Local And Other Brevities

Tlie pnbic s;lioo!s of tliis city open ,„M,imtaynt. ]{,. L. Vu wi" ïvc n "ïOHrM „"ábbiitli evcuing 011 " Our Local Poli Lx(.rctfCS In tbc Luw and Medical Deioicnts witp resnnied Wedncudny, mul in LlterMÏ Department yesterduy. '" The subject of Rev. C II BBIOH.VM'g oree on Smi'iay evening next will be The Beügion of tli( Anclent Phcenlci Thcrc was 110 slelglilng on Xew Vjir's day, bat the streets anil roads were itetD asphalt paveuuiit, aml tlie ffheel ]tl3 so rare a tliin.s for a nnrrUje to ■ite plce up t JüCkson tliat one is v „mWe godsend to " Ye Local," and fcolamn ur k-ss of a wcak dilution of iatins tlie result. ',Tlie nrgu nent in the divorce case of H H rt. IIcntkk was concluded at a m hour on Fi'iday ii!-;lït last. Jih'.l;1 R took the paper, and wltl prubahiy .is ilcc'ston at the Febrn.iry term. _ 1 printer who lia sot rich at Jour opes to sturt :i paper at PlymIne, pv ." bly itli Chlcujio " in." Wblchevor place will "c-ime vm" the most H'jcrally is to l)e favorecí. _'Jlr. Kmowltos, hvlna on North State r(s a bnrgtarlons atttmpt upu ïs resideace ou Suuird.-iy nlght last. Hls aijhbor, Prof. Jonks, siiw time men upon h rur roof, gave the alarm, and tiiey ititoldlcd. -Tlie workmcii on the Universlty Hall rt likc " the biiy l)ee," ani " Improvc acfc shlnlns hour." The doine grows ,-i!:i;iiiy iuto siiapc. mul promiaes fair ui Imposliíg prcuwttloiiH, and a purtlon s'ihc Windows arr als: In. -Al Kiiiiiniiiz', Jndge Biwwh, of the Iroil Cosrt, haa deélded Uiat'vlolators iln' rillajie otdlnance requlring saloons lft(clue'lon SunrtaT may bo both flned al inprlnoned. A. tl mei y warulog to takreiicrs in other towis. - Tlie New Wir'a d iv, Montj, W8 mild and c:int.ifu! ; Tues.lay a .-. i .lamp fog prevalied, chdllng one to i.rv boncs; Wcdiu-sd -y )ivd niiuy itkthcwlud south of east; and Thurs■ ; na foggy ngain and halting twlxt niü and snow. -Au injuuctlon has been servedon the ÉjHJlüórltlee restcalolng thena from paylüjllie pólice, and also froin paying any mms to attorncys to prosecute snils maglit undor the State liquor law. It is queercity charter wc Imve, a regular tae duck, lf policenteo can not be eraiittil and paid. Thcbill, however.wh cli tlavc not secu, may set up Irregular ap rtetment New Yeai's Day was a general hollday. i!inc6sof all kinds - except in the " wet werf" line - was suspended, andold frnd fttng mauiiested a determination to enjoy Ufcstivkies to tbclr full capacity. The iitlcmen- foritettius Uic Leap ïear priv kpsofthe ladius - wcreout calltag in unil uumbers, on foot, In bnggr, carrinpc, ml liack ; single, in pairs, by tripleta, írtosaml half duzens. The ladics lookurt Wr bast, and weloomed tlicir guests wlth mUlsiiiiles to bospitable liotnea od well Mil tables. Tiie beveragta tendered 'treootof the kind tliat Intoxícate, nnlei ■' stoic denicd - or lusilaxing tü ciaim -privileges occaslonally conceded to a smly brother, latlierly friend, or otber Wtind dear relation, was teinpted to txim with the poet, "0, weak and reformcr, To subHtituU; wom:m for wmo, Tl glow of whüte presence w warmer Than the aunni,'st juicu ot the vine.' Bat such akould reiueiuber that a '' faint. rt never wou fair lady" or even a bou Wof two Ups, and ceasc murmuring at "tbetter fortune oí otliers. - Well, may all answer to roll cali on ""teXewr Yeur's Diy, and agaln ra.ike "twnds. "n was a large gathering at the depot J Sítnrdy last, at 10:30 x. m., to see the "nd Duke AlexIs, announced to arrive 'tfiit hour by special train. Proinptly "! 