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OAPPy NEW YEALi. THE B. S. Ji. CLUB Of the City OÍ Anm Aybor, wfll fiiva a Grand MASKERADE BALL AT H ASUSTE RFER'S HALL. laniluy Ev-ii:n-jr, í:iinuiy Ist, 1872. 1!iiir ly fivlnnsr'i tllnsirels. A DJITSfTON. On Dollar. Admi&don IV ■ ï ■--. n ' IÜ]#I v. SO ( ( nts. ra'ioy ciwtunm and Maaks oftn be li;nl it Hm ffiil in Uoodny, Jnn. I, 1872, iïm Sf r. Ootlind, of De. tinii-, irtio ons the finest isleotioD of omtumes hxthis conntiy, wliicli will be furnished it vcry rowoiiablc prioed. VIOK"'"S" FLORAL CUIDE FOFLL872Tbc Ftrst Bditioo of Twu Sündbbd Thoüsahi oopioa just publi ;'i xl. I i-; elegnnl ly printed on iinc t ii li i-i l 'p;ip:-r. in ïwo OoLoo i, and illustratod irith ovei Thkkk JliTNHKD lÍNo:t.viNOtí ot' Fluwcrs uiid Vege TVVl) COLOBED PLA.TES Tho must lifuutifnl nd iiutraotive CntiUoffne un Plonü Oaide in the worid 112 pages, giviog tliomujfl dlieotíon for the oultute o( Plowen and Vegetables, arnamenting gionnda, nmking uulks $o. A ( 'i-i itni ts pnaent br my oostonMn, but forwiVrdd to Hiiy qne irho apply ly mail, tor Ten Cksts ouls ooe laaxtex the cust. Addran, JAJir.S Vlt'K, tSHvI lio Insdr. IV. Y. BLANKS, BILL HEADS. O AR DS CIROÜLARS LETTER-HEADS, LiW EÜIEFS, PEOGRAMMES, &a, &c, &a AT TI-IE AI1GUS OFFICE. JJR. C. A. LKITElí CONTINÚES TO PÜT VP AND FII.L Physicians Preseriptions, At all huur, at No. 1 Brtgoi; Blotk. C. A UOTBB CO. Aun Arbor. Dat. 2M, isti. ir,i E.sUte of Alice D. Chase. 1W1T. UU IÏIOAN, CountyofWuahteBnw.a. .' ai a essioñ of the Probate Court for the County f Woshtennw, kolden ;.; tliu Probate Office, in the ■ im Arbor, on Toeeday, the twenty-sixth iay il i-, mi: -r in the yoar one thoosand eight hundnxl ■ n v -one. !■?■ -■ m . 3. Beakes, Jndge Ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Alice 1). Cliasc, oinor. ■ ' '. Cha ■■. Quardian nf s;iil -.-itat . to C i and i ipreaentatha.1 he i- dow prepared to tendel hia '..r.:ü . econnt :i vach Guardian, rheraapon U ii ordi red, thut Mondar, the twenty-secmddayoí Jamen r wxi, nt l'lo'cltck in tlicforenonn, liniíiRandanawingaaoh aeeoant. ■'■! tho( tho u"t nf kin of s:ii'l minar, :nd 11 tbor persons interoeted in saideetote, iré riquired to ippoai m of Raid Ciiurt. then to Iki kolden, at '■' ''■■ ' ■'■■ ■' ■ ■!. ■■. .i i i ity oí Aon Albor, in i-'l ounty, .Li! siciw cause, ií' any títere be, why fche súil iccount sliould Dot be nlloirod: And It is rnrther onlenil, tlial aaid Gnardias give notice to the persons interated in .. ii:l estáte, ut thu pendeneyof üint, and the hearing thereof, by i opyoi thla orda to puUished in thc Michigan Arpas, a newspaper printed and circulating m aaid 'ounty, three soooeasÍTe irecka previuna tu.sniU day f heai :.;r. (Ataueoop)'.) JIII:AM .í. Itl -:. K KS. UM Judt-c ol Probate. Birtate ef Charlea Behr. ■.. TATKor inCHIOAN, Oounty of Washtflnnw, Al r soexion of thn Probatn Courl for tho Counw o waahtenav, holden :it the Probate iíi.v. in tiiu ('ity of Ann Arbor, on 'XMeadar, ilio twontynnxth ! o la'-cr, in thc vL-ai-ono tiiousíind eight hundred am sorenty-one. i l!n-.n:i.] !'-.. ,'.