also ono of the tomporary car shops of the Michigan Central llailroad Company, on Twolfth street, near Fort. And losser accidents and incidente are chronioled without number, some of tlicm boiiig of an exceedingly amusing charactef. The " oldest inhabitant " don't remciuber a more violent gale. - - At Jackson, samo day, tho tin roof of BEKN'JJTT'sfoundry was liitod up and taken off ; an unfinished dwelling partially demolished ; one wall of tho largo new machine shop of the üiohigan linilruail blown down, etc. - Tho new Methodist Church at Monroo was partially unroofed, and in all the cities of the State moro or loss destruction o? buildings, windows, sliode trees, fences, Ac, is reported. ■ - t - Let no ono any moro pronounce Detroit as an old fogy or non-progressive city. lts " Park meeting" on Wednesday hus driveii tho last nail ia Hm coLSn of that slander. Old fogies couldn't get up such a seenc, " no how." Two meetings and a Circuit C'ourt in session in doors, and in ono room, and 11 supplemcntary meeting out o'doors. One votes for Park and tho other votos nay, and each claims to bö the meoting. The " noise and confusión" Gen. Cass exi)eriencol at Cleveland wasn't a priming to that heard and secn at the Ciiy Hall on tho aforesaid occasion above referred to. - Another such demonstration and Gen. Siieridan's headquarters will probably be removed from subdued and subjugatod Chicago to tho Campus Martius, and tho " City of the Straits" put undor martial law. The pow-wow was, perhap, a device of tho emessaries of centralization to cnablo them to gnisji another link in the ehain. - Boriously, if our Detroit exohangoa report correctly, the meeting of Wedn 8day was a disgraoe to tho city. And is not the lcgislation which provides for sueh mass meetings and invites such demonstrations a burlesque. Matters of such magnitudo should bo voted npon.,by ballot, at rogularly opened polls in tho accustomcd vo'ting places, and then an intelligent decisión could bo reaoliod. ÏTokace Greei.ey knowsa thing or two notwithstanding the deal of fun tho publio enjoyed over his " What I Know about Faining." For tho truth of our assertion. it is only neeessary to quote from a recent lottor writton by hún to a Missouri editor who had foolishly proposed to make him the Democratie and reform candidato for President. Mr. Greei.ey says : w I ain not tho man you neod. Your " party is mostly freo trado, and I am a " ferocious protectionist." Hane, oertainly, up to this point, bilt as tho next sentonco oi)ens wifh " I have 110 doubt I might be " nominated and eleoted by your help," the jury mightflnd Uim "insano at tho moment " of inditing thoso fow words. Late Washington advicos say that cxCongressman C. C. BowiSX, of odorous as well as odiom ruemory, is thoro looking aftor his chances for ug.iiu securing a seat in tho Houso. DeLaroe, whose seat Bowen contcsts, has not yet filcd his papers with the oommittco, his attornoy holding thoia in dufault of tho paymentof $1, ;()(), claimod ag duo for taking t. tlmony. This attorncy is conftdont that his olient will bo unsoatodand BowBM admitted. And yet tho solf-rightoous Reimblicans throughout tho longth and breadth of the land aro calling upon the New York Sonate to refuso admissiou to Bili, Tweed-. "And ifandif euid tho lawyer." Our lynx-eyed assistants roport this raornmg that 1,743 persons slipped down yesterda.y on the porfidious mdewalks. Of these 1,1 10 woi"c men, 403 woinen, and 2ÜU miscollaneous. Tlie tablo shows that over '200 landed on thoir elbows ; tho others sat down. Of tho cutiré number 1,7-13 awore; UI audibly. - öhicagp Sost.


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