'me the pilot entine carne ruuliiif; !'"S. giviug waruing of the approjeh of '■Dacal party, which camc aloii'j; live ■"tes later, the ensine belng deconted 'ï'heRijssian ai:d Anurican ilags Treous cheers greeted the Duke aurl suite, 1I1glcd w th cries of "speech," "come out," "Mch ík lie," " show him u p," etc. As 'lestarüng signal was given the Orand "k steppert iipon the platform of the nar ■'.WlsedhUhat slightly, bowed to tht ílt and lort, and continued to bow, smll'ïwthough lic apprcclated the ludicrousssofbeing gazed at thusly, until the 'in moved off and left the cheering crowd ■ disperse: to teil that they had seei AlF-xw,8on of the Czarofall the Rásalas "'Win mijlit some day be himsell a O.a "1 hc uot been bom a few years too latp 'm Monda; erenlng express train going hdthe arm of a man in the cow jfchet whcn it arrlved at the depot In th; % The fuct was telegrapbed to Yps lnli. and scarch iustltoted up the track Al tUe fli-st bridge west of llie city aboul "Mlie Ixjjy was foui d pon tiie ice, tli limbs bndly mangled and the bod VcMy bruieud. It wus identified as th George Hulme, a reildent of tb ' W-Ma of this cty, and about 85 ye irs Tlie o!d man has uot been sane lor ïcars, and thatmoriiing starled off on fhis pcdcstrian excursions, going, h 1 i to Eiigland. The rveijiiijt was so uj lllat tlie cugiuccr did uot discover Wepubllsb below a Hst of new boofcs (nst recelvcd at tlie Ladtes' Libïary. W are glad that the ladles have talten tlii wy of litrormlDg tbe public of the mld: tlons uliioh tluy makti from niontli to munth to '.heir llbrary. Tbe members o tlie Associatlon aio nut always aware o the new attraetlons whlcb are contluuall; offered, aml niany who aro iiot ciiincctei wii !i it will no rlol)t bc drawo thltlicr i. tbe excellent blll of lüre wblch they pre sent. Ten Tlincs One la Ten, bv E E. líale. Life for i Lite, by .Mi-ii Muloctt. Mary Qaeen of öcots aml het Latest Ilis torlau, by Jamea F. Mcllue. llisiciry of tliu Eistorn Oliurch, by Dean Stanley. Ksays on tlie Poots, by De Q ilncy. Blographical Essay, ly the saine. Cues from all Qaartera, by Krancis Jacox. My Slimmer In a Qatdeu, by Cbas, Warnei'. VkiUlrcn's Eookt : Amit Jo's Scrap l):tir, by Miss Alcott. PlcUare PuemH for Youug Folks, by Marlau Douglas. Miss Llly s Voyage Roand the World, translatcil from tlie Frencli by Jliss Luyster Jack Hazard and Uis Forlones, by J. T. Trowbrldge. Bow To Do It, by E. E. flaic. Kriry Suturday coinés to iis tot Junnary Otli fu botli a mw aml oíd fonn- tlie form ol lts flrst volume?, 28 doublé colamn pages, mino Illustratlona Ti' pabllshet aim to nmke it " i .jourmü ot choice rcadIng," iirawin opon tiiu best writera aod the best pei-lodlcals of tlie oíd world tor tlie'r material. ín :iie curroot nnmber Mattuew Arnold, Charlea Klugíley, CornfUU Magazine, All tke Year Round, l'lutsure, Lonöon Society, Chumberas Journal, ele, are represented. $5 a year, or $4 to subscrlbers tor el t her of James K. Osoodi & Co's other pu 1)1 ica tiüiis. An"Old Kolks' Concert' Is to be given in onrclty boob, fr the benefit of the cw chnrcli fmut of the Congregatlonal society. Olil stvle music wlll be sung, th singers will be dressed in old-style costume, and every cflbrt will be ma'le to p!ease the muslc-lovin public. I", will bc a tine opportutiity to encoarage home talent nnd ald a deservlng enterprlm. We tukc plcasnre ín callhiü; the attcntlon of all who want a New Vork riully p&jer, j and don'l want that paper to be Democr.ilIc, to the New York Seening Poxt. I'olitically Ideütlfled witli the Repnhlican party, and not always tree Trom partlsan blaakt is au able aud a constrvatlve journal, j aunting in many Ihlngs wilh Ihe old-tinic