-.s .!,;■-.,, ," ProbaU. In tha n.iii. ate i Chuta Ucbx, 6c Unimding and ñhog the petíthm, dnlyrerfflc-d " AnnaLouiaa Behr, prayin(( tnat she and Philip Badh orsomeothei one, may be appointed :id miniatrators of thewtate "i aaid aeocaaed. Theri aponil isordcred.tbal tfonday.thetweaty-seí ii. I iliy of nffict, :it ten iñlni k ii! tln' Ion noon. ! qf eaid petition, na t;i.f, the I. -ira :i: tan of said intCTMted in ■ lid ssl . nre n qnired t appear a ;i seasion ol ..ti'i i onrt, tlien to be holdei at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Ai show cniiw, if üuy therebe, why Uie Drayer ot tUc j. titioner shonld not be granted : Ana it i furthci u dored, thai notioc Lo t;n' persi ted in said estáte of the pesdeney of snid pel tion. and the hecsring Ütereof, ly oansing a copy of th; arder to be pnbliaheu in th Mtchfyoti tr;us, u neus imperpnntêd and cireolatiñg in said CovutT, thi sueoeesiTe weeks previous to suM day of hearing. (A truc copy.) iLIUAM J. BEAK 1W4 Judge of Pn te ol Btephon . Urifïin. "TATE OP MICO [GAN, i 'ounty of Atases ion oí the Probate CcÁrt fox tbeCortni of Washtenaw, balden t the Probate Office, in ti 'ity oí Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the sevcnth dn il1 Ueoasnber, in the yuur uno thousand eight huí il;- and seventy-one. nt, lür;u,i :. Beakes, Jático of l'fobate. Id Üm nattevof thecjstuteoí Mi-yhen. W. Griffin on reuding and Bling the petítkm, duly verifled, o Abo M. Dnrltng, Aamiuifttrator, pruying tbr; ) Lorteagecertain rol Wtüte wkcrcai oeaaed died b . Thereupon i, i ordered, that Uonday, the twenty niuth day of Jattuary next, at ten o'ciock in ti. for noon. le ossferned for the hearing of said petitioi and that the boira a1 tav ií unid doce d, alia ni] oil ei pi nous iu resto I m iM etAte, re required to ti peür at h KsMon oí said i unvi, then to oe holden, i the fcabata Office, in the I ity oi Ano Arbor, n lu. it tuiy Utere U-, why tbopnyei of ti Id !)■ i ■ ■ ranted: And it tvfurth ordeacd, thai -nd poütiouer giye noüoetotne persen Lnterested i Buid estáte, of tho pcndeny of Btudpet tion, und the hearing thcreof, ly ottnsing :i oopy o tliis order to lc pubnshed in the Michigan Argu$% aewspuper printea mil árculating in said Couní foursuod wve wceks provious to wUd day of henriu (A trnooopy.) íiii:au .. BEAKES, 1354 Judie of Probate. Real Estáte for Salo. ST-VTEOF MiCíUUAN, cnuniy of WaabtetMW, II Lu Ehe matter of theestate oJ Banrael it. Thon b'moUne U. Thorn, Lewia J. Thoxn, Ebaneset i M h [m, faiy li. .11 ii, Efinphemiti Thorn, Alies Thon ;-.n I t'i'.uiit C. Thom, niñón j Nu givm tliat Ín porsuanoQ oían ordót grmitfid tottaeundi aigned. unaxdiaa of Üie estele ozsaid mlnon by iiuii JuHüof lVobate for tlic county of Aaahlenw on the elevoBth Aaj of December, A. i. IK7, ther wül bo sold ;it pnbbo veudue, to tliü highest bidder, a the dn'ülling house on tho preuiiöts hc rui m titer desoiibed, ín tue coonty ot' WaAhtenaw, in aoid State, Tueeday , the tbirteenth day of Pebniary, A. D. l" nt ten o (dook In the fozmoqp of %iX day, (snj all enemnbrnnees by mcrtpi; ■■ or Mhenriag austing ■ tho time of talo, and alao subject to the riyht of dowe of the undezsigned m vidow í Charice Thorn, dt oesscdlt tlie following dencribed renl eetate. lo-wü Che uii'iivir'n-ii eight-nintl [hof thefollo - i landL ').: Tari of lot A west suUaviM.!! ai the sonthwnt firaotíonal n-mii. of Beotion Beven, begtnning ut nortbefaBt cornez ( 8fti:l lot A, running Math one degree and thirty mb I thirteen ehiiins ond'twojinki to a stnkei Line of said lot A, thenoe wjutïi eighty-nii i and thirty minutes weM twenty chabu au eight links to a stake on the west line of aai