The Argus And 1872

. Witli Ibis uumbor tin; Aitcrs eutorsup011 both a new y Kir and ft new TolUUlO. TWKNTY-FIVE Y E AKS llHS it llli'i' lts wcekly visite to the homes of ita gnbsoril)i rs, wo trust not uuwiilüomo or without instruction. But wc propose 110 review of thi long and nventful cureor, pefthol shaU wc mark out my deflnitü coursc or muku any rash protnisos tbr the future Suffice it to Siiy that, so far as our ability will pennit mul meana uro co.iíiiluíl to us, it will in the yeiir now begua ba msido no lesa a voleóme visitant thun horotoforc, and, it is not tooinnoh to hope, oven moro wolcomc. Politically, it wi'l continue Democniü; : thut is, it will advo cato what we doom tbc Democratie priuciplo which undcrlie the vory founiLitions of our governinent. It will not follow men blindly Oï endorse tho uttcrances or aetions of anybody siiuply becauso they olaim to sail under Democratie colors. Conventions may err and Democratie politicians .nd officc-holders may go astray, and if so, tho name alone will not üomniinid coiumondation foracts and sc?itiuients which we disapprove. Twenty-four yoars of labor in the ranVs has given us tbc riglit to tbink and ak for ourself, aud this privilege tho ABOU8 will always claim. Intelligcntly, thoughtful ly, and not sui ikly Democratie, is our motto ; and bccause we bulieve tbo leading principies enuncia.ed by the party, individual rights, local rights, State rights - and not contialization - aro necessary, both to the perpctution of our forni of governinent and tho preservation of our liberties. Domocracy inoans an honest administration of the affaire of ;ovemment and opposition to all class ugislation, though individual Democrats nay not always 80 vote or act. So much 'or our political future. Locally, wo staall advocate what we ionsider will advanco the best intorcsts, ocially, morally and financially, of our ity, county and State. This we shnll do is a citizou, and no politician neel ask us o square our coursc by his diifuring views ecause bo is algo a Dcuiocrut ; and no iherats of political ostracism will inducè is to swear that black is white, vicc vir;ue, or wrong right, or to witbbold our ipproval of ettbrts to establish the rcign )f luw and order. Sayiog this inuch, the reader will undorstand that subscribing :or tin; Argcs is not taking stock in its editor or its editorial control. A to term?, wo can not see our way to publish a papel for less than $2 a year. ro attempt it would be a greater drain ipon our pocket than wc can aff oíd. $2 will not buy in iniiteriul, in stock, n labor, in household supplics, what $1.60 bouglit bcforo war prices and a depreciated currency wcre niastcrs of the financial situation. As soon as we can see our v;ty to a reduction it shall bo made, and until we can we ask no man or wornan to take nur paper who can not flnd in it during the yoar the f all equivalent for the 2 asked for it. With few plain words wo go forward, hoping for a large incroasu of our subscription list, au increaso of job patronage, and a prompt pay ment of all arrearagea. In tho Senato, just preceding the adjournmont for tbc holidays, Mr. Sumner though never rcputed " a fuiiny man,' perpetrated a very serious joke ; that is heintroduced-(preceded by several lengthy preambles, with '■ a stunip speech in tho belly of each") the following article amendatory to the Constitution : Sec. 1. No person who has held once the office of President of the Unitec States shall be thoi'eaftcr eligible to thal office. Sec. 2. This amendment shall not take efiect till aftor the 4th ot' March, 1873. The second section is designed, o: course, to sugar-coat the first and get the Grant membors to swallow it. But Sumner miscalculated. To send suchan amendment to tho peoplo would efFectually forestall the action of tho Eepublicai National Convention, and, besides, tho Graxt men have an eyo on the campaign of 1S76. Several Presidenta have been elected to a second term, and is tho " second Washington " to bo put off with tho mcat of ordinary mortals ? Not a bit of it - or elso his venerable siró was mistaken when he wrote " Ulysses never let go a good thing." The Internationals and Couimunists and Socialists and Labor Reformers and Propcrty Equalizers, by whatevor namo known, are conimended to the following sentence from the opening chapter of tho new serial by Dr. O. W. Holmes, "The Poet at the Breakfast Table": "You can't keep a dead level long if you burn everything down flat to mako it. Why, bless your soul, if all tho cities of the world were reduced to ashes, you'd have a new set of millionaires in a couple of years or so, out of tho trade in potash." that is the key to the position. Ono man will get rich whers another man will starvo, and it is utter nonsense to talk about equalizing the thing by legislation - at least until the Legislature can equalize brain and muscle and nervo and energy and common scnse and judginont. Ir IS now authoritatively announccd that tho reportad terrible Ku-Klux outragos in Salino oounty, Missouri, " had no other foundation than a street fight at Marshall, in which one white man was wouuied." But tho Radical journals, having made it do good service in scaring timid men and keeping wouien and children awiike o' nights, will take no pains to contradict the original tale. A lio can bu made to do the same service as a truth, and ín carapaign traets for the nuxt oloction tho Salino outrago will figure in sturing capitals. The New Hampshire Republican Convention, which met at Concord on tlio 3d inst., gravely resolved " that tho war and " the debt consequent thereon, is due to "the Democratie party." Couldn't it have gone back just a little further, and roflected upou Adam for yielding to Eve and eating the apple she gave him. But, then, as the same convention resolved in favor of " honesty, eeononiy, retrenchment, and roform," and eudorsed Grant's administration and duclared for his reelection, it evidently didu't care what it said and must have been only funning. "Words are eheap, duwn in Now Hampshiro elsewhere.
Old News
Michigan Argus