
SPER Al PLATED WARE CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, FATCï O00DS7&C, &c. I OurJStock is already immense and still more coming. We have tho ' lineBt and most elabórate wedding and holiday coods Ever bronght to this city, whicli we are offering at lowcr priccs tlian ever. Having pnrchascd in largo quantities, vrc reccive greator discounts tban smaller dealers, and we propose "giving purcbagers the benefit of it. LADIES' WATCHES MADE A SPECSALTY. ft. FIN-B VAEIETTT O3T Silil lili êi RáTll liáClilf I OPERA A$D LEÖNTAINE CHAINS. Masonic and Odd Fellows' Emblems. REPAIBING DONE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. I ■ Call in and look at those Goods o%cn if yoü have no iutentioü of buying' - 1347lf
Old News
Michigan Argus