Dualin, The New Explosive

The new nxplosive, Dualin, is attracting a good deal of attention lately, and seems to have as great, or greater, explosive power than nitro glycerine, without tho dangerous proporties of tho lattor. It is descr!bed as looking like a mixture of saw-dust and groase, and has a sickly odor. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Presa reccntly witnessed soine experimente with it at Allnntown, Pa. In order to show that the dualin could not he handled carelcssly without dungor, tho exierimenter threw a package of it with great violence upon tho ground at tho correspondent's feet. The latter did not ask a repetition of the test. A handful of dualin was placed on a stove and set on firo with a match, when it frizzled away like damp gunpowder, sbowing ii bright blue name. Two ponnds of it luid on the top of a piece of limcstone rock weighiiifi bütween ten and twelve hundred pounds, had two shovclfuls of caith j)laced over it, and the charge was exploded liy an electric wire. The report was torrific and the rock was pulvorized. Ihere were a few piceos left, but nono largor than a maní hand. Thcro was quite a hole in tho ground, and pieces of stone about tho siz.o used for maoadamixing were forced deeply into tho soil. One charge placed twenty-six feet down at the bottoni of a wcll ono hundred and thirty-seven feot doop, containing about thirty feet of water, was exploded with great effect. Ou Chritstnias day a bloody affray took place at East Arlington, Vcrmont, in a drinking saloon. Farwcll ifc Lawrence, keepen of the saloon, shot fivc persons, two of whom havo diüd since aud two moro aro mortully woundtd. One of the vic.tiniK was l'aiwüll's on, tight years f Bgo. FoBVell & Lawrenoc are under artest,
Old News
Michigan Argus