j principies of the Democrccy. It is nol an advocate of the centrallzing !dea now so popular at Washington ; U recognizes the States as yet havtng -ome rlght to regálate their offn Interna) aff.tirs ; t opposes classlexlslatlon and monopolies, and therefore, strikes earneat blows galmt protecting thi rich niannfacturcr at the expense of the ! consnmer; it favora general amucsty for political ofiences, a return to specie paymeut, a reform of tlic civil service, reduction of taxation, good fáltfa in meeting our national obügations, and a wise, firm, moderate, and magnAnlmonj forelgn pollcy. It lias not bealtated to oondemn the K'-K'ux legislation, the uncoiisl!tu;ional attcupt, to acquire Sm Domingo, or tho riiccessful i packing of a Supremo Co art As a literary ' paper it ranke fbremost of the dailie?, and its new5 columns are up with the t!mes, while it ignores the scnsutional, demora!Izlng and bratailzlag, t,!ie pólice aud divorce courts, etc. It is essentially a famlly paper and need not be kcpt out of the banda of wifc or daughter. Now s a go.xl time to subscribe. D&ily $19 ;i year; Semi-Wcokly S:J . flve c ies, $12 Wtvkly, fl.GO a year; flve copies 7; ten copies, $12 ; tweiity copies, $20. Specimen copies fríe. Address W. M ühvakt&Co. New York. Tlie January nnniberof the LaUies' Repotttory is beautlfal la typography, elegant in illustrations, and lias a table of contents varie1 aud rich, entcrtalning and instructive, comblning essay, bioj;rapliy, story, poetry, etc Tlie steel platos, and in these no miL'a.liie cxccls the Beporitory, are " The Sitter Bridge, near St. Gallen, Switzerland," and a portmit of John P. Durbln, D. D. The loniri v nrticlcs are: Margaret, Quccn of Navarro, by Rev. Chas. Adams, I). I).; üiilv a Llttla Flower, a Cairísimas Btory, by Rev. Bt. James Fry, I). D ; Westminster Abbey, by Emily L. Wyman ; Julin Bunyan, illus., flrst paper; The Treasure Dlgger, from the Germán Dl Frank Weldtoan ; Visit to the Danubian 'rincipaüties, I., illus., by Nelson Boyd ; hile the shoi'ter onea will be found equalv attractive. The " Children's Reposiny" is f il 11 of good thlngs, and the edlorial department of thooghtfal para. raphs. $y.5O a year. IIitciicock & Walden, Cincinnati, Ohio. From the sinu: ilrm we have tlie January Golden Hours with such a bilí of fare as wil! do the boys and fjirls fjood t3 partake f. The stories and sketches are vigorous nd bd1thy, and will not aid in stimulatng the lovu of the sensational whicli too nany magazines for the yonng seem to alm t. It can safdy be put into tlie hands of he yonng. $2 a year. - Our young folks are clamoring for the )ecember number, whicli was not received. Ilearih and Home for Janufiry Gth Is a capital mimber and fuil of promlse for the ourlh volume and year of this justly pop ilar weekly. Among its notlceablc ajid attractive features is a tall-page portrait of Jenn Ingelow, with the opening chapers of her ii2w serial story, " Oir the BkeHlnga." Thcre Is also a New Year's story, " Whcu the Wood was Out," by Ma ia R. Oukcy ; with two or three stories bt the boys and girls. The illustraliuns are Ilumeroaa and fine, and every member of the hoiischold, froni the oltlesc to the youngist, wi'l liinl something attractive In its pages. It Is emphatlcally a öreslde ournal, fitted for the farm, village or city, with readable articlcs on flowers, iruits, etc. Subscribe íor it for 1873, and its weckly ippcarance will come to be looked and longud fot eagevly. $3 a year ; with the Ameriran Arrirulturisl, moiithly, $4. Addreos Ohanoe Juod (fc Co., '-lö Broudway, Y.
Michigan Argus
Old News