
Estnto of Thomas 8. tngrahai TATKOKMK 'HlfiAN, („mtï „nv "' At i wnsiiüi ol tliu l'robute Court inTS". Wostt#Mi, hoWcn n( the Probate uih! '"'W,?.' try, m u. faa -me thouaaud u-i,. '" t J,,' renty-tm. '""Uva J J-'iv-jnt, Biram -f. Beakea, Jocbraof Pm i In the matter of tha tutu uf Tliom L - ■ il" uUTi4lunv Ai bar '■, ExcOutèa rf id tsiui ' art and reprweuts thnt h! nt ,,! ' ■r üi tbiid uocount .. uob exenutn I""wl 'o r! Thereupon il borderel, tluit Wi.lm-ui,,. .. ,1 du oJ„nnaryiiMt,.nt, t t,:,„y'J'illlf,thiïon, be :i-i ■■:. ■ .1 examhñw il „llüii e 'tmnt, niid thnl the leinittxtt.deviwm „?LL "■ ■■■■■■■■'■■ "". otU psnuwtoS; ml estáte, are cequhcd to amêw „t re""li . the City oí Am, Arbot, and úun ÜÏÏ" bc, whjr the inid wcomit sl.ouu VU' ," Í owed i An.l it ia turthei ordercd, tint J. í }: !■ trgtvt Mm totha penoiu intcnattdfaT ,:■, of the pendcBcr ol uiid account, 1 u?M ■ TCoíbyoaaMBguarprofthfaordeVtobTÍEÍl i thi Mtchigm rgut, ■ ncwapaper ptlntM iff") tn mid day of hearing. " Wn-i (Af.M,,,,,,, HllUJ.)„.:w '3i 'jBeofJ'B, Real Estáte for Sale! " TAIB l V .MICHIGAN, County of W,„hi. Í3 lnthenuil ei of thentnte of Hmnftl . Notie ishmb) sn, tíiui „11% "i, -. riMl U tliu im.liTslKlKd .„r-1?1 oftheortuteof anid dcoeacd, bj n„. i „ f" Probate (orthsCountj .rt A'iubtcnav on tk ."i" day of Si-im.imNt, A Ij. :HT1, lln-r.-'il L '!? l'ublic Vendue to the highwt biddei „( n , J" Uoucc of siikl deccnel m tlie tuwn! h, „. A, '" thoiountyof Wnshtenuw, iii si.l s „„. ,', E' day the twenty-flrst dy t Pabruary Áu ■ " en o'clock in Un torenoon of that dj iuW ' encumbnnaH bv mortgaKeorotherwwienSiliJ1 Una ! the death ol Mid Se n d, nnd lm T" tlie ïipht o!' dower of tlic widuw t sukl iliw-JÏÏ1?1 in thé following deMribo] !:,..! Entatc Knitheaat ourtcr of thesouthwesl qnn'rteroí "V 1 thilty-two, in townahin tw, .„,(), of „„„ etust, contuuung forty nimore arlen t, . , .'" Dutod, Janiut)' 2d, A. li. 1871 ' i-iüii. EVÍ8ELL WHIITLK HVTHA. GAOE, ' Adniiüwtr.,, l '■-lüiiiissionors' Notice. " Wl T E OfmtraOAS, Conoty of wij,,-,, i The nndeniguvd, Imving Uxn uymnairil ? L'robute Comí tur said onunty, (' iiSÏL?" coive, i'xaiiniii.' nnd udjustiiil claims nml L all petsou ufpiinstthcett ,'t 1'roteickH u of Mud cnunty, dcecnaed, hereby ■_-.. wk'S."!1 montha fromdute nreallowed, by onl M bate Court, foi erediton t pmrni thtir di"" against the estáte of said d eeoséd, and iL-Jtih,"? meel al the rouidence i llenrv s e-, jn Vw towniip, in saiii coanty, rai Satunlny 'th. UnV""' duyof April, nnd Tneiday, the Bceoni dMjï . Bi tri, c,,lk . H. Ofendí uf iü Jan " receíTe, examine, ;"l adjust said .:..ii,,t " l'uti-d, Junuiuy 2d, A. íi 1S72. HENBY8HIEB HIKAMEATOs SAM. B. 11EVEÑAU6H FHÖTOGRAPHSR MAKÜM ALL KIMJS OP ROTURES FE OM HE SMAILEST LOCKET TO THE LIFE SIZE, ' ANDFINISHESTHEM1N INDIA IKKI QIH., OR WATER COLORs! IX A SUPPERIOR MANKER. 1319-ly. IS'o. 30 Hl RON STHEKI, DF ï YOUR WIFE A HANDS0MB 11WL, SACK OR IIS 3TOF A. Christmas tresent At tï. H. MILLEN'S T UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, liiip ft largo aud well stocked Lnmber Tirdot Jcfferson Street, in the south part of the Citr, il willkeepuoustautly on band nn cxcelIentvtrietjM LUMBER, SHSNGLESjLATH&C which willbe aoïdaa low as car be uforded iajtto market. (unlitj ïind pricessnch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETKOII C. KBAPF. Ann Arbor,Jannary20th, 1ST1 W BUY SOMËTHINGllSErUI AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL, FÜR HOLIDAY PRESENTS KOR EVER BODY. AT C. H. lYliLLEINTS. fLOUE. GRAHAM FLOUR, BUC'KWHFiT FLOÜB, ('OUN BEAI FEED OF ALL V All the above articlcs are warrated to 1"'" Blipcrior in For eaic at Partridge's Flouring Mife N. B. - (Iristrnfí done nt short notice. VOl'ICE. The Annnal meetins of Forcfit Heil O"5 Company, of Ann Arlmr, wil! be hc!d ut I" ' l ". Oeo.Gnnville, uu Tucsduy .Innimry -i!. ls'"! ,ie n'rliii'k p. SI., for tiic selectioa of ofticcrB " ' tranaaction of siich othcr bRsinet se may """ l.iru il. Uated, nn Arbor, Dec. lSth.KTl. _ .,„ UW UKO. GRENTILLKCW TV'OTICE. The annonl mwting r Ut RtockhcMen "f'1 FIRST STATION AL BASK, "Í A'm„,!i, bor, fur the rlcvuon of nine Directon "' M', ,k will lx h.-lil M tluir Unking llouw.', on Tuc4).' iiinT h day of JiUluary. Xb'rl. m adU l'oll Rn oliction ill lo open between 1 "■" u'clock a. m. iiy order of the lïonnl, ..-. Dntcd. Aun Arbor, Dec. 5th, Wíl. l'jlw rR. C. A. LEITEK CONTINUKS TO PUT l'i' AND F1LL Pliysicians PrescriptloHi At all konrs, at No. 1 Gro-oiy H'oik. C. A.LEJTKU A'0' Ann Arbor, Dcc. 24il, 1S71. IS TiAONET WANTED. Fivc or siï thousand dollars, or more, i Bago ol uninenm! ered real efUto rorUi i" [bnofl the nmotmt. Knuirc of Ktha E. W. MOBGA GotoR.W.ELLlS&CO's for choice Wines and Liquon for Medical Purposoa .
Old News
Michigan Argus