seren, thenoe nlong said line nrrt!i one degn west, tbiiteee chaina and two link to aquartei si-- u corner, thenoe ulong the Quarter Une nortfa eighty-nin e and iliiiiy mniutes cast twt-niy ooains au thirty-one links to the place of beginning, GOntainin Iwenty-oix and 60-100 acres Also lot A, or w división of the northwoei ftactkma] Qnartez qf wri bqcI ion -■■■v-Mi, containing efghty-one and 06-14 ■ And also oí tlie soulh ptt oí the west pnrt of th suuiliwL'st fxaotional quarter of seo', ion six, oontainin forty aerea ; all in township fjoni sontíi of range tlut east, in til Sintc. ).Uh, Deoembcr :iih, A. D. Ï8T1, 1354 SAÏtAH C. THORN, Guurtlian. E,eal Estáte for Bale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenmr, sa 7 ín the mat ï er of the estáte of Caioline Kettaie deceased Notioe is lit roby KiTen, that in puisuaneeo ,m oraex (rranted to the undiérsigned, dministrafeor o ateo! Buid deceased, ■■ uioHon. Judjreof l'n bate for the county of washtenaw. on the twentj sixthdnyüf December, A D. 1871, tnero will Wsol nt pnblic venduo, i" the higbosi bidder, at the aoat door of the Court House, in the i ity of Ann Arbor, i the eounty of Wiuditenai1, in nid state, on Tneedaj the thirteenth day of Febrnary, A. ]. 187".', al te o'thick in the forenoon of that day [subject to all en oombranocs by mortgag orothenrise exiating at V.i time ot thctleaihol l,ihc followiiiR de BOribed u'.-l ostnto, tovit: A parce] of land ui th city of Ann Arbor, county and Btttte aforesaid, de senbed us oommenoing seventy feat east from th northvesi oornor of loi one in block tvosouth it' Hu ron stnet, range ftve eoat, thence easton the nortl line of said lot twiriity-six i'eot, thenoe BOUth sixty-six feet, thenoe wesl twonty-sis i ot, thence north Bixty ,-ix f set in the plaoa o! betfkmimf, Dated. Do(.embeï 2öth. A. i. 871. liOTTLIEB F.HATJ8EE, 13-54 Administrnlor. Cbsnoery Sulo Noticc. IN' ri'KSi'AMï. and by rirtueof thodoercoof th Circuit Oonrt fox the Connty jf Wwhteïiaw, i: Chanocry, in the oase whereiii Buza Cbandlex b oom nlainnntand baríes l. Catting l deféadnt.t, the uncIltsí.ih'I, one of the Oirooit Cooi L ommisfdo&eis R r ;i ■■■. ounH of Washtenaw, wilï sellat public tuction tothcl ■ 't the front dKr of thi Coui Ëousc Ín the èSty of Ann Arbor, n snl3 oonnrrtoi ti.r teuth day of Februnry next u( noon, the MIow ingdesa ibealandfl and premisesi ria: il that bao ïiaiv.i of bind sitúate and being In the town o Uj idrawater, in the connty ol Wanhteaaaw, and Statt of Michigan, and more particularly known and de loribed wa follows: Being the southeast quAiter o tliirty-three 13), in townahip number fon south of mngenumb oontaininf) one hun dred Mnd sixty neres, be the Bame more or lees. Dutod. A"n Arbor, Deoember 26Cb, 1871. RICfl i:i BEAHAN, One of thaCirouit Cour! ConuoiaBioiieia for the County of Wuantenaw, Miohno ÜIUAM J. V.i Bolioitor for Complahiant. 1354td . Bheriff's Salo. Stat:' OF uichiha V. Connty ofWashtonaw,as lly virlui of a wi ■ 'i. i.