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The January Magazines

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The Atlantic opens wltU Lady Wentworth, a poeui by II. VV. Louglellow ; and also has poema by JJuyaní Taylor, The Gucsis of the JNighi; by Eilinmul C. Sled in ui, The [leurt of New England ; by SI ra Celia Thaxter, Befare Saurines by T. V. l'.iriins, In St. Jumes's Park; umi by Itrut Harte, Grandmother Tenterdeu. In the prose departineut we havo the opeutug Qhapter of Nathaniet HawtBornes .stlni mous story, Septhn'us Folton or the El Is roí Life, n the uithor's bu-st vt-in ; College Dbja of Thomas Jefferaou, bi-ing tlie Urst lüstallment oi James Parson's blog a pliy, aiul very readable; A. Comedy of Terrors, L, by James I),' Mille A Ciiaiige ol Htart, by Henery Jamen, Jr. ; Mytlid of the Barbarle World, 'y .IjIhi Fisko; Diver. Bions oft'ie Sjho U.nb, I ; Some Arcad !au Bhepherds, by W. I). liowell;aml hist ibODgb UOt least the llrst of The Poet al tlie Breakfiwc Table, by 011 ver Wendell Holmes,, ifasüoiJ au I popular as Uiesanie :iut hors "Au of tiielircakfas. Tablu" will bi: a tramp car.l for thn Atlantic for 187:. Btidides Llios , literary and . r notes, vvlth n ()ii nmsic, scieuce, aiul politica. It is ful! o:" promlse for h.e year lt iultlates. $1 a year. Jas. R. Osqood & Co., Boston. The Atlantic and the Asaos for $5. - T:ie Caikolk World opeas wlth, Who is to Bilacate Uur Ohlldreu? answered froni the Oatlioüc standpoint, noither the State nor pxllesn schools; followed by O ui' Christnias Eve In La Veiulee, Thongli's for the Woiut-n of the Tl noes -uot favoili g woman suffiage, Tiio Housu of Yorko- chaps. xix -xx-, Tho Protestant Kule of Faitli, Dinte's Purgatorio - Canto SjcoikI, The Late Qeueral Uouveutloo of the l'ro;estant Episcopal Cliureh, The Liquefaction of the Ulooil of St, Ja-.iiianus, The New Sclioo! of History, savuui poems, etc. The Oaihclic World is both ?cho'arly aml vigorous, and the reader of iis pages is not eft in doubt as to what t!ie church it rep eents both thluks an.l means. $j a year. Address LawüiCK Keiioe, 'J Warren St., New York.


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