Ammonia In The Household

Amir.oma is valuublu lor i:ri:iy practical purposes ín tho economy oí' the houseliold. Chei ooncerning itive artiole in ita aü-importan in the economy of llïftuie ; bu farmers' wives throughout tho country really know but very'littlo of tho manii :i pint o spirits kgpt in tl bottltecl and la . The fallowihg&De imoug these Por witshii -g paiut, put ii tablti.spooiil'u in a quavt oí moderataly ' l"i in a flariiji it Binplj nft' tbo wooÉhroft wiil be 11 Pot taking greast from any nearly pure, tken lay white blottng papor over 1 1 1 1 spot, ; ■ i ■ 1 irori it lightly. Ii : of wam mi ■ mix two fa in ii . 'it' hot soapsuds, put in it, using ah oLI nai] or t. puriKjsc. !'■■■ shakü the biusbés up and down in a mixt ono teaspoonful of ammouia tp :i pint ot' hot water; wlien th ' iiiiüciI rinsu theiu in coM water, ;uu! stand, thetn in tlio wind or in ;ihot place to dry. Por washing linger marks froui ■ 03 or windows, put n few drops of aiumonia on a muist ia and tnake quiol work of it. If j-du v.'ish your liousü pi;; ; b, put a drops of spirits of aoimonia iri every piiii of water úsed in :ng. A tcaspooiiful in a b'usin oi' cold watoi will adu inuch to the refreshthing is I lh;ui :inii!i:j!ii-v:iti;r for clê;msin; tlic hftir. Iü e rinsè tliu ammonia
Old News
Michigan Argus