The Confederate Cotton Bonds Claims

The London TcU'jraph says cditorially : We feel no surprise at the announcemi-nt trom Washington that the Briiish and American Couiuiission has dsclinod to adinit the liability of the United States for the debts contractcd by the Confedérate States. ThÍ8 decisión, of course, shuts out the claims advancod by the unfortunate holders of Confedérate cotton bonds, who have so long agitated for soiuething like a recognition of the loan. Nothing else was to be expected. It does. not at all matter whether the bondholders' committee were right in the suspicions which they expressed to Lord Granville, that the rejection of thoir demands was a prearrangeJ conclci.sion. The siraplo truth had botter bo trankiy admittcd at once. It was absurd to sapeóse that the Anicricans would ever admit such a claim. We have only to put oaraelvea in their porition, and to suppose an analgous casu. If a Fenian insiirroction oc( -urn-d in Ireland iml managt-dto maintain itself largely through p. cuniary aid contributod by American syropathizeis, and if on the iappreeaion of the revolt those citizeu8 of the United States who had lent to the ringlcaders, asked us to reiinburse tlie amount, we should veceive tho applicution in u wiy tlmt mero conternpt would Imrdly exprux-i. We sliould no doubt decline to disdjss the matter.
Old News
Michigan Argus