-siu tl out ot uu u n Ier the seal of the Circuit Court for tho oounty o nuw, Btate oi Michigan, dated the Utíb t'i Of M ny, A. 1 . lS;i, and tome tliiorted aiul dt'liveiv.] against the g(Xïls, chutU'ls, land nnd tenameni tt s. Atobison -il Oraos Atáuson, defonclants there in Dju&od, i did, on the ftfthday of July, A. ï. 1871 k-vy apon all the interest Orson Atchuon has In ;li following deeeriWd real estoto, to-vit: Being th Boutheast quarter of tbe north wt guarter ot sixteen, in tbwnahip one south of range Beren aast andtnesouth part of the east half of the Dorthens quarter Of BCOtfon sevntcen, ;iid tliu BOutil half of th weet huif of the north weel quarter t' seotion seven teen, townahip one soutli of raí aast, ii thGonnt] of Waahtenaw State of uldiigan; whiol esoribed premises I sï.aïl exposé ror salo, t pubUo anotion, to the bjghesi bidder, at tho souti door of the Court Souse, mth city of Ann Ariov,oi the 2.V.h day of December, A. 1). ftïl, at 10 o'clook A í. ot'-í:tiil l.iy. Dated, NoT.Oth, A.D. 18T1. KfTBON WEBB, Sheriff, 1347td By Johtin Fobbss, Undfer-Sheriff. The ubQve sale is postponod to the second day o Jmiuary, hS73at the sanie place and time of day. d, DacSoth, ïsfir. MYRON WEBB, Sheriff 1354 By JoniiN Fouuks, Uuder-Öhoriff Real Estáte For Sale. QTATKor viril ii ;.N. Countj of Wasbtenaw.. i In the mntter of the estáte ol Ualvin i1;. Beoker, dceeasod Kotioe li hen by gïven, in pursuance of au order gnostad to the understgned, Bieou th ■ - state of md deceased, by the turn. Judge of i'robatofBXÜu County of wasntanaw, on the tw.njythird day of October, A. I. IOT1, there wfllbesold Ht Public venduQt to the higbost bidder, 't the store oí' Boyd & Brother, Sylran Center, in tbe County oj ii'.v hl said s ;i!,-, on VVednwday, tbe twontrseventh day of Deoeniber, A. i). 1871, u one o't-liH-k in he aftemoun "f thaf day [i 1 1 ï _i ■ ■ f t til enoumbi uní i ty mortgoge or otherwie exi.tinir at the time of the leath ofsiud deceased, and alao subject totherijrhi oJ lowerof Lorana Crum as widow of Nathan BeclA, Iccciiwil) tlie followiu.; di.x'1 ilwd renl estáte, to-wii phe ikorüiwesi quarter of seotion twenty-ono, in towuibiptwosouth of range thre enst, oontumii lunáred and rixty ocres moro orlem, in said State. AJso a parool of ïand eorainonoinjí on Uie tast [jbie of Baid northwectt quarter on the BeckerroAd, and runibig thenoe easterly towurda Byïran Cantor twenty thains thenee aouth eÜght áhaiiu and twenty-flve nks to i staka and itones thenoe west twenty Oi.iins ti;a stake LvndatoneSi Uu oce north eighi chaina iml í wout -livr li:iks t tbe place 't boginning, oonliining mixteen and 50-100 ncrea more or lees; and iN' ;'. parcel t' l.nul dommcncing itt the northwest orne of tho southwesf luarter of tho northeoat qunrer of s:ii'i teel Ion bwenty-oj ntj chnins fu ength and ■■irlit ohaina and Unka in width, eonamini.' Bevend ing land known to be ■ i.iri of the old farm formerlj owneÜ by Joseph Perry, nd tbe same as oonveyêd by deed from Olire TÜche OTi Lewifl '■■ Becker and wiiv, OoUwer nih, A. I'. 867, to said Caliin K. Beckor. reeoráed n ptigo TH f Iibor04of doods, m the oflicc of the Reigutox of ' i .. . i - , .■( ' 'uunt v. Datad, OotoberSSd, A. D. 1871. WESÏiEY liVliCHART), 1847td Bzeouior. Thé ül'.ovo sio is noetponed to BConday, the ouhth ay of Jsniurfr, 187Ï at the .san. o place andtiraebf WfcSLBT BtT&ÜHABD, Ka;ccutor. Dated, Doctuibw 27tli, 1871. PNIH lïïiuil UF IITIL Nitrous Oxide Gas DRS. JENKINS & WHI] Are hnppr to announce to the citir nH ,f Aand ridnitjr, thut huving rewived their nrw a " COMPLETE GAS APPARAlfl aro no-w prcpmod to uOminiitcr tW g, , tiuio fot "" I 4, PlUltt DTIACTIOS OF TESA The fías nsed is first CoKim,,iNïo Oh., and as none bnt the IC(. kst Gas can be tlms Conikk8í j ÍS itS OTO GUÁRANTE! OV IÏ8 PCïrri Stkkngtij, aod Safety. A COJINETE PICrOKitl, II1STOKY Oí' rat ■nma. "Ths !fsí, chcapesl, and most mtttxül ramiiy i'apcr in the luioa." Harper's Weeldy. BPLENDIDLT IM.rsTUATKD. JMfeet ff tht 1'ren. Tho Moxel Nkwm mki: of inr ooantn ftnM11 all tlieilepartmcntauf un Aaictirun Yxmih -? Hahiib'k Wf.ekly bu eanxd roí tU . hik ?, ,'' title, "A JODBKAL t.lvn.l.AT..x." -, ?