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A bachelor is politely describorl .iü a...

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A bachelor is politely describorl .iü a aan who has negleoted his opportunity oí making some poor woman miserable, QLOBIOUS NEWS, Xotwithstandiun "the boys" jiavc gone Mraytlu frand Doka Alaxinhu ngaifl i bis intention of stop. ■ping over lioro loug cnough to secure üiie of thOM Jö f-ilk Hats whloh Tekky sella. S;ecial Notice. It becomes abaolutely nccessary for tho PuMishcrof the Aituus lo make inmediato collection of all aunu doe Mm, whethsr lor subscnptio:i, advertigtng or jobWngi and aa nu mpoue ia made to editorial invitations, noücemluifiyjjiven, tliat il' imtudittU setllement and paymmi nf uil büls more titan om yejir old ia not miule, the nasUtiincc of un official ageni wül bc Ciilled in. ( A word to the wiso." P. B.- l'uyinunt willnot be ratuscd oa any bill loss tima a ycar old. Dated, Doe. Cth, 1871. tí E. B. l'ÜND. k hÁppyTbw teab Is wlmt ÏKiutY wishes the public in general, and proniises to give ercnybody tliat calis in to sce hira n better burgiiin ín Hals, ('apa, imd Gents' Fnralabing üoods than can be made ut nny other establisbnieut in the city. The very best Silk Hat ruado he sella at }6, and mrytfalng elso will be found in proiwitiuu. 5 SILKHATS; Xhut's iváüii E. J. .1011 VSO' offers tHc Iml vsmriiif public. First lualit)' ml t'atsliiuiüiblu. Silk Iluts for 85. o. 7 Soul II Ittatn struet, ut side. Bounly (o Sohiicrs. Thou who eullstcd in ISSl on tk lirst cali ofPrac dcnt Uucoln,uud who arare bonorab); dlacharged beforethe explratlon oftlio term q( their cuUntment, are eutitled to $100 cach, as boinity. Audsuldicrseiilisting undcract of .Tuly ïth, sr,4 aretobeallowedtha onpald lastalmeata ufbounty Ifthey vera dischargad by oxpiratluu ofaecTlee rheatjove classes shuuld makc application to the anderalgned. J!arch-.'Ui,lSTO, I JOHN N. GOTT, Bountyand Ulalm Aycnt. -tr lm ui Soldier of 1S12, wto ei-rved sixty dars, are n tltled to Pensioii, and ohould apply immediatelj to Johu M. Goit, Bounty aud I'cuelun A-cnt, Anu ' Arbur.Mica. J. Waikku, Proprlttor. E. II. McDoxai.d & Co., DruggUu 4 Sta. Affsnti, tn Francitco, Cal., and 34 Couimorco itrett, N. Y, ."VI I I.l.l ONS livnv TL'Mliniöiiy lo tlieif Wondcrfiil Curativo Eflecta. Tlioy aro not a vilo 1'nncy Drink, Mude of Foor lt il rn, hisU- , I'ioüI Sinrils nul llefllBd Ij 11 ii o is doctorad, IplOQd and sweetcned to picase tho taRlc.culk'ü "Tonica," "Appotizers," Hestorcrs,ttc. tJmt. Irii-.i the tippk-r on to drunkcnncBs mul ruin, luit ara n truc Meiliriucmrulu fiom tho Mitivc Koots nnd Ilerbs of Ciilifurnin, fi-ec froiu nll Alcnhullc SilumInnin. They wothoORBAT III, ooi) PC HIFI KR and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPES, o perfoet ItcnovaLor and liiviKonitur of tho Systcui, 0arr7tngoffaU poisonous matter and restoring theblood, to a licaltliy condiliou. Ko jktsou can tako these Bifc(ora aocordtiK to dircctloiis and remnin long unwell, providcd tlicir bonus are not destroyed by mincrul poiHonor otlicr menns, and the vital organs wastcd bcyond tho pointof repnir. They aru a (icntlo I'ureativea wcll nsa Tiitiic, pownslnff, aluo, tlic peculiar marlt of actlnq as a powerfal nRent in rclieviiiK Cungcfitton or Inrtainnmtion of the T.ivrr, nnd nll the Visceral ()rí;ans. FOR FEMALE COMPLAITITS) inyoungor oKl, ma'rricd or single, at thedawu of womanhood orat Uio turn or Ufe, Lheso Tonic Bitters have no niual. Por IndiLininatnry nnd Clii-oulc Iï fifiíirmIíniii :i:k! (out, Dynpcpsia or Iudiuestlotit itilioiiN, Itomittcut nnd I nloi'niltlcnl Fevn-s. DlniMisof) ot' thr llloodt Liver, Kiiliioys nnd Itliittdci', these Ilitlers havo been most BttOODMfld. Sucli DÏMt'nsrs aro cansedby Vftlnted lilooil, whieli isKeneralIy proiluccd by derangement of the Difffisii vo Oi'frnns. DYBPEPSIA OU INDIGESTIÓN, Hoadachc, Palu in ilio