All Sorts Of Paragraphs

- Thctit'w Attomey-UeneraJ, imams, is branded M tho agent of the railroad riugi besieging Congres ïor subsidies, reniitUug of interest, grants oí islands, etc., er as the Wrld coiTcspulidcnt perünently, perbnpa Williaina inay tliink impertin.üitly, puta it : "One of tbs brood of lawyera vh; liave been gpatttoed in tho oorpoitttion :ind land-monopoljr-ridden States of the Pacilio 111C." A Washington correspondent has poiiitedly Buggested that Congrosa adjonrn pormanontlyi firat oarding the doon: "The business of thia ostablishacut will bc dono hercaftor at tho office o!' thü lVnnsylvania K lilroad." And yet lio Cincinnati Bnquirer soriously prop ej o make Toni Stotl, alt M P. H , t'. o Dciniorati6 can.Vi.lato for President. A girl ten yoars old was ontraged ïcar Roohoster, N. Y., on Saturday, by a negro named Howardj who was nrrested mil has bofii already indioted. The i xc'.tceiteraent was such that military wascalled out to proteot the jail, and firing npon the mob, killed several persons. - Ex-Controller Connolly, having tin vlly proonred tho 500,000 bail equired m tho eivilsnit, wasbronghtbefore Judge Barnard ou Tuesday, by a writ of habea Orpu , and admittcd to bail on tho fifteen indiotments, in the snm of $l',Ó00 on eaoh. - Sonaior.s Edmunda aud Howe, who triod to bloek thu whoela of in vest i gation, aro both candidutei for soats on the bench of the Supreme Conrt, and havo a laudable (.-) dosire to keep in the good graeea of the President. The second annual exhibition of thu National Inventora' Association opened in the Kink at Cleveland, ühio, on the 27th uit., to continuo five weeks. Twgieiit attraction advertised is the Taber Talking Machine. The Senatorial washing raitteo has coinincnccu lts woik on tne Custora House in New York. As its sossions aio. secret tho public will readily conclude the whole tliing a farce. - At Columbia, S. C, on the 30th inst., a youth named Annstrong pleatled guilty to a charge of robbing the mail, and was sentenced to five years' confincmeut in the Detroit House of Correction. Xhe Legislature of Ohio met on Monday ; those of New York, Louisiana, and MimiOiOta, on Tuejcay ; and tho:-o of Muinc, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, on Wednèsday. , The census of 1870 puts the production of sorglmin niolasses i'or the preecding year at 16,041,000 gallons, and of molusscs from sugar cane at only 6,600,000 gallons. Is the census reliable ? - The Prohibitionists have calkd a National Convention, to moet at Coluinbus, Ohio, on the 22d of February noxt. The Labor Ituforincrs are postod tor tho same day and placo. Tho President has onc relative who is not an ofiice-holder, au only uncle. He is a, and didn't vote for his ncphew. That's why ho is out in tho cold in his old ago. Alexis is to go on a buffalo hunt with Gen. Sheridan, if he don't fmd the bnow too doep, which is not prosumablo, he being a llussr&n : a fact which soine reader may bo ignorunt of. 1 In the Ohio Senato, on Monday, a resolution was adoptad by ycas, 17 : nays 15, in favor of Sumner's ouo term amendmont to tho Constitution. Two liepubli cans, Sage and Casomcnt, voted yes. - Mrs. Mary Clommcr Ames has boon designatcd as tho biographer of tho latt Alice and Phobe Cary, and will bo nished with tbu letters and papen ot tlio docoased sisters. - United States District Attorney Bates, of Utali, has written Senator Truinbull that lio lias no monoy to pay tho exponses of the courts, jurors, witnesses, prisoners, etc. - " A profound sense of satisfaction throughout Russia," is tho reportod result of the cordial reception accordod to Alexis throughout these United States. - lt Í3 now out that thoso Senators who joined in a request to Secretary Fish not to rosign, did so not becauso tliey loved Fish more but rierropont less. - Win M. Tweed has been a very liberal father, his son having testified to reoeiviag from hini, in tho shape of giftf, property valued at $1,400,000. - Haviug found tho Piko of last year's carnpaign too weak a support, tho New Hainpshirc Ropublicans this year have chosen to lean on a Straw. - Alexis has four brotliers and ono sister, two of tho brothers being older than himsolf. The sister is 17, and spoken for. - The total debt of Boston, as stated in the Mayor's recent inaugural addrcss, is L:!V383,:i90.32, with meaos in hand to reduce it $11,770,102.: :J5. - Alpena now glories in telegraphic commuuication with " down belów," and all the world besides. - Tho weathor at Salt Lako, on tho ;i()t h, was sumined up as " a mixturo of rain, huil and snow." - A San Francisco dispatch of the 2d, says : " After sixteen days the storm is appareutly over." - The Prosidcnt's New Year's roception is telegraphed as " tho most brilliant for many years." - Gen. Sherman and tuit, including Lieut. Grant, arrivod at Marseilles on tho 31st uit. - Augustus Sehell has been eloctod Grand Sachem of Tainiaiiny, rke Tweed. - Another ministerial crisis is reported at Madrid. But what of it? - Mayor Hall didn't koop open house on New Year's day, as is usual. - Georgo Iludson, one of England's éx-railway kings, is doad. - Seven eastern mails were overdue at Ogden on the 3üth uit. - Congress is to resumo business on Monday. - Heavy floods aro reported in California. TBS wholesale drug storo of Mr. F. STEABBS, on Woüdward avenue, Detroit, was burnod on Satunlay aftemoon last. Tho ftro was causad by the uxfflosion of rhigolono, wliich was being carricd into tho cellar by an employé. The gases of tho material communicated immediatcly ta the f umaco, and the flanies spread so rapidly thut four employés ongaged in the basement lost their lives by suftc;ition, inhalation 01 buniing, it is hardly determinad whioh. Othera, employé 1 in upper storios, esci]oil by the windows or roof, while those on the muin Huor had to basten into tho stroet, followod by a sheet offlre. lthigoleno is a volatile fluid used by dentists :md unknown to tho general publio. The scènes described wero teililic and hourt-reuding. Tin, Washington oorrfigpofldent of the' Chicago Trilin: luis bien photogTaphiug tho "guiuime JaOOB Towx.hkn d Staatofa," that ie tho thi :1; tucE thin, right or wrong supporters ot' tho idministniüoiii tilt: nii'li who stand by it andswear liy it, do what tt wil', mul raap the rew.ird iu fio spoils of official patronago, Miohig-in's twu Senators, tho Bttbstamco aaJ kke s'aadow, ure tliin slíutoln'.l : Tho two Michigan Bcuaton are nn(iinlilio.t Gnnit. nuil. Cliiimllcr is .111 olil ry goods merohant, rough, noí under iOntrol) boistercm.f - u suit of IJüii W.ide, jroulit up lo a trade. Ha is i tall, oosoly-tilade, stoop-shouUlorcd man, and worth inoro than a nlillioii of dollars ; mil he lias only one or two propositions n politieal Ufo - tho first being to whij) Sngland, and the scoond to apquire everything on this oontinont. Cbandler is i tremeudona ofñfse-gaiter, and is covered ill ovc.r with ohligatiotls tothe Preident BCe has ohaps in bis intiu'cstin a the lepa rt mente, mostly young miüi and hy.-ical fellows, and he will at any time ido froni Detroit to Washington to keep a favorito elerk from being turned out. Clinndlor never abandoned a m.iii whom le b8 befrionded as long as the man is oyal to him, and is a gooi listener and talker. Helias not, ho wever, tho reinotest suspioion of any clerical obligation lo the govonunent as i eaored institution, uid wonld probahly back up a derelfct defaloatiug friend in office with as muoh or moro energy than atueful ono. His oplleague, Perry, Bubmits to be ander lis tliuinl). and H:is no separate i leutíty ni tho Sánate. Chandler is opposed to all invustígutáona rithin bis own party, id acts, most of tli" time, as if soinc;thing liad possossion of him." And this by a B ipoblioan and brot.hor. Don't tho portrat mako Miclligandcrs 'eel proud as well as " loil ? " TH 8 JncUsou Citúen cornos out flat-footed for the oiio-tcrm Constitutional amendmcnt proposed by Senator Su.U.VKli. It is also very muoli di'ssatisfiod with tlio rojcction of tlio ïhumhull rcsolution for an invcstigating and retrenchmentcommittee and tho prcferenco given to the substituto proponed by Mr. Conklino. It says: ' Tho pro and con of thcso two committeos moant just to do, ornot to do!" Tho significance of the Citizen's position is in its being the homo organ of Gov. Blaib. When it camo to tho pinch the only Senator who voted against the appointmont of a Ketronchmont Cominittce was the bluring Senator Blair, of Missouri. - Allegan JournalNot cxactly, Bro. Don : Senator Bii.UR did not voto against the ippointment of "a lietrcnohmcnt Cominittoe," but against the appointment of the white washng conimittee, for that was what thj ca i;us offorod and succcodcd in carrying. We join a numbor of tho leading K - publican journals o? tho State in the h po they exprese th it the Senato will not pass tho House apportioumcnt bill. The House is now an unwieldly debating school, and tho interosts of the oountry will not bc subsorved by incroasi ïg thü numbcr of its inemberg.
Old News
Michigan Argus