The Ring Of Thieves

The cartago and storage business of th Now York Custom House is under th management of ono Luut, who was ai aid-de-camp to Grant during the war. - The management ot' the business is sucl Unit tho company of whioh Leot is tho head inakcs about $100,000 per annun outofit. One of Leet's partners in this immense swindlo is General ïïoraue l'or tor, private military socrotary to Genera Graut. Whethor tho President himsel has any direct or contingent interest il tho swiudlo, is not known ; but f rom the nmnher in wliich liis friends opposed investigation, it is not improbable tha Porter is only the ostensible partnei wliili: Grant is the real party at interest These facts have recently coine to ligh in such a shape as to warrant a most thor ough biveetigatioa. Aooording to th Eerald and the Bun, one of the parüe conneeted with this oartage contract ha bcon living with a woman foi the las threo years wlio was Buppoaod to bo hi wifo, but who turns out to be no wife a all, but only a tangible devolopment o Kadical moral ideas. Thu man made up his mimi to marry another woman, to which the imaginaiy wife objectod, but tho objectiou was overruled, and ahe was abandoned. As " Earth hnth no curse like Iove to imiriHl tunied, Ol Hrll Q fury liku a wmvin scornwl," She immcdiately resolved to tako her vengcanco upon tho fnithlcss contracto by placing a bundie of papers ooataininj all tho ovidenco of tho rascalities am profits of the storage and cartage business, as well as tho names of tho partners in hands whoro they would be usod fo exposing the wholo scheme. Tho whol facts are said to bo within easy reach. - Free Pre.
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Michigan Argus