ShouMors, Couchs, Tightness of tbe Cbcst, Dizzincss, Sour .Eructationa of the Stomacb, Bad Taste In tho Mouth. ííilious Attncks, l'alpitation of tlio Hcart, InQammation of tho Lung s. Pain in tbo regioiis of the Ridneys, and a hundrcd otUcr pamful syinptoms, aro tbo oOspricfs of Dyspcpaia. Tbey Invifforato lbo Stoniach and stimulate tbo torpld Liver aod JBowcls, which render theni of uocqualled cfficacy in cloansiiiff tbe blood of all imparitios, and lmpartfnjf ncw.lifo and viffor to the whoic aystera. FORSKINDISEASES,Lruptions,TOtter, Salt Rlicum, Blotcbes, Spots, Pimples, l'ustulea, Jioila, Carbunclcs, Riiiff-Wonns, Scatd lievl. Soro Eres , Lryflipelaft. Itcli.ttrurfs, DiscolorationsoftheSkin. Humorsand DiseJises of the Skin. of whatpver name or nature, aro Iitorally üug upand carricd out of the systein in a ahort time by tho use ot these Bitters. Une bottte In tucb caaes will convinco tbemost increduloua of tbcir curatire efiecta. Clean se tho Vitlated Blood whenerer you find lts ïmpuritfea bursting througli tbc akin in Pimples, JEruptionBor Sores; cleanso it when you Dnd it obstructed andslugffish la the vcina ; cleanso it when it ia foul, and your fcoliugs will tellyouwhen. Keep tho blood pure, and the hcalth of the Bystem will follow. Pin, Tape, and ottier Worm, lurkin Jn tho System of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. Saya & dintinuished physioloeist. there is scarcely aii individual upon the race of tho carth wlinso body ís exempt frora the presence of wornm It is not upon the healthy elements of tho body that woras exist, but upon the diseased humoni and shmy dcpoRits that breed these living monster of diBcase. No System of Medicine, no vermífugos, no anti) cl mint ics will freo tho system from worius liko these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD & CO., Druggifits and Gen. Aircnts, San Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York, BSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALJiRS. $85,000 WOBTH OW FALL AND WINTER CLOTHHSTG ft Giï6 Allí ! ÍC" OHEENiACKJ. 8. SONDIIEIM HAS EECEIVlíD THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS CE.T'S II UMSIHX; GOODS, CIIILDREN AND ÏOÜTHS' CLOTIIIM TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHKLS, &c, &c, &c, TIIAT HAS EVER BEKN BKOUGÏIT TO THIS CITY, WIIICU IIE VVILL SBLL öheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A.F1NE ASSORTMENÏ OP ' CASS1MEEES, C0AT1NGS, and VESTINGS, WUICn IIE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER INTHEBESTiSTYLE, AND WARRANTED A F1T OR NO SALK: VALUABLli STOCK OK G-rain Farm for Sale. The nhovc farm Is pitmited in the Townthips o Dexter and Piiinam, Livingston and Wiwhtenai CiHintÍL'3. Ten miles from Doxt.'i', nino miles from Chelaert. and ftve milos ff otn 'in-.-kn.-y. It contuln Five Hnndred and Twenty Acres It is well wutcreil and lcnty ofttmhrr. Ab.nt odo half nader agood caltivatlon. Termsof sale easi a llttle raonej wil] ba reqnlred d:i ïir.-'. paymoul P. S.- If not b ld Boin, I wilt luasc xaid furia íf cun Hud th rlght man, O. W. COOKR, POïtofflceaddress, Pincknpy, Ulch. tMSmS" Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by BUY SOMETHING USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL, FOB HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR EVERBODY. AT C. H. MILLEN'S, AjÜNEY WANTBD. Fivo or six thotl sand dollars, or more, on a mortgago ol unincumbered real eetate worth three limes the amount . Enquirc of j:!E28 F.. W. 1IOBOAN. PUYS1CIARS PRESCBIPTIOSST ACOURATEf.Y ANiJ . carbiully prepafed At R. W.KLLJE &ÜO.,DRÜGGIS1S. LOVËJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in botb FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SimfF, Pipes, &c, AT KO. 1 KAST Ill'ltOX SiTREET, Next to tlic Express Office, ANK AKBOR, II II. lS4Ktf HiSÖPLE'S DRUG STOÍÍE R. W.ELLIS& CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus