
A NN AR BOU BOARD OF CO2ÍTROL OF THE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY POK THB CITY OF NiN" A.TIIÍOTI, ANJ TvwMol Ano Arlor, rtl!fi-ll, WcV Hli'j-, SciO I'iltla39 kevtcr, SylVliü l.}lldoli, EACH MEMJBEB INSUKED FOK i!5,000 llón. Chnrlcs Tripp, BUhti B. Taai, . Vood, . m.. r. i;. 1 1 '-:i ! ' I. Dcnnetti lieakoy, M. l., Btepkes M. W J. n. A. Scdsious, ivd Oruuex unen Tremáin, Insure wltü the Michigan Mutual because it Is the f.inds of lts Pol icy Holde s cf this Distiiot in the District, under the supervisicn cf the Bca:d, THERBBÏ A9S1 TINO T0 DEVEI OP apa [jbsookcks Policy HoWora Becuret' thi-mgviT?ea The HighestRates cf Interest Tliere is a díffereucu o! ftillj' 3 vv cant between rates of interest Eaat :uul West,. si ,ono liivcsted auiiunlly Cor 50 years, ;,i lOpci cent , nmounts to l,'S0529f).4O 11,010 nvr.-li'.l :iliumilly for 00 yr's ni J iier cent., aiul' la 434j086.0O liffcrcccc, SSt..3I3.4 Ehe higlier the vates of interest received the less will be the cost of iiisurance and Ihe larger the dividentis. i All lA-licií are Non-BVjrfitaWo after payment ctt orie uimual !t pays Di.vidends on tho First Premium. T DI OïE-TWELFTlI OF X TilE BC81IÏB88 OK IS TMS STUK IS 1S70, COSPETiKO W1TH 64 C6XPAIIES :r can FuRNif u Undhubted Asi'rance to MicuiqXN Mkx at Lkhs Cost TJIAN ANY OTliKIi CüMl'ANV. The Ccmpany is Prohibiteö by Law from Speculating in Keal Esiate or Otherwiset k-nls in CASH OXI.Y. '-Hisau obvionsprincl plo uf Life Assa l lt annot be dono on credit. a whlch tUe Company daU must bc ;iid for Í Oiich betore il eau be Mipr OFFICEHS OF THE SO.1RD : TREPP. Pférfd ut. :. I!. POND. Vico PruKi lenl. SIEPHIÍN M. nrer. V V. BRKAKEY, M D ■ Mi dlcal Bxamincr. irnoyai fl Airont. UEo. L. FOOTE, Socrctaij :u .1 Diatrlct Agent. OFFK'ERS OF TEE COMPAW : OIIN .T BAQLBY, PmUent. (]'. s i'.HUAXI). Vice ('resident. oHN T. UGGETT. Secretary. A.MKS J. WATSON, Act L. M. THAYEK, General Agent. ISSUwtf JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. ETERlTniie W THE DRY GOÖDS UNE ! IJsciul and Ornamental HOLIDAY GÏFTP AT C. H. MILLENS. BOOKS. Il BOOKS. ! J. R. WEBSTER & CO. XEW OOK STORE NEAB TIIE " EXPBES8 OFFICE. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. Buy jour N ice aces, Collars, Handkercliieis, Glovcs, Hosiery, For Presente, at C. H. Millen'8. SAM71Í7R E VKN A li G H Copies Oíd 4VBBOTYPES & DAGUERHEOTYPES IN FIRST CLASS STYLE TO AliY DESÏRBD SIZE.
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