Going Up And Coming Down

Thia i ■ , , (nc - My muga me ncveí orcrni e; Andyflt i-li try nud scttter through A Uttlp ;■ i cii oj .,'".] mlvicd. Tnn 'r n :. and learn Nerer to owiv; ii 011 t:i ■ turn, 1 up, imd souic iruiu-j down. ■ i . ■ own ; ior he ís luí. ly to f?0 up, And you ■ ■ i ,,-n. : '■■ f liin r, you vill re , truth muy bo as weii eonfe sed.) Tnat ' niiiish Ajiatocrncy," Lfl bul ■■. scaly Üiiagat ''■■-■- : And thouifh rtie Kahea, laic ancí s'ronj, Mu) Tet li h sal! twi itand .; wn. I ■ ■.!■ lircs are füll of ohanoe ond chango, And And 'i ma I .iF . And ihouRl) the Ocklegod muy mu, le, Anfl vield ; I ■ the crowih vrhilo, 'iii.it Bgoea up iu i wn. T)jc wcvU for you and mo my frirnfl, S ug moro th.-m j)ounds antl pence, Tnenleí m humo j re ouuii l ■V lití le '■ -" '(i roí 'J Une Uk] n dde, An 1 nave i-own, Wbiln yon ■ xn.
Old News
Michigan Argus