Hard Times And What Causes Them

Wo aro fast beooming a nation of chcniors to live without genuino vork. )ur boys are not learning tiades ; our aruiers' sons aro crowding hito cities, ooking for clerkships and post-oñices ; lar.lly one American girl in caoli hunred will do housework for wages howvor urgent lior nccd ; so ve are sending to Europe for worknwm, nnd buying of her artisans millions' worth of producís tliat we ought to malee for ourselves. Though our crup of rascáis is heavy, wo do not grow our heuip ; though we aro ovorrun with ladies who deservo üagellation, wo import our willowa. Our women (tiuluss deceived) shino in European fabrica ; our inon dress in foreign clothes ; tho toys which amuse our younger children havo gonerally rooched us over the sea. We aro liko the farmer w! o hires his neighbors' sons to cut wcod, feed his stock, and run errands, whilo i is own boys lounge at the grog sh p, ) laying billianls, and then wuuders hy, n spito of his best efforts, ho sinks a nua'ly deoptr iuto debt, üll the sin viíí' cloíiis hini out, and ho starts West to begin guin. We must turn over a new leaï. Our boys and girls must bc taught to love l;ibor by qualifying themselves to do it officiently. We must turn out fewer profissionals and more skilled artisans, as well is food-growors. Wo must grow and fabricato two hundred millions' worth por annum that wo now import, and so reduco tlic foreign debt that wo have so sucoessfully atigrnonted year by year. We mast qualify our clcver boys to orect and run faetones, fuñíanos, rolling milis, tanneries, machine saops, Are. to open and work mines, improvo and fashion implemonts, and doublé the products of the father a farm. So shall we stem the tide ot' debt that sets stoadily against our shores, and eoaso to bo ar.noyed by hard times. - Excitangc. Olivo Logan, in a letter to the Tribune, says the subjeot of woniiiii's enfranohisoment has become soloaded with obnoxiouíí features that what once seomed a .fair protest ag;Vinst the tyranny of taxation without reprosentation is now beooining a nuisünco to audienees. It is also becoming a nuisance to me, antl I am resolved to confino myself inthe futuro to a line of remarle whiuh has dono moro toward winning me such fame and fortuno as I possess than anything I havo said about Buffrage. Unolean banda havo boon laid upon it ; let it go. The South Bond Register says : " Woman'fl rigkts woro fairly oxeiuplifiod on Friday last. A woraan, whoprobablynevor heard of Victoria Woodhull or Luoy Stone, killed throo hogs, hung thom up and dressed them, without ajiy help wliatover fioui any lord of croation."
Old News
Michigan Argus