
The eu!)8cr1ber nrc Rt most all times in a 8'luntion to farninh psrties wilh mnney iu sams of F'.yv Iiundred to Flve Thousand Dollars re uuincomberetl fiirmá. COLMAN. KOOT & KtNNK. Ann Arhor..T:in. lst.l5V-2. ISSStf i ■ ï r 1 S B P IIAIll!lMi'S I.ov.lovn and Kniso I'lreGr atea and ta-.-l.nfs, niisurp ass ed in Itcuuty of Desig-n uutl I inisli. Ilnrrifton's indirect ribbod hm; , 1CAUIAÏOU for SJitfli and Uw l'r.s surc. 1'. A. HIIX1NO8, Detroit, l:j.Vm3 Aiífnís for Mi.;. i ':i PLiilflUiïïEiti S. T- I8G0 - X, This wondörful .vegetable restora tive is the eheen-ánchoT of' the ïetbl and debüitatod. As a tonic an cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among Btomachics. As a remcdy for the nerveus weakness to whicfa women are especiallj tuhjected, it is Bupereed:ng ewerj otber stimulant. In all climatee tropical, températe or Erigid, it act as a speciiicin cvery species of disorder wbicb undermincs the bodily Btreñgth and breaks down the animal spirits. lttVyt. Bjautiful Wornan ! itaí;a.'s ti a(;om m gives to tbc Couiplcxiou tbc 1 Ksluirss ui Y ou til. RjUUHi Magnolia Balm overcomes the iltishcipp MiAuce catUttd ly Heat, fatigue anl exciteraeu It makes the lndy of forty appear but twcnïy. and bo natural nt1 prfect that no person can detect i applioatlon. By its nae tho roDghect skin is mad to rival tho pure radiant tcxLurc ofyouthfnl beunty It removea rcdacse, biotches, and piniplee. It coi; taius uotliiü that will injurc the skin in the leas HagnoHtt Balm iü used by all fasliinable ladics i New York, Londou and Jt costs only ' cents per lïoUle, and is fiold by all Druggiets aut Perrumora. J355-e3wy. Real Estáte for Sale. üTATB r MlOBLOtAJU. county of Waábtanaw, s V In the utiittor of the eatate ot Samuel B. Thorn Kmcline B. Thorn, Lewis J. Thorn, Ebene r I Thorn, Mury Thorn, Eupheraia Thorn, Alice Thorn .nul Frank. (.'. Thorn, minors; Xotice ia hereby given that in punmance of an order f?ranted totheunde aijfned, (iimrttiau of theestnleof said minors by tlio BCon Judge of Probate for tlie county of WaébtenSl on the eleventh day of lecembLT, A. 1). 187 1 ttiur will be sold at public vendue, to the highest biddeT, a the dwellinur house on the premiaes hereinafter described, in the county of Waahtenaw, in mud State, on Tmsdúr, the twentiethday of l'ebruary, A. I). 1872, at tn o'iïloek in the forenoon of that day, {subject to all encumbrances by inortgttge orotberwise existin at the time of sale, umi also subject to the right of dowcr of the undersiffued as widow of Cliarle Thorn, deceaseil), the following described real estáte, to wit : The undivided eight-nmths (8-0] of e:ich of the following described parcols of land, viz.: Part of lot A or west subdivisión of the southwest fiactionnl quartrr of section seven( bcgmning at the northeist corner of said lot A, running south one deiret! ;md tliirty ininuteaeast thirteeu ohains and two links to a nakaio the Bfllt Une of suid lot A, t henee south eihty-nint.' ind thirtj' miimti's west tWBOtj i tiains and thirty-cight links to a stake on tho west line of aaid section seven, thence ülongr said line north onftdeffToe trast, thirtom durina and two links to aqnarterseotlon corner, tlionce along tho QUATtei line north eihty-nine dürtos and tliirty mniutes eaat twenty ohains and thirty-one links to the place of beginning, containing 1 irenl -.-.ix jiud 50-100 acres. Also lot A, or west Bilbdivisioo of the northwest fractional quurter of cMiid sectiou Berea, contaiiiini,' sighty-ane and M-il D Ainl tÜBO of the suuLh part oi' tlio west part OÍ í I ttí som frui'i ioiiiil qnarter t' scetjón inz, containing Carty arres ; all in township four south of range UttOfl east, is Boid State, Dattnl, December llth, A. D. 1871. 1354 SARAH C. THOBN, Guardian. Estáte oí' George Sutton. 2d. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, M. w At a aeBBton of the Probate Court for the County af WiuhtenaWi holden at tbe Probatt Ojfioe,intbo iiv uf Aun Albor, on Thursday, tlio fonrteenth daj of DeceiulM-r, Ín the year oue thousaud eiyht huudred and si'ii'iity-ono. Present, lliram J. Beakes, Judife of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi (eorge button, '2i inoompfttantj Sedgwick Dean, Guardian of said estáte, come into court and representa that he is now preporod to ruuUer his seeond account as put'h tii;irditn. ThercuiHJii it is ordoiTd, that Mumiay, tlio twentyninth daj of Januury noxt, ftt ten oVslook in thu DraanOOO. h assignctl fov exnniining and ;ülowinff mofa aoooimt, and that tho naxt of kin o Raid inoompt-ti-iit, and all other iersuns Interestod ia said estáte, are required to appear at B Madon of iaid pouirt, thoa to bdiolden at the Probate Ottiee, in the City of Ann Arbor, ín snid (.Vninty, and show cause, íf anythoiol-, why tho Xlid aooouni BhouÜ not bc allowed : And it i t'urthi r MrdCTOd Üiat. sniil (uariliaii iw notirc to the p Intarestod in said estáte, of the pendency t miá :■-- sonntj añil beorinff thereof, hy oausiug a copj f tliis order to be publiabecl in the Michigan Argv$t inewqwpar printod and olxculatiiia In said County, t-hrue imoconnhro woaks prei ioua i" païcl day of heonng. [A (nu copy.J K1KAM .ï. BEAKBS, i;.)l Judtreof Probate. ! PIIYSIClAtS' PÍESCRIPTIOISS" ICCUHATELY AND CARBFÜLLY PBEPAKED BY I Jt. IK. SLL1E & V0.yUItUaaiS78.
Old News
Michigan Argus