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Special Notlce. It bccomcs ab-iolutcly necessary for the Publisher of tho Argus to make immediato collcction of all nuu duc liim, whcttier for subscnption, ndvertising or joblin'_', -ind as no response Ia mude lo editorial invitatioiis, notice is hvra y given, that if immtdialt settlemnit and }injmrnt of all bilis mre Otan one ytxir oíd is not made,' the ussistancc of au ojjiciat agp.nt will be called Ín. H A word to thc wfeft." P. S.- Vayment willnot bcrefuaed on any bilí leas tluin a year oíd. Dutcd.Doc.6th, 1871. tf E. B. POND. "HOW TO 00 WEST' Forty yoars aso.TIHnoU was as far Wet as raost pooplo wishttd tO yo, and journeya were nudc in the lefjendary " Prairie Schooncr,'1 bat iu th eee days of Progrese nnd Improveraent, the word Weit has cometo mean Iw i. Ncbraeka, California, and the Territories, and the traveter reachce almost any poínt theretn by a splendid Line of Raïlroad. TIiíp Line of KaitroAd is the lïnrlinton Route which starts from ChlcftüO by tho Chicago, Knrlington &Qalncy Raílroad, and, rnnning throuh Burliugton, reaches Omahfi, Lincoln, Nebre ska City, St. .loseph, Atchlnon, Leavenworth and Kanaas City, connecting with the Union Paciñc, Kansas Pacific, and other railror.ds runmug from thoge dtiae. People going to lowa, Nebraíka, Kansas California, or any potnt In the Territorios, will etudy their owu intcrete by íínng M By way o UuriiH ton," for thc ratex of thal une aro always as low as any other, and it ia tho beet route in the West, tliejvfore you are more stuc of your saft-ty andcum fort The BurlingtOB Route has fldralrably answered thc qu;stion ' How to go WeBt? " by the publicatton ff au excellent Pamphlet , containing a largc, truthfnl map of tho Grcat West, and mncb Interes tin Information wbich can ba obtained, free of h ir v, by addrcKsinj: .General Pasroner Agent, B. & M. R. R., Burlington, Iowa. $5 SILK IIATS! Tliat's wlnu E. .1. JOHNSON offers tbe bat wearing public, First (tuniity nnil ï tsïiioiiuhlc. Silk Iluts tor 95. ü. 7 Soiidi .Tlaln strect, cust sido. Bounty to Soldiers. Tho8cwhfeul6tedin 1S61 onthu flrst cali ofPrefdent Lloculu, and Who were bouorably dlscharijed befurethe expiration of the terra of thelr oulistment, are cutitled to $100 euch, as bounty Andsoldierseulistinguiideract of .Tuly 4th, 1864 areto bc allowed the uupuid iiiBtalmcuts ofbouuty Ifthey weru Ilaebarged by eiplratlon ofsorvice Thesbove olsueaahoald make appllcatloD to the andei Btgnod. March4th,18T0, 126ÏM .TOIIN N. OOTT, Bounty m.l Olalm Attent. Boidtera of 1819, who aerved rtxty Üajb, are en tltlcd to Peuijion, mid huuld apply i inmediato ly to Johu N. Gott, ISomity and Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich.


Old News
Michigan Argus