
DETROIT APVEKTISEJCENTS Vi ICIIIOAX ACHÍN r :it V DEPOT. ti. s. YVOHMEU & SON, ■ 11 kicdí df Wool s-uci üou Woiking MacUlnery. 99, lí ■ fKïtEESON htË-, ii:i'i:o r. rt DOEJLTZ V EÍ5lOXIIi:3t, TOYS, -Í&.VKT.V NOTIOT-'S ftOSÏïEY. LACES AND TRI1 b or Ch'ldjen'o Caiiiages, BasVe & fejéfghs. No. 8O and 83 Woodwari I Plour VEXtí Wlaoat GrILLETT Sc XÏ-A-XiL !);!■!. IT. rantec hlghcst priesa, Immcdlntc Mies, and prol 'O SIIIPPEJRS OF WHRAT t ■ :,i Bbtppen rf wh'.it !!■: ■ of auy otbei Iiodso. Liberal advunces, prompt átlentioir and qalck reJACOB BEESON & CO., C") Woolbrlrtge Street, ■' .- ' ■: M.v i.: i ERS JOHN H. WENDBLL & CO., D1CXROXT. v. ;..,.,,...,.:,,,. prompt Mil i and immnrflnte relama ' . i 't place cur lot ( rnncjr Whltn at ll- Whemt la adrantsae Ifsblpped íu torough line cam. to :ill Banks and Commorcfal Afondes. fUfera d bI biqhs. j , MANUFA"TCttFB AND DXALSB TN Cari'iftfrs, Hufffies and Sleighs, 'or. I,:irnfl V CkutM stroctw. a ].,,-r,. aortment flf kast:;.i;m nnd HotncOarri&jtw and SlcigHs ou haiKl( or finisht d t-i ofdnr. An Examiuation of Stock and Pnces Solicited. TOHN PATTON A f-OX. 'i ?-í;L]j:!r,.r' ii :■. rn and I") alere Ejq Carriages, Buggies, Slcighs, &c, Tlic iiiK'üt ifisortmi üt in Micliigaii, Eytablbhed iu 1543. , ÓttY 0OrvüB 'Ooii:urrííf: AMD kri"ii st:: !; p BÜory, 226 í Bforion Aviruuu, J)ctroit. PP IIUFlVAÍíEl, & CO,, 213, 1 & 217 Woodward Avenue Detroit We hftTe4"compTcte ftasortnient of the flnpat I'ni niturc, ;infl othcT pradi s A cftll f rom bnyors la éoliclted. W'c are ftilly a ble to snit al] as toquallty aini prlcefl. SV'fl rn:ii]iii,((ture moet of our f umi i :i j c, aud cui f u:irai:toc stUisfaction. T AM &BLLLNG ALL STVLES I OJ IIOTTSiCHOLD ÏTTJINTTTTTtE: rwoiity Bye per cent los thai booae i Dutroit. Dq nol fail to vlsit my KuruUure Ware JOSII. V. SMITII, ■250, 252 and 254 Bast SiJe Woodvrard Avenue F AM. ATO WINTER STflf'K OF FTX] WHITE AX1) BORDERED China Dinner and Tea Sets, Somo vi'ry fine In colora; i - Siniïh vV ■ . - : 1 vor1 .■nul Rubber Handled Cntlery, Larce stock i Bracket and tíanjriDC ].:.-:,-■ &c. d ■ - foi esby 1. ItScCOItjniGK, LO Miel i: Ni w City Hall , VJEWEKA IN SEWING MACHINE8. IN The New W li'HiT nnd ii 11 óther hü-rh prii l thelr ef)ual In afl, iorin innny rOpoctt ::i ii: the fcjtfttc Falri of ere, BoldtSOlen than .-uiy other lir-t-cliisf machines. ' Ircnlars, E. CHBNIT ft SON (ii'i Ag'la 1T3 Vo'nl!,..l Av..Detfolt. Ml-n. TOHS H. DOrGHEHTÏ. Mannfacturers of PICTURE & MIIUIOH FRAMES Cbromos, lnruvnK, and Pkotos. Ai Wbtfbuile. 2.7 JEI'FSRSO' ITEÏCE, DKTROIT, HICH pBBODOB I MannfiiGiTirei of LOOKDrCh-CtLASS k PICTDBE FBÁHES, RüSÊWüod, ffalnnl vá Ornanientaï MoslJiiigs, Tmportcra (tf Lookfns Glass Phitcs, Chromos, nn( 34 Aiiviiter streel Detroit. Lj' Sc ADAMS, Manufttctnrersof a f. cl wholi'üile dealers in PÜRB WHITE W.'NV. ,!) MALT tui m:i :■; 14 Ativatcr strect, AVcsi, 1343 Dotrolt, Michifran Í1OLD8 MITH'S liicïAM' iStBvimiiBvs inks Ukiyrbsitt, Detroit- BusImbs practlcall; tnuljt athT i i;. 'oiiDtiDK UoHKc sj'steni, the on), trae and practical eystem for llluetrallng real baal tnres. Business ' Offices, Board ( " ■ rl" ov took n premium for Bool ind Bnslnee ■■ oïsr lliN iuL:UUn:, u: 'ilon t ttrary ta i'.ilse. lase aödreas as aboye fo [lapers aDd docnoicnts. í i H ALLEN G F.-I WlS plnce $Sti(i in th J hands of any responsïble party whenever an Bllllard Tsble manofacturer la wïlllngto test t!: ni(irit8 of liin BUllard Tulles, as o , , i i !■!.: .i : Miint on theilecision And 1 hirthet p ( tbe winner shall dtsposi of the money ivi u by givi&L it for some charitable pnrposo. c. scHui.Kxmmo, Blllltrd Tabla Uannfacturer, Detroit, Midi. nilï GOODS, WIIOLUSALI3. ÁLBÍERT D. PÏÉRCE & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, WOODWARD AVENUK, DETROIT, MTf'IHCAN. i 'AJUPJIELL, L1NN.& DO., DKALJ.ES IM OEY GOODS and MILLINERY Itl & 118 Woodward Avenue, corner C'ongress au Uetroit, Mich, VRES.f MARINO A SPXCIALTT. AT 50 Main Street ! LOUIS ArALZ9 GROCEK & CONFECTIONER HAS A LL STOCK IN HIS LINE, AND WII.I, PBOHPTLT SK11VK THE PUBLIC WITII SUGARS, TEAS, COPFÉfes SPICES, SYRÜPS, CANDIKS, ETC. Faities Supplicd WITII CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OP THE BEST QÜAI.ITY, AND AT THE MOST LIUIS1UL TEBMS. dJTn, visrr sbe nivr BEFORE PURCHASINCÏ. 1S30 mO. POR REÑT A DES1RABLE STORE ! inñ C.'T.I.AR. Alio Fini Front lloom over ■rStore Ko.l8Maln St.,from Auguetlst, i:;p,0.U-n""rUOf Q.W.nAYS.s i PHYSICIARS'TbÜCRIPTïOKS iCCUR.'.TKl.V AND CAREFULLY PREPABED flY R. W.BLL1B É CO.,LRUGÜIS1S.
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Michigan Argus