íf Kreainü Ptat. Thebdsi uublinBtioD of its dim ia Anvcma, j bu ihea 1 f nll otbcr wcckly junnuk m toJZS ..i anj comparúonbctwoaUaiui n 1,1 !rt,iib' ItBcahnniMccntabitho Bnal codecion , J m.ittor tbat mo pnnte.1. lts iUsataatHuiB? merousundU-iiuliiul, being fumb.lii by tktX niíUsof JMn TnrtBer. Habpeb'í the u-.i nn4 maat intetnti Ulastnited newqmper. Nor does ru vnlui)eM(i iti Mlastratioiu alone, lts raídm;; uiiuicr i wt . mi!, r ii literat; -raried, lurtruetin, atL ing, anl oiioxeeptioDuMc.- .V. 1'. .Vi,,. BDB8CBIPTI0X8- 1872. Ter nis : ïïaiïpei:'s "Wkeki.y,, ] ( An extra copy of cithur JlA.nzrxr, Wauj , Jíazak will be auppüeil gmtittai tren Club oiilrT Subsc-iukeks ,,t f i co each, in rafttnci' copies lor f.'U.UO witl:out txti i copy. ' Subscriptions tu IIaiuuk's il.wum Weeu,tj K.W.V!-., to oc addKM i'c.r one j-cnr, or tñrf Haxpn a raiodimls, to ono iuWrtss fur oac i,(;m " Siimttn can be mqqdiid at ay tii. The Annunl Voluimn of Hura! Wntu ;j ■ noat cloth binding, will stut bjr exprw, Irw fn pmm, for .00 each. A complot set, comwii,; r(W l ium-i, snt on wvi) of mk at tl.r ' ;■.-'■ pez vol., fireJght at expuue ui paiduttr. Tha pORtage on ECabteu's Wrjau.r o m, y.u, ïu-li mast bHpaidttliesubscnber-ipa(fc AMw HAUri.l; : BKOT1IEIS, XcwTotk. m. WACÑER ' IS KüW ifiPÍ FOil TÍIE FALL W Havlnj; Iiecclved a Lnrge Stock I FALL AND WINTER GOODS, l.NCLUniNG OLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, VEST1NGS, 4G. of ;hj BEST STYIES acd QÜALITIB, WIIICIl BI ILI. MANUFACTURE on terms to snit. Also n full line of REAÜY-MAUE OLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHIflG Goods, BEST STTLBi ALSO LAD1ES' -ASD GKNTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No. 11 Soath Malo Strect,-E8t Side: CALL AND SEE THEM. WILUM WAGKEB. Ann Arbor.Sept., 18T1. FLOUR. QS1HÁM FLOUS, BUCKWHEAT F,0lR, (0U MK.VK, FEEDOFAIXKOMd All the aboV articles are wnrrnnted to hTi ' superior in For sjtle at Partridgo's Eouring MillsN. BL- firimlng dono ,it rton noticc. BtTY A PIECB OF SÜEETIi6, SIÏIKTIXG 03 WARM winter mum FOR YOÜH FAMILY AT Í. II. MII.Í-EVS IOTItE. The Araaal nwetlvs of V.ien Htll CtmtWl ïompaUYi ' Ann Arbor, will bt: held Hl (licton1 J'O . (niiviüi-, iü 'l' v .lulillarv -(. ISTi ï Vloek i'. SI., for the Baleetiun of ofllrcrs ■""' ' rausacliou of eucli uthcr businties as niav cub W jr ir. Uaiud Anu Arbor, Die 18th,18TI. i;i-: UKO. (KK.NVILLE. Clerk. "VTOTICE. The nnnnnl meeting of the Stockholdon o' I1" FlllST JÍATIOSAI, BANK, of lin-ir or, for tho clectum of ntne Uirocton rtf iüit 3" n vill be held at their H.-.nlsi . li:..-!!1.11" uii'i.ii.iyiii Janusry. 1ÍÍ72. .-jii' PU hu olcctton wilt bo o;on Belweeu a131 o'clOck A. M. Uj ardor of (lio ]turd, J. W. KNIGUT, ' Dnti'd, Anu Albor, Dec. 'tli, 1871: 1M1M f IYE ÖÏÏESE PEATHËBS PIHSTatTALITT, unstAutlynn hind and ior saleby RACEb ABLZ' Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for choice Wines and Liqunri for Medical Purposëa .


Old News
Michigan Argus