Motley And Schenck

One of thes J is a typo of diameter repulsive to Qrant, wliile tlio other onlis(.s his a l'rictions and sympathies. Ono is gentleman of education and puro moral tono, against whoiu neithur envy nor ïmilice has ever vontnred to ooin disho i üing pecuniaiy insinuation ; the other is a rough-and-roady Bepublican politician whoso Oareer has not been nico and moncy record is fur trom unstaincd. One had for his friend in the Sonate Mr. Sumner, a statosman - thoagh with a fanlty pclitiosl record in the Dense of the Constitntion, but uno which haniionized it evcry noiat with the tenets of his party creed - whoso pecuniary chastity in publie mattere was known and ndmitted by all. The other has for a chumpion in the same body Mr. Slewart, whose Rharp and intelligent ejv it is equally woll known never wanders fat from his trous ers pockets. Argumeiüam ad crutneruim is the förm of logie he best oomprehends. He is the chief promotor of the Eiuma mine, and chief organizer of th i schome to float tho enterprise on tho London market with the name and in lorsement of the American minister, and to w_ich scheme Mr. Schenck lont a greed ear. One had for his Sonate supporter a statisman who had bravely en ountcred and throttled executive corruption in the form of the Santo Domingo jo', and exposed to public gazo a fuddled'hiif magistrate porsistently calling the Cinmittoe of Foreign Affairs the Judiciary Comniittee, whereby ho incurred the inap]easable wrath of the White Houw, whioh expelled him from the chairma iship of the former. The other has for a man in the Senate a mcmbcr of a fr.-shjy raiaod oommittee which is relied up n to whitewash exeeutivo tilth so as to make clean tho outside ot' thodish and pUtter wliich " within is t'ull of extortion aud excess." Tho friciid of ono is a student unpractisiil in tho corrupt and coirup'.ing currents of Washington, while thc vindioator of tho oth:r kaows evory rook and heodland of that dangerous navi ::ition. As a consequence Motlcy, as rit for his office when removed as when appointed, was ejectod therefroni with sucTindecent haste that the ooeaa cable was c illcd in aid to secure his confessed huiniliation. Why such unscem'y haste no man has yet been able to sce, who rememb rs tlmt wh itoer injury Mr. Motlcy did h-id been remediad, and its recurrence prevented by taking away all possibilities of again marring the Alabama negotiation, unlcss the object was to deal Mr. Sumner a íoul blow under tbc belt. But Schenck, whoso act involvcs not only j)ersonal but public dishonor, is permitted to go uncensuretl. Nor that a'one. The adininistration pulilicly proclaims no diminution of it-i esteran and cordial regard for him. " Look here tipon this picture, rind on this !" Sutnner denounoes oorruption ; Stew;ut sustiiins it. The mlmhiistration strikes down tbe forma wifh Mutley, ;uul upholds the lattoi' with Sulicnck. Vétily, " whcro the c;ir ;iss is there will
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Michigan Argus