The Situation Of The Salt Market

Inore is (jutte a linsk movetuont m snit nst mjw, un unusual circumstanco tor .his s a on ot' the year. Tho stock af snit on tho rivcr, aft QOW uppcars, is not as arge as reprosented, umi this is l;ing increaso 1 by Liberal purebaeea, there being no lae'c of purchasers, asido froin tho nsociation, wbich, undor ciicütastanoes, ofors a liberal advanoo. Scveral largo hipmenta by rail of salt have Wen made vithin tho past ton days, and wc hnar of Mjvoral oontraots of salt to hip during ,ho vlntor. As has boen Statod, and is well known, 3. L. Huid & Co. BW large bnyers, and oxpoct to ship during the winter 30,000 jarrols and upwa'd of salt. Haskin, si tri in it Wheefet havo made, w undor stau 1, a railroid contract for 6,000 or 9,000 barrels of salt, and outnido partios ire tratohing the market olosely. Under f roo purchasos salt is iirm at $1 (3.3 por barrol at O&tl, aml will iloubtloss touch a higher ñgure Wo loarn froin a trustwoi thy source thut the Oaondaga Company have noti fted the oombination of tlioirintoiition to withdraw from tho arrangemt-nt entered iuto with Saginftw and Kunawha, about a yoar ago, a circuinstanco jirobably induced by tho rouont action ot' the stoükholders' lüeeting at Bay Oity. Onondaga is by no nu nis satásfled with the action of tho Saginaw association, and is makiug aita&geioents to intrench itself. lt lias already reoognized tho importanoo of Baginaw as a rival, and is begraning to realizo that Saginaw i.s the mastcr. By tbc dissohition of our nssociation Syracuse will bo a gruat loser, and is now making arrangement for fighting tho torritory in whieh thut coinpany has held undisputod sway durine; tho past year. - Agunts of thitt comp tny thra iten to ruh s -lt into Cl t land and Toledo' at $1 60, a deoline of 60 cents trom oid priees. The prospects of the coming year do not iook very ílattoring now. ÍPriees will remain good until manufacturitig oommences and navigation opens, when a dec.ine, under ordinary circumstancos, may bt; ex peoted, and frora thi! folio tring causes: The past year thñ water in the Obio River has buen low, thus checking the shipinent of Ohio Rivpr sal t, which the provious yoarprovod so unfortunatc to botl tbe Saginaw and Onondnga companiee and nearj . diaastrotu to the tbrmur. Il i.-i haidly ■ laeoaable to suppose tiuit tin, samB ooiue will opérate next year in fa vor oi' the ';.i;riiKiv markets. Now tha the associfltion haa practically dissolved Onondaga will cominence cutting rats in all the markets where it ooines ni con tact witii S nú i;uv, uní thus reduce tbc piice ; an.l list, but not tho lu ist impor tent, it is possiblo, and cv mi probable that Congres, duriugita present session will roduuo the tarifi' on snit, h) allow tb importation of a vast quaiitity of Uana dian and other foreign galt. These oro among the oauses that will transpiro to effect the Saginaw salt market, and un Ie88 it ia properly manipulated, will run tho price üf salt down lower than it ha ever boon beforc. Sagina w has learnod much froni expor ience, and altliough the unión of forcea i broken, it will ontor thu fiuld as th strongest competitor, conscious of it strength. If tho market is ftworabli Saginaw will turn out nearly a millioi barrols of salt, a quartcr of whioh will b niahut'acturod by six or sevun firins, th boaet of whom has boon that they caí nianui'actui'ti salt ready for shipmoot a 70 cimts a barrol. If this is tho caso, thcj Qan deliver at Toledo and Cleveland a sil, Lake Ontario porta at Í1 25, and a Xew York City at $1 75. From this i will be seon that Saginaw is no mean foe to contond with. It', as tho Onondag Company aasert in their girorn sta temen to Congress, each barrel of salt made a Syraouso costs íl SU and upvard, Sagi naw's chinees in a square fight, if itcoinc to a light, aro fair, to say tho least.
Old News
Michigan Argus