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The New England Society

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There was a large gatherlng of New Englanden and thelrdesceoclaDts, atCook'e Hotel, on Fritl ly eveulng last, ii celebra tloj of Uiv landlug ot the Pllgrims on PlymouÜl Koek. 'J'ho followlag order of exerclses and toaste responded to will glve tlic reader au dea of tlic " (tast of reason uid llow of sou'. " Iheii and tUerb enjoye Vi : Music - "God Mess Our Nativo Laad." Pniycr by Hcv. C. II. Brlgham. Music- "Hurrali !'or New Englaud." A.kiioss - by Dr, Aoy-H. Slipper. To sts. Maiuc - You must sunimcr mul winter vit.i lier io koow her we'l. Reopoiue by lev, Bjinuel Baakell. New HampsUlre - Tlie UldGraalte State, teuilered Illustrlous ly Stark and Webster ; he oue fur liis herolain, the othcr for liis ivershadowlog imuilect. UeapoDse by loii. Ciias. Tri pp. Vermout - The Green Mountain State, lie Cauaan of New England. Kespoaae by Ion. V. IJ. llarnmni. Itassaebuseits - The Old I5:iy State. She eeds uo euuomium. Hesponse by Rev. 11. L. lluijbcll. ltlioile lsland - T!ie little beg!nnlng of New Kiiirlaiul, mullum in parvo. Response by Cjius A. liewla, Esq. Oonuecticut - The land ofsteady bablts, woodeu nQtinegs and the Charter Oak. Kegpouse 1)}' II. . Rogero, Esq. Michigan - The Mnssachusetts of the West. Response by Kev. S. W. Duffleld. Uur Colleges aiul Universities - First plautud in New Eugiaml, tliey spring up wüerever New Euglandera makc taelr homes. Response by Prof. E. Evans, Professor in llamiltou Oóllego, New Vork. Old Englaud - Old England caution, New Eugluiid energy. Wolveriuss imite UlClll IjOlll. Prof. Cockcr was to respond but faileJ to put in liis appearance. The Wonieu of Our Land- Worthy dau-ihlurs of the Pilgrim mothers, as they are angels of merey in the burncd city, in hospitalH and upou the Meld of battle. Response by Rev. C. H. Brigham. Our Mayor 'and Coinmon Council - All New Euglandero wili buck tiiem np In thelr attempts tQ maintain law and order. by .Mayor Doujjlass. The address of President An'gell is spoken of as appruprlate, excellent, and eloijiient, and the several speakers are said to have done justice to tho sentimeuts asslgued thiui. The tables were fill'j.d with the good thingá of the season, and all feit that it was jood to be there. All this lrom hearsay as we were unable to be present and our deUiled reporter lailed to counect. We are advised that the offleen of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Compauy have u.ssurances of co-operatlon and material aid from parties whose ability aud reüability caunot be questloned, such as will insure the immediate commenccnent and early complelion of the stctiou o!' die road between this and Toledo, and henee norihward, on fair and liberal terms. The stock of our citi.ens will not be thrown away or the road gobbled up. There is no onger the least excuse for any subsTiber to refuse 10 pay the assessment made on lis stock. To do so will be only to invite 'oxatlous delay in closing the uecessary ind pending ncgotiations. - The agent of the Uompany is actively eugaged in getting deeils of the rlght of way, and with Rood succefs. The (ollowlng paragraph from the De roit Tnbune's " State News " column gives cvidence that the saloon keepers and liquor sellers of Taree Rivera are having a livc'y i me : On the 19ih, Mr. Henry Decker was found about a niile from home, with liis feet taaght u his tragón, and his hands and ace in the suow. j Ie was Intoxlcated, and wa badiy (Vozen. The next dav Messrs. Jtroog & Bro. paM $:Jörü fine and costs, tï haviug sold lilrn so Ulucb liqaor. U. A. Giniuin iV Co. were also Aoed ?2ö and ■osts for bavlng sold Dan Hice one jjl.iss )i whisky, BOStrong that it made him dead Irunk. Murdoch it Apled stttled the bilis fa man who got intojail (or belng dranker tluin the law allows, aniouuting to $37, md Estlnger Bros. had a similar little Bill, wliich was recelpteil at Ü2. The "craft" in th'.s city eau Bympa,thlae vith them in huc!i Wholesale perse cution.(?) The numbur of Boery Saturduy for the tOtb inst. anqoancea that it is tiie last uura cr to be issued in a (juarto pictorial form. Hereafter It will asseine its original form md characíer, !2 large octavo, doublé column pages, aud the pubüshers will alm lo make It " a Journal of choice readiug." !ts plan embraces " incidents of travel aud lilventure, essays critical and descriptive, serial tales, short stories, poem.s, blograj )hies, litcrary lutelltgeuce, etc." The sul) seription price will bu as huretofore, $5 a year. Jamhs 1Í. Osgood & Co., Publishers, 3oston. At. a lecture upou the subject of the gases before the Medical class, by Professor Douülass, while speaklng of nitrous oxide or langfalng gas (so extensively used for painless extraction of teelh), aud of its composition unl m.imifacturc, he referred to aud ezplalaed the apparatns In use by Jknkins St Wiiitk, Dentista of this city, expresslng hlmself as dellghted with it, as being the most complete and perfect tlnng of the kind ever invented, from the ]HiCulIar leature of lts having the gas coudensed into oil, was the guarantee oí perfect purlty, aud coiiBeqnently of greater safety in its admiulstration. The December number ot the Printen' Circular has atable of contents of interest both to the employing and practical printer. It is a flne specimen of typography. $1 a year. U. b. Mkxamin, Editor and Publisher, Pbiladelphia. The Proof-Sheet for November comes late to our table, but ie neverthelcss welcome. lts Interesting papers on '' The Press of Philadelphia u 1S70-71 " are continued, and It gives some practical hints and shows some fine faces, fiourishes, etc. 1 a year. 00LL1H8& M'LaWTBB, Philadelphia. UEn. CoU,, tlie revolver's wifc, is building a $GO,(H)O school houso. in whioh to edúcate the children of hor vrorkmen. A very admirable way to tcach the youug idoa how to shoot. n old lady of Columbiana, Ala., l'.i years old, recontly gave birth to a heálth] child. She is the niother of soveral cliildren, the youngost of whicli beforo this öno being :52 yoais old. Hercules is said to have boon a mode. ' husband ; rather than stay out late al nip;ht, ho inviuiably carried his club home : with him.


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