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Farming As A Moral Force

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Ata recent meeting of the New Vork is' (,'mi!, Dr. J, V. C. S ! " i'unuing as a Moral Furci' in ihis wiso: Tlicre is, ho sai'l, 0:10 prsculiiirity dis abla anión:; farman which timo is calculated to corroot, that i:i to theaoeolTOa the fliil enjoymsnt of fche of thetr induatïy. To 1 many of the cíuít aeom ■ thay gather, aud pul ■;,■.;! Í- iiits (ju :i 00ÜEM of tfoginion that weuld be sotirfaotory were it imposed upon theta by ott To glftiin tlio land and daprivé sclf of tho luxui'ics thut constitute tho prideof a markot is volur.tiry exoh ing whiit faire, tot m jany. wniuh, v,'i"n timt is a governrs to ciijoy wlio ktiow nor eire what sourco it accumulatc1!. i'.u-clonce is ;i virtuo, and should be cncouraged both iby preoept afl cxamphi; but avarioo is .n n, (iisitix-ition to hoanl ' 'he comforts 1:1 i roavciiihouLl iivü L'-.-!ii-oi:.!v. b ■ , pro;:l. íf (Í: .ved witli w'iiat wil! not ibli, tlicir v'. LU now r da 1I95 to b staadwrd of iiii.clliy-'iiiio on which tüe S'.ioccssof' f.irmï ni? ioitivi-iy dependsi and theirchildron wiil lavo t... il ;.-: ; il 1 1 them an inity attainiag dSsühotioo i" way Lifö. Tiioro is Jut a foeble cxuibition of braiu-powor the stoi:i been reatri : ibitualiy to innppropriute diet. Nutrition must '■ lant to aupply the v.iïious oi-gans of the ody with clcmcnts neoessary tp tho full t'ion of their funotions. The farir ■, who m.iiuly subsiste on a Few artiolea of {bod, - beoause he imagines ho cannot afford to consumo anything tliat would sell for a pr t'.ir more tkan lio eau over g.iiu by that polioy. It is saül ono reason farming. is not looked upon with moro interest in beland, but perhaps onjustly, is bei engaged in it aro not rexnarkable for intcliigonco. Ccrtain it i: laboréis thero are fed prmc-inally on potatoes; bat whon tb thereounfcries, and cspocially tby Unitej States, where it is oustomary to have: a vari condiments, and a mixod diet of i and TegetableB, usive and salt, they ehang in mind and bqdj, and eshibit ; bold deterniin iti i q vould iaye 1 ir social, intol! ;hat a farmer may advance tno in! of góeiety; he must p -o qualifiti ins wliioh commaiid respect. cnowledgo of the bxi ■.-.liiclx lic is lovoted, is ve rded with attention iy ;ivo their omi condition by following bis examylu. Xexf, with a reputation fov being discreet, a Siifo CQuusclor iu whatovqr apX'itains to tho management of his party ïmki-s lina a whoso acqui give etability to iustitutions wiíh w'iiuh he nay bo connccted, ánd thus h moral forcé uccourpaiiies íill" his acts, aijd his moral inñuoiioü is a rich íavostpieut for ity. ín conclusión, Dr. Smitli cxprcsscd the ' that farmers should have inore social i ■ witli eaoh othcr. It i immcn8ely redouad to thcir advantáge to visk Earining districta at a distancie, for the purpose of seeiug how other peoj aá loarn by obacrvation ttieír procí ■ ■ diodos. No bot!i r mvcstnK'uts could bo made than to improve ono's solf by Uidying tliose méans which otlicra have puraued for tho attainment of comfort, intclligence, and indópendence. Altttough Dr. Franklin asscrtcd that "lie that by te plougb wonld tlirivc, Hlituelf iniyt eitl ilriving and plougbiijg not all. If knowledpjo is power, lt no o}.;nrtunity be omittcd for garnoïiug in tbc surgcstions, tho thoug I the expe ot' thoso who ii er opportunities thím ourselves. We fied tor exercnsmg a moral torce in conncotion with our ordinary puvsuits, is reeognized in tlie annaU of ruoderii Ohristian oivilization as a high and iflod mission. A well-iuformed farb qualifiüd for almost uny por sineo ho cannot bc otherwise toan a gcntloman, and in the United States, as it must be eventually recognizud ovary' wliore, moral irorth is moro prcoious tbiin litary titlos or wealth without sterJnig iirtegrifey. A good farnior isgener1 good man, and whcn his litbors on earth ai'o fimshed, likc tho low Öeacending snn, "scums largor at bis going down."


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