Message Of Gov. Hoffman

The JNow ïork J_.egislature canveneü on Monday. The telegniph tlius condensos the message of Gov. Hoitman : üovernor Hoffinan'sjiessage is a ven lengthy dooument. The Stato debt isreduood to 129,000,000. The insurauce eom panies ot' the State paid $20,000,000 losse by tlio Chicago fire. The tolls upon tho cañáis were hall' a iniüliou more than the year provious. IIo reooniinends an inquiry into the alleged quarautine abusee and the referee system in the courts. The eight hour law sliould bo enforoed. He reviews the Jury riots and contends that ïf additioiinl laws are necessary, thoi ghonld secure oqual privileges to all men of whatuvur politics, religión, race, color or oreed. He thinks the Federal Constitution sliuulil be amended so tliat Unitec Stated Senators bo clected by the pooplo Tho exposure of tho wrongs in tho government of New York City has aroused attcution to tho neeessity of reform ii jiublic affair?, and ho recomaiends a new charter, on which the rcsponsibüity i'or tho goed adiiiinistration ot all city aflaira shall bo fized upon the Mayor, giving hun the power of appointment and re moval ot' Leads of departments, providing (ot an imme tinto eleetion oí local officers and that officials be removable by the Governor, and o: her suggestions soine what similar to those in the charter pro Dosod by the eommittoe of seventy. Ho reeomuiends a law against the bribing o o Heia's, and that the Legislaturo tUor onghly investigi.t! the rexorts that le;;is la'ion uai been miluonced by money. Thi Governor r eommends tho revisión oí' the State Constitution anl surgests that the Governor should appomt all administra tive officera. He thinks tho term of the Governor should ba throo instead of two years, and hu rocommend-i th it the Sen ato be elooted by larger coastituencie for longer termf. Ho also roOOHUUend that the restriction of the session to one hundred days bo removed, and the Gov ernor have power to prerogue tho Legis lature. He refrains fiom the discuBsioi of Fodeial mattor.=,'as the T egislaturc anc the Governor differ iiolitically, hut hope to work hai-moniously in dealing witl home aifairs.
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