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Brigham Young In Court

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Ralt Laxe, January 2(L- igham Young, in oharge of United States Marshal, accompamed by Gcorgo A. iSmith, DaniolH. Wells, H. B. Clawson, a&dother high ohuroh dignitariea, appeared befóre Ghief-Ju8tice McKean this afternoon, ander an indiotment for murder. The ootrrt room was orowded. The crowd was suffooating, and much anxiéty w:is otíih:1 on the part of the Monnona, but there wae not the luast show of dwordor ( r disrespeot t the couvt. Hon. C. H. Hcmp3tead and Thomas Fitch appeared for the prisoner and Dniteí States Attornej Batea for tke proseotttíon. Mr. Hempstead moved tnat th prisoncrbe admitted to bail on th ■ groun 1 tluil he wea an old man, eerenty-one ]pan "i age, ii, (éoblehoatlh, and had oomu forty miles to mci.'t tliis aud uil Othez clin:, , and his physioian oertfl d 1 1. t iinprisonmont would imperil liis lito. ,lr. Bates oSered no oppositon ts bail, but lequeste l fchatif buil was taken it to lix.d at $300,000. Judge said the Uovornraont of the üiiitod Htiitcs liad not a jail in this oity holding prisonen arrostt"! on a pro1088 issuod t'roin tliu United States Oourts. J'he Marshal was roquired to oxercisc :ho discretion erhioh the law vosts in h:ra 5oraotimeS suoh prisonon wcio kept at Oamp Douglass. Theoominander ot thai jost wns not obligeil to ïoooivo" them. the prisoner is reported to be tho owncr of soveral houses in the city. If he choosus to bo put undorthe control of the; Marshal in gome suitablo building Ot porioD of a building in wtich to bo detuined, it will bo for tho Marshal to rtufiide rbethor to adopt it. It is the option of he prisoner to ïnake such offor. In any :vciit the Murshal will lookto it that ovcry comfort of the prisoner be provided 'or, remembering that he is au old man. declino to admit the defendant to bail. On leaving the cou' t Brigham tendered he Mftrghal bis residence in South TeniAv street, whioh was iiccojitd, and Bi'igïa'in now is a prisoner in liis own house. Jiiglimn sooinud pcrfcctly oool and unonoemed.


Old News
